02:55 -
2 [6qe] 4 [6qe]
2 [6qe] 4 [6qe]
[2e] y [6qei] p [4d] p [6qei] y
[2e] y [6qei] p [4d] [6qep]
[18] s [0euf] j [6l] j [0euf] s
[18p] s [0euf] j [6l] [0eu]
[3] L [8wrl] k [4s] [W8ql]
[3s] S [8wrs] a a a [4a] [W8qt]
[(8e] T t r [79W] T t r
[^9w] i u [6*W] e
[2] y [6qei] p [4d] p [6qei] y
[2e] y [6qei] p [4d] [6qep]
[18] s [0euf] j [6l] j [0euf] s
[18p] s [0euf] [6] [0euf]
[%] g [Y0rf] D D D [6D] [0etu]
[%Y] i [Y0ru] H [6D] [0etu]
[%(Y] o s D h D s D
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[18th] [oD] [18ts] [oD] [18th] D [18ts] [29y] D
[@(Yh] [4qi] D [5wos] [%WO] D [5woh] D [5wos] [%WO] [oD]
[^EPh] [8ts] [Dl] [9ydZ] [(YD] [lv] [9ydv] [8ts] [hZ] [^EPl] [8ts] [Dh]
[o^EP] [%WO] [Yo] [5wto] [4qi] [Yo] [@(Yo] [29y] [wY] [18t] Y
[^od] P [9wydh] h [J5z] h [9wydh] P
[^dh] J [9wyhz] v [5zB] [9wydz]
[$] D [T9ed] S [5y] [9wED]
[$d] D [T9ed] S S S [5S] [E9wy]
[49qe] y i p d [Ph] [pg] [Id]
[id] [Eh] [eg] [qd] [Qd] p [8I] y
[4qy] [5w] [ei] [6ep] [^E] [id] [6eg] [id] [6ep] [^E] [ei]
[18tp] [29y] [id] [30ug] [4qi] [dj] [30uz] [29y] [dj] [18tg] [29y] [id]
[18ti] [^E] [pd] [6ed] [5w] [gj] [4qH] [30] [29p]
[18ep] [30] [6ep] [30] [ep] 7 [29] [%ep] [29ra]
[6ts] [1yd] 8 [4uf] [18ig] [5uf] 7 [3uf] [7ig]
[4uoh] [pj] 6 [29uak] [sl] 6 [3udz] [fx] 5 [18fgc] [hv] 5
[%HV] [fx] [SL] [pj] [IG] [QYD] [ts] [8WO]
[2y] [6qe] [4] [6qe]
[2] [6qe] [4] [6qe]
[2ep] d [6qeig] j [4dz] p [6qeig] y
[2ep] d [6qeig] j [4dz] [6qepj]
[18] s [0eux] j [6l] p [0euf] s
[18p] s [0eux] j [6l] [0eu]
[3] L [8wrs] a [4t] [W8ql]
[3s] S [8wrs] a a a [4a] [8qt]
[(1e] 7 8 T t r [9W] ^ 7 T t r
[9w] 6 ^ [6epgz] [gz] [gz] [29ydgjz]
About This Music Sheet
Montagues and Capulets (Dance of the Knights) is a song by Sergei Prokofiev. Use your computer keyboard to play Montagues and Capulets (Dance of the Knights) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:55, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song Montagues and Capulets (Dance of the Knights) is classified in the genre of Classical on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Inspirational.
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6| [utp]| | 2| [uro]| | 6| [utp]| | 2| [uro]| | [j6]| [utp]| | [h8]| [utpg]| f| [d5]| [yofE]| g| [f2]| [yied]| s| [f6]| [ute]| | [h3]| [wur]| h| [d5]| [wrpi9]| | 2| [tie]| | [d5]| [wrpi9]| | 2| [tsie]| g| [h5]| [uro]| j| [d5]| [tife]| g| [a5]| [utpe]| o| [p2]| [tie]| | [y5]| [tie]| | 5| [uro]| | [f1]| [utp]| | [g3]| [uroh]| g| [f1]| [utpd]| f| 3| [uro]| | 1| [utpd]| s| [a3]| [usro]| a| [p6]| [tie]| | 2| [uro]| | 6| [utp]| | 2| [uro]| | [j6]| [utp]| | [h8]| [utpg]| f| [d5]| [yofE]| g| [f2]| [yied]| s| [f6]| [ute]| | [h3]| [wur]| h| [s3]| [tiea]| p| [a3]| [wur]| s| [d2]| [tie]| | [f2]| [utp]| | 2| [ute]| | 2| [tie]| | [h5]| [uro]| j| [d5]| [tife]| g| [a5]| [utpe]| o| [p2]| [tie]| | [y5]| [tie]| | 5| [uro]| | [f1]| [utp]| | [g3]| [uroh]| g| [f1]| [utpd]| f| 3| [uro]| | 1| [utpd]| s| [a3]| [usro]| a| [p6]| [tie]| | 2| [uro]| | 6| [utp]| | 2| [uro]| | [utsp63]Level: 7Length: 03:45Intermediate
Gymnopedie No. 3
Erik Satie
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La Valse D’Amelie (Amelie)
Yann Tiersen
[se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [uo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo] 9 [yo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [uo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] [yo] [so9] [yod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [whda] [yo] 9 [yo] [whda] 0 w [h0] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [pfe] [sp][us0] [spfe] [wod] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqi] [tpi8][sqi] [wpi] [upe] [up] 0 [wup] e [up][a0]sa[upe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [pjfe]|0|e|0|e|0|e|0 w [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo]9 [ywo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] 0 [wso] [od0] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [sp9] [yo] [woa]|0|e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wup] e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wuph] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [fe] [sp][s0] [spfe] [wd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpi] [pe] [up] 0 [wup] e p[a0]sa[pe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [sjfe] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [upo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo] 9 [yo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [uo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] [yo] [so9] [yod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [whda] [yo] 9 [yo] [whda] 0 w [h0] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [pfe] [sp][us0] [spfe] [wod] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqi] [tpi8][sqi] [wpi] [upe] [up] 0 [wup] e [up][a0]sa[upe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [pjfe]|0|e|0|e|0|e|0 w [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo]9 [ywo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] 0 [wso] [od0] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [sp9] [yo] [woa]|0|e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wup] e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wuph] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [fe] [sp][s0] [spfe] [wd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpi] [pe] [up] 0 [wup] e p[a0]sa[pe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [pjfe]
Level: 6Length: 04:16IntermediateAmongst the Clouds (Wynncraft)