02:46 -
5 -
6 0 w r y o 6 0 w r [yf]g[od]s[d4] 8 0 r y o 4 8 0 r y o 6 0 w r y o [f6] 0 [wj] r y [oh] [k4] 8 0 r y o [l4] 8 0 r y o 4 8 0 r y o a d h k z v|n|||[ut6] 0 [pe]|O|[t4]ip8 q e [ra]|[y5]os9 w|a|[ut6] 0 e t u p [ut6] 0 [pe]|O|[t4]ip8 q e [ra]|[r7]yo9 w e [yr] i [ut1] 5 [t8] 5 [r7] 5 [ut6] 0 [pe]|O|[t4]ip8 q e [ra]|[y5]os9 w r d|[u1]of5 8 9 0 w [i2]pf6 9 0 [qg]f[ed]sa||u s d [u3]a 7 0 e r e [W730] r u I [urWO0] [ura0]| |[y5]oa||s 9s[wo] p a o [i5] 9 [yw] e [ro] i [ut6] 3 8 7 6 3tus[tp] [tp] [ut] [ut] t [up$] [a8] [I0] o p a [us4] 8 [p0] 8 [u0]|[yie2] 6 [O9]||p [r3]ua7 [s0]|d|[t4]ys8 [d0] q [fe] t yis|t a o [T6] 3 [yd6] * [uf9] 0 ipg|[uf] [yd] [TS] [yid2] 6 9 [uf0] [yqd] [tse] [raY@] 7 ( r u p [urO3] 7 0|[pe] [ra] [ts3] 7 [yd9] 7 [uf0]|[i4]psg8 [yd0] q [ufe] t [yra5] 9 [wts] 9 [yd7] 5 [upf6]|[spj860]|[e80] [OH] [upf!] e [ueT0] o [qie] u [pg2] 6 [yd9] q [ufe]|[yra3] 7 0 W [ts] [yd] [uf6] 3 6 8 [yd] [ts] [uf8] 0 w y u p [i4]g 8 [yd0] q [ufe] t [yra5] 9 w [ts9] [yd7] 5 [upf6]|[spj860]|[slfe0]|[eZQGD(]|[zd]|[sl]|[pjd2] 6 9 q [kea] [sl] [pj2] 6 9 q [ige]|[aOH3] 7 0 W [rpj] [ka] [sl3] 7 [ka0] W [raOH]|[upf3] 0 2 9 1 8 7 7 1 8 %|||[upf6]| |[spje860]|[sWOH860]|[spj4]|[q84]|[qkea8]|[sl5]|[w975]|[zwd975]|[xf6]|[e860]|[e860]|[upf6]|[spje860]|[sWOH860]|[spj4]|[q84]|[qkea8]|[oha5]|[w975]|[wid975] [pg] [uf1]|[w80]|[w80]|[upf6]|[spje860]|[sWOH860]|[spj4]|[q84]|[qkea8]|[sl5]|[w975]|[zwd975]|[xjf6]|[e860]|[e860]|[jgc4]|[qe8]|[xqfe8] [zd] [xf6]|[pje860]|[e860] [ka] [OH3]|[730%]|[gcW70]|[xjf3]|[W70] [zd] [slW70] [ka] [pj6] 3 [PJ6] * [pj0] e [SL!] 3 6 * 0 [xfe] [zd2] 6 9 0 q [xfe] [gc2] 6 9 0 q e [ZD7] $ [xf7] ( [qZD] r [GC7] $ 7 ( Q [rjb] [VH3] 7 0 W r [ujb] [nk3] 7 0 e r u [slg4]|[qpje8]|[qkea8]|[OH3]|[730]|[gcW70]|[xjf6]|[e860]|[e860] [zd] [sl2]|[qe96]|[qe96] [ka] [pj6]|[ka]|[sl]|[O3] [H3] [p2] [j2] [a7] [k7] [p6]sj| |f|d|s|a|p|[O%]|[rW]|y|[i%]|[rW]|y|6|1 3 6 8 0 w 6 8 0 e y e 4 8 0 e t u o u o s f h|kl[k6]||h f s a o u t r w 0 8||[60]wr
About This Music Sheet
Rinkaku (March Comes In like a Lion) is a song by Yukari Hashimoto. Use your computer keyboard to play Rinkaku (March Comes In like a Lion) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:46, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Rinkaku (March Comes In like a Lion) is classified in the genres: Manga, Songs From TV, Japan on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime.
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Other Songs By Yukari Hashimoto
[vpe] [um] [pn] [vs] o|b|[yxwo]| |dhk| |[xtqi] c x z [pml]fj[nk] [ml] z [vuh0] t u s [nk]|[ml]|[zqi] t y d [nk]|z|[vu0] r o [da] z| |[xr7]| |[ZI]aG| |[xu0]| |udf| |[ypjg9]|[kgd]|[tslf8]|[soh]|[tsqj]|k|l|z|[xtQI]|||[zur0]| |f|g|[sh4] [j8] [qh] [le] [tk] [uh] [qf] [j0] [hda5] 9 w y [oida] p [ygda] w [spf6] [g0] [fe] [tj] [uh] [ysp] [sphe] [pig0] [kfa5] 9 w y [si] p [yda] w [ph4] [sj8] [qph] [tsl] [uka] [tph] [ed] [qj] [oha5] 9 [wsl] r [zykd] o [zvrkh] w [slj6] [pe] [uf] [sl] [zkd5] [yd] [oh] [ka] [slj4] [ig] [pj] [sl] [khda5]|||vv| |[vphe] [sl] [ka] [vh]||[jb]|[yxwof]| |hk| |[xtqlif] [gc] [xf] [zd] [slj] [ka] [sl] [zd] [ush0]| |[ka]|[sl]|[zyqid]| |[ka]|[zd]|[vurh0]| |[zd]| |[xrfQ7]| |[rZGD(]| |[ufO0] a d f O|[xf] [gc] [sph4][qd][jb8][ze][vqh][tl][mle][uc][tnk][xp][vulh][sk][xqf][tj][jb0][ze][vh5][wj][k9][le][zw][xu][yl][pj][zihd][fa][yj][pg][zwgc][uj][wl][he][xf6][je][gc0][xt]eu[tjb][zo][vuh]a[yxlf][zp][vlhe][ug][gc0]t[xf5][wg][j9][rl]w[ukh][yk]p[lihd][sd][pk]f[ykda][pf][wh][ys][sphg4][qd][jb8][ze][vqh][yl][tml][oc][unk][xa][vth][ok][zed][uh][qjb][zt][zvh5][wh][k9][ze][wsl][yg][rj][li][zykd][pf][oh][kd][zvrkh][id][wg][yj][slj6] [pe] [uf] [le] [zkd5] [wd] [yh] [wk] [sljg4] [ig] [pj] [sl]| |[ih] s a h||j|k| |l| |islzv
Level: 7Length: 01:57IntermediateLost My Pieces (Toradora!) (Intermediate)
Yukari Hashimoto
[f8]|[wf]|f|[qd] s [tpie]| |[woa]|[yo]|[da] D [sf6]|[t0]|h f [tqed]| |h f [wurd0]|o|a|[qpe9]|s|g|[wd95]| |w|[ywroD]|||f h [d8]|[wut]|s|[qf]|[ute]|f h [wd]|[yro]|s|[pe]|[ut]|f h [d8]|w|s|[qpie]|[wroa]|[tspe]|[ywda]|o|d D [tf]| |f h [d8] w t|s|[qf]|t|f h [wd] y o|s|[pe]| |l|[qk] [tl] [ih]|t g [wuf]|d|h|[sqge]|[wfa0]|[qpd9]|[s8]|w|l|[f6]k 0 [he] t [uf]|[sq]th|j|s|[d5] 9 w s h g [f6] 0 [te]|d s [p9] e [tea]|s|[yje9]|[yfI]|d|[sqe]|[ut]|d f [wrd]|[yo]|f h [f6]l 0 t k [uh] f [qh] t j|f h [wf]l y o k h f [she] u [oj]|[usfe]|[sqi]|t|d f [wg]|[yod]|h|[qge] f [wrd] a [tse] d [uts]|fl|[qe9] [sp] [sp] [sp] [sp] [sp] [wrda0] o [da]| |[rW0] [da] [yrda] [da] [da] [da] [utsfe] p [sf]|w|[qe9] [sp] [sp] [sp] [sp] d [wrfa0]|d|s|[qed9]|[ypi]|s|[wa95]| |[wo][ya]D|||f h [d8]|[wt]|s|[qf]|[te]|f h [wd]|[yo]|s|[pe]tu||f h [d8]|[wt]|s|[qpe]|a|s|[wh]|[yrd]||D [f8] w t u [of] h [d8] w [to]|s|[i4]sf [q8]|f h [d5] 9 [wo]|s|[p60]| |l|[qg]k l [th]|i g [wuf]|[yod]|h|[qpge]|[wof0]|[qid9]|[us8]|t| |[qpie]|[wroa]|[tspe]|[wro]dh||d|[qg]|[tf]|[id]|[s8] w t w [td] f [qg] t i|j|[hf8] w t w [tj] h [sqg] t i t [li] t i t i|||[u8]w[to]| |sfl
Level: 6Length: 02:47IntermediateSupper (March Comes in like a Lion)
Yukari Hashimoto
yipspsadadadyipspsadadad[zy]ip[xs][zp]s[la]dadadyipspsad[ka]d[ha]d[yj]ipspsadadadyipsps[ha]d[ga]d[ka]d[zy]ip[xs][zp]s[la]dadadyipspsad[za]d[va]d[yb]ipspsadadadyip[sn][pb]s[va]d[ca]d[xa]d[z9]qe[xt][zr]y[ol]||9qetryo k h [j9]qetryo||9qetryo i a [i4]ps8[qd][se]t[ig] 8 [oh4] [oha5] wryohkzv[ig] [oh] [d92] [qpe]9[qp] [s92] [wra]y[oa] [d92] [sp]yp [92] [ywroa]y[yoa6] [zd2] [qjge] [jg] [sl2] [wrkh] [kh] [zd2] [tjge] [jg] 2 [wrkha] [kha6]e[pj4] [sq8]p[sq8] [g1] [sq8]p[sq8] [d5] [wa9]o[wa9] [h2] [wsj9] [wk9] [s2]gl[tqe]kj [h5]o[wa9]dh [pg4] [ea8] [sj] [o1] [f850] [so5] [a5]y[wo9] as[h2]o[wa9] jk[sl4] [qk8] j [o3]sh[w8]|[i9]sg[qe]|[h5] [wa9]|[f8] [ws0]|[d9]f[qge]fds[gE] [yi] fd[eS] [up] S [sq] [te] df[h8] [wf0] s [^P] [qE9] sd[pg4] [qe8] hg[h5] [wro9]|[oh2] [wrpje9] [ka5] [g^]Jz4c^9[zqd]E[zyd] [sl] [PJ] [qpje8] [PJ] [sl] [j4][l1][b4]|||[oca]xxzzkhggffd[uts] d h [pofT]|||[d2] [qpe9]fd [s2] [wro9]|2 [tsie9]p[sp] 2 [ywra9] [o6] [p2] [qie9] y 2 [wra9]oa 2 [tsie9]ps 2 [ywrod9]a[d6]d[zd2] [qe9][xf][zd] [sl2] [wr9]|2 [tsl9]jl [kd2] [zywrd9] [vh] [j2]lxb [sf][xl][pf][xl][ha][zv][od][zk][pf][xl][us][lj][od][zk][ya][kh][us][lj][tp][jf][ya][kh][ro][hf]|[ysp]dj||[yro962]||2
Level: 7Length: 01:32IntermediateStrategy (March Comes In like a Lion)
Yukari Hashimoto
[xhe] [us] [oa] h||j| [wf] t u o s| | [qf] [tg] [uf] [pd] s a s d [o0] r y o a| s| [qpd] t y i a| d| [h0] r y u [od]| | [f7] Q r I [aD]| | [fO0]| r| u| O| [p9] e [ta]| [s0] t o| [qp] t [ia]| s| d| [fe] t u s j| | [dW] r y I x| c| [vq] [tb] [vu] m [pn] v z b [wv] r y o z| c| [xe] c [xt] b [vp] l z c [xw]| y| [ol]| h| [vq] b [vt] m [pn] v z b [wv]| [ym]| z| c| [xme0]| [vm]| [zwv9]| [zk]| [qk] t p s| |q t y o||a| [s0]||| [ve] l [uk] v||b| [xw]| u| [xl]| | [xq] c [xt] z [pli] k l z [h0]| r| [uok]| l| [zqj]| i| [kd]| z| [v0]| [uo] z [da]| | [xu7]| |[ZD] I a| [xH0] r u O f| g| [qh] [tj] [uh] l [pk] h d j [wh] r y o z| c| [xme] t [vpm]| [zwv] y [zok]| [qj] t o s a| |i s d h| |f| |k| l| g l z vLevel: 6Length: 02:03Intermediate
Lost My Pieces (Toradora!)
Yukari Hashimoto
Yu | Io | Yu Io sa uo aP | p o u y u | Yu | Io | Yu Io sa uo aP | p o u y u | u y Y u | f da po uPp Pp Pp Pp o u y u u | o | o | o u y uLevel: 2Length: 00:30Easy
Pink Panther Theme
Henry Mancini
^ w 0 w ^ w 0 w ^ w 0 w ^ w 0 w 6 q 9 q 6 q 9 q 6 q 9 q 6 q 8 q 7 q 9 q 7 q 9 q 7 W q W 7 W q W [pe0] u [pe] u [wo^] y [wo] y [qi6] y [qi] y [u70] y [u0] r [t8] e Q e 8 e Q e [r7] w 9 w [r9] W 0 W|||[81] e [ut] [pe]8[o7] r [yi] r7[u81] t [upi] t8[u%] r [yO] [tr]%6 e [ut] [pe]6[o7] r [yi] r7[u81] t [upi] t8[u%] r [yO] [tr]%6 6 [ut] 6e6 6 [ut] 6e6 6 [ut] 6e444 [ti] 4333 [ur] 3%%% yr%t[81] e [ut] [pe]8[o7] r [yi] r7[u81] t [upi] t8[u%] r [yO] [tr]%6 e [ut] [pe]6[o7] r [yi] r7[u81] t [upi] t8[u%] r [yO] [tr]%6 6 [ut] 6e6 6 [ut] 6e6 6 [ut] 6e444 [ti] 4333 [ur] 3%%% yr%t6 [p6] [a80] [sp]6[od7] [d7] [qif9] s7[u81] [p8] [iea0] s8[ud%] [d%] [yfW9] [ts]%6 [p6] [a80] [sp]6[od7] [d7] [qif9] s7[u81] [p8] [iea0] s8[ud%] [d%] [yfW9] [ts]%[p6] 6 [a80] s6[d7] [d7] [qf9] s7[p81] 8 [ea0] s8[d%] [d%] [fW9] s%[p6] 6 [a80] s6[d7] [d7] [qf9] s7[p81] 8 [ea0] s8[d%] [d%] [fW9] s%[p6] p [uea] s [d6] d [ufe] s [p6] p [uea] s [d6] d [ufe] s [p6] p [uea] s [d6] d [ufe] s [p6] p [ua] s d d [uf] s p p [ua] s d d f s p p a s d d f s p p a s d d f s p p a s d d f s p p a s d d f s p p a s d d f s p
Level: 6Length: 02:28IntermediateEvil Morty (Alternative)
Rick And Morty
Guy Picciotto
7 7 7 6 7 9 7 $
6 7 7 7 6 7 q 0
9 6 7 7 7 6 7 9
7 $ 6 7 7 7 6 7
q 0 9 6 7 7 7 6
7 9 7 $ 6 7 7 7
6 7 q 0 9 6 7 7
7 6 7 9 7 $ 6 7
7 7 6 7 r r r e
r y r Q e r r r
e r i u y e r r
r e r y r Q e r
r r e r i u y e
r r r e r y r Q
e r r r e r i u
y e r r r e r y
r Q e r r r e r
7 * 9 0 Q 7 9 e
W Q 0 Q 7 * 9 0
Q 7 9 e W e r W
Q 7 * 9 0 Q 7 9
e W Q 0 Q 7 * 9
0 Q 7 9 e r e W
Q 9 * 7 6 7 7 $
6 7 * 6 7 9 * 7
6 7 7 $ * 9 * 6
3 y T r e r r Q
e r T e r y T r
6 9 Q 0 ( 7 e W
Q 9 * 7 6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7 7 * 9 0
Q 9 9 0 q 0 9 *
9 0 Q Q r 7 * 9
0 9 * e w Q 9 9
0 q 0 9 * 9 0 Q
Q r 7 * 9 5 $ 4
9 ^ 7Level: 3Length: 02:46EasyGiorno’s Theme (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Yugo Kanno