02:19 -
[tp]| s| [ya]| o|
[tp]| u| y| o|
[tp]| s| [ya]| d|
[tf]| p| [rd]| o|
[4qpj]||i o p s i o p s i o p s|
[eak] u p u s u
[esl] u p u s u
[4qpj]||i o p s i o p s i o p s|
[wsl] y o a o a [wa] y o| o|
[4qpj]||o p i u o p i u|
[5dz] 9 w 9 r 9 [5sl] 9 w 9 r 9
[4qpj]| o p i u t r
[wsl] y o y a y [wak] y o y a y
[ej] u [pj] u [aj] u
[eh] u [ph] u [ah] u
[eg] u [pg] u [ag] u
[ef] u [pf] u [af] u
[ed] u [psd] u [asd] u
[ed] u [pas] u [as] u
[eas] u [pa] u a u [ep]| |
[0j] u [pj] u [aj] u
[qh] u [ph] u [ah] u
[wg] u [pg] u [ag] u
[qf] u [pf] u [af] u
[0d] u [pd] u [ad] u
[qsd] u [ps] u [as] u
[ws] u [pa] u a u [qp]| |
6| |[sj]| l| [dk]| h| [sj]| f| [ad]| o
About This Music Sheet
Mafia II (Main Theme) is a song by Matus Siroky. Use your computer keyboard to play Mafia II (Main Theme) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:19, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Mafia II (Main Theme) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano.
Song Leaderboard
2 mRainye2024300199535.05
10 mIsaacSalvor102891584.97
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[qetg] j l x|x|z
[wry]||zx v z l
[0wt]|l z [wry] x|l
[0et]| j|l|g
[qet] j l x|x|z
[wry]||zx v z l
[0wt]|x z [wry] x|l
[0et]|p o p s|u
[8qe] y|y|t y|
[9wr]||t y|u
[80w] o|o [9wr] o u p
[0et] p o p|s|u
[8qe] y|y|t y|
[9wr] y t y|t|u
[80w] o|o [9wr] o u p
[0et]|y t||f
[8qe] d d s s|f|
[9wr] d s d|s|f
[80w] d|d [9wr] s|s
[0et] p|p|s|f
[8qe] d|d|s d|
[9wr] d s d|s|f
[80w] d|d [9wr] s|f
[0et]|d s|p|f
[8qe] d d s s|f|
[9wr] d s d|s|f
[80w] d|d [9wr] s|s
[0et] p|p|s|f
[8qe] d|d|s d|
[9wr] d s d|s|f
[80w] d|d [9wr] s|f
[0et]|d s|p|
[qetg] j l x|x|z
[wry]||zx v z l
[0wt]|l z [wry] x|l
[0et]| j|l|g
[qet] j l x|x|z
[wry]||zx v z l
[0wt]|x z [wry] x|l
[0et]Level: 6Length: 01:18IntermediateDancing In The Moonlight (Toploader)
s|p|||s d s|p|||s d f|p| |f| |dsp||s|p|||[hd]| |[sl]|j|||h|[sl]|j| |[xg]| |zlj||[sl]|j| |h jhj||l|z|[lig]|j| |[xg]| |zlj||[se]|[tp] t e|t t e|t t e|[ts] [td] [sq]|[pe] e q|e e 9|e t [yw] u [ys] [td] [fe]|t t [ed]|t t [he]|t t e|[ts] [td] [sq]|[pe] e q|e e 9|e t [ywh] u y t [le]|[utj] [uts] [ed] f [utd] [uts] e|[ut] [uts] [ed] f [whd] s [ql]|[tje] [tpe] [qa] s [tea] [tpe] [xg9]|[qe] [qe] [zwd]lj [yr] [yr] [le]|[utj] [uts] [ed] f [utd] [utsh] [je]hj [ut] [uts] [led] f [zutd] [uts] [ql]|[tje] [tpe] [qa] s [tea] [tpe] [xj9]|[qe] [qe] [z9]lj 2 2 [pe4]|t 4 [ie4]|[u4]|[pe4]|t 4 [ie4]|[u4]|[pe6]|t 6 [ie6]|[u6]|[yw8]|u 8 [yw8]|[t8]|[pe4]|t 4 [ie4]|[u4]|[pe4]|t 4 [ie4]|[u4]|[pe6]|t 6 [ie6]|[u6]|[ta8]|o 8 [s8]|[u0]|[id2] 6 [qid9] f[id4]s8 [qpe] s [s6] [t0] [ye] u 5 [wu] [y1] [t5] [id2] 6 [qid9] f[id4]s8 [qpe] s [s5] [t8] [yw] u [yo1] [u5] [y0] t [id2] 6 [qid9] f[id4]s8 [qpe] s [soh6] [t0] [ye] u [y5] [wu] [y1] [t5] [pg2] 6 [qpg9] h[pg4]f8 [qed] s [s5] [t9] [yw] [u9] [yod]|[w5]|[s6] [ute0][ut]p [ute0] [ut6] [e0] [ut] [e0] 6 [ute0][ut][ut] [ute0] [ut6] [e0] [uts] [ed0] [s4] [tqe8][te]p [tqe8] [te4] [q8] [te] [q8] 2 [te96][te][te] [te96] [yr5] [w9] s [wd9] [f6] [ute0][ut]p [ute0] [ut6] [e0] [ut] [e0] [f6] [e0] [ut] [e0] [d6]s[pe0]|[e0] [s4] [tqe8][te]p [tqe8] [te4] [q8] [te] [q8] 2 [te96][te][te] [te96] [oha5] [w9] [oa] [w9] [slf6] [ute][ute][spj] [ute] [s6] [utpe] s [ute] [p6] [ute][ute][ute] [ute] 6 [ute] [oha] [ute] [slg4] [tqe][tqe][spj] [tqe] [s4] [tqpe] s [tqe] [xjg2] [qe9] [jg] [qe9] [zd5]l[ywrjd]|[ywr] [slf6] [ute][ute][spj] [ute] [s6] [utpe] s [utohe] [pj6]h[utpje]|[ute] [slf6] [ute] [zhd] [ute] [slg4] [tqe][tqe][spj] [tqe] [s4] [tqpe] s [tqe] [xjg2] [qe9] [jg] [qe9] [zd5]l[ywrjd]|[ywr] [qpe84]e[qe84] t [qe4] [qie84]e[qe84] u [qe4] [qpe84]e[qe84] t [qe4] [qie84]e[qe4] u [qe4] [pe6]e[e60] t [e6] [ie60]e[e60] u [e6] [yw851]w[w851] u [w81] [yw851]w[w851] t [w81] [qpe84]e[qe84] t [qe4] [qie84]e[qe84] u [qe4] [qpe84]e[qe84] t [qe4] [qie84]e[qe4] u [qe4] [pe6]e[e60] t [e6] [ie60]e[e60] u [e6] [wta8]t[wt8] o [t8] [wts8] [wt8] u [w8] [id2] 6 [qied] 9f[id4]s8 [tpe] [sq] [s6] [t0] [ye] [u0] 5 [u9] [y1] [t5] [id2] 6 [qied] 9f[id4]s8 [tpe] [sq] [s5] [t9] [yw] [u9] [yo1] [u5] [y0] [t5] [id2] 6 [qied] 9f[id4]s8 [tpe] [sq] [soh6] [t0] [ye] [u0] [y5] [u9] [y1] [t5] [pg2] 6 [qpge] 9h[pg4]f8 [ted] [sq] [s5] [t9] [yw] [u9] [yod]|[w5]|[s6] [ut][ut][p6] [ut8] [ut9] 0 [ut9] 8 6 [ut][ut][ut6] [ut8] [ut9] 0 [uts9] [d8] [s4] [te][te][p4] [te6] [te7] 8 [te7] 6 2 [te][te][te6] [te8] [yr95] 0 [s9] [d8] [f6] [te][te][p6] [te8] [te9] 0 [te9] 8 [f6] [te][te][te6] 8 [d9]s[p0] 9 8 [s4] [te][te][p4] [te6] [te7] 8 [te7] 6 2 [te][te][te6] [te8] [oha95] 0 9 8 [slf6] 36[spj8]0etspute08363680etusput[soh]wos[slg4]146[spj8]qetspiteq8q[xjg2]69qeyeq[zd5][l7][jd9]w9752[slf6]368[spj0]etuspute0[oh8]3[pj6][h3][pj6]80etu[slf]usf[zhd]odh[slg4]146[spj8]qetgspiteq8[xjg2]69qeyeq[zd5][l7][jd9]w9797[pe4]8qetqet[ie4]8qtuqet[pe4]8qetqet[ie4]8qtuqet[pe6]80et0et[ie6]80eu0et[yw1]580[wu]808[yw1]580t0wt[pe4]8qetqet[ie4]8qtuqet[pe4]8qetqet[ie4]8qtuqet[pe6]80et0et[ie6]80eu0et[a8]wt [uo]tuo[s8] w u t [id2]69q[ied] 2f[id4][s8]qe[tp] [s4] [s6] [t0]ey [ue] 5 [u9] [y1] [t5] [id2]69q[ied] 2f[id4][s8]qe[tp] [s4] [s5] [t9] [yw] [u9] [yo1] [u5] [y8] [t0] [id2]69q[ied] 2f[id4][s8]qe[tp] [s4] [soh6] [t0] [ye] [u0] [y5] [u9] [y1] [t5] [pg2]69q[pge] 2h[pg4][f8]qe[td] [s4] [s5] [t9] [yw] [u9] [yod]|[w5]|[s6] [ut][ut][p6] [ut8] [ut9] 0 [ut9] 8 6 [ut][ut][ut6] [ut8] [ut9] 0 [uts9] [d8] [s4] [te][te][p4] [te6] [te7] 8 [te7] 6 2 [te][te][te6] [te8] [yr95] 0 [s9] [d8] [f6] [te][te][p6] [te8] [te9] 0 [te9] 8 [f6] [te][te][te6] [te8] [d9]s[p0] 9 8 [s4] [te][te][p4] [te6] [te7] 8 [te7] 6 2 [te][te][te6] [te8] [oha95] 0 9 8 [slf6] [ute][ute][spj] [utse] [d6] [utfe] d [utse] 6 [ute][ute][utpe] [utse] [d6] [utfe] [ohd] [utse] [slg4] [tqe][tqe][spj] [tqpe] [a4] [tsqe] a [tqpe] [xjg2] [qe9][qe9][qe9] [qe9] [zd5]l[ywrjd]|[ywr] [slf6] [ute][ute][spj] [utse] [d6] [utfe] d [utsohe] [pj6]h[utpje]|[utse] [ld6] [utfe] [zd] [utse] [slg4] [tqe][tqe][spj] [tsqe] [d4] [tqfe] d [tqe] [xjg2] [qe9] [jg] [qe9] [zd5]l[ywrjd]|[ywr] [qpj84] j t j [ji] j u j [pj4] j t j [ji] j u j [pje60] j t j [ji] j u j [ywk8] k u k [yl] l t l [qpj84] j t j [ji] j u j [qpj84] j t j [ji] j u j [pje60] j t j [ji] j u j [ywka8] k u k [sol] l s [lf]
Level: 7Length: 05:16IntermediateAstral Alley (Night in the Woods)
Alec Holowka
[es]| |[qp]| |
[tf]| |[wa]| |
[es]| |[qp]| |
[tf]| |[wa]|||
[et]| [et] [8t] [qp]| [qp] [8p] [wo] i [wu] [5y]8w 7 [wy] 5
[et]| [et] [8t] [qp]| [qp] 8 [wu] i [wo] [5y]8w 7 [wy] 5
[et]| [et] [8t] [qp]| [qp] 8 [wo] i [wu] [5y]7w 7 [wu]y5
[4qt] e [8qt] e8[qt] [qe] [qu] [8u]
[5w] y [9w] r5w [wy] w [7y]
[6t]| [0t] 8 [4qp]| [8qp] o
[18o] i [8u] [9y] [5w]| [9y] w [6t]| [0t] [8t] [4qp]| [qp] [qp]4
[18u] i [8o] [9y] [5w]| [wy]9t5[6t]| [0t] 8 [4qp]| [qp] [qo]4
[18o] i [0u] [9y] w 95[7u][8y]75[4y] t| |e|
[4qe]| [qe]| [4qe]| [5wr]|
[1t] 1||[7u] [7i] o s 6 6 [0t]|
[5o] [5u] [9t]8[5p]6[4q] [4q] [4qt] q4[18o] [18i] [0u]8[9u]w5 y|
[5y]9[5a] s [5d] o5[18s] [18] [0t]| [7u] [7i] [wo] s 6 6 [0t]|
[5o] [5u] [9t]6[8p]4[4q] q4[4qt] q4[18o] [8i]4[8u] u15
[5y]9[5y] [5y]9[5a] s [9u][wy]95[4qy]
[qo]4q [8t]4[8t] u58 [5t]8[59wyo]Level: 5Length: 01:30Intermediate21 Guns (Greeny Day)
Green Day