My Way (Frank Sinatra)

Frank Sinatra 22 October 2023

1| [wtu]| 5| 8|
3| [ruo]| 7| 0|
2| [tip]| 6| 9|
[5iad]| 9 7 6| 5 w [1u]| |
5 w [8u] y [7u]| |
0 w [7u] y [^u]| |
0 w [^u] y [6y]| T| 0| 6 e [2i]| |
6 e [9i] u [2i]| |
6 e [9i] u [5i]| |
9 o [5y] y [1i]| u| 5| 8 I [1o]| |
5 I [8o] p [1o]| |
5 p [8u] o [4i]| |
8 i [1i] u [4o]| i| 8| 4 i [1u]| |
5 w [8i] u [5y]| |
[9r] t5y [4y]| |
4 3 2 [1t]| 5| 6| 7 w [1u]| |
5 w [8u] y [7u]| |
0 w [7u] y [^u]| |
0 w [^u] y [6y]| T| 0| 6 e [2i]| |
6 e [9i] u [2i]| |
6 e [9i] u [5i]| |
9 o [5y] y [1i]| u| 5| 8 I [1o]| |
5 I [8o] p [1o]| |
5 p [8u] o [4i]| |
8 i [1i] u [4o]| i| 8| 4 i [1u]| |
5 w [8i] u [5y]| |
[9r] t5y [4y]| |
4 3 2 [1t]| |
[5u] i8o [1o]| |
5 p [8o] I [1o]| |
5 I [8o] p [4p]| |
[8o] o [1p] o [4p]| |
8 p [4a] s [2s]| |
6 p [2s] p [5a]| |
9 a [5s] d [3d]| |
7 f [3a] d [6s]| |
0 p [6a] s [2s]| |
6 p [9s] p [5a]| |
9 a [2s] d [5d]| |
9| 5| [1s]| 5| 6| 7 w [1u]| |
5 w [8u] y [7u]| |
0 w [7u] y [^u]| |
0 w [^u] y [6y]| T| 0| 6 e [2i]| |
6 e [9i] u [2i]| |
6 e [9i] u [5i]| |
9 o [5y] y [1i]| u| 5| 8 I [1o]| |
5 I [8o] p [1o]| |
5 p [8u] o [4i]| |
8 i [1i] u [4o]| i| 8| 4 i [1u]| |
5 w [8i] u [5y]| |
[9r] t5y [4y]| |
4 3 2 [1t]| |
[5u] i8o [1o]| |
5 p [8o] I [1o]| |
5 I [8o] p [4p]| |
[8o] o [1p] o [4p]| |
8 p [4a] s [2s]| |
6 p [2s] p [5a]| |
9 a [5s] d [3d]| |
7 f [3a] d [6s]| |
0 p [6a] s [2s]| |
6 p [9s] p [5a]| |
9 a [2s] d [5d]| |
9| 5| [1s]| 5| 8| t

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About This Music Sheet

My Way (Frank Sinatra) is a song by Frank Sinatra. Use your computer keyboard to play My Way (Frank Sinatra) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:12, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song My Way (Frank Sinatra) is classified in the genre of Pop on Virtual Piano.

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    Other Songs By Frank Sinatra

    • [8t] y [wy] t [5y]|w|
      8 t [wy] u [5y]|[wt]|
      [8r] t [wt] r [5t]|w|
      9 r [wt] y [9t]|[qr]|
      [8t] y [wy] t [5y]|w|
      8 t [wy] u [5y]|[wt]|
      [8r] t [wt] r [5t]|w|
      8 r [wt] y [5t]|[wr]|
      [8e] r [wr] e [5r]|w|
      8 e [wr] t [(r]|[8e]|
      [9y] u [6u] y [qu]|6|
      9 y [6u] i [qu]|[6y]|
      [9t] y [6y] t [qy]|6|
      9 t [6y] u [qy]|[6t]|
      [9qr] t [6t] r [9qt]|5|
      9 r [wt] y [5t]|[qr]|
      [%o] i [wi] u [u*]|w| % i [wi] o [o*] i [wi] u
      [6o] i [wi] u [u*]|w| 6 i [wi] o [o*] i [wi] u
      [9i] u [qu] y [6y]|q|
      [%i] u [qu] y [%y]|q|
      [8i] u [wu] y [6y] t [Qr] t
      [9u] y [qy] t [5t] r [qe] r
      [8t] y [wy] t [5y]|w|
      8 t [wy] u [5o] u [wy] t
      [8r] t [wt] r [5t]|w|
      8 r [wt] y [5t]|[wr]|
      [8e] r [qr] e [5r]|q|
      9 r [wt] y [5t]|[wr]|
      [8t] y [wy] t [5y]|w|
      8 t [wy] u [5y]|[wt]|
      [8r] t [wt] r [5t]|w|
      8 r [wt] y [5t]|[wr]|
      [8e] r [wr] e [5r]|w|
      8 e [wr] t [(r]|[8e]|
      [9y] u [6u] y [qu]|6|
      9 y [6u] i [qu]|[6y]|
      [9t] y [6y] t [qy]|6|
      9 t [6y] u [qy]|[6t]|
      [9qr] t [6t] r [9qt]|5|
      9 r [wt] y [5t]|[qr]|
      [%o] i [wi] u [u]|w| % i [wi] o [o*] i [wi] u
      [6o] i [wi] u [u]|w| 6 i [wi] o [o*] i [wi] u
      [9i] u [qu] y [6y]|q|
      [%i] u [qu] y [%y]|q|
      [8i] u [wu] y [6y] t [Qr] t
      [9u] y [qy] t [5t] r [qe] r
      [8t] y [wy] t [5y]|w|
      8 t [wy] u [5o] u [wy] t
      [8r] t [wt] r [5t]|w|
      8 r [wt] y [5t]|[wr]|
      [8e] r [qr] e [5r]|q|
      9 r [wt] y [5t]|[wr]|

      Level: 4
      Length: 02:18
      Strangers In The Night (Frank Sinatra)

      Frank Sinatra

    • [*Wis]| P O o| i| [8ruo]| |8| | [qeto]| i u y| t| [qwry]| |5| | [8ru]| |[6t]||y [9qet]| |5| y| [8ru]| p| [0ro]| u| [9qt]| |5| y| [8u]| [wa]| [0p]| [8u]| [6y]| 0| w| [0t]| [7y]| 0| q| w| W| e| r| [Wu]| [eus]| |[wp]||a [Qup]| |[qY]| a| [0yp]| o| I| o| [Twu]| |[(TP]| p| [9to]| i| u| i| [9uo]| q| e| [ti]| y| 9| q| e| w| r| t| y| [8ru]| |[0et]||y [9t]| q| e| [ry]| [8ru]| p| [0ro]| u| [9t]| q| e| [ry]| [8ru]| a| p| u| [E8y]| |[0E]| t| [qes]| u| o| i| [^y]| q| E| [Ws]| [Qpf]| t| [es]| t d [Oqs]| t| W| [td]| [0od]| [tf]| [es]| t d [(Is]| Q| W| [td]| [9id]| [tf]| [es]| [td]| [wis]| |[Owia]| | [*Wis]| P O o| i| [8ruo]| |1
      Level: 6
      Length: 01:25
      Time After Time (Frank Sinatra)

      Frank Sinatra

    • wwooi u y t w|
      wwy t y t r w|
      e ppo i u y|
      apo oiu uyt|
      w ooi u y t w|
      wwy t y t r w|
      e ppo i u y|
      apo oiu uyt|
      rtyuy r o y|
      ryt tre wer|
      rty uyr o y|||
      oIu I uIo|
      w o i u y t w|
      wwy t y t r w|
      eeppo i u y|
      apo oiu uyt

      Level: 2
      Length: 01:03
      Let it Snow (Easy)

      Frank Sinatra

    • t t [qes] sP|[8p]|o|[qei]|t|8|
      t t[6qo]| i [%qo]| i [50u]|t|8|y|
      [wd] ds|[9QP]|p|[wo]|9|5|
      [7f] d[8s]|s P[8p]|p o[qi]|8|4|t|
      [qes] sP|[8p]|o|[qei]|t|8|
      t t[6qo]| i [%qo]| i [50u]|t|8|y|
      [wd] ds|[9QP]|p|[wo]|9|5|
      [7f] d[8s]|s P[8p]|p o[qi]|8|4|
      u i[80o] po|[wu]|s|[6uo]|e|w|
      u o[9i]|i u[qwy]|t y[8u]|e|w|
      u i[80o]|p o[wu]|s|[8uo]|9|0|w|
      [Q9s] ap|[wia]|p a[8us]|[9i]|[0o]|t|
      [qes] sP|[8p]|o|[qei]|t|8|
      t t[6qo]| i [%qo]| i [50u]|t|8|
      y y[wd] ds|[9QP]|p|[wo]|9|5|
      [7f] d[8s]|s P[8p]|p o[qi]|8|[4pg]

      Level: 5
      Length: 01:04
      Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

      Frank Sinatra


    • r a a[rwu] [rwu] [rwu] [rwu] [rwu] [rwu] s[rwu] [rwu] a[Qeu] [Qeu] [Qeu] [Qeu] [QeY] [QeY] s[QeY] [QeY] a[qeY] [qeY] [qeY] [qeY] [qey] [qey] s[qey] [qey] a[0Wy] [0Wy] [0Wy] [0Wy] [0wy] [0wy] p[0wT] [0wT] [0et] [0et] [0et] [0et] [0Qt] [0Qt] a[0Qt] [0Qt] p[0Qt] [0Qt] [0Qt] [0Qt] p[(Qt] [(Qt] a[(Qt] [(Qt] p[9Qt] [9Qt] [9Qt] [9Qt] [9Qt] [9Qt] a[9Qt] [9Qt] p p[9qt] [9qt] [9qt] [9qt] [9qr] [9qr] O[9qr] [9qr] [80r] [80r] p[80e] a[80e] d[80e] s[80e] u[80e] p[80e] I[70e] [70e] [7(e] [7(e] [80e] [80e] p[80e] [80e] I[7(e] [7(e] [7(e] [7(e] [80e] [80e] [a p] [7(e] o I [tr] [YI] [dsa] a[rwu] [rwu] [rwu] [rwu] [rwu] [rwu] s[rwu] [rwu] a[Qeu] [Qeu] [Qeu] [Qeu] [qeY] [qeY] s[qeY] [qeY] a[qWY] [qWY] [qWy] [ qWy] [0Wy] [0Wy] s[0Wy] [0Wy] a[0wy] [0wy] P P[0wT] P[a P p P] h f G[80e] D[etIp] l[etIp] D[etIp] D[wrYI] f[wru] h[wru] a[wru] d[etu] s[etu] [fu] p I[70r] [70r] [80e] p[80e] I[70r] [70r] [70r] [70r] [80e] [80e] [80e] [80e] I[70r] [70r] [70r] [70r] [7(r] [7(r] [7(e] [7(e] u u[8w] [8w] [8w] [8w] [8E] [8E] I[80e] [80e] u[70e] [70e] [70W] [70W] [70w] [70w] I[70w] [70w] u[^8w] [0Qru] [(QrY] [0wru]
      Level: 6
      Prelude in E Minor

      Frederic Chopin

    • [0o] r [wo] r [0o] r [wa] r [8f] w [0f] w [8f] w [0d] w [wa] y [ra] y [wa] y [ra] y [9I] e [QI] e [9I] e [Qu] e [0wr] o [0wro] u [0wro] u [0wro] p [80wa]| [80wo] o [80wy] a [80w]| [wry]| [wry]| [wry] o [wryo] o [9eQI]| [Q9e] I [9eQI] u [Q9eo]| [0wr] o [0wro] u [0wro] u [0wro] p [80wa]| [80wo] o [80wd] a [80w]| [wry]| [wry]| [wry] o [wryo] p [Q9e]| [Q9e]| [Q9e] a [Q9ea] a [0a] r w r 0 r w r 8 w 0 w 8 [wa] [0a] [wa] [wa] y r y w y r y 9 e Q e 9 [ea] [Qa] [ea] [0a] r w r 0 [ro]p[wp] [rp]a[8p] [wo] [0o] w 8 [wa] [0a] [wa] [wa] y r y w [yo] [ro] [yp] [9I] [eI] [QI] [eo] 9 [ea] [Qa] [ea] [0wroa]| [0wro]| [0wro]| [0wra]-- [80wf]| [80wf]| [80wf] o [80wd] da[wry]| [wry]| [wry] o [wryd] da[Q9e]| [Q9e] p [Q9e] a [Q9ea] a [0a] r w r 0 [ro] [wo] [ru]s8 w 0 w 8 w 0 [wd] [wa] [yd] [ra] [yd] [wa] [yd] [rp] [yo]s9 e Q [eo] [9s] e [Qa] e [0o] [ro] [wo] [ro] [0a] [ra]a[wh] [rG] [8f] [wf] [0f] [wf] [8d] [wd] [0p] [wp] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [wd] [ys] [ra]p[yo] [9I] [eI] [QI] [eI] [9p] [ep] [QI] [eI] [0o] [ro] [wo] [ro] [0a] [ra]a[wh] [rG] [8f] [wf] [0f] [wf] [8d] [wd] [0p] [wp] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [wd] [ys] [ra]p[yo] [9I] [eI] [QI] [eI] [9o] [eo] [Qp] [eo] [0wr] o [0wro] u [0wro] u [0wro] p [80wa]| [80wo] o [80wy] a [80w]| [wry]| [wry]| [wry] o [wryo] o [9eQI]| [Q9e] I [9eQI] u [Q9eo]| [0wr] o [0wro] p [0wro] u [0wro] p [80wa]| [80w] o [80wd] a [80w]| [wry]| [wry]| [wry] o [wryo] p [Q9ep]| [Q9e]| [Q9e] a [Q9ea] a [0a] r w r 0 r w r 8 w 0 w 8 [wa] [0a] [wa] [wa] y r y w y r y 9 e Q e 9 [eo] [Qd] [ed]a0 [ro] [wd] [rd]a0 [ro] [wd] [rd]p8 [wo] [0o] [wp] 8 [wo] [0d] [wd]aw y r y w [yo] [rd] [yd]a9 e Q [ep] 9 e Q e [0o] [ro]p[wo] [ro]d[0a] [rI] [wo] [ro] [8o]o[wo]p[0o] [wo]d[8a] [wI] [0o]o[wo]o [wo]o[yo]p[ro] [yo]d[wa] [yI] [ro]o[yo]o [9o]o[eo]p[Qo] [eo]d9 [ea] [Qa] [ea] [0a] r w r 0 r w [ro] [8u] [wy] 0 w 8 [wo] [0d] [wd]aw y r y w [yo] [rd] [yd]a9 e [Qp] e 9 [ea] [Qa] [ea] [0a] r w r 0 [ro] [wu] [ry]s[8s] w 0 w 8 w 0 [wd] [wa] [yd] [ra] [yd] [wa] [yd] [rp] [yo]s9 e Q [eo] [9s] e [Qa] e [0o] [ro] [wo] [ro] [0a]a[ra] [wh] [rG] [8f] [wf] [0f] [wf] [8d] [wd] [0p] [wp] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [wd] [ys] [ra] pyo [9I] [eI] [QI] [eI] [9p] [ep] [QI] [eI] [0o] [ro] [wo] [ro] [0a]a[ra] [wh] [rG] [8f] [wf] [0f] [wf] [8d] [wd] [0p] [wp] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [wd] [ys] [ra] pyo [9I] [eI] [QI] [eI] [9o] [eo] [Qp] [eo] [0o] [ro] [wo] [ro] [0o] [ro] [wa] [ra] [8f] [wf] [0f] [wf] [8f] [wf] [0d] [wd] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [9I] [eI] [QI] [eI] [9I] [eI] [QI] [eI]
      Level: 6
      Length: 03:43

      Alan Walker

    • [te60]||[te60]|| [wut81]||[wut81]|| [qe84]||| [te60]||[te60]|| [wut81]||[wt81]|| [wr95]||| y u [yie92]||[yie92]|| [ute6]||[ute6]|| [wur30]||[wur30]|| [ute6]||[ute6]|| [ute6]||[ute6]|| [wur30]||[wur30]|| [ute86]||| [ute60]||[ye60]||t [wut8]||[yw8]|| [yqe84] [te]||| [ute60]||[ye60]||[te] [wut8]||[yw8]||t [ywr95]||| y u [yie9]||[ue9]||y [ute60]||[e60] y t [wur730]||[ywr730]||t [ute60]||[60] e t [ute60]||[ye60]||t [wur730]||[ywr]|| [t860] e||| [ut6] 0 e [y6] 0 [te] [wut1] 5 8 [yw1] 5 8 [ye4] [te8] q 4 8 q 4 8 q 4 8 [yq] [ut6] 0 e [y6] 0 [te] [wut1] 5 8 [yw1] 5 8 [yr5] 9 w 5 9 w 5 9 w 5 [y9] [wu] [yie2] 6 9 2 [u6] [y9] [ut6] 0 e 6 [y0] [te] [ur3] 7 0 3 [y7] [t0] [ut6] 0 e 6 [e0] [te] [ut6] 0 e [y6] 0 [te] [yr3] 7 0 [ur3] 7 0 [ute60]||[e60]|| [e60]||[e60] p s [spf6] 0 e 6 [pd0] [spe] [sof8] w t [od8] w t [si4] [pi8] q 4 8 q 4 8 q 4 [p8] [sq] [spf6] 0 e 6 [pd0] [spe] [sof8] w t [od8] w t [oda5] 9 w 5 9 w 5 9 w 5 [od9] [wof] [pgd9] e y 9 [pfe] [ypd] [spf6] 0 e 6 [pd0] [spe] [fa0] r u 0 [rda] [us] [spf6] 0 e 6 [p0] [spe] [spf6] 0 e 6 [pd0] [spe] [fa0] r u [da0] r u [us6] [up0] e [up6] 0 e [up60] [60] [60] [up60] [60] [60] [ute6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [ye6] [te6] [ut8] [t8] [t8] [yt8] [t8] [t8] [tq4] [qe4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [ute6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [ye6] [te6] [ut8] [t8] [t8] [yt8] [t8] [t8] [ywr5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [woda5] [wofa5] [ypgd9] [y9] [y9] [y9] [ypf9] [ypd9] [spfe6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [ped6] [spe6] [ufa0] [u0] [u0] [u0] [uda0] [us0] [spfe6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [pe6] [se6] [spfe6] [e6] [e6] [ped6] [e6] [spe6] [ofa30] [30] [30] [oda30] [30] [30] [utpe6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [ute60]||y||t [ut]||y|| [yqe84] [te]||| [ute60]||y||t [ut]||y|| [ywr95]||| [yr] u [yqie9]||[qe9] u y [ute60]||[e60] [ye] t [ur730]||[730] [yr] t [ute60]|||y t [ute60]||[ye60]||t [ur730]||[yr]|| [te860] e||| [spfe6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [ped6] [spe6] [tsof8] [t8] [t8] [tod8] [t8] [t8] [sqi4] [qpi4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [qp4] [sq4] [spfe6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [ped6] [spe6] [tsof8] [t8] [t8] [tod8] [t8] [t8] [woda5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [woda5] [wofa5] [ypgd9] [y9] [y9] [y9] [ypf9] [ypd9] [spfe6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [ped6] [spe6] [ofa30] [30] [30] [30] [od30] [so30] [spfe6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [pe6] [se6] [spfe6] [e6] [e6] [ped6] [e6] [spe6] [ofa30] [30] [30] [oda30] [30] [30] [utpe6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [ped6] [pfe6] [ypgd9] [y9] [y9] [y9] [ypf9] [ypd9] [spfe6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [ped6] [spe6] [ofa30] [30] [30] [30] [od30] [so30] [spfe6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [pe6] [se6] [spfe6] [e6] [e6] [ped6] [e6] [spe6] [ofa30] [30] [30] [oda30] [30] [30] [utpe6]
      Level: 7
      Length: 03:34
      Roads Untraveled

      Linkin Park