01:20 -
-5 -
120 -
[yg] hg f[id] sa o
[tf] gf d[us] ap s
[ia] pO d[us] ap f
[yg] f[ud] s[oh]|Cv|
[yg] hg f[id] sa d
[th] jh g[uf] ds f
[ji] hg j[yk] jh k
[ul] kj k[uH]|[uZ]x|
i|y|[ur] x Z z
l k j h g f d s
a p o i u y t r
[yg] hg f[id] sa o
[tf] gf d[us] ap s
[ia] pO d[us] ap f
[yg] f[ud] s[oh]|Cv|
[yg] hg f[id] sa d
[th] jh g[uf] ds f
[ji] hg j[yk] jh k
[ul] kj k[tl]|1
About This Music Sheet
March (The Nutcracker) is a song by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Use your computer keyboard to play March (The Nutcracker) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:20, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song March (The Nutcracker) is classified in the genre of Christmas Songs on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Fun, Happy, Occasion.
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Other Songs By Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
8 [0w] [0w]
8 [0w] [0w]
8 [0w] [0w]
8 [0w] [0w]
[8w] [0t] [wu]
[8i] [qW] [qW]u
[8u] [0w] [0w]
8 [0w] [0w]
[8w] [0t] [wu]
[8i] [Wqu] [qW]y
[8o] [0w] [0wt]
8 wert
^ EtTy
[qe] yuio
u [Qt] [Qty]
[8w] [0t] [wu]
[8i] [qW] [qW]u
[8u] [0w] [0w]
8 [0w] [0w]
[8w] [0t] [wu]
[8i] [Wqu] [qW]y
[8o] [0w] [0wt]
8 tyuI
6 iIop
$ PaSD
[8f] [0w] [0wa]
[5d] [0w] [0wp]
[9s] [qe] [qei]
[wa]saP a
[6g] [8q] [8qs]
[5f] [qw] [qwa]
[8d] [0w] [0wo]
[5s]dsa s
[8f] [0w] [0wa]
[5d] [0w] [0wp]
[9s] [qe] [qei]
[wa]saP a
[etig]| s
[Teig]| S
[Eyig]| d
[8f] [0w] [0wa]
[5d] [0w] [0wp]
[9s] [qe] [qei]
[wa]saP a
[6g] [8q] [8qs]
[5f] [qw] [qwa]
[8d] [0w] [0wo]
[5s]dsa s
[8f] [0w] [0wa]
[5d] [0w] [0wp]
[9s] [qe] [qei]
[wa]saP a
[0wsj]| [0wsh]
[(Swj]| [(Swh]
[9wdk] df[9tg]G
[wrh] yreW
[8w] [0t] [wu]
[8i] [qW] [qW]u
[8u] [0w] [0w]
8 [0w] [0w]
[8w] [0t] [wu]
[8i] [Wqu] [qW]y
[8o] [0w] [0wt]
8 wert
^ EtTy
[qe] yuio
u [5q] [5qy]
[80t] asao
[qp]api [9ioa]
[8uos] klkh
[qj]kjg [9ghk]
[5fhl] 8 0
q [79w]|s
[8s] [5sf] [3sfh]
[1fhl]Level: 6Length: 01:36IntermediateWaltz Of The Flowers (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
e [up] e [ia]
e [Is] e [iO]
e [up] e [ia]
e [Is] e [iO]
e [tl]j[el] [yk]
[eH] [Yj] [eh]h[uh]
[eG]G[IG] [eg]g[Og]
[ef]j[eg]j[ef] [p o i u Y]
sp[ys] a [tg] f
[rl]ll [rk]kk [rj]jj
[uH]k[ij]k[uH] [u y t r e]
[ul]j[el] [ik]
[eH] [Ij] [eh]h[oh]
[eG]G[pG] [eg]g[ag]
[uf]j[ig]j[uf] [s a p o I]
jGj [a p O I u]
hfh [p o I u y]
gdg [o i u y t] [ru]a[es] 6Level: 6Length: 00:40IntermediateDance Of the Sugar Plum Fairy
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
[6f]| |[9p] a s d [6f]||s [6f]||s [6f]||p [qs] p i s [6p]| |9 d s a [6f]| |[9p] a s d [6f]||s [6f]||s [6f]||p [qs] p i s [6p]| |p| [wa]| s| [qd]| f g [0h]||g [0f]| g h [9j]||h [8g]| h j [7k]||j [6f] s a p [wa]| s| [qd]| f g [0h]||g [0f]| g h [9j]||h [qg]| h j [^J]||g d| g J [7k]||G [0k]||f [6f]| |[9p] a s d [6f]||s [6f]||s [6f]||p [qs] p i s [6p]| |9 d s a [6f]| |[9p] a s d [6f]||s [6f]||s [6f]||p [qs] p i s [6p]| |p| [wa]| s| [qd]| f g [0h]||g [0f]| g h [9j]||h [8g]| h j [7k]||j [6f] s a p [wa]| s| [qd]| f g [0h]||g [0f]| g h [9j]||h [qg]| h j [0x] z k H f d a O u y r W 0 9 8 7 [6f]| |p a s d [6f]||s f||s f [60] s [60] p [60] u [60] s [60] p [60] u [60] t [60] [60f]| |p a s d [60f]||s f||s u| |e r t y u||t eLevel: 5Length: 02:04Intermediate
Swan Lake
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
6 0 e t u| | 4 8 q e t| | [f6] 0 e t [up] a s d [f6] 0 e [ts] [uf]||s [f4] 8 q [pe] [ts] p i s [p6] 0 e t u d s a [f6] 0 e t [up] a s d [f6] 0 e [ts] [uf]||s [f4] 8 q [pe] [ts] p i s [p6] 0 e t u| | [a5] 9 [ws] r [yd] r [wf] [g9] [h3] 7 0 [wg] [rf] w [g0] [h7] [j4] 8 q [he] [tg] e [qh] [j8] [k3] 7 0 [wj] [rf] [ws] [a0] [p7] [a5] 9 [ws] r [yd] r [wf] [g9] [h3] 7 0 [wg] [rf] w [g0] [h7] [j4] 8 q [he] [tg] e [qh] [j8] [^J] q E [yg] [id] y [gE] [qJ] [kaGD] Q r [YG] [kaGD] Y r QLevel: 6Length: 00:51Intermediate
Swan Lake Finale
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]y[t8] [rqe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [uqoe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][ute3] [wre0] [tqe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] 9 [yqe]u[i6] [yqe] [u6]y[te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [y9] [qe] [e6] [qe] 9 [tqe]r[t6] [qe] [W3] [W0] 7 [W0] 3 [uW0]i[u7] [WO0] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] [y9] [yqe]u[i6] [qoe] [u6]y[te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [y9] [qe] [e6] [qe] [e9] [qe]W[e6] [tqe] [r3] [W0] 7 [W0] [W30] ui[u7] o [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [tsi8] [qe] 4 [utsqe][yia][uts8] [yrqea] [utp6] [e0] [ute3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][ute3] [wre0] [tqe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] [te4] [qe] [qe8] [qe] [e60][uq][pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [te4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ute6][ro][pe0] 3 [e0] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] [te4][ri][qpe] 8 [qe] [te4] [qe] [qe8] [qe] [e60][uq][pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [uqoe] [up6] [yoe0] [ut3] [e0] [e6]r[ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qoe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [yre0] [te3] [e0] [e6]r[te0][yr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [tqe]y[u8] [yqoe] [up6] [yoe0] [ut3] [e0] [e6]r[ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qea] [tsi8] [qe] 4 [utsqe][yia][uts8] [yrqea] [utp6] [yre0] [tsp3] [e0] [e6]r[tsp0][yra][tsp3] [roea0] [qpe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] 9 [yqe]u[i6] [yqe] [ut6][yr][te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [ye9] [qe] [qe6] [qe] 9 [tqe]r[t6] [qe] [rW3] [W0] 7 [W0] 3 [uW0]i[u7] [WO0] [pi9] [qe] [yi6] [qe] [ye9] [yqe][ur][yi6] [uqoe] [up6][yi][ute0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [ye9] [qe] [yi6] [qe] [p9] [tqpe][rO][tp6] [sqpe] [ra3] [W0] [O7] [W0] [uaWO30]|7|[p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]y[t8] [rqe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [uqoe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][ute3] [wre0] [tqe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] 9 [yqe]u[i6] [yqe] [u6]y[te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [y9] [qe] [e6] [qe] 9 [tqe]r[t6] [qe] [W3] [W0] 7 [W0] 3 [uW0]i[u7] [WO0] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] [y9] [yqe]u[i6] [qoe] [u6]y[te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [y9] [qe] [e6] [qe] [e9] [qe]W[e6] [tqe] [r3] [W0] 7 [W0] [W30] ui[u7] o [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [tsi8] [qe] 4 [utsqe][yia][uts8] [yrqea] [utp6] [e0] [ute3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][ute3] [wre0] [tqe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] [te4] [qe] [qe8] [qe] [e60][uq][pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [te4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ute6][ro][pe0] 3 [e0] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] [te4][ri][qpe] 8 [qe] [te4] [qe] [qe8] [qe] [e60][uq][pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [uqoe] [up6] [yoe0] [ut3] [e0] [e6]r[ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qoe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [yre0] [te3] [e0] [e6]r[te0][yr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [tqe]y[u8] [yqoe] [up6] [yoe0] [ut3] [e0] [e6]r[ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qea] [tsi8] [qe] 4 [utsqe][yia][uts8] [yrqea] [utp6] [yre0] [tsp3] [e0] [e6]r[tsp0][yra][tsp3] [roea0] [qpe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] 9 [yqe]u[i6] [yqe] [ut6][yr][te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [ye9] [qe] [qe6] [qe] 9 [tqe]r[t6] [qe] [rW3] [W0] 7 [W0] 3 [uW0]i[u7] [WO0] [pi9] [qe] [yi6] [qe] [ye9] [yqe][ur][yi6] [uqoe] [up6][yi][ute0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [ye9] [qe] [yi6] [qe] [p9] [tqpe][rO][tp6] [sqpe] [ra3] [W0] [O7] [W0] [uaWO30]|7|[p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe]
Level: 6Length: 06:19IntermediateGray Skies, Dark Days (Wynncraft)
o [d8]f w y u|o h [od] 3 7|w|o h [so] 4 8 w [ti]|[wu] 8 [wt]y 5|5 as[ya] o y t [yw1]u 5 9 [wu]|w 9 [yw] 3 y 7 [yw]||0 pa[tsi2]|9 [yod3]|o w [sohd] 5 w t y o s d h v| |o|i|[yw1]u y [wu] [y5] [wu] i [wu8] [ywo] 3 7|w r t t [tp] 4 [p8] [wtp] [rp94] p o [ri] [yo] 3 7 w [wt6]|u [to] [ie] 4 [u8] [ie] [wu] 4 [yw] 9 w [ywo3] I [yo] [iT] [w6] u 0 [ie] 2 u [tie9] u [ie] u [wt] [wt]y|[ywt5] [ywt5]|5 5 [ywto] w [yw1]u y [wu] [y5] [wu] i [wu8] [ywo] [93]|9 w|t t [utp] 4 [p8] [wtp] [rp94] p o [ri] [yo] 3 7 w [wt6]|u o [tie] [82] u [ti] [uqe5] y q r w [ywo3] I [yo] [iT] [w6] u 0 [ie] 2 u [tie8] u [wt95]y t r t [tiW1] u y [yw]u 5 u [wu] [ut] 6 u [yw] [ut] 0 p [us] [ya] 3 [u7] [yw] [yw]u 7|[wu] o [utp4] p [tp] [ya94]|a [s9] [yto] [yt3] 8 w [rW0%]|u [ur] [ut] 6 [u0] [yw] [ut] 0 p [us] [ya] 3 [a7] [ywa] p [yro]|w u [tie82] u [ie] [wu3] [ie4] [of] [q4] [of] 5 [so]d [s9] [id] w 5 [us] o [od1]f f [wof] [tof] w o [o8] [yod] 3 [d7] [wod] [yod]|7 [wa] a [tso4] [tso8] [tsqo] [yqoda4]|a [yp] [ro] 3 7 r [wt6]|u [wu] [tie] 2 u [ie] [ywto5]|o [ro4] i [wu3] u o [wus6]|0 w sd[sif82] d s [od30] s [sqo4] d [so]d|5 5 [sohd] [sohd] [sig] 5 o [od1]f f [wof] [tof] w o [o8] [yod] 3 [d7] [wod] [yod]|7 [ywa] [ya] [tso4] [tso8] [tsqo] [yqoda94] 9 [ya] [yp] [ro] 3 7 r [wt6] 0 u [wu] [tie] 2 u [ie] [ywto5]|o [wro4] i [wu3] u [d7] [us] [w6]|w sd[sif82] d s [sod5] 5 s [si] [us] 4 8 w [yqoda4]|9 w as[yod3] h a [yso] @ ^ w|[utq82] i [ywto30] [id] [us]|4 8 w [ya]|w [tp] 8 [ywto5]|5 as[ya] o [yw] w [yw1]u y [wu] [y5] [wu] i [wu8] [ywo] 3 7|w r t t [tp] 4 [p8] [wtp] [rp94] p o [ri] [yo] 3 7 w [wt6]y|u [to] [ie] 4 [u8] [ie] [wu] 4 [yw] 9 w [ywo3] I [yo] [iT] [w6] u 0 [ie] 2 u [tie8] u [wt95]y t r t [tiW1] u y [yw]u 5 u [wu] [ut] 6 [u0] [yw] [ut] 0 [ya] [us] [tp] [ya3] [u7] [yw] [yw]u 7|[wu] o [utp4] p [tp] [ya94]|a [s9] [yto] 3 8 w [rW0%]|u [ur] [ut] 6 [u0] [yw] [ut] 0 [us] [tp] p [ya3] [a7] [ywa] [tp] 0 [yro] w u [tqie2] u [ie] [wu3] [ie4] [of] [q4] [uof] 5 [so][yod] [tsi9] [yod] 5 5 [us] o [od1]f f [wof] [tof] w o [o8] [yod] 3 [d7] [wod] [yod]|7 [ywa] [ya] [tsoi4] [tso] [tsqoi] [yqoda4] q a [yp] [ro] 3 7 r [wt6]|u [wu] [tie] [82] u [ie] [ywto5]|o [ro4] i [wu3] u o [wus6]||w sd[spif2] d s [od30] s [sqo4] d [so]d|5 5 [sohd] [sohd] [sig] 5 o [od1]f f [wof] [tof] w o [o8] [yod] 3 [d7] [wod] [yod]|7 [ywa] [ya] [tsoi4] [tsoi8] [tsqoi] [yqoda94] 9 [ya] [yp] [ro] 3 7 r [wt6] 0 u [wu] [tie] 2 u [ie] [ywto5]|o [wro4] i [wu3] u [d7] [us] [w6]|w sd[sif2] d s [sod5] 5 s [si] [us] 8 w t [yo]|[ti] W o [od8]f [wf] f [of] t o o [od] 0 [rd] d [od] y|a a [sqo] s [si] [yqida]|o [pj] [pjd] 3 [ohd] 7 [wt6] 0u u [tie] 2 u [ie] [ywto5]|o [wro4] i [ywu3] u [yod%] [us] [w6] 0 w sd[sif82] d s [sod5] 5 s [si] [us] 1 5 9 [tq]|0|sd[sif9] d s [wod]d| |5 5| |d s [ywso8]|||[ywto81]
Level: 7Length: 04:00IntermediateAloha (Hospital)
Jo Jung-suk
[f9]gfd [s9]dsp 9[yo] [p9] [f9]gfd [s9]dsp 9[yO] [f9]gfd [s9]dsp 9[o9] [p9] [f9]gfd9[s8] [d9] [pe] [WO] [wo] [qi][f92]gfd [s92]dsp 9[yo] [p92] [f92]gfd [s92]dsp 9[yO] [f92]gfd [s92]dsp 9[o92] [p92] [f92]gfd[92][s81] [d92] [pe] [WO] [wo] [qi]89 [e0]o[e9] [t8] [ut9]9[ut]6 %5[ut]5 [yr]4 5 64 4[te]8[te][te8]89 0[te]9[te][te8] 99 [te6] [ye6][yr%]5[e5] 5 4456 6e8 889 [e0]o[e9] [t8] [ut9]9[ut]6 %5[ut]5 [yr]4 5 64 4[te]8[te][te8]89 0[te]9[te][te8] 99 [te6] [te6][te%]55 [tsp5] [tsp4][tsp4]56e6e8t8[uf8][g9][uf][d0]u9[us][d8][us][p9][y9] [o6] [up%]5f[g5][uf]d4 [ys5]d[s6][p4]y4[yO]8o8[f8][g9][of][d0]u9[ts][d8][ts][p9][e9] [o6] [pe6]%[f5][g5]fd5s4[d4]5[p6]e[O6]e[o8]t[i8][uf8][g9][uf][d0]u9[us][d8][us][p9][y9] [o6] [up%]5[uf][g5][uf]d4 [ys5]d[s6][p4]y4[yO]9o9[f8][g9][of][d0] 9[us][d8]s[p9][e9] [to6] [yp6]%[f0][qg][f0][d9] y y y i y [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i0[so6] [pigd] [ohPD%] ([ohWPD] ([pigd]w ww99 [yw] [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i06 [pigd] [ohWPD] W[ohPD(] W[pigd]w w 99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[s6] d [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[d6] [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww9[s9] w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[s6] d [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[d6] [sohWD] W( W[igdP]w w 99 w 89 [e0]o[e9] [t8] [ut9]9[ut]6 %5[ut]5 [yr]4 5 64 4[te]8[te][te8]89 0[te]9[te][te8] 99 [te6] [ye6][yr%]5[e5] 5 4456 6e8 889 [e0]o[e9] [t8] [ut9]9[ut]6 %5[ut]5 [yr]4 5 64 4[te]8[te][te8]89 0[te]9[te][te8] 99 [te6] [te6][te%]55 [tsp5] [tsp4][tsp4]56e6e8t8[uf8][g9][uf][d0]u9[us][d8][us][p9][y9] [o6] [up%]5f[g5][uf]d4 [ys5]d[s6][p4]y4[yO]8o8[f8][g9][of][d0]u9[ts][d8][ts][p9][e9] [o6] [pe6]%[f5][g5]fd5s4[d4]5[p6]e[O6]e[o8]t[i8][uf8][g9][uf][d0]u9[us][d8][us][p9][y9] [o6] [up%]5[uf][g5][uf]d4 [ys5]d[s6][p4]y4[yO]9o9[f8][g9][of][d0] 9[us][d8]s[p9][e9] [to6] [yp6]%[f0][qg][f0][d9] y y y i y [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i0[so6] [pigd] [ohPD%] ([ohWPD] ([pigd]w ww99 [yw] [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i06 [pigd] [ohWPD] W[ohPD(] W[pigd]w w 99 [yw] [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i0[so6] [pigd] [ohPD%] ([ohWPD] ([pigd]w ww99 [yw] [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i06 [pigd] [ohWPD] [ohWPD][ohPD(] W[pigd]w w 99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[s6] d [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[d6] [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww9[s9] w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[s6] d [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[d6] [sohWD] W( W[igdP]w w 99 w [yi^] qE q[utpe] [ye]0o06 [tYW] W( W[yE]wow [o9]9 [wi] [yi^] qE q[utpe] [ye]0o06 i [toYW] W[o(] W[yiE]wowp9[s9] [wd] [yi^] qE q[utpe] [ye]0o06 y [toYW] W[o(] W[yiE]w wt99 [yw] [yi^] [yq]E q[ute] [ye]0 [y0]6 t [wtY%] Y Y|||y y y i y [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i0[so6] [pigd] [ohPD%] ([ohWPD] ([pigd]w ww99 [yw] [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i06 [pigd] [ohWPD] W[ohPD(] W[pigd]w w 99 [yw] [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i0[so6] [pigd] [ohPD%] ([ohWPD] ([pigd]w ww99 [yw] [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i06 [pigd] [ohWPD] [ohWPD][ohPD(] W[pigd]w w 99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[s6] d [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[d6] [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww9[s9] w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[s6] d [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[d6] [sohWD] W( W[igdP]w w 99 w [f92]gfd [s92]dsp 9[yo] [p92] [f92]gfd [s92]dsp 9[yO] [f92]gfd [s92]dsp 9[o92] [p92] [xf92][gc][xf][zd] [sl1] [zd2]
Level: 7Length: 03:47IntermediateLast Surprise (Persona 5) (Intermediate)
Shoji Meguro