Nightmare on Elm Street Theme

Charles Bernstein 10 September 2020

p d j H j f g p |
p d j H j f g j J S |
p d l z l J k g |
p d j H j f g j J S

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About This Music Sheet

Nightmare on Elm Street Theme is a song by Charles Bernstein. Use your computer keyboard to play Nightmare on Elm Street Theme music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is a Super Easy song which you can also load and play on your mobile or tablet. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:42, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song Nightmare on Elm Street Theme is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Horror, Instrumental.

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    • 0 q w|u|t|y t t|r|r|
      9 0 q|y|r|t r e|w|w|
      0 q w|t y u|y t e|y u i|
      u y w|i|u|y|t||
      t|t u|t|y| y y |
      y|y i|y|u| u u |
      u|u o|u|i| i i |
      u y w|i|u|y|t

      Level: 1
      Length: 00:50
      Super Easy
      It’s a Small World

      Sherman Brothers

    • [dP] [sD] [dP] [sD] [dP] [sD] [sp] [dP]
      [sp] [dP] [sp] [dP] [oP] [sp] [oP] [sp]
      [oP] [sp] [pI] [uo] [yI] 2 6 9
      Q [yeI] y o P [Y1] o P
      d [ywYE] [odYP] [ysI92] [PI] p [P5] [ywYE]
      w [ywYE] o P d [hP8] [wtoY] [hP]
      [hP4] [tige] D [i^] p d g [yqeE]
      q [yqeE] p d g [P0] d j
      [yoE] [hdP] [gSP6] [wfTSE] g [p9] d h
      [yqe] g [pf8] [yqe] d [ysi^] [qePE] s
      [d6] [ws0] o [p9] [wte] y o p
      [yteY9] [pI] [sp] [oP] [pI] [yeQ9] [sp] [oP]
      [pI] [oY] [yI] [tY] [ye] 5 [ywE] [ywE]
      2 [ywE] [ywE] 5 [ywE] [ywE] [y2] [yoeQ]
      [eYQPI] [odP1] [ywYE] [ywdYE] [s2] [tYQPI] [tpYQI] [P5]
      [ywiE] [ywiE] [o5] [ywiPE] [ywidE] [hP1] [toYE] [tohYPE]
      [hP4] [tigeY] [tieYD] [pgd^] [yie] [yie] [p4] [yied]
      [yige] [jdP3] [ypE] [yohdPE] [gSP6] [ofTSE] [igTE] [phd92]
      [yoe] [yige] [pf81] [ute] [yted] [ysi^] [yqPE] [ysqe]
      [d6] [wuts] [wuto] [p92] [ytoe] [ytoe] [y92] [toe]
      [tePI] [odP1] [wYE] [wodYPE] [s2] [yPIE] [ypeI] [P5]
      [yiE] [yiE] [tqoW] P [q^W] d [hP@] [yoE]
      [yohPE] [hP@] [tjie] [tige] D [g2] [tie] [tie]
      [p5] [yoidE] [yoigE] [jdP3] [ypiE] [yoihdPE] 6 [igTSE]
      f [oTED] f [phd2] [ytoe] [ytige] 1 [yife]
      d [yieS] d [id^P] [ysiE] d [ysiE] P
      [p6] [ueT] a [ueTS] [d2] [yeI] [yeI] 6
      [yeI] [yeI] 2 [yeI] [yeI] 6 [yeI] [yedI]
      [sD4] [oYE] [odYPE] [sp4] [toPE] [tpie] [o^P] [tspYE]
      [yidPE] [yi^] [yiE] [yiE] [sD4] [oYE] [odYPE] [sp4]
      [toeP] [tspeY] [d^P] [yiE] [yiE] ^ [yiE] [yidE]
      [d9] f d [yieS] [yied] [g6] [yife] [yied]
      [S0] [ueT] [ufeT] [p6] [ueT] [upeT] [jg9] [yie]
      [yjige] [jg6] [yihfe] [yiged] [hf0] [ueT] [ueT] 6
      [ueT] [ueT] [dG2] [teY] [ytedG] [dG2] [uthfe] [ytjeG]
      [hJ5] [yicE] x Z [zyiE] L l [J5]
      [yiJE] j H [yihE] G g [sf1] [utE]
      [tsofE] [sf1] [tigdE] [uthfE] [jg4] [uthe] G g
      [utfe] D d [s4] [tohe] [tige] [fa7] [urQD]
      [rfYQ] [h3] [rigW] [urfW] [pd6] [wueTS] [wuedT] [f6]
      [wuT] [wujT] [slhD1] [wtY] [ywtJ] [j1] [wtY] [whYE]
      [G2] j [yseI] d s [yePI] 2 [PE]
      s P [tp] 2 [oe] p o [IE]
      y [oe] P [Y1] o P d [wYE]
      [woYE] P d [ysI2] [yPIE] [ypeI] [P5] [yiE]
      [yiE] [tqoW] P [q^W] d [hdP@] [yoE] [yohdPE]
      [hdP@] [tjie] [tige] D [g2] [tige] f [tige]
      h [j5] g [yidE] p [yidE] g [jg3]
      [yoiE] [yoihE] 6 [igTE] f [oTED] f [hf2]
      [ytoe] [ytige] 1 [yife] d [yieS] d [d^P]
      [yifE] g [yihE] j [h6] [uheT] g [uheT]
      2 [yjeI] h G [yfeI] d S [z6]
      L k [yjeI] h G [yfeI] d S
      [z2] L k [yjeI] h G [yfeI] d
      S [d6] [yeI] [yeI] [dP] [sD] [dP] [sD]
      [dP] [sD] [sp] [dP] [sp] [dP] [sp] [dP]
      [oP] [sp] [oP] [sp] [oP] [sp] [pI] [uo]
      [yI] [s2] 6 8 9 ( Q e
      t y Y I s [sD] [gd] [sD]
      [gd] [sD] [gd] [da] [sD] [da] [sD] [da]
      [sD] [aO] [sp] [aO] [sp] [aO] [sp] [daOH]
      [iO] [oY] [yi] [oY] [iO] [aO] [iO] [oY]
      [yi] [oY] [iO] [gaO] [pD] [dO] [ia5] 9
      q w W y r t y i
      o O g o s D [wthYW] h
      [ywrig] D d [toYD] s D h [slihOD]
      [lD] [ysliOED] [dJ] [sH] [yohdPJE] y o P
      [d6] s [P9] p P [s5] P [p4]
      o I [o@] o [o2] i t [y5]
      [yto] [yto] [yro5] [toYW4] o [ywri5] Y y
      [wYE8] t Y o [tsqY4] [sY] [sq^YE] [yP]
      [tO] [yoP@] d h J [zspoD] l [spdJIG]
      j J [olgdP] J [jigdP] h G [ohdYP]
      g D [yspdI] f G [wp5] a d
      h d [Y4] o P D 8 q
      w [dYE] [sY4] [yP] [tp] [y^P] q [sYE]
      t [yid] [yi^] q E t [tiE] q
      [PD4] 8 q [tYE] [od] [sY4] [yP] [sY]
      [id^] q E t E q ^ q
      E t E q [d2] [yi] S [uT]
      d [yi] [g2] [pi] f [uo] d [yi]
      [S6] e W e [fE] e [p6] e
      E e [wp] 0 [g2] [yi] [ye] g
      [yi] [g2] [ye] f [uo] d [ye] [f6]
      e E t E e [g6] f D
      d S s a P p [dG2] [teY]
      [ytedG] [dG2] [uthfe] [ytjeG] [hJ5] [yicE] x Z
      [zyiE] L l [J5] [yiJE] j H [yihE]
      G g [sf1] [utE] [tsofE] [sf1] [tigdE] [uthfE]
      [jg4] [uthe] G g [utfe] D d [s4]
      [tohe] [tige] [f7] [urQD] [rfYQ] [h3] [rigW] [urfW]
      [d6] [wueTS] [wuedT] [pofS6] [wuT] [wujT] [slhD1] [wtY]
      [ywtJ] [j1] [wtY] [whYE] [G2] j [yseI] d
      s [yePI] 2 [PE] s P [tp] 2
      [oe] p o [IE] 2 Y I Y
      y [Y(] [WO] [ra] 3 [u3] 3 3
      3 3 p 3 3 3 3 s
      3 3 3 [f2] [utpie] [utpife] [d3] [ysiWO]
      [yiaWO] [s6] [utoe] [utoe] [p6] [utsoe] [utofe] [j2]
      [ytpi] [ytpji] [j5] [yroih] [yroig] [h1] [uro] [uro]
      [a5] [urof] [uroh] [k$] [uta] [utpj] [h7] [tpYG]
      [tohY] [j3] [urp] [uroh] [G2] [yrI] [yurf] [d1]
      [wuts] [wurd] [f7] [yedI] [ypeI] [a3] [yurp] [yurp]
      [uf30] [yrpj] [ysrlO] [xf2] [xtife] [xtife] [zd3] [zutdO]
      [ka] [zurdO] [ka] [l6] k [utoj] f [utso]
      a [wutp] s [wE8] f [sjf4] [utp] [sjf]
      [utp] [sjf] [j4] [yrok] [yroh] g [h3] [yrof]
      d [yrof] h [fa6] d [utspo] a [utpof]
      h [k$] [utoa] [utpoj] 7 [tohY] G [tpgY]
      G [j3] [yurp] [yuroh] 2 [uroG] f [uroD]
      f [x1] [zuto] x [zuto] l [k7] [rYI]
      L [rZYI] [H3] k x [rW0] [rW0] 7
      [rW0] [rW0] 3 [rW0] [rW0] 7 [IGC] [xuf]
      [ZYD] [xuf] [sp6] [oa3] [pI7] 8 [aY7] [pT]
      [YI] 7 [f3] H k [rW0] [rW0] 3
      [rW0] [rW0] [urW0] Y u O [tpe0] s
      [raW0] P a D [tfe0] G [urWH] G
      H k [rlYQ] Z [xurW] [r730] u O

      Level: 8
      Length: 06:00
      Merry Go Round Of Life (Howl’s Moving Castle)

      Joe Hisaishi

    • u|u|u|u|u|u|u|u| [eup]|u|u|[rua]|u|u|u|u|u| [eup]|[rua]|[tus]|[rua]|[eup]|[rua]|[tus]|u|u| [rua]|u|u|u|u|u| [eup]|u|[uf]|[tus]|u|u| [rua]|u|u|u|u|u| [eup]|[uf]|[tus]|[rua]|[eup]|[rua]|[tus]|u|u| [rua]|u|u|u|u|u| [eup]|[uf]|[tus]|[rua]|[eup]|[rua]|[tus]|u|u| [yud]|u|u|[uf]|u|u| [eup] a [us] a [up] s [rua] p [uo] p [ua] o [ua] p [uo] p [ua] o [eup] s [rua] d [tus] p [rua] o [eup] s [rua] d [tus] d [us] a [up] s [rua] p [uo] p [ua] o [ua] p [uo] f [ua] o [eup] a [us] a [uf] a [tus] d [us] a [up] s [rua] p [uo] p [ua] o [ua] p [uo] f [ua] o [eup] s [uf] a [tus] p [rua] o [eup] s [rua] d [tus] a [up] a [us] p [yud] s [ua] s [ud] a [uf]|[uf]|[uf]|[uf]|[uf]|[uf]|[uf]|[uf]| [qup]|[uf]|u|[up]|[uf]|u| [wua]|[uf]|u|[ua]|[uf]|u| [eus]|[uf]|u|[us]|[uf]|u| [wud]|[uf]|u|[ud]|[uf]|[ua]| [4qup] f [uf] f u f [up] f [uf] f u f [5wua] f [uf] f u f [ua] f [uf] f u f [6eus] f [uf] f u f [us] f [uf] f u f [5wud] f [uf] f u f [ud] f [uf] f u f [4pj]|[fx]||[pj]|[fx]|| [5ak]|[fx]||[ak]|[fx]|| [6sl]|[fx]||[sl]|[fx]|| [5dz]|[fx]||[dz]|[fx]|a| [4e]|f||e|f|| [5r]|f||r|f|| [6t]|f||t|f|| [5y]|f||y|f|a|[3uf]
      Level: 6
      Length: 02:22
      Day One (Interstellar)

      Hans Zimmer