02:03 -
-2 -
[6p] 6 8 6|p d [pf]
1 1 3 1|s d [oa]
3 3 5 3|3 3|
3 3 5 3||
[6us] 6 8 6 p p|[fh]
1 [fh] 3|1 [fh]|[ah]
3 [of] 5 [of] 3 3 3|
3 3 5 3|3 3|
[6tu] 6 8 [6p] p p|[fh]
1 1 3 1||d
[3ah] j 5 [of] 3 3 3|
3 3 5 3|3 3|
[6tu] 6 8 6 p p p [fh]
1 f s [fh] 1 f s [ah]
3|[5j]|[3of] 3 3|
3 3 5 3|3 3|
[6tu] 6 8 6 p p 6 [fh]
1 [fh] 3|1 1 1 s
[3ah] f 5|[3of] 3 3|
[3yo] 3 [5yo] 3 [yo]|[yp]|
[6tp] 6 8 6|6 6|
1 u 3|1 h|[ah]
3 [of] 5 [of] 3||
3 3 5 3|3 3|
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[6sf] 6 6 [6s] [6ps] 6 6 6
[6tp] 6 6 6 [6us] 6 6 6
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[4pf] 4 4 [4pg] 4 [4ps] 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
[5ys] 5 5 [5ys] 5 5 [5ro] 5
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 [5d]
[6sh] [6j] 6 [6fk] 6 6 [6sj] 6
6 6 6 6 6 [6k] [6f] 6
[5hl] 5 5 [5k] [5ah] 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 [5ah] [5j] 5 [5fk]
4 4 4 [4fj] 4 4 4 4
[4tuo] 4 [4tuo] 4 [4tuo] 4 4 4
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[6sf] 6 6 [6s] [6ps] 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[4pf] 4 4 [4pg] 4 [4ps] 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
[6p] 6 8 6|p d [pf]
1 1 3 1|s d [oa]
3 3 5 3|3 3|
3 3 5 3|3 3|
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[6sf] 6 6 [6s] [6ps] 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[4pf] 4 4 [4pg] 4 [4ps] 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[6sf] 6 6 [6s] [6ps] 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[4pf] 4 4 [4pg] 4 [4ps] 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 [8us]
About This Music Sheet
New Year’s Day (Glee Cast) is a song by James S. Levine. Use your computer keyboard to play New Year’s Day (Glee Cast) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:03, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song New Year’s Day (Glee Cast) is classified in the genre of Songs From TV on Virtual Piano.
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e [up] e [ia]
e [Is] e [iO]
e [up] e [ia]
e [Is] e [iO]
e [tl]j[el] [yk]
[eH] [Yj] [eh]h[uh]
[eG]G[IG] [eg]g[Og]
[ef]j[eg]j[ef] [p o i u Y]
sp[ys] a [tg] f
[rl]ll [rk]kk [rj]jj
[uH]k[ij]k[uH] [u y t r e]
[ul]j[el] [ik]
[eH] [Ij] [eh]h[oh]
[eG]G[pG] [eg]g[ag]
[uf]j[ig]j[uf] [s a p o I]
jGj [a p O I u]
hfh [p o I u y]
gdg [o i u y t] [ru]a[es] 6Level: 6Length: 00:40IntermediateDance Of the Sugar Plum Fairy
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
f f f| f f f|
H f f d s d f|
f f f| f f f|
f d s d s p p|
f f f| f f f|
H f f d s d f|
f f f| f f f|
f d s d s p p|
e| t| e| t|
e| t| e| w|
[ef] f [tf]| [ef] f [tf]|
[eH] f [tf] d [es] d [wf]|
[ef] f [tf]| [ef] f [tf]|
[ef] d [ws] d [es] p [0p]|
[ef] f [tf]| [ef] f [tf]|
[eH] f [tf] d [es] d [wf]|
[ef] f [tf]| [ef] f [tf]|
[ef] d [ws] d [es] p [0p]|
j k j k j k j k
j k j k j k j k
j k j k j k j k
j k j k j k j k
[efj]gGHj 0| |0|
[el]xb| 0| |0|
[ef]gGHj 0| |0|
e| [jb] [hv] [fx] [dz] [0sl] [ak]
[ej]| [0j] k [tl]| [8k] l
[wz] lzl[9k] j [8h]| 0|
[9z]| e l [yk]| [9j] [0k]
[ql] k [yl] z [tx]| w|
[epj]| [0pj] [ak] [tsl]| [8ak] [sl]
[wdz] [sl] [9ak] [pj] [8oh]| w|
[9dz]| Q [sl] [eak]| [9pj] [ak]
[qsl] [ak] [qsl] [dz] [0fx]| r|
0| 7| 0| r|
x x x| x x x|
V x x z l z x|
x x x| x x x|
x z l z l j j|
[uf] [uf] [uf]| [uf] [uf] [uf]|
[oH] [uf] [uf] [yd] [ts] [yd] [uf]|
[uf] [uf] [uf]| [uf] [uf] [uf]|
[uf] [yd] [ts] [yd] [ts] [ep] [ep]Level: 5Length: 01:47IntermediateWay Back Then (Squid Game)
Jung Jae-il
e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t w r y r q e t e [pe] t [us] [td] [fe] [tf] [ud] [ts] [pe] [tp]p[us] [td] [fe]g[tf]s[ud] [ts] [pe] t [us] [td] [ge] [tf] [ud] [ts] [wa] [rd] [ys] [ra] [qp] e t e [ue6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [yw] [ue6] t [u0] t [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywf] [use6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [ywa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywa] [tqp4] e [to8] [tqp] [ywa5] r [ya9] [sr] [wa5] [rp] [yo9] [rp] [wuo7] r [uo0] [rp] [wa7] [sr] [ua0] [rp] [uea6] t [us0] [tp] [ue6] t [ut0] t [pe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [ywo] [upe6] [tp] [ud0] [tf] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywof] [uspe6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [woa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywoa] [qpi4] e [ts8] [tqpi] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [w5] r [y9] r [q4] e [t8] e [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [te6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro] [tpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wrf] [tse6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pe4] [qe]8o [qpe] [oa5]|[oa9] [sp] [oa5] [pi] [uo9] [pi] [uo0]|[uo7] [pi] [oa0] [sp] [oa7] [pi] [ua6]|[si0] [up] [u6]|[t0]|[pe6]|0|6|5 % [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [f6] [tfe]0d [wsr] [tpe6] [tpe]p[s0] [ted] [f6]g[tfe][s0]d [wsr] [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [g6] [tfe]0[d0] [tse] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pie4] [qe]8 [qe] [utpe6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro5] [utpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wof5] [utspe6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe6] [wroa5]s[wrd]9s [wroa5] [qpie4] [qe]8 [qe4] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t w r y r q e t e [pe] t [us] [td] [fe] [tf] [ud] [ts] [pe] [tp]p[us] [td] [fe]g[tf]s[ud] [ts] [pe] t [us] [td] [ge] [tf] [ud] [ts] [wa] [rd] [ys] [ra] [qp] e t e [ue6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [yw] [ue6] t [u0] t [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywf] [use6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [ywa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywa] [tqp4] e [to8] [tqp] [ywa5] r [ya9] [sr] [wa5] [rp] [yo9] [rp] [wuo7] r [uo0] [rp] [wa7] [sr] [ua0] [rp] [uea6] t [us0] [tp] [ue6] t [ut0] t [pe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [ywo] [upe6] [tp] [ud0] [tf] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywof] [uspe6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [woa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywoa] [qpi4] e [ts8] [tqpi] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [w5] r [y9] r [q4] e [t8] e [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [te6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro] [tpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wrf] [tse6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pe4] [qe]8o [qpe] [oa5]|[oa9] [sp] [oa5] [pi] [uo9] [pi] [uo0]|[uo7] [pi] [oa0] [sp] [oa7] [pi] [ua6]|[si0] [up] [u6]|[t0]|[pe6]|0|6|5 % [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [f6] [tfe]0d [wsr] [tpe6] [tpe]p[s0] [ted] [f6]g[tfe][s0]d [wsr] [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [g6] [tfe]0[d0] [tse] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pie4] [qe]8 [qe] [utpe6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro5] [utpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wof5] [utspe6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe6] [wroa5]s[wrd]9s [wroa5] [qpie4] [qe]8 [qe4] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e e
Level: 7Length: 04:26IntermediateEpic Wynn (Wynncraft)