01:52 -
-2 -
j| l| k|
[fe] u p a s a p u
i p [sj] g h s p g
[th] u o s d s o u
y i [pg] d f p i d
[fe] [us] [pf] j l u t u
[yk] i p d [kY] I p j
[uH] O a f H| |
6 0 [pe] 0 [sr] 0 t a
[u0] W r u I u O u
q e [tp] i o i t [ie]
[o8] 0 w t y t u t
9 q [yi] e [yu] e q y
[u6] 0 e y t e 0 8
[y9] q e t [rW] 0 7 r
[e6] 8 0 e r t u p
y i [pjg] d [jg] p i k
[lje] u [pjf] u a s a p
y i [pjg] d [jg] p i k
[lje] u p a s f s a
y i [pljg] d [lj] p i z
[th]lxu [ol] s [hf] o u o
[zy] i p d [lY] I p [sj]
[uk] O a O f| |
6 0 [pe] 0 [sr] 0 t a
[u0] W r u I u O u
q e [tp] i o i t [ie]
[o8] 0 w t y t u t
9 q [yi] e [yu] e q y
[u6] 0 e y t e 0 8
[y9] q e t [rW] 0 7 r
[e6] 8 0 e r t u p
9 q [pie] y [pi] e q a
[sp6] 0 [pe] 0 e t r e
9 q [jge] y [jg] e q [kg]
[ljf6] 0 e r t u t r
9 q [pie] y d e q a
[usp6] 0 e r [tp] r e 0
q e [tpi] s [woa] r y o
[pi9] q e y i u y e
i p [sj] [lf] [ok] a d h
[yj] i p d f g h g
[ji] p s l [ok] a d h k| |
[xpjf]| |6
About This Music Sheet
Rue’s Whistle (The Hunger Games) is a song by Bevani. Use your computer keyboard to play Rue’s Whistle (The Hunger Games) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:52, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Rue’s Whistle (The Hunger Games) is classified in the genres: Classical, Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Relaxing, Instrumental, Hunger Games.
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Level: 7Length: 04:45IntermediateSong of Lucidity (The Untamed)
Hai Lin
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Level: 6Length: 04:33IntermediateThinking Out Loud
Ed Sheeran
[wo] d a o d a o d a o d a [QI] d a I d a I d a I d a [wd] y r [wa] y r [wp] y r w [ya] [rf] [dQ] y r Q y r Q y r Q y r [wd] y r [wa] y r [wp] y r w [ya] [rp] [QI] y r Q y r Q y r Q y r [o30] r w [a0] r w [d0] r w 0 [ra] [wd] [d81] [rf] w 0 r w 0 r w 0 [ra] [wp] [o30] r w [p0] r w [a0] r w 0 r [wd] [o81] r w 0 r w [I92] r w 9 r w [zwd5] y r [wka] y r [wpj] y r w [yka] [xrf] [zdQ] y r Q y r Q y r Q y r [zwd5] y r [wka] y r [wpj] y r w [yka] [rpj] [QIG$] y r Q y r Q y r Q y r [o30] r w [a0] r w [d0] r w 0 [rka] [zwd] [GC92] [xrf] w 0 r w 0 r w 0 [rka] [wpj] [oh92] r w 0 r w [pj0] r w [ka0] r [zwd] [oh81] r w 0 r w [92] r w 0 r w [wo5] d a o d a o d a o d a [o5] d a o d a o d a o d a [o5]Level: 6Length: 02:01Intermediate
Reconciliation (The Walking Dead)
Bear McCreary