01:47 -
3 -
e t u p u t e t u p u t e t u a u t e t u p u t [p6] 8 [f0] [ea] 0 [p8]a[s6] 8a[p0] [ea] 0 [o8] [u6] 8 0 r 0 8 6 8 0 r 0 8 [p6] 8 [f0] [ea] 0 [p8]a[s6] 8a[p0] [a5] [s9] [d7] [f8] 0 w t w 0 8 0 w [tf] [wg] [h0] [g4] 6 [p8] [qp] 8a[s6] [d4] 7 9 [wd] [f9] [g7] [h3] 5 [o7] [o0] 7p[a5] [s6] 8 0 [se] [d0] [f8] [s4] 6 [i8] [sq] 8 6 [s2] 4a[s6] [s9] 6 [d4] [a%] 7 9 w 9 [p7] [O3] 7 9 2 7 9 [up6] 8 [f0] [ea] 0 [p8]a[sp6] 8a[p0] [ea] 0 [o8] [ut6] 8 0 [rj] 0k[j8] [h6] 8j[h0] [rg] [d0] [g8] [up6] 8 [f0] [ea] 0 [p8]a[sp6] 8a[p0] [a5] [s9] [d7] [sf8] 0 w t w 0 8 0 w [f5] [g9] [h7] [sg4] 6 [p8] [qp] 8a[s6] [da4] 7 9 [wd] [f9] [g7] [hf3] 5 [o7] [o0] 7p[a5] [sp@] $ 6 [s8] [d6] [f$] [sp2] 4 [i6] [sp9] 6 4 [sp7] 2a[s4] [d6] [s4] [d2] [f3] % 7 0 7 % 3 % 7 0 W r [qlc] e [tj] [ji] tk[le] [qkh] r y [zo] [yx] [rc] [xv0] w [rh] [uh] rj[wk] [jf8] 0 w [tlj] [zyk] [xul] [lj8] q [ge] [tlj] e q [lj7] 0k[lW] [zr] [lW] [k0] [kh6] 8 0 e [l0] [k8] [j6] * 0 [pe] [O0] [u] [I$] 6O[pQ] [S$] [S6] [aQ] [u3] % [70] [T!] [y3] [u%] [y2] $ [u96]I[O3] % [T70] [p$] 6 [Q] [T$] [y6] [uQ] [I$] 6O[pQ] [S$] [S6] [aQ] [f%] 7 [WO9] [f!] [d3] [S%] [d2] $ [I96]a[p3] % [O70] [I$] 6 [Q] 3 % [70] $ 6 [Q] 3 % [70] $ 6 [Q] 3 % [70] [O$] p [a$] [S*!]||e t u p u t e t u p u t e t u a u t e t u p u t [e6]tup
About This Music Sheet
MAIA (Lacrimosa of DANA) is a song by Hayato Sonoda. Use your computer keyboard to play MAIA (Lacrimosa of DANA) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:47, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song MAIA (Lacrimosa of DANA) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By Hayato Sonoda
[pl] k l x [ok]|||[ji] h j l [uh]|||[ypg] f g l [uka]| h| [sji] k l x [zod]|||[plf] k l x [okf]| h| [jif] k l z [xto]| x| [ypc] x z l [ukaO] x H k [pjfd]|||S|||[us6] [a0] [se] [tf] [ua5] 0 w [ro] [tqp] [wo] [pe] [ra] [uts]| o| [s9] [ea] [ys] f [d0] r [uh] o [qpf] t i [pd]s[ywa] 9 7 5 [us6] [a0] [se] [tf] [ua3] 0 w [ro] [p4] [a8] [se] [rd] [tof] w 8 f [g2] [f9] [yd] [ts] [raW] f [uWO0] a [yp6] 0 e r [tp] u pasd[pif]|||d| [oha]| g| f| d s [upa]|||s p e t u t p u [pe] [wo] [yi9] e [yo] e [pi] s| a [O0] r [us] r [dO] u [ra] 0 [ua6] 0 e r| t e [up] [tp6] 0 e 0 6| [up5]asd[if4] 8 q e| q [yd4] q [oha5] 9 [wig] r [uf] w [yd9] [wts] [ra6] 0 e r| e [ts0] [pe] 6 0 e r t u [pj] [oh] [ypg]| h| j l| k [uaH]| l| z| c x e r t u p a s f psfj
Level: 6Length: 01:46IntermediateConfession (The Legend of Heroes VI)
Hayato Sonoda
[ts] f h k [pl] k h f [si] g h l [oh]||ty [t8] u o a s apop o [30] d dss a s apopo [q4] ips dff d sp [W%] fhfds d s Oo [ws5] d a sp a [p0]O [fe6] dds s a s [WO%]| [wut] ops h [wihT]h g|| [tqfe] fdss p [tqWO] f dLevel: 5Length: 00:32Intermediate
All I Want For Christmas Is You
Mariah Carey
[se]aspsu[sq]psigpsigs[tf]sgshs[wd]a[hd]ohodoha[se]aspsu[sq]psigpsigs[tf]sgshs[wd]a[hd]oho[td]o[rh]a[se6]aspsu[sq4]psigpsigs[tf8]sgshs[wd5]a[hd]oho[td]o[rh]a[se6]aspsu[sq4]psigpsigs[tf8]sgshs[wd5]so s ssss[se6] p [utse]s[sqi4]ss|[tsqe]sss[us81] s [wuts]s[wso5]ps|[ywsr]ssp[us6]|[utse]s[sqi4]ps|[tsqe]ssp[us81] s [wuts]s[ws5]d [od] [ywsr]sss[pfe6] s [utse]p[sqi4]ps|[tsqe]sss[us81] p [wuts]s[wso5] s|[ywsr]psp[use6] p [tsqe] [si81]p [si] [tsqe]sss[wd5]ddfdss [sl][sl][ka][ka][pj] [oh][pj][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld]h[ld][lh9][zd][ywrh]d[h9][jd][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[s8]f[sf81][of][wsf][of][wusrh]o[hd5][ha][jd][ha][d9][ja][ywsro]sss[use6] p [utse]s[sqi4]ss44 [tsqe]ss [us81] s [wuts] [wso5]ps55 [ywsr]ssp[use6] f [utse]s[sqi4]ps44 [tsqe]sss[us81]sss[wuts]s[yws5]d[od]5[s5] [ywsr]ssd[pfe6] h [utse]s[sqi4]ss44 [tsqe]sss[us81]|[wuts]s[yws5]sd55 [ywsr]sss[use6] p [utse]s[sqi4]ss44 [tsqe]sss[wod5]dd|ss[sl][sl][ka][ka][pj] [oh][pj][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld]h[ld][lh9][zd][ywrh]d[h9][jd][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[s8]f[sf81][of][wsf][of][wutsh]o[whd5][ha][jd][ha][d9][ja][ywr] [sp9][da][usfe6]a[usf0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]p[us8][pd][usf81]o[wusf]o[wuto]s[wda5]oya[d9]o[ywra]o[sp9][da][usfe6]a[us0]p[utse]p[qpi4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[sp8][da][sf81]o[wsf]o[wutsh]o[whd5][ha][jd]a[hd9][ja][ywrd]a[sp9]d[fe6] [pf] [utse]s[qpf4] s [pf] [tsqe] ff[s81]s[of] [wuts] [wof5]|[of] [ywr] [of] [e6] [pf]f[utse]s[qpf4] s [pf] [tsqe] ff[s81] [of] [wuts]s[wof5] s [of] [ywsr] [of] [e6] [pf] [utse]s[qpf4] d [si] [tsqe] ff[s81]s[of] [wuts] [wof5] d [so] [ywr] f [e6] [pf]f[utfe]f[qpf4] g [pf] [tsqe] ff[s81] [of] ss[of] [sl][sl][ka][ka][pj] [oh][pj][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld]h[ld][lh9][zd][ywrh]d[h9][jd][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[s8]f[sf81][of][wsf][of][wutsh]o[whd5][ha][jd][ha][d9][ja][ywrd]a[sp9][da][sfe6]a[sf0]p[utse]s[sq4]ssp[g8]p[tsqpe]s[s8][da][sf81]o[wsf]o[ws]s[wutpd]s[wa5]o[h9]o[ywsr]s[s9][da][sfe6]a[s0]p[utse]s[sqp4]psp[g8]p[tsqe]s[s8][da][sf81]p[wsf]p[wuts]s[wod5]aod[h9]o[ywsr]s[sp9][da][sfe6]a[sf0]p[utse]p[sq4]psp[g8]i[tsqe]s[sp8][da][sf81]o[wsf]o[ws]s[wutpd]s[wa5]o[h9]o[ywsr]p[sp9][da][sfe6]a[sp0]a[utse]p[sqp4]psp[g8]i[tsqe]s[sp8][da][sf81]s[wsf]s[wutd]s[wda5][so][sl][sl][ka9][ka][ywrpj][oh]9[pj][se6]aspsu[sq4]psigpsigs[tf8]sgshs[wd5]a[hd]ohodoha[se]aspsu[sq]psigpsigs[tf]sgshs[wd]a[hd]ohah
Level: 6Length: 03:23IntermediateHall Of Fame (Alternative)
The Script
8 [wt] 8 [wt] 0 [wr] 0 [wr] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 0 [wr] 0 [wr] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] [8f] [wt] 8 [wt] [0a] [wr] 0 [wr] [0d] [wr]a0 [wrd] [qs] [et] q [et] q [ets] qs[et] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] [qs] [et] q [et] [qs] [et] q [et] [0a] [Wry] 0 [Wry] [0d] [Wry]a0 [Wry] 6 [0ep] 6s[0e] [6s] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qep] [6s] [qe] [6s] [qe] 6 [qe] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] [0a] [wr]o0 [wrp] [0a] [wr]s0 [wr] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] [6t] [qe] 6p[qe] [8o] [0w] 8 [0w] 8 [0w] 8 [0w] [4e] [8q] 4 [8q] [4i] [8q] 4 [8q] [8u] [0w]u8 [0wu] [8u] [0w]u8 [0w] [5y] [9w]r5 [9wt] [5y] [9w] 5 [9wy] [6u] [0e] [6p] [0e] [6s] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qef] 6d[qe] [6s] [qe]s6 [qe] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] [8o] [wt] 8 [wt] [0a] [wr]a0 [wra] [0d] [wr]a0 [wr] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] [6s] [qe] 6p[qe] [8o] [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] [4e] [8q] 4 [8q] [4i] [8q] 4 [8q] [8u] [0w]u8 [0wu] [8u] [0w]u8 [0w] [5y] [9w]r5 [9wt] [5y] [9w] 5 [9wy] [6u] [0e] [6p] [0e] [6s] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qef] 6d[qe] [6s] [qe] 6 [qes] [8s] [wts]s8 [wts]s8 [wto]o8 [wt] [0a]a[wr] [0a] [wra]a0a[wr]a0a[wr] [6p] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [6f] [qe] [6d] [qe] [6s] [qe] [6s] [qes] [8s]s[wt]s8 [wts] [8s]o[wt]o8 [wt] [0a] [wra]a0a[wr]d0a[wra] [0a] [wra] [6p] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0ep] [6f] [qe] [6d] [qe] [6s] [qe] 6 [qe] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] [8f] [wt] 8 [wt] [0a] [wr]a0 [wra] [0d] [wr]a0 [wr] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] [6s] [qe] 6s[qe] [8s] [0w] 8 [0w] 8 [0w] 8 [0w] [4e] [8q] 4 [8q] [4i] [8q] 4 [8q] [8u] [0w]u8 [0wu] [8u] [0w]u8 [0wu] [5y] [9w] 5 [9wr]y[5y] [9w] 5 [9wy] [6u] [0e] [6p] [0e] [6s] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qef] 6d[qe] [6s] [qe]s6 [qes] [8s] [wts]s8 [wts]s8 [wto]o8 [wt] [0a] [wra] [0a] [wra]a0a[wr]a0a[wr] [6p] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [6f] [qe] [6d] [qes] [6s] [qe] [6s] [qes] [8s]s[wt]s8 [wts]s[8s]o[wt]o8 [wt] [0a] [wra]a0a[wr]d0a[wra] [0a] [wra] [6p] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0ep] [6f] [qe] [6d] [qe] [6s] [qe]s6 [qe] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] [8f] [wt] 8 [wt] [0a] [wr]a0 [wra] [0d] [wr] [0a] [wr] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] [6s] [qe] 6s[qe] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] [4e] [8q] 4 [8q] [4p] [8q] 4 [8q] [8u] [0w]t8 [0wy] [8u] [0w]i8 [0w] [5y] [9w] 5 [9wr]y[5y] [9w] 5 [9wy] [6u] [0e] [6p] [0e] [6s] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qei] 6p[qe] [6s] [qe] 6 [qe] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] [8f] [wt] 8 [wt] [0a] [wr] 0 [wr] [0d] [wr]a0 [wrd] [qs] [et] q [et] q [ets] qs[et] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] [qs] [et] q [et] [qs] [et] q [et] [0a] [Wry] 0 [Wry] [0d] [Wry]a0 [Wry] 6 [0ep] 6s[0e] [6s] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qep] [6s] [qe] [6s] [qe] 6 [qe] [8tuos]
Level: 5Length: 03:24IntermediateSomewhere Over the Rainbow (The Wizard of Oz) (Alternative)
Judy Garland