00:55 -
5 -
[tqi] s s p p|p|
[ye9] p p o p g f|
[upe] f f s s|s|
[ywo] d d a a|a|
[q84] t [to] [pe] [se]|[fe]|
[d962] e e w e i u|
[e60] t [tp] e [se]|e|
[wf95] [yd] [ys] [ra] r p [ro]|
[q84] t [to] [pe] [se]|[fe]|
[d962] e e w e i u|
[e60] u [up] t [ts]|t|
[wf95] [yd] [ys] [ra] r p [ro]|
[q84] t [tj] e [he]|[fe]|
[d962] e e w e i u|
[e60] u [uj] t [th]|[tf]|
[wd95] [yd] [yf] [rd] r s [rp]|
[q84] t [to] [pe] [se]|[ea]|
[a962] [pe] [oe] w e i [uo] p
[se60] [us] [up] t [ts] spt p
[ws95]s[ys]s[yp] [rp] [sr] spr d
[sq84] s s p p|p|
[962] p p o p g f|
[ed60] d d f d s s|
[wd95] d d f d s s|
[qp84] s s p p|p|
[962] p p o p g f|
[ed60] d d f d s s|
[wd95] d f d s|h
About This Music Sheet
Outside is a song by Calvin Harris. Use your computer keyboard to play Outside music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:55, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Outside is classified in the genres: UK, Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Sad, Break-Up Songs, House.
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Other Songs By Calvin Harris
[ue]|f [ue] p|[ue]|
[tqp] p p [tqp] p|[tqo]|
[yw]|f [yw] p|[yw]|
[wtp]|p [wtp] p|[wto] o
[ue]| [ue]| [ue]|
[tq]| [tq]| [tq] d
[ywf] d f [ywd] f h [ywf]|
[wt]|s [wts] s s [wtd]|
[utoe] p [utse] p s[uted]|
[tqoe] p [tsqe] p [tsqe]df
[ywro] p [ywsr] p s[ywrd]|
[wuto] p [wuts] p [wuts]df
[utoe] p [utse] p s[uted]|
[tqoe] p [tsqe] p [tsqe]dfd
[ywr]| [ywr]| [ywsr]dfd
[wut]| [wut]| [wut]|
[q84] [q84]f [q84] p[q84] [q84]|
[qp84] p[q84]p [qp84] p[q84] [qo84]|
[w95] [w95]f [w95] p[w95] [w95]|
[pe60] [e60]p [pe60] p[e60] [oe60] o
[q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84]|
[q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] p
[wa95] p[w95]a [wp95] a[w95]p [ws95]|
[e60] [e60]s [se60] s[e60]s [ed60]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]df
[wo5] [wp5] [ws5] [wp5] s[wd5]|
[oe6] [pe6] [se6] [pe6] [se6]df
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]dfd
[wd5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [ws5]dfd
[e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6]|
[qo] [qp] [sq] [qp] s[qd]|
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]df
[wo95] [wp95] [ws95] [wp95] s[wd95]|
[oe60] [pe60] [se60] [pe60] [se60]df
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] s[qd84]|
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]dfd
[w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [ws95]dfd
[e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60]|
[ute] [ute]f [ute] p[ute] [ute]|
[tpie] [tie]p [tpie] p[tie]o [toie]|
[ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr]|
[wut] [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut]|
[ute] [ute]f [ute] p[ute] [ute]|
[tpie] [tie]p [tpie] p[tie]o [toie]|
[ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr]|
[wut] [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut]|
[ute] [ute]g [ute] f[ute] [ute]|
[tied] s[tie]d [tie] d[tie]s [tied]|
[ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr]|
[wut] [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut]|
[ute] [ute]f [ute] p[ute] [ute]|
[tpie] [tie]p [tie] p[tie]o [toie]|
[ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr]|
[wut] [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut]|
[q84] [q84]f [q84] p[q84] [q84]|
[qp84] p[q84]p [qp84] p[q84] [qo84]|
[w95] [w95]f [w95] p[w95] [w95]|
[pe60] [e60]p [pe60] p[e60] [oe60] o
[q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84]|
[q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] p
[wa95] p[w95]a [wp95] a[w95]p [ws95]|
[e60] [e60]s [se60] s[e60]s [ed60]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]df
[wo5] [wp5] [ws5] [wp5] s[wd5]|
[oe6] [pe6] [se6] [pe6] [se6]df
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]dfd
[w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [ws5]dfd
[e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6]|
[qo] [qp] [sq] [qp] s[qd]|
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]df
[wo95] [wp95] [ws95] [wp95] s[wd95]|
[oe60] [pe60] [se60] [pe60] [se60]df
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] s[qd84]|
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]dfd
[w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [ws95]dfd
[e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60]|
[ue]|f [ue] p|[ue]|
[tqp] p p [tqp] p|[tqo]|
[yw]|f [yw] p|[yw]|
[wtp]|p [wtp] p|[wto] o
[ue]| [ue]| [ue]|
[tq]| [tq]| [tq] a
[yw]|p [ywa] s|[yw]|
[wut]| [wut]| [wut]|
[q84] [q84]f [q84] p[q84] [q84]|
[qp84] p[q84]p [qp84] p[q84] [qo84]|
[w95] [w95]f [w95] p[w95] [w95]|
[pe60] [e60]p [pe60] p[e60] [oe60] o
[q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84]|
[q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] p
[wa95] p[w95]a [wp95] a[w95]p [ws95]|
[e60] [e60]s [se60] s[e60]s [ed60]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]df
[wo5] [wp5] [ws5] [wp5] s[wd5]|
[oe6] [pe6] [se6] [pe6] [se6]df
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]dfd
[w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [ws5]dfd
[e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6]|
[qo] [qp] [sq] [qp] s[qd]|
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]df
[wo95] [wp95] [ws95] [wp95] s[wd95]|
[oe60] [pe60] [se60] [pe60] [se60]df
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] s[qd84]|
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]dfd
[w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [ws95]dfd
[e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60]Level: 6Length: 03:38IntermediateThis Is What You Came For (Alternative)
Calvin Harris
u u u uo a |
u u u u o a |
pp p o p oy | aa |
u u u u oa |
u u u u o a |
pp p o p oy | aa |
u u u uo a |
u u u u o a |
pp p o p oy | aa
u u u u oa |
u u u u o a |
pp p o p oy | aa | o uLevel: 1Length: 01:30Super EasyPromises
Calvin Harris
[60]|u|e|| [e84] e e e e w w| [95]|u|e|| [we8] e e e e w w w [60]|||[84]|| y [u95] y u y u o u| [w8]|t t t t y| [w60] e t [60]e ty e [w84] e t [84]e tyu [w95] e t [95]e ty e [w8] e t [w8]e tyu [w60] e [t60] e t[y60] e [w84] e [t84] e [t84]yuy[95]| [95]| [t95]yuy[w8]| [w8]| [w8]| [60]|f [60] p|[60]| [p84] p p [p84] p o [o84]| [95]|f [95] p|[95]| [wp8] p p [wp8] p|[wo8] o [84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] p [a95] p a [p95] a p [s95]| [60]|s [s60] s s [d60]| [o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp] [o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp] [o5] [p9] [ws] 5p [s9]d [wp] [o8] [wp] [ts] 8p w[ws]d[tf] [o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp] [o4] [p8] [sq] 4p 8sd[qf]d 5 9 w 5 9sd[wf]d8 w t 8 w t [w4] [e8] [tq] 4e [t8]y [qe] [w4] [e8] [tq] 4e [t8]y [qe] [w5] [e9] [wt] 5e [t9]y [we] [w8] [we] [wt] 8e wty[wu] [w4] [e8] [tq] [t4]e [t8]y [qe] [w4] [t8] [tq] 4e 8ty[uq]y5 9 w 5 9ty[wu]y8 w t 8 w t [60]|u [60] e|[60]| [qe6] e e [qe6] e w [wq6]| [ywr6]| [w6]| [w6]| [wut6]| [w6]| [w6]| [60]|u [60] e|[60]| [qe6] e e [qe6] e w [wq6]| [ywr6]| [w6]| [w6]| [wut6]| [w6]| [w6]| [60]|i [60] u|[60]| [yq6] y y [q6] y t [yq6]| [ywr6]| [w6]| [w6]| [wut6]| [w6]| [w6]| [60]|u [60] e|[60]| [qe6] e e [qe6] e w [wq6]| [ywr6]| [w6]| [w6]| [w6]| [w6]| [w6]| [60]|f [60] p|[60]| [p84] p p [p84] p o [o84]| [95]|f [95] p|[95]| [wp8] p p [wp8] p|[wo8] o [84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] p [a95] p a [p95] a p [s95]| [60]|s [s60] s s [d60]| [o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp] [o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp] [o5] [p9] [ws] 5p [s9]d [wp] [o8] [wp] [ts] 8p w[ws]d[tf] [o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp] [o4] [p8] [sq] 4p 8sd[qf]d5 9 w 5 9sd[wf]d8 w t 8 w t [w4] [e8] [tq] 4e [t8]y [qe] [w4] [e8] [tq] 4e [t8]y [qe] [w5] [e9] [wt] 5e [t9]y [we] [w8] [we] [wt] 8e wty[wu] [w4] [e8] [tq] [t4]e [t8]y [qe] [w4] [t8] [tq] 4e 8ty[uq]y5 9 w 5 9ty[wu]y8 w t 8 w t [60]|u [60] e|[60]| [e84] e e [e4] e w [w4]| [95]|u [95] e|[95]| [we8] e e [we8] e w [w8] w [60]| [60]| [60]| [84]| [84]| [84] r [95] tre [r95] t|[95]| [w8]| [w8]| [w8]| [60]|f [60] p|[60]| [p84] p p [p84] p o [o84]| [95]|f [95] p|[95]| [wp8] p p [wp8] p|[wo8] o [84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] p [a95] p a [p95] a p [s95]| [60]|s [s60] s s [d60]| [o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp] [o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp] [o5] [p9] [ws] 5p [s9]d [wp] [o8] [wp] [ts] 8p w[ws]d[tf] [o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp] [o4] [p8] [sq] 4p 8sd[qf]d5 9 w 5 9sd[wf]d8 w t 8 w t [w4] [e8] [tq] 4e [t8]y [qe] [w4] [e8] [tq] 4e [t8]y [qe] [w5] [e9] [wt] 5e [t9]y [we] [w8] [we] [wt] 8e wty[wu] [w4] [e8] [tq] [t4]e [t8]y [qe] [w4] [t8] [tq] 4e 8ty[uq]y5 9 w 5 9ty[wu]y8 w t 8 w tLevel: 6Length: 03:44Intermediate
This Is What You Came For
Calvin Harris
GGda a f f fHHjkjjjf d G G GffGf GGda a f f fHHjkjjjf d G G GffGf GGda a f f fHHjkjjjf d G G GffGf d|d Sa| SSSS p|G GGf d|d Sa| aS dS a p a Sa p d|dddd|| ppppp p OO I e||u||I|ffG f e||u|I | fffG f T||O||p|| uu fLevel: 3Length: 00:50Easy
Take On Me
o s|a s [qep]| [qe]|[qe]|[wr]||
p d|s p [0wo]| [0w]|[0w]|[80]||
o s|a s [qep]| [qei]|p p o
[qwr] o [qwro] o [9qwi]|[9qwi] u [80w]|||
o s|a s [qetp]| [qet]|[qet]|[wry]||
p d|s p [80wo]| [80w]|[80w]|[0wt]||
o s|a s [qetp]| [qeti]|p p o
[qwr] o [qwro] o [9qwi]|[9qwi] u
8 90w q 0 9 0wer[80wt] f f f f|d s
[qes]|p [qep]|[yp] t [wr]|
d d d [wrd]|s p [0wp]|o [0wo]|[eo] w [80]|
f f f [80f]|d s [qes]|p [qep]|p d s
[wra] a [wr]|[wrs] d [wr] d [0w]|s [80]|[80] [80] [80]
[80w] f f f f|d s [qets]|p [qetp]|[qetp]|[wry]|
d d d [wryd]|s p [80wp]|o [80wo]|[80wo]|[80e]|
f f f [80ef]|d s [9qes]|p [9qep]|p d s
[wrya] a [wry]|[wrys] d [wry] d [80w] fds w|0 9 8Level: 6Length: 01:03IntermediateFeliz Navidad (Jose Feliciano)
Jose Feliciano
[lzcb]|[hkzv]||u o
[8p]|[0u]|5|[0u] o
[8p]|[0p]|[o*]|[0o] r 9|q|5|q| [9a]|[qa]|[5a]|q p [9o]|[qo]|[5o]|q i [9o]|[qo]|[5i]|[qy]| [8u]|0|5|f d [8us]|[0us]|[5ua]|[0ua]| [8p]|[0u]|5|[0u] o [8p]|[0p]|[o*]|[0o] r
[9a]|[qa]|[5a]|q p
[9o]|[qo]|[5o]|q u
[qetus]||p| s
[0wrya]|o|u| a
[9i]|q|[ei]| i
[wo]|q|9|f d
[8p]|[0u]|5|[0u] o
[8p]|[0p]|[*o]|[0o] r
[9a]|[qa]|[5a] p [qo] i
[lzcb]|h|[zcvn]|h||Level: 7Length: 01:12IntermediateHolly Jolly Christmas
Johnny Marks