01:40 -
t y|t e|i|y|t||
t|y t|y t|i|u||
E t|E w|u|y|t||
t|y t|y t|y|e||
t y|t e|i|y|t||
t|y t|y t|i|u||
E t|E w|u|y|t||
t|y t|y t|o|i||
t y|t e|i|y|t||
t|y t|y t|i|u||
E t|E w|u|y|t||
t|y t|y t|o|i
About This Music Sheet
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is a song by Johnny Marks. Use your computer keyboard to play Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is a Super Easy song which you can also load and play on your mobile or tablet. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:40, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Shannon. The song Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is classified in the genres: Christmas Songs, Kids on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Fun.
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Other Songs By Johnny Marks
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[lzcb]|h|[zcvn]|h||Level: 7Length: 01:12IntermediateHolly Jolly Christmas
Johnny Marks
op ou s p o| opopo s a|| io iy a p o| opopo p u op ou s p o| opopo s a|| io iy a p o| opopo d s p p s p o u o| i p o i u|| y u o p a a a| s s a p o iy op ou s p o| opopo s a|| io iy a p o| opopo d sLevel: 1Length: 01:02Super Easy
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (Alternative)
Johnny Marks
[o8]p o[u5] s [p8] o 5| [o8]pop[o0] [s0] [a9]| 5| [i9]o i[y5] a [p9] o 5| [o9]pop[o5] p [u8] 5 6 7 [o8]p o[u5] s [p8] o 5| [o8]pop[o0] [s0] [a9]| 5| [i9] oi[y5] a [p9] o 5| [o9]pop[o5] d [s8] 8 9 0 [qp] p [sq] p [o8] u [o8]| [i9] p [o5] i [u8] 7 ^ 6 [y5] u [o5] p [a5] a [a5]| [s6] s [a2] p [o5] [i5] [y6] 7 [o8]p o[u5] s [p8] o 5| [o8]pop[o0] [s(] [a9]| 5| [i9]oi[y5] a [p9] o 5| [o9]pop[o5] d [s8]| p a [s9] p| i [a0] o| u [qp] i| y [p8] o|| [s9] p| i [a0] o| u [qp] i| y [p8] o|| [u6] u [u0] u [p6]| 6 pa [s9] a [s9]apo[o5] 5 6 7 [o8]p o[u5] s [p8] o 5| [o8]pop[o0] [s(] [a9]| 5| [i9]o i[y5] a [p9] o 5| [o9]pop[o5] p [u8] 5 6 7 [o8]p o[u5] s [p8] o 5| [o8]pop[o0] [s(] [a9]| 5| [i9]o i[y5] a [p9] o 5| [o9]pop[o5] d [s8] 8 9 0 [qp] p [sq] p [o8] u [o8]| [i9] p [o5] i [u8] 7 ^ 6 [y5] u [o5] p [a5] a [a5]| [s6] s [a2] p [o5] [i5] [y6] 7 [o8]p o[u5] s [p8] o 5| [o8]pop[o0] [s(] [a9]| 5| [i9]o i[y5] a [p9] o 5| [o9] p [o5] p [yo9]| [id5]| [us8]| 5| 8 5 8Level: 5Length: 01:46Intermediate
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer (Intermediate)
Johnny Marks
r rTyuI | 77 | QQIuu r rTyuI | 77 | rrIuu y | Iuyy | [0r][0r] | Iuyy | [0r][0r] | Iuyy 0[0r] r rTyuI | 77 | rrIuu r rTyuI | 77 | rrIuu y | Iuyy | [7r][7r] | Iuyy | [7r][7r] | Iuyy | [7r]7 [7r] e rr | a p I | yyu ry | 77 | a p Iu | yyu ry | yyu re | yyyu re | yyy | r y u a p Iu | yyu reLevel: 4Easy
Moves Like Jagger
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Christina Aguilera
t o o ioiYt
t o o iiPPo
t o o ioiYtLevel: 1Length: 00:10Super EasyBlood Sweat & Tears (BTS)
p s s | s | s s p s d a | o a a | a | o o o a s s |
p s s | s | p s p s d a | o a a | a | o o o a s s |
g f g f | g | g f f | g g f g f | g f g f | d | g g f f | g g f | g fLevel: 1Length: 01:15Super EasySave Your Tears
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