Possum Springs (Night in the Woods)

Alec Holowka 4 December 2020

[t1] 1y8 u8t 4 8 w [t6] 6y6 u6t 4 8 w [t1] 1y8 u8t 4 8 e [y5] 5 9 9 0 9 w [t1] 1y8 u8t 4 8 w [t6] 6y6 u6t 4 8 w [t1] 1y8 u8t 4 8 e [y5] 5 9 9 0 q 0 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[84][e4] [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[84] 4 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[84][e4] [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[84] 4 [d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] [s1] 1 [s8]d[f5]d5 5 [o5]p[s2]p[d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] [s1] 1 [s8] 5a[a5] [o5] [o5]p[s2]p[d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] [s1] 1 [s8]d[f5]d5 5 [o5]p[s2]p[d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] 1 [h1] [h8] 5d[o5] [a5] [a5]s[d2] [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [s1] [d1] [f85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [yo5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4[ti][84][e4] [yo5] [i5] [yu95] 5u[i4]u4[ti][84] 4 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [s1] [d1] [f85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [yo5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4[ti][84][e4] [yo5] [i5] [yu95] 5u[i4]u4[ti][84] 4 [d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] [s1] 1 [s8]d[f5]d5 5 [o5]p[s2]p[d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] [s1] 1 [s8] 5a[a5] [o5] [o5]p[s2]p[d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] [s1] 1 [s8]d[f5]d5 5 [o5]p[s2]p[d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] 1 [h1] [h8] 5d[o5] [a5] [a5]s[d2] [g4]jl|||[j6]lx||[h5]kz||[d2]gj|||[j6]lx||[k5]zv||[g4]jl|||[j6]lx||[h5]kz||[d2]gj|||[j4]lx||[k5]zvw e t [tg]jl| |e t jlxe|o hkzp|u dgj| |e [tj]lx e|[ok]zvp|s gjl| |e|[tj]lx e|[oh]kzp|u dgj||y| |jlx r t kzvy||[s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[84][e4] [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[84] 4 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[84][e4] [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[t84] [y4] [i4] 4 [u4]||4 [t4] y [i8] 1u[81] 1 1 [t81] y [i9] 2 [u92] 2t 2t[92] t 6 6 6 6 5 [t5] y [i4] 4 [u4] 4 4 [t4] y [i8] 1u[81] 1 1 [t81] y [i9] 2 [u92] 2t 2t[92] t 6 6 6 h6j [h5] [ts5] [yd] [ig4] 4 [uf4] 4 4 [ts4] [yd] [ig8] 1[uf][81] 1 1 [ts81] [yd] [ig9] 2 [uf92] 2[ts] 2[ts][92] [ts] 6 6 [l6] k6h [f5] [ts5] [yd] [ig4] 4[uf]4 4 4 [ts4] [yd] [ig8] 1[uf][81] [oh]1 1 [ts81] [yd] [ig9] 2 [uf92] 2[ts] 2[ts][92] [ts] 6 6 6 6[ra] 5 5|[pi4]|p|p [ph]|[pf5] o|[pf]|[of] d|67[sof8]|h| |[da5]| |h| |[pjg4]|[jg]|[jg] h $ [f5] o|[sf]|[sf] [da]|67[sf8] o [sh] d f||[da6] o a a s d s a|[pi4]| |[uo30]||i [ypi92]| |dg| |[o5]adg|||[wa]dhk||9|5|[tlh] t s [ok]l[ki]lihsfis[tlh] t s k[sl][ki]lihsfis[od] o d of[ig]fis pio[od] o d of[ig]fis is[so1]|1 a[s3][a4][s4]4o4u43[so1]|1 a[s3][a4][s4]4o4u43[yw5]|[y5] [u3][i4][u4]4t4e43[yw5]|[y5] [u3][i4][u4]4t4 43[lh1]|[sh1] 3[ga4][fa4]4[fa][ga4] [sh4]3[lh1]|[sh1] 3[ga4][fa4]4[fa][ga4] [sh4]3[kh5]|[hd5] 3[sg4][sf4]4[sf][sg4] [hd4]3[so5]|[so5] d3[sg4]4[f4] [yo4] 43[lh1]|[sh1] 3[ga4][fa4]4[fa][ga4] [sh4]3[lh1]|[sh1] 3[ga4][fa4]4[fa][ga4] [sh4]3[kh5]|[hd5] 3[sg4][sf4]4[sf][sg4] [hd4]3[so5]|[so5] d3[sg4]4[f4] [yo4] 43[q4] w e|[w5] e r|[t81] y u|[q2]| |[q4] w e|[w5] e r|[t81] y u|[i2]| |[q4] w e|[w5] e r|[t81] y u|[q2]| |[o4] i u|[y5]|w

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About This Music Sheet

Possum Springs (Night in the Woods) is a song by Alec Holowka. Use your computer keyboard to play Possum Springs (Night in the Woods) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:50, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Possum Springs (Night in the Woods) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Night In The Woods.


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Other Songs By Alec Holowka

  • [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry|w [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [o5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] u [y3] [t8]3 [73]|[53] [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [i5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] [u8] [y3] t37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5 [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry||[40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3|3 83 [73]|[53] [40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3 8 3 37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5 [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry|w [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [o5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] u [y3] [t8]3 [73]|[53] [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [i5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] [u8] [y3] t37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5 [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry||[40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3|3 83 [73]|[53] [40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3 8 3 37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5

    Level: 5
    Length: 03:33
    Video Outpost Too (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [30]| |YuiIoO[p6]|6666| |[s6]| |[p6]| |6| |[s6]| |[p2] 3 1|[o6]| |[sp6]||6 [up2] 3 5|6| |[s6]||6 [p2] 3 5|[f3]| |[u30]|[u30]|[y92] [t81] [e6]|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[s6]|0e0[s6]|[f0] 8 [d5] s [wa] 9 [p4]|48i[qp]s[d9]|[yd] e [ws] a [wp] 0 [p6]|ewe[s6]|[fe] 0 [d5] s [wa] 9 [ype]|[te]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [s6]|0e0[s6]|[sf0] 8 [da5] [sp] [woa] 9 [pi4]|4[i8][qp][gd9]|[ygd] e [wsf] [da] [wsp] 0 [p6]|[ue][wo][pe][s6]|[se] 0 [a5] p [wo]|[p2]|[ye]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e60]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[e6]||yu[pe6]|e|[y92] [u30] [wo1]|[pe6]||yu[pe6]||[yw]6[oe][ts2] [ra3] 5[pe][wo][pe6]| |[60]|[pe]|[y92] [u30] [wo5]|[u30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[of4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[lh4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[uof4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[slh4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]1 t| |e| |[s6]| |[p6]| |6| |[s6]| |[p2] 3 1|[o6]| |[sp6]||6 [up2] 3 5|6| |[s6]||6 [p2] 3 5|[f3]| |[u30]|[u30]|[y92] [t81] [e6]|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[s6]|0e0[s6]|[f0] 8 [d5] s [wa] 9 [p4]|48i[qp]s[d9]|[yd] e [ws] a [wp] 0 [p6]|ewe[s6]|[fe] 0 [d5] s [wa] 9 [ype]|[te]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [s6]|0e0[s6]|[sf0] 8 [da5] [sp] [woa] 9 [pi4]|4[i8][qp][gd9]|[ygd] e [wsf] [da] [wsp] 0 [p6]|[ue][wo][pe][s6]|[se] 0 [a5] p [wo]|[p2]|[ye]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e60]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[e6]||yu[pe6]|e|[y92] [u30] [wo1]|[pe6]||yu[pe6]||[yw]6[oe][ts2] [ra3] 5[pe][wo][pe6]| |[60]|[pe]|[y92] [u30] [wo5]|[u30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[of4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[lh4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[uof4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[slh4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]1 [s6]| |[p6]|[s6]|p|h|[j6]|[f6]| |6|[d6]|[f6]66[o6]|[p6]|l|616[j6]|6|m| |b

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:14
    Title (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [ype] d G j G j [yok] h d [ywra]| [tsf] [sof][gd][thf][gd][sof] [wda] [oda][sf][wgd][sf][oda] [tsf] [sof][gd][thf][gd][sof] [qpi] [usf] [yod] [ywo] [ut8] [wut][yi][uo8][yi][wut] [yr5] [ywr][ut][yi5][ut][ywr] [te6] [ut0] [yr5]|[wt][wt80]| 1

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:14
    The Map Room (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • 4||4 $ 4 $|4||sgGl| |4||4 $ 4 $ % 44||tiIs| |1|v C l| |8888||1|v C l L b| |8888|$|4||4 $ 4 $|4||sgGl| |4||4 $ 4 $ % 44||tiIs| |[x1]|Z|g|G|z|L|f|g|x|Z|g|G|z|5555|5|[x1]|Z|g|G|z|L|f|g|x|Z|v|V|C|2222|2|4||4 $ 4 $|4||sgGl| |4||4 $ 4 $ % 44||tiIs| |1|v C l| |8888||1|v C l L b| |8888|$|4||4 $ 4 $|4||sgGl| |4||4 $ 4 $ % 44||tiIs| |[x1]|Z|g|G|z|L|f|g|x|Z|g|G|z|5555|5|[x1]|Z|g|G|z|L|f|g|x|Z|v|V|C|2222|2

    Level: 4
    Length: 01:22
    The Historical Society (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [qe8] [sf]|[qe8][qe8][sf][qe8]|[sf] [ysfeI]||[ysfeI][yeI]|[wr9]|[sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [ws8] [to] [wrf] s[w8]s[to] [wrf] [tg]h[sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [yeIG] gf ds a|[95] 9 [sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [ws8] [to] [wrf] s[w8]s[to] [wrf] [tg]h[sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [yeIG] gf ds a|[95] 9 [u60] [s6] a [s6] d [s6] [a6] [s8] [u60] [s6] a [s6] d [s6] [a6] [s8] [u60] [s6] a [s6] d [s6] [a6] [s8] [u60] [s6] a [s6] d [s6] [a6] [o9] [sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [ws8] [to] [wrf] s[w8]s[to] [wrf] [tg]h[sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [yeIG] gf ds a|[95] 9 [sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [ws8] [to] [wrf] s[w8]s[to] [wrf] [tg]h[sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [yeIG] gf ds a|[95] 9 [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][qpi] [woa] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][woa] [qpi] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][qpi] [woa] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [tsf] [tsf] [raD][tsf] [raD] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][qpi] [woa] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][woa] [qpi] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][qpi] [woa] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [tsf] [tsf] [raD][tsf] [raD]

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:05
    Robot Builder (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka


  • [qtip] f
    d j d [fb]
    d p d [wyoaf]
    d j d [fb]
    d p d [eupsf] u
    d j d [fb]
    d p d f
    d [tj] d [rf]
    d [wp] d [48qpf]
    [pf] d j d [fb]
    d p d [59waf]
    d j d [fb]
    d p d [60esf]
    d j d f
    d j d u p f s
    j k x
    s [qf]
    t i p s f [woad]
    y a d [oh] [0d]
    r k j u r H [ej]
    u u x u [qj]
    t j l [ix] p [wz]
    [yz] x z [ok] [ah] [epj]
    u p a s
    u p e f p s q f
    t i e p [ts] f [wad]
    y a d h o [0d]
    [Hr] [uj] [rk] [ef]
    l [ud] k s p j [as] u h [qj] x
    [tz] x [ij] x [pz] x [wj]
    x [yz] x [oj] x [az] x [epj]
    x [Lu] x [pj] x [La] x [Sj] x
    L x j f [6l]
    f [0k] f [rl] f [tz] f [0ak]
    f [rj] f [uoh] f h [qj] s
    [th] s [oj] s [pl] s [8h] s
    [wg] s [tuf] f h [9g]
    p [efh] p [id] p [yd] g p [8f] p
    [ed] p [ts] p [ef] p [7d] i
    [Ws] i [ra] i [Wp] i [OH0yuad]
    [qtp] u [Wrua] u u [6s]
    u [0a] u s r u [td] u [30a]
    u [7rp] u [wo] u o [4p] t
    [8o] [to] [wp] a [es] t o [to]
    [5i] t [80u] u o [2i]
    [6ig] f [qd] s [9a] f d
    [0f] g [tf] d [eps] a [qtp]
    f [OH0rya] f [6p]
    0 t p s [qf]
    t i p s f [woad]
    y a d [oh] [0d]
    r k [uj] j r H j [ep]
    u [pkx] u [qj]
    t j l [ix] p [wz]
    [yz] x z [ok] [ah] [epj]
    u p [an] v [sb]
    u p f p s q f
    t i p [tis] f [wad]
    y a d o h d 0
    [Hr] [uj] [rk] [epf] l
    [ud] k [ps] j [ua] h [qj]
    x [tz] x [ij] x [pz] x [wj]
    x [yz] x [oj] x z a x [epj] x
    [Lu] x [pj] x [La] x [Spj] x
    L x j f [4f]
    p [8s] d [qf] p [es] f [5d] a
    [9s] d [wosh] a [rs] h [3d]
    a [7k] [Wj] a H 0 a [6j]
    f [0j] k [tx] k [epj] f [4j] f
    [8j] k [qx] f [ej] [kx] [5z]
    z 9 x z [wk] [rh] [6j]
    [0n] b [epm] n r b x [tl] k
    [0j] f [es] a [ps] f [4f]
    p [8s] d [qsf] p [es] f [5d]
    a [9s] d [wh] a [rsk] h [3ad]
    a [H7] a W j a k 0 a [6f] l
    [0d] k [es] j [ak] r h 4 j
    x 8 z x [qj] x [ez] x [5j] x
    [9z] x [wj] x [rz] x [6j] x
    [L0] x [epj] x [Lr] x [Tj]
    x L x j f [6lm]
    0 [ekn] r [tlm] [ez] [3kn]
    7 [0jb] w h [rv] [0fx] [hv] [4tjb] 8
    [qhv] w [ejb] [4qlm] [hv]
    5 [8gc] 0 [wfx] [8fx] h v [2g]
    6 [9x] f q [epdz] g [6fx]
    q [epdz] [ra] [tsl] [eflx] [7dz]
    W [rsl] W [yak] [Wpj] [OH0yuadf]
    [qtpfj] [WHrafk] [uf] u [6sl] 0
    [eak] r [tsl] [edz] [3ak]
    7 [0pj] w [roh] [0u] [oh] 4 [pj] 8
    [qosh] w [epj] [eak] [qsl] [oh] 5
    [8ig] 0 [wuf] [8uf] [oh] [2ig]
    6 [9gc] [qfx] [edz] [sl] [9ak] [6fx] [0dz]
    [efx] [rg] [tfx] [dz] [wsl] k [qtpj]
    [fx] [OH0ryd] [fx] [6ep]
    0 t [ij] p
    s f [ij] p s f [ok]
    d f j [uk] d l k [pj]
    s l s [uk] s h s [ej]
    s h s [uf] s h s j i p
    s f [ij] p s f [ok]
    d f j [uk] d l k [pj]
    s l p s [uz] d x f [sz]
    d l s [uk] s h s [ij]
    p s f [ij] p s f [ok] d
    f j [uk] d l k [pj]
    s l s [uk] s h s [epj] s
    h s [uf] s h s [ij]
    p s f [ij] p s f [ok]
    d f j [uk] d l k [ej]
    u p a s
    u p j [qj] p
    t s f [ij] p [ts] f [wk]
    d [yf] j [ok] d [yl] k [ej] s
    [ul] s k p s [uh] s j p
    s h u s [wf] s [uh] s [qsj]
    p [ts] f [ij] p s t f [wk] d
    [yf] j [ok] d [yl] k [epj]
    s [ul] s u [pz] d [ux] e f z p d
    [ul] s [wk] s [uh] s [qj]
    p [ts] f [ij] p [ts] f [wk] d
    [yf] j [ok] d [yl] k [epj] s
    [ul] s [pk] s [uh] s [pj]
    s [uh] s w f s [uh] s [qsj] p
    [ts] f [ij] p [ts] f [wk]
    d [yf] j [ok] d [yl] k [epj]
    u p a s
    p u e e [4j] p
    [8s] f [etj] p [qis] f [5k]
    d [9f] j [wrk] d [9l] k [6j] s
    [0l] s [etpk] s [0uh] s [ej] t s
    [0h] s [5f] s [0h] s [4j] p
    [8s] f [etpj] [ep] [qis] f [5k]
    d [9f] j [rk] d l 9 k [6j] [sj]
    [0l] [sj] [etpz] d [0x] f e [tz]
    d [0l] s [5k] s [0h] [sk] [4j]
    p [8s] f [etpj] p [qs] f [5k]
    d [9f] j [ak] [wr] d [9l] k [6j] s
    [0l] s [etk] s [0h] s [etj] s
    [0h] s [5f] s [0h] s [4j]
    p [8s] f [ej] p [qs] f [5k]
    d [9f] j [wrk] d [9l] k [6j]
    0 e r t
    e 0 6 [4pj]
    p [qs] f j [et] p [qs] f [5k] [5d]
    [9f] [wrk] d [9l] k [6j] s
    [0l] s [etk] s [0h] s [pj] [et] s
    [0h] s [5f] s [5h] s [4pj]
    p [qs] f [etj] [qs] f [5k] d
    [9f] j [wrk] d 9 l k [6j] s
    [0l] s [etz] d [0x] f [etz] d
    [0z] d [5x] f [5v] h [4qb]
    [qjl] x [etb] j [ql] x [5kn]
    z n [9x] b [rn] z [9m] n [60b] l
    [0m] l [etn] l [0v] l [etb] l
    [0v] l [5x] l [5v] l 4 [jb]
    [ql] x [etb] x [qb] [59] z
    9 z [wr] z [9v] z [6b]
    0 e y u p d
    f z x b
    f l k j k H [6l]
    f [0k] f [etl] f [0z] f [3rk] f
    [0j] [uf] [wrh] [0f] h 4 s
    [qh] s [etpj] s [ql] [8h] s
    [8g] s [0wtf] [8f] h [29g]
    p [qf] p [ey] d p [qg] p [8f] p
    [0d] p [8es] p [0f] p [7d] i
    [9s] i [Wras] i [9p] i [Oyd] [H0u]
    [qtup] [Wrua] u [6s] u
    [0a] u [etps] u [0d] u [3ra]
    [30e] p [wro] [0u] o [48tp] [8t]
    [8qto] [8t] [etp] a [qts] t [8o] [8t]
    [8i] [8t] [0wu] [8u] o 9 [2i]
    [qi] g f [eyd] s [qas] [8f]
    d [0f] g [et] d [0s] a [4p]
    4 4 4 [4s]
    4 [4t] 4 [5yad]
    [5r] 5 [5r] 5 5 [5wro] 5
    [5r] 5 5 5 5 [4eu]
    y p [yd] u
    y e y [5ru]
    y p y u
    y e y [6tu]
    [yd] [jz] [px] y d u
    y e y u
    y [tp] y [ru]
    y [we] y [4eup]
    y p y u
    y e y [5ru]
    y p y u
    y e y [6tu]
    [yd] [jz] x p y u
    y p y
    0 e [tu] p a f

    Level: 7
    Length: 07:58
    Flower Dance

    DJ Okawari

  • [8uod] w y [ud] s [tu] o [8uod] [wd] [tf] [ys] u y [tup] [0p] [6upd] [0d] [ef] r [tups] u s [6toa] [0s] [ea] [rup] t r e 0 [9ipf] e u [ipd] e [up] [9ipf] [eg] [yf] d [ip] s [wyia] a s a w s [5wyia] o 5 6 7 [8uod] w y [ud] s [tu] o [8uod] [wd] [tf] [ys] u y [tup] [0p] [6upd] [0d] [ef] r [tups] u s [6toa] [0s] [ea] [rup] t r e 0 [9ipf] e u [ipd] e [up] [9ipf] [eg] [yf] d [ip] s [wyia] a s a w s [5wyia] o 5 6 7 [8uod] w y [uod] [ys] t [wo] [8osdh] w y [usf] [yd] [tos] w [6uo] [0d] [ed] [rd] [tupd] [rs] e [0s] [6sfj] [0sfj] e [rpaf] t [opd] 0 [yis] 9 e [yipf] [up] [ips] s [eyi] [9ipf] [ef] f [yip] [ua] [iops] d [wyios] s s [wyis] [os] [wyi] s [wyioa] a s [wyioa] o [wri] [8uo] w [td] [yd] [uod] s [tuo] s [8wuoa] s a s a s 7 [6uop] [0d] [ed] [ruoad] t [rs] [euops] [0s] [60euoa] s s [uopa] [6s] 0 e [9ipf] [ed] [us] [ipd] [eif] [of] [9ipf] [ed] [us] [ipd] [yd] [ripd] [es] [wyioa] s h s d s [5qwyoa] a s d 5 6 7 [8uod] w y [uod] o [us] t [yo] [8uad] [wad] [tsf] [yos] u y [tuop] [0yop] [6upd] [0pd] [esf] r [tups] u [os] [6toa] [0ps] [eoa] [rup] t r e 0 [9ipf] e u [ipd] e [up] [9ipf] [epg] [ypf] [pd] [ip] s [wyia] a s a s w [5wyia] o 5 6 7 [8uod] w t y u o s d [dfhz] [dz] [sl]
    Level: 6
    Length: 04:24
    Last Christmas


  • [9d] [qey] s [6a] [80r] p [9d] [qey] f d s a s [6a] [80r] p [qs] [et] a [8u] [0wr] [qs] [et] d s a s a [8u] [0wr] [9dz] [qey] [sl] [6ak] [80r] [pj] [9dz] [qey] f d s a s [6ak] [80r] p [qsl] [et] [ak] [8uf] [0w] [qsl] [et] d s a s a [8uf] [0w] [9d] u [qeyi] u [qeyi] u [9d] u [qeyi] s [qeyu] i [6a] y [80eu] y [80eu] y [6p] t [80ey] u [80ey] t [9d] u [qeyi] u [qeyi] u [9d] u [qeyi] s [qeyu] i [6a] y [80eu] y [80eu] y [6p] t [80ey] u [80ey] t [qs] u [eti] u [eti] u [qs] u [eti] u [eti] u [8s] y [0wu] y [0wu] y [8u] y [0wt] u [0wy] t [qs] u [eti] u [eti] u [qs] u [eti] u [eti] u [8s] y [0wu] y [0wu] y [8u] y [0wt] u [0wy] t [9d] u [qeyi] u [qeyi] u [9f] u [qeyi] s [qeyu] i [6a] y [80eu] y [80eu] y [6p] t [80ey] u [80ey] t [9d] u [qeyi] u [qeyi] u [9f] u [qeyi] s [qeyu] i [6a] y [80eu] y [80eu] y [6 lp] t [80ey] u [80ey] t [qs] u [eti] u [eti] u [qs] u [eti] a [etu] i [8o] y [0wu] y [0wu] y [8u] y [0wt] u [0wy] t [qs] u [eti] u [eti] u [qs] u [eti] a [etu] i [8o] y [0wu] y [0wu] y [8u] y [0wt] u [0wy] t [9d] e y u i p i [uf] [yg] [ef] [9g] [ef] [6p] 0 e r t u t r [ea] 0 6 [0s] [9d] e y u i p i [uf] [yg] [ef] [9g] [ef] [6p] 0 e r t u t r e 0 6 [0o] [4p] 8 q w e t e [wa] [qs] [8a] [4s] [8a] [1u] 5 8 9 0 w 0 9 [8i] 5 1 [5o] [4p] 8 q w e t e [wa] [qs] [8a] [4s] [8a] [1u] 5 8 9 0 w 0 9 8 5 1 5 [9z] e y u i p [il] u y e 9 e [6k] 0 e r t u [tj] r e 0 6 0 [9z] e y u i p i [ux] [yz] [el] [9k] [el] [6k] 0 e r t u [tj] r e 0 6 0 [4l] 8 q w e t e w q 8 4 [8k] [1f] 5 8 9 0 w 0 9 [8g] 5 [1f] 5 [4l] 8 q w e t e [wz] [ql] [8k] [4l] [8k] [1f] 5 8 9 0 w 0 9 8 5 1 5 [9z] [ef] [yg] [uf] [ig] [pf] [iz] [uf] [yg] [el] [9f] [eg] [6k] [0d] [ef] [rd] [tf] [ud] [tj] [rs] [ed] [0f] [6d] [0s] [9z] [ef] [yg] [uf] [ig] [pf] [iz] [uf] [yg] [el] [9f] [eg] [6k] [0d] [ef] [rd] [tf] [ud] [tj] [rs] [ed] [0f] [6d] [0s] [4l] [8f] [qg] [wf] [eg] [tf] [el] [wf] [qg] [8f] [4g] [8f] [1l] [5d] [8f] [9d] [0f] [wd] [0f] [9d] [8s] [5f] [1d] [5s] [4l] [8f] [qg] [wf] [eg] [tf] [el] [wf] [qg] [8f] [4g] [8f] [1l] [5d] [8f] [9d] [0f] [wd] [0f] [9d] [8s] [5f] [1d] [5s] [9d] [qey] s [6a] [80e] p [9d] [qey] f d s a s [6a] [80ep]
    Level: 6
    La Valse D’Amelie (Amelie)

    Yann Tiersen