Library Stroll (OneShot)

Casey Gu 4 December 2020

[if] s a o [if]| |[uf] s a o [uf]| |[if] s a o [if]| |[uf] s a o [uhf] g f d [if] s a o [if] s [ha] k [ulf] s [ka] [oh] [uf] g h k [if]l sk aj oh if| |[uf] s a o [uhf] g f d [uq] t [yr] w [tq] y|tr[r0] t [yr] w 0 y||[uq] t [yr] w [tq] y|tr[r0] t [yr] w [to0] [yi] u y [uq] t [yr] wh[tqk]ly k [th][rl][rl0] t [yrk] [wh] [f0] [yg] h k [uql] [tk] [yrj] [wh] [tqf] y|tr[rk0] t [yrl] w [zto0] [yi] [xu] [yh] [uqf] t [yrg] w [uqh] t [roj] a [sf0] t [rga] [wo] [uh0] i [of] a [uqf]s ta [rg]p wo [qh]u|j|[f0] t [rg] w [oh0] i u y [uqf] t [yrg] w [uqh] t [roj] a [sf0] t [rga] [wo] [uh0] i [of] a [uqf]s ta [rg]p wo [tqh]u r [je] w [f0] t [rg] w [a0]fh||[if] s a o [if]| |[uf] s a o [uf]| |[if] s a o [if]| |[uf] s a o [uhf] g f d [if] s a o [if] s [ha] k [ulf] s [ka] [oh] [uf] g h k [if]l sk aj oh if| |[uf] s a o [uhf] g f d [uq] t [yr] w [tq] y|tr[r0] t [yr] w 0 y||[uq] t [yr] w [tq] y|tr[r0] t [yr] w [to0] [yi] u y [uq] t [yr] wh[tqk]ly k [th][rl][rl0] t [yrk] [wh] [f0] [yg] h k [uql] [tk] [yrj] [wh] [tqf] y|tr[rk0] t [yrl] w [zto0] [yi] [xu] [yh] [uqf] t [yrg] w [uqh] t [roj] a [sf0] t [rga] [wo] [uh0] i [of] a [uqf]s ta [rg]p wo [qh]u|j|[f0] t [rg] w [oh0] i u y [uqf] t [yrg] w [uqh] t [roj] a [sf0] t [rga] [wo] [uh0] i [of] a [uqf]s ta [rg]p wo [tqh]u r [je] w [f0] t [rg] w [a0]fh

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About This Music Sheet

Library Stroll (OneShot) is a song by Casey Gu. Use your computer keyboard to play Library Stroll (OneShot) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:48, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Library Stroll (OneShot) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano.

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    Other Songs By Casey Gu

    • [e8]|e|[ur]|e|[r8]|e|u|e|[wt8]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|7|[e8]|e|[ur]|e|[r8]|e|[ur]|e|[t8]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|0|w|7|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur]|e|[ro]|6|t|e|r|w|e|q|w|8|[ur]|i|u|e|[ur]|i|o|5|[ea4]|[ea]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[ra]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[srq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|[ea4]|[ea]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[rj]|[wo]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|t|e|r|w|e|q|w|8|[url]|i|[uk]|e|[wrj]|t|[wra]|0|[oe4]|[oe]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[ra]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|[pe4]|[pe]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[rj]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[rqa]|e|[wr]|[u7]|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4] o t|e|[ro]|w|[ea]|q|[wa]|8|[ura]|i|[uk]|e|[wr]|t|[wro]|[o30]|[e8]|e|[ur]|e|[r8]|e|u|e|[wt8]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|7|[e8]|e|[ur]|e|[r8]|e|[ur]|e|[t8]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|0|w|7|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur]|e|[ro]|6|t|e|r|w|e|q|w|8|[ur]|i|u|e|[ur]|i|o|5|[ea4]|[ea]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[ra]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[srq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|[ea4]|[ea]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[rj]|[wo]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|t|e|r|w|e|q|w|8|[url]|i|[uk]|e|[wrj]|t|[wra]|0|[oe4]|[oe]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[ra]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|[pe4]|[pe]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[rj]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[rqa]|e|[wr]|[u7]|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4] o t|e|[ro]|w|[ea]|q|[wa]|8|[ura]|i|[uk]|e|[wr]|t|[wro]|[o30]

      Level: 5
      Length: 03:16
      Indoors (OneShot)

      Casey Gu

    • [yk]|i|[pl] k [zy]|i|p|y|[ki] l [pk] x [zy]|i|[pl] k [th]|u|o|t|u|o|E|y|p|E|y|u|[yk]|i|[pl] k [zy]|i|p|y|[ki] l [pk] x [zy]|i|[pl] x [tn]|u|o|t|u|o|[vE]|y|p|[bE]|y|p|[yk]|i|[pl] k [yj] k [li] k [zp] x [yk]|i l [pk]|[yj] k [li] k [zp] x [th]|u|o|[vt]|u|o|[hE]|y|[pb]|[vE]|y|u|y|[ic]|[xp]|[yl]|i|[pk]|[th]|u|[og]|[tf]|u|o d [jE]|y|p|E|y|[oh]|[jE]|y|i|E|y|u|[a9]|q|[se] a [d9]|q|e|9|[qa] s [ea] f [d9]|q|[se] a [o8]|0|w|8|0|w|^|9|e|^|9|0|[a9]|q|[se] a [d9]|q|e|9|[qa] s [ea] f [d9]fd q|[se] f [k8]|0|w|8|0|w|[h^]|9|e|[j^]|9|e|[a9]|q|[se] a [p9] a [sq] a [ed] f [a9]|q s [ea]|[p9] a [sq] a [ed] f [o8]|0|w|[h8]|0|w|[o^]|9|[je]|[h^]|9|0|9|[qg]|[fe]|9|[qa] s [ea]|[o8]|0|[wi]|[u8]|0|w y [p^]|9|e|^|9|[wo]|[p^]|9|q|^|9|0|y|[xi]|[pc]|[yl]|i|[pk]|[yh]|i|p|[yk]|[ih]|[pf]|[tj]|u|o|[th]|[ua]|[po]|[jE]|y|p|[hE]|y|u|y|[xi]|[pc]|[yv]|i|[pb]|[yx]cx i|p|[yj]|[xi]|[vpb]|[th]|u|o|[tf]|[uh]|[ob] J [vE]|y|[xp] h [zE]|y|p|y|[ji]|[xp]|[yj]|i|p|[yk]|[ji]|[xp]|[yj]|[li] k [xp] k [vt]|u|o|t|[xu] c [xo] j [hE]|y|[pc]|[vE]|[yb]|u|[yb]|i|[pm]|[yv]|i m [pn]|[vt]|u|[oc]|[xt]cx u|o z [bE]|y|p|E|y|[oB]|[zE]|y|i|E|y|u

      Level: 4
      Length: 03:09
      Niko And The World Machine (OneShot)

      Casey Gu

    • Y 3 7 r| |Y 3 7 r||W|T ! 3 r| |T ! 3 r||0|[kY] 3 7 [rf]| |[kY] 3 7 [rf]||[ZW]|[kT] ! 3 [rf]| |[kT] ! 3 [rD]||[f0]|[H6] 0 r [uaW] f|D|[H6] 0 r [aW]||[S0]|[aW] Y I a|Y u|W Y I a||0|[k0] [rV] [uC] a V|Y|[k0] [rf] u [ka]|Y [ZW]|[k*] [rV] [YC] a V|r|[k] [xr] [uZ] [aL] k|[u0]|[H6] [x0] [rZ] u x| |[H6] [S0] r [uf]|k 0|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] [uf] [kI] [aD] a|u|0 [rH] [uG] a H|D|[kY] [rf] 0 [rk]||W|* [rH] [uG] a [fH]|D|[a*] [rf] [uD] S a|0|6 [x0] [rZ] u [xf]|D|[H6] [S0] r [ufa]|k S|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] Y [kI] [aD]||u|[k0] [rV] [uC] a V|C|[k0] [rf] u [ka]||[ZW] x [k] [rV] [YC] a V|Z k [k*] [xr] [uZ] [aL] k|[n0]|[H6] [x0] [rZ] u x|C|[VH6] [S0] r [uf]|k 0|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] [uf] [kI] [aD] f|[k0]|Y 3 7 r| |Y 3 7 r||W|T ! 3 r| |T ! 3 r||0|[kY] 3 7 [rf]| |[kY] 3 7 [rf]||[ZW]|[kT] ! 3 [rf]| |[kT] ! 3 [rD]||[f0]|[H6] 0 r [uaW] f|D|[H6] 0 r [aW]||[S0]|[aW] Y I a|Y u|W Y I a||0|[k0] [rV] [uC] a V|Y|[k0] [rf] u [ka]|Y [ZW]|[k] [rV] [YC] a V|r|[k*] [xr] [uZ] [aL] k|[u0]|[H6] [x0] [rZ] u x| |[H6] [S0] r [uf]|k 0|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] [uf] [kI] [aD] a|u|0 [rH] [uG] a H|D|[kY] [rf] 0 [rk]||W| [rH] [uG] a [fH]|D|[a*] [rf] [uD] S a|0|6 [x0] [rZ] u [xf]|D|[H6] [S0] r [ufa]|k S|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] Y [kI] [aD]||u|[k0] [rV] [uC] a V|C|[k0] [rf] u [ka]||[ZW] x [k] [rV] [YC] a V|Z k [k*] [xr] [uZ] [aL] k|[n0]|[H6] [x0] [rZ] u x|C|[VH6] [S0] r [uf]|k 0|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] [uf] [kI] [aD] f|[k0]

      Level: 5
      Length: 03:18
      Children of the Ruins (OneShot)

      Casey Gu


    • lkj hh sdd lkj hh sdd sfhgs hgfd sfs ssgfsd ooddfds [8s]s pspo [4s]s pspo [8s]s pspo [9d]d opsp [8s]s pspo [4s]s pspo [8s]s pspo [9d]d opsps dfg fds ofdsdsdd apas dfg fds oofdsdsdd apas dfg fds ofdsdsddfd apas dfg fds shffdfdfds l k [tj][uos]t[uosh]j q[tip][qs][tipd]e[tupd]e[tup] w[ryo][wl][ryok] [tj][uos][tj][uosh]h q[tip] [qs][tipd] e[tupd]e[tup] w[ryo]w[ryos] [tf][ous][th][uosg] q[tips]q[tip] [eh][tipg][ef][tupd] w[ryos][wf][ryos][wtu] ss [tig] fsd [tup] oo [ryod]dfds [tl][uosl][tjl][uosj]h [ql][tipl][qjl][tipj]h [el][tupl][ejl][tupj]h [wz][ryoz][whj][ryol]j 8 w t df[qg][tfd][is] [eof][uds][pds][ud] [wd] y [oakpj] [yak] [8sk] w t df[qg][tfd][is] [sio][ehf][ufd][pfd][ufd] [ws] y [ol][yk] [tj][uos]t[uoshh] [ox][yz] [tx][uos]t[uosl] [ql][tip][qj][tipj] e[tuph]e[tup] w[ryo][wx][ryoz] [tx][uos]t[uosl] [ql][tip][qj][tipkj] [ehf][tuph]e[tup] w[ryo]w[ryoj] [tl][uos][th][uosj] q[tip]q[tip] [el][tupz][ex][tupz] w[ryol][wx][ryol] [wtu] [ti] [wtp] [ryo] sa[ol]ljlj[ohol]l [tjl][yj]h l[yl] jljh zz [shj][alj] [pl]ljlj[ohol]l [tjl][yjh] l[yl]jljh zzhj[tlj] [ul]l[ojl][ijh]
      Level: 6

      Jason Derulo

    • zxzljh[spjg] l [sof]| zxzljh[ojda] k [spf]| zxzljh[spjg] l [sof]| zxzljh[ojda] k[oda]| |[hfa]| [tqe] sps [w80]pspsps d [ywr]oa a [ute]oaoaod s [tqe]od s [w80] [ws80] s o oo[ywra] a apooo a [wra0]po [tqe]os p [w80]o[ws80]psps d [ywr]oapap[utoe] [utoe] ood s [tqe] fff [wf80] h gf fff| d| | [ywrd]| [ywr]| [ywr] df[ywrd]spo[tqpe] ss [wf80]| dfdspo[ywro] dd [utse] [ute] dfdspo[tqpe] ss [wf80]| | ps[ywrd] f dsp p df[wrd0]spo[tqpe] ss [wf80] [w80] dfdspo[ywro] dd [utse] [ute] dfdspo[tqpe] ss [wf80] [w80]|| ps[ywrd] f [ywrd]sp [ywrd] f [ywrd]sp [tqe] sps [w80]pspsps d [ywr]oa a [ute]oaoaod s [tqe] fff [wf80] [wh80] gff ff[ywrf]| [ywrd]| [ywrd] dfdspo[tqpe] ss [wf80]| dfdspo[ywro] dd [utse] [ute] dfdspo[tqpe] ss [wf80]| | ps[ywrd] f dsp p df[wrd0]spo[tqpe] ss [wf80] [w80] dfdspo[ywro] dd [utse] [ute] dfdspo[tqpe] s f[w80] [w80]| ps [ywrd] f dsp d f [wrd0]sp [tqe] g g [wg80] [wg80] gff f [ywr] ddd [uted]dd f p s [tqe] ggg [wg80] [wg80]ff f s[ywrd] f [ywrd] s [ywr]| [ywr]| [tqe] [tsqe]s[tqpe] [wo80] [ws80] [ws80] [wp80] [wo80] o[ywsr] [ywsr]s[ywrp] [utoe] [utse]s[utse] [utpe] [ute] [tqe] [tqhe]h[tqhe]f[wf80]d[wd80] [wf80] [wj80]h[wh80]f[ywrh]| [ywr]| [ywrj] df[ywrd]spo[tqpe] ss [wf80] [w80] dfdspo[ywro] dd [utse] [ute] dfdspo[tqpe] ss [wf80] [w80]|| ps[ywrd] f [ywrd]sp [ywrp] df[ywrd]spo[tqpe] ss [wf80] [w80] dfdspo[ywro] dd [utse] [ute] dfdspo[tqpe] ss [wf80] [w80]|| ps[ywrd] f [ywrd]sp [ywrd] f [ywrd]sp [tqpe] ss [wf80]| dfdspo[ywro] dd [utse] [ute] dfdspo[tqpe] ss [wf80] [w80]|| ps[ywrd] f [ywrd]sp [ywrp] df[ywrd]spo[tqpe] ss [wf80] [w80] dfdspo[ywro] dd [utse] [ute] dfdspo[tqpe] ss [wf80]| | ps[ywrd] ff d [ywr] zxzljh[sojf] l x| zxzljh[ohda] z [splf]| zxzljh[spjg] l [xsof]|| h z [oda]
      Level: 6
      Length: 02:52
      They Don’t Know About Us

      One Direction

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      Level: 7
      Length: 03:58
      Something Just Like This


      The Chainsmokers