Logan’s Return (Succession)

Nicholas Britell 22 September 2024

[6s]| |[80es] a p O
[4p]| |[8qeu]| oi u
[1u]| |[580t]| |
[W3r]| |[70%W]| u|
[6s]| |[80es] a p O
[4p]| |[8qeu]| oi u
[1u]| |[80wt]| |
[W3ru]| |0| u|
[6S]| |[0wT]| Pp o
[6S]| |[0wT]| Pp o
[6id]| |[ip]|||
0| wq 0
[30t]| |t r e W
[es] r t y u [ya] [tp] [rO]
[3ryip] [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] [ryi]
[30rui] [rui] [30rui] [rui] [30ryuO] [ryu] [30ryu] [ryu]
[@tp]@ e Q e [@(t] Q ( Q
[@(] Q ( Q [@(r] Q [(e] Q
[3u]3 e 0 e [3t] e 0 e
[30]3| |[70W]| |
[68e]| |[8e]| |
[3e]| 6| [8e]| 0|
[48qe]| |[8qe]| |
[1qe]| 4| [6qe]| 8|
[2qer]| |[qer]| |
[7qer]| 4| [7qer]| 8 9
[80e]| |[380e]| |
[370e]| |[370W]| |

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About This Music Sheet

Logan’s Return (Succession) is a song by Nicholas Britell. Use your computer keyboard to play Logan’s Return (Succession) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:12, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Logan’s Return (Succession) is classified in the genre of Songs From TV on Virtual Piano.


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Other Songs By Nicholas Britell

  • e W e 0 e W e t e W e 0 e W e t
    [ep] W [ep] [0a] [es] W e t e W e 0 e W e t
    [es] W [es] [0ad] [esf] W e t e W e 0 e W e t
    [rad] e [rad] [0sf] [rdg] E r y [8sf] 0 e t u| [sf] j
    [9wah] 5 9 w [rdg] w 9 5 [esf] 0 t e 0 8 [6sf] [3j]
    [25dh] 5 9 w r w [9ag] 5 [esf] 0 t e 0 8 [6s] [3p]
    [2sf] 4 [6pd] 9 [es] q 9 6 [2ps] 4 [6a] 9 [ep] q 9 6
    [2ip] 4 [6p] [9O] [ep] q [9s] 6 [%Oa] 7 0 W u| |
    [6p]| |[30f]| f| [6ps]| [ps]| [3ps]| [6ps]|

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:48
    Siobhan and Tom (Succession)

    Nicholas Britell

  • [6e]| [6e] [6e]| [6e]
    [6e]| [6e] [6e]| [6e]
    [6e] er[6t] [6et] [et][ry][6tu]
    [W6ry] [Wry][tu][W6yi] [6etu]|u[6tp]
    [3ryo]6 3y[6i]6[6etu] 6u[tp]u[6ryo] 6yi
    [6etu] 6 t [4qet] [ry]q[qet]
    [4qet] [wr]q[qe] [4qe] q q
    [30W] [0u] [30r] [6e] er[6et]
    [6etu]i[et][ry][6tu] [W6y]r[Wry][tu][W6yi]
    [6etu]|u[6tp]u[3ryo]6 3y[6i]6[6etu] 6u[tp]u
    [6ryo] 6yi [6etu] [6y] t
    [4et]q[qey]r[qet] [4qt]e[qwrt]y[qeu]
    [4qeu] [qu]i[qu] [30W] [W0u] [30WO]
    [6eps] [6e] [6e] [6et] [6e] [6e]
    [W3r] [W3r]t[W3y] [6etu] [6e]u[6eps][tu]
    [360yoa] [60]y[60i] [6etu] [6e]u[6eps][tu]
    [6yoa] [60]y[60i] [6etu] [6y] [6t]
    [4qetu]0[qey][qr][qet] [4qt]e[wrt][qy][qeu]
    [2qeu] [9qp] [9q] [30W]O[0W] [30W]
    [6ep] [6e]0[6e] [6e] [6e] [60e]
    [60e] [6e] [6e] [6e] [6e] [60e]

    Level: 8
    Length: 00:55
    Dark Minuet (Succession)

    Nicholas Britell

  • 6||e||
    [6e]|t|u| e
    [6e]|t|u| e
    [6e]|t|u| e
    [6e]|t|u| e

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:12
    Rehearsal (Succession)

    Nicholas Britell

  • [6up] 0 e [tf] e 0 [6a] 0 e [ts] e 0
    [4ypd] 9 q e q 9 [4s] 9 q e q 9
    [5ia] 9 w r w 9 [5g] 9 w r w 9
    [1uof] 5 8 0 8 5 [O3yd] 7 0 W 0 7
    [6up] 0 e [tf] e 0 [6a] 0 e [ts] e 0
    [4ypd] 9 q e q 9 [4s] 9 q e q 9
    [2ia] 7 9 q 9 7 [2d] 7 9 [qa] 9 d 7
    [3uof] 7 0 W 0 7 % 7 0 W 0 7
    [6psj] 0 e t u t e 0 [6adk] 0 e t [usfl] t e 0
    [4djz] 9 q e y e q 9 [4dgl] 9 q e y e q 9
    [5fhz] 0 w r u r w 0 [5dgz] 9 q r y r q 9
    [1fhx] 5 8 0 w 0 8 5 [H3dz] 7 [0k] [Wl] [rz] [Wl] [0k] 7
    [6psj] 0 e t u t e 0 [6adk] 0 e t [usfl] t e 0
    [4djz] 9 q e y e q 9 [4dgl] 9 q e y e q 9
    [6psj] 0 e t u t e 0 6 0 e t u t e 0
    6 0 e t u t e 0 6 0 e t u t e 0 6 l x b

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:54
    Sinfonietta in A Minor (Succession)

    Nicholas Britell


  • [zd] [xf] [vh] [qmlcb4]etiop[snkc]po[jib]te[vkh30]wryuoaou[xrf]w[vh]0[zjcb92]qeyip[zwvkh5]ry[jib]oa[xlhf81]0wtyuou[zd]y[xtf]w[vh]0[qmlcb4]etiop[snk]po[jib]te[vkh30]wryop[xfa]ou[yvh]rw[zjcb92]qeyui[zvkh30]wryuo[xpljeb]ute08[e6] t r w [xe]b|x|z|v|[xe] r t u [pl]|j|[k0] Q [wh] r [uf]| |[j9] q [khe] [lj] [zk0] w r h e [rj] [tk]n u [le]m r [th]v u [qj]lxt o p l|j e [k0] r [yj] u h [tf] [yg] [uh] [d9]gje y [ji] [zp] l [ukh] [lj] 0 [rkfH] u O a|[rl70] z [qj4]lx8 e [zq] [tlj] [ke] [tl] [qj] [kh30] 7 [wv]b 0 [vr] w 0 7 [lj92] [zk6] [xql] [zc9] [xwv5] 9 [zr] w [xtl8] w t u [r7] [zw] [xr] [v7] [e6] [l0] e t [w5] [kh9] [wl] [x5] [q4] [sjg8] q e [30] [h8] [v0] x [ljd92]69qe[zd]y[xf30]7[zd]0[xwf]r[vh]u[ljeb6]0ertup d f h [sqlg4]8q[skge]ti[sj]it[sh]eq[fa30][o7][fa0][wd]rhy[spfe6]0[vh]e[rml]t[nk]u[qpi4]8[oa]q[spe]tpe[woa5]9whjry[ha]o[tsof8]wtyuosou[tf]wh0[qlg4][s8][qlg][kge][ts][ki]j[ts][je][qh][s8][h4][f30]7d0[wf]rku[sqj4]8ne[mi]ovp[yjg9]qhe[yj]ejq[f0]hkruopha[e6]0[sj]ertu[pb]| |[yjged9] h j j [urf0]hk|h|[sqjg]tiopiosjghlcvbm609weyuopdfh[zv][xb][zb][zv][xb6]

    Level: 8
    Length: 01:43
    Wu Ji (The Untamed)

    Hai Lin

  • [j6] [j6] [h3] [f3][j6]|| [j6][j6][j6] [h3] [f3][j6]|| [yd9]dddd [ts8] [yd9]dddd [ts8] [pe6] p [wp5] [oe6]p|| [j6] [j6] [h3] [f3][j6]|| [j6][j6][j6] [h3] [f3][j6]|| [yd9]dddd [ts8] [yd9]dddd [ts8] [uf0]|t r e w [f0] [h7] [j6] 8 [j0] e [j0] e [h0] [rf] [rh] [f0] [wh] 0je w [f0] [h7] [j6] 8 0 e [tl] [rk] [je] [wh] 8 7 [l8] [k9] [j0] q [wh] q [pj0] 8 6 8 0 e 0 8 0 w r u e|| [p6] [f80] [f80] [f80] [80] [f80] [f80] [f80] [d9] [d9] [d9] [s8][d9]9 6 9 6 [p6] [f80] [f80] [f80] [80] [f80] [f80] [f80] [d9] [d9] [s8] [d9][f0]0 e 0 e [qg] [g8] [g6] [g8] [qg] e [qg] [qg] 8 6 [qg] [qg] [wh] w [qg] q [uf0]| [qig] [uf0]| [qig] [uf0] [qig] [uf0] [qig] [f0] 0 0 e [p6] [f80] [f80] [f80] [80] [f80] [f80] [f80] [d9] [d9] [s8] [d9] 6 9 6 9 [p6] [f80] [f80] [f80] [80] [f80] [f80] [f80] [d9] [d9] [s8] [d9][f0]0 9 [f0] [wh] [je] t e 0 [je] [tj] [je] [j0] e [je] 0 [j8] [k9] q [je]| [WH] r u W r u r W [rk] y o r y o y r [wh] 0 [f8] 0 [wh] 0 [wl] t [rk] [rk] [je] [wh]| 7 6 5 [je] [tj] [uj] [tj] [je] [wh] [f0] [qg] [qg] [f0] [d9]| 4 3 2 [wh] 0 [f8] 0 [wh] 0 [wl] t [rk] [rk] [je] [wh]| 7 6 5 [je] [tj] [uj] [tj] [je] [tl] [je] w 0 [k7] [h0] [wf] 0 [k7] 0 [je6]||| [j6] [j6] [h3] [f3][j6]|| [j6][j6][j6] [h3] [f3][j6]|| [yd9]dddd [ts8] [yd9]dddd [ts8] [pe6] p [wp5] [oe6]p|| [j6] [j6] [h3] [f3][j6]|| [j6][j6][j6] [h3] [f3][j6]|| [yd9]dddd [ts8] [yd9]dddd [ts8] [uf0]|t r e w [f0] [h7] [j6] 8 [j0] e [j0] e [h0] [rf] [rh] [f0] [wh] 0je w [f0] [h7] [j6] 8 0 e [tl] [rk] [je] [wh] 8 7 [l8] [k9] [j0] q [wh] q [pj0] 8 6 8 0 e 0 8 0 w r u e|| [p6] [f80] [f80] [f80] [80] [f80] [f80] [f80] [d9] [d9] [d9] [s8][d9]9 6 9 6 [p6] [f80] [f80] [f80] [80] [f80] [f80] [f80] [d9] [d9] [s8] [d9][f0]0 e 0 e [qg] [g8] [g6] [g8] [qg] e [qg] [qg] 8 6 [qg] [qg] [wh] w [qg] q [uf0]| [qig] [uf0]| [qig] [uf0] [qig] [uf0] [qig] [f0] 0 0 e [p6] [f80] [f80] [f80] [80] [f80] [f80] [f80] [d9] [d9] [s8] [d9] 6 9 6 9 [p6] [f80] [f80] [f80] [80] [f80] [f80] [f80] [d9] [d9] [s8] [d9][f0]0 9 [f0] [wh] [je] t e 0 [je] [tj] [je] [j0] e [je] 0 [j8] [k9] q [je]| [WH] r u W r u r W [rk] y o r y o y r [wh] 0 [f8] 0 [wh] 0 [wl] t [rk] [rk] [je] [wh]|7 6 5 [je] [tj] [uj] [tj] [je] [wh] [f0] [qg] [qg] [f0] [d9]| 4 3 2 [wh] 0 [f8] 0 [wh] 0 [wl] t [rk] [rk] [je] [wh]| 7 6 5 [je] [tj] [uj] [tj] [je] [tl] [je] w 0 [k7] [h0] [wf] 0 [k7] 0 [je6]
    Level: 5
    Length: 02:32
    Opening Theme (Dragon Ball)

    Aaron Montalvo

  • [ryuo] [ryuo] [ryuo] [ryuo] [ryuo] [Teuo] [Teuo] [ryuo] [Teuo] [Twu] [Twu] [Twu] [Iety] [Iety] [Iety] [etuo] [Iety] [9y] [9y] [wryo] [wryo] [etuo] [wryo] [Qety] [9wry] [30wr] [0r] [0wr] [0r] u r w [0wr] [57wr] 9 q w [wr] [et] [ry] w [tu] [18uo] t u o [ip] s [uo] s [6tuf] [ef] [etpf] [etuf] 6 [etuf] 6 e [I29yd] [ed] [Ieyf] [Ieyd] s [tp] y I [YOt] [YOt] [ryo] [ETI] [ETI] [ryo] [YOt] [YOt] [ryo] [ETI] [ETI] [ryo] [18uof] [tuf] [uosf] [tuf] [7yod] r [yoh] r [^TSuo] [ETS] [TSuo] [ETS] [I6tyd] [ets] [Ietyp] [QI] [IG] e t y y I p s Q [5wr] 9 w r [uf] 9 [yd] 9 [5wr] 9 w r [uf] 9 [yd] 9 [5wra] a 9 w r [uf] 9 [yd] [9o] [3wrp] 0 a [wa] r [IG] 0 [uf] [0a] a [6tus] [ed] s t a u p [ak] e [pj] [ea] [6etos] [ed] s t a u p [I29y] t y p [5wra] a 9 w r [uf] 9 [yad] [9d] [G3wr] 0 f [wf] r [IG] 0 [uf] [0d] f [6eth] e h [th] u h [%Wth] u f [5wts] u a [$Qtp] Q t u [4qt] u [30t] u [18uof] f t [uos] t [uo] t [7ryd] [of] g [6tuf] e t u [ak] e [pj] e [29yig] [yg] g [yi] f [!*Ti] d [18ti] t [7ri] r [5wro] d 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d [uod] d [I29ey]

    Level: 8
    Length: 06:00
    Bohemian Rhapsody (Alternative)
