03:22 -
1 -
s h f q t [ih] f t o [sh] d w y o y w s a s q t [ih] f t o [sh] d w y o y w||d [tf8] w t w t w [ts] [wd] [r7] w r w r w [sr] [wd] [tfe] [wd] [td] [ws] [tf] [wd] [td] [ws] [f8] [qd] [ed] [sq] [pe] q [oe] [qd] [wtf8] w t w [ts] [se] [ts] [ed] [r97] w r w r w [sr] [wd] [tf80] [wd] [td] [ws] [tf] [wd] [td] [ws] [qfe8] [qd] [ed] [sq] [pe] w t [wa] [sqe8] q [se] [sq] [se] [qd] [tfe] [qa] [wr7] [wa] [yr] [wa] [ysr] [wd] [yr] [wf] [e86] [d0] [ted] [s0] [tse] [f0] [ted]s[qd] [s4] d||s h f [tqe] [sq] [the] [wf] [wt] [s0] [th] [qd] [ywr] [qd] [ysr] [wf] [yr] [s0] [yrh] [wf] [tqe] [s0] [the] [wf] [wt8] [ge] [wtf] [d0] [ywr] w [yr] w [yr] [ws] [yrh] [wf] [tqe] [s0] [the] [wtf] 0 [s8] [th] [qd] [ywr] [qd] [ysr] [f0] [yr] [qd]s[ywrd]s[pe] [tsqe] q [te] q [te] [qo] [tfe] q [qda5]| |d d s [hd] [sf] 4 8 [qh] f 8 w [th] d 5 9 w 9 5 [ys] [ya] [ys] [y4] [t8] [qh] f 8 w [th] d 5 9 w 9 5||d [tf8] w t w t w [ts] [wd] r w r w r [ws] [sr] [wd] [tfe] [wd] [td] [ws] [tf] [wd] [td] [ws] [wf] [qd] [ed] [sq] [pe] q [oe] [qd] [wtf8] w t w [ts] [ws] [th] [wg] [rf97] [wd] r w r [ws] [sr] [wd] [rf80] [wd] [td] [ws] [tf] [wd] [td] [ws] [qfe8] [qd] [ed] [sq] [pe] q e [qa] [tsqe8] q [tse] [sq] [tse] [qd] [tfe] [qa] [wr7] [wa] [yr] [wa] [ysr] [wd] [yr] [wf] [e8] [d0] [ted] [s0] [tse] [f0] [ted]s[qd] [sie8] d||s h f [tqe] [sq] [the] [wf] [wt] [s0] [th] [qd] [ywr] [qd] [ysr] [wf] [yr] [s0] [yrh] [wf] [tqe] [s0] [the] [wf] [wt8] [ge] [wtf] [d0] [ywr] w [yr] w [yr] [ws] [yrh] [wf] [tqe] [s0] [the] [wtf] 0 [s8] [th] [qd] [ywr] [qd] [ysr] [f0] [yr] [qd]s[ywrd]s[pe] [tsqe] q [te] q [te] [qo] [tfe] q [da7]| |d d [yrd] [wd] [uts0] 0 [ts] [s0] [th] [g0] [tf] [d0] [tq] [ts] [sq] [ts] [qh] [tg] [tf] [qd] [wt8] [us] [ws] u [wp] [us] [wd] [uf] [yed9] w y w y w [ys] [wa] [t80] 0 [ts] [s0] [th] [g0] [tf] [d0] [tq8] [sq] [ts] [sq] [th] [qg] [tf] [qd] [wut] [ws] [us] [ws] [us] [ws] [d0] [f5] [wohda4]|[975]|[ohda975] [sl] [oh] [uf]|[t4] [oh8] [uqf]|[t8] [woh] [ytd]|[y5] [t9] [wu] 9 [ts5] [oa] [us]|[t4] [oh8] [uqf]|[i8] [woh] [ytd]|5 9 w 9 [ts5] [oh] [uf] [qe] [tsq] [ohe] [uqf] [wt8] [oh0] [oh8] [OH3] [8630] [OH6] [OH80] [pj6] [80] 6 [ka97] 5 [sl8641] 4 [86] [l4] [k86] [s4] [86] [f4] [9752] [d5] [97] 5 [97] [ts5] [oh97] [uf5] [64] [ts4] [oh6] [uf4] [851] [ts3] [oh8] [yd3] [9752] [yd5] [ts97] [uf5] [97] [ts5] [oh97] [ud5] [64] [ts6] [oh4] [uf851] 3 [ig3] [uf8] [yd3] [9752] 5 [97] 5 [97] [ts5] [oh97] [uf5] [64] [ts6] [oh4] [uf851] 3 [ts3] [oh8] [yd3] [9752] [yd5] [ts97] [uf5] [97] [d5]s[d9752]s[p6] [ts8642] 4 [86] 4 [86] [o4] [uf86] 4 [da9752] 5 [oda75]|d d l [zv] [xl] 4 8 [vq] x 8 [xw] [vt] z 5 9 w 9 5 [ld] [kd] [ld] [s4] [s8] [vq] x 8 o [vs] z w y o y w
About This Music Sheet
Sad Song is a song by We The Kings. Use your computer keyboard to play Sad Song music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:22, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Sad Song is classified in the genre of Pop Rock on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Sad.
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[ut]|p|s|[ye]||[te]|[wr]|| [yr]|u|[ro]|[te]||[wr]|[qe]|| [ut]|p|s|[yq]||[te]|[wr]|| [wr]|e|w|e|||e [usf]|[pj]|[slf]|[ypd]||[tsp]|[roa]|| [ypd]|[uf]|[oha]|[uts]||[yra]|[tpe]|| [usf]|[pj]|[slh]|[yid]||[tsp]|[roa]|| [yra]|[pe]|[wo]|[tpe]||[te]|| [usf]|[pj]|[slf]|[ypd]||[tsp]|[roa]|| [ypd]|[uf]|[oha]|[uts]||[yra]|[tpe]|| [usf]|[pj]|[slh]|[yid]||[tsp]|[roa]|| [yra]|[pe]|[wo]|[tpe]|| [te]||[tpe]||[te]Level: 5Length: 01:00Intermediate
Honor Him (Gladiator)
Hans Zimmer
[0o] r [wo] r [0o] r [wa] r [8f] w [0f] w [8f] w [0d] w [wa] y [ra] y [wa] y [ra] y [9I] e [QI] e [9I] e [Qu] e [0wr] o [0wro] u [0wro] u [0wro] p [80wa]| [80wo] o [80wy] a [80w]| [wry]| [wry]| [wry] o [wryo] o [9eQI]| [Q9e] I [9eQI] u [Q9eo]| [0wr] o [0wro] u [0wro] u [0wro] p [80wa]| [80wo] o [80wd] a [80w]| [wry]| [wry]| [wry] o [wryo] p [Q9e]| [Q9e]| [Q9e] a [Q9ea] a [0a] r w r 0 r w r 8 w 0 w 8 [wa] [0a] [wa] [wa] y r y w y r y 9 e Q e 9 [ea] [Qa] [ea] [0a] r w r 0 [ro]p[wp] [rp]a[8p] [wo] [0o] w 8 [wa] [0a] [wa] [wa] y r y w [yo] [ro] [yp] [9I] [eI] [QI] [eo] 9 [ea] [Qa] [ea] [0wroa]| [0wro]| [0wro]| [0wra]-- [80wf]| [80wf]| [80wf] o [80wd] da[wry]| [wry]| [wry] o [wryd] da[Q9e]| [Q9e] p [Q9e] a [Q9ea] a [0a] r w r 0 [ro] [wo] [ru]s8 w 0 w 8 w 0 [wd] [wa] [yd] [ra] [yd] [wa] [yd] [rp] [yo]s9 e Q [eo] [9s] e [Qa] e [0o] [ro] [wo] [ro] [0a] [ra]a[wh] [rG] [8f] [wf] [0f] [wf] [8d] [wd] [0p] [wp] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [wd] [ys] [ra]p[yo] [9I] [eI] [QI] [eI] [9p] [ep] [QI] [eI] [0o] [ro] [wo] [ro] [0a] [ra]a[wh] [rG] [8f] [wf] [0f] [wf] [8d] [wd] [0p] [wp] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [wd] [ys] [ra]p[yo] [9I] [eI] [QI] [eI] [9o] [eo] [Qp] [eo] [0wr] o [0wro] u [0wro] u [0wro] p [80wa]| [80wo] o [80wy] a [80w]| [wry]| [wry]| [wry] o [wryo] o [9eQI]| [Q9e] I [9eQI] u [Q9eo]| [0wr] o [0wro] p [0wro] u [0wro] p [80wa]| [80w] o [80wd] a [80w]| [wry]| [wry]| [wry] o [wryo] p [Q9ep]| [Q9e]| [Q9e] a [Q9ea] a [0a] r w r 0 r w r 8 w 0 w 8 [wa] [0a] [wa] [wa] y r y w y r y 9 e Q e 9 [eo] [Qd] [ed]a0 [ro] [wd] [rd]a0 [ro] [wd] [rd]p8 [wo] [0o] [wp] 8 [wo] [0d] [wd]aw y r y w [yo] [rd] [yd]a9 e Q [ep] 9 e Q e [0o] [ro]p[wo] [ro]d[0a] [rI] [wo] [ro] [8o]o[wo]p[0o] [wo]d[8a] [wI] [0o]o[wo]o [wo]o[yo]p[ro] [yo]d[wa] [yI] [ro]o[yo]o [9o]o[eo]p[Qo] [eo]d9 [ea] [Qa] [ea] [0a] r w r 0 r w [ro] [8u] [wy] 0 w 8 [wo] [0d] [wd]aw y r y w [yo] [rd] [yd]a9 e [Qp] e 9 [ea] [Qa] [ea] [0a] r w r 0 [ro] [wu] [ry]s[8s] w 0 w 8 w 0 [wd] [wa] [yd] [ra] [yd] [wa] [yd] [rp] [yo]s9 e Q [eo] [9s] e [Qa] e [0o] [ro] [wo] [ro] [0a]a[ra] [wh] [rG] [8f] [wf] [0f] [wf] [8d] [wd] [0p] [wp] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [wd] [ys] [ra] pyo [9I] [eI] [QI] [eI] [9p] [ep] [QI] [eI] [0o] [ro] [wo] [ro] [0a]a[ra] [wh] [rG] [8f] [wf] [0f] [wf] [8d] [wd] [0p] [wp] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [wd] [ys] [ra] pyo [9I] [eI] [QI] [eI] [9o] [eo] [Qp] [eo] [0o] [ro] [wo] [ro] [0o] [ro] [wa] [ra] [8f] [wf] [0f] [wf] [8f] [wf] [0d] [wd] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [9I] [eI] [QI] [eI] [9I] [eI] [QI] [eI]Level: 6Length: 03:43Intermediate
Alan Walker
[so8]|w|t|w|8|w|t|w| [so8]|w|t|w|8|w|t|w| [sof8]|w|t|[wg]|[daO0]|r|u|[rf]| [sql]|[tka] [pj] i|[toh] [uf] [f8]|w|t|r| [s6] d [f0]|e|[h0]|[d4] s 8|[qp]|[o8] f 8|w|t|w|8|w|t|w| [sof8]|w|t|[wg]|[daO0]|r|u|[rf]| [sql]|[tka] [pj] i|[toh] [uf] [f8]|w|t|r| [s6] d [f0]|e|[h0]|[d4] s 8|[qp]|[o8] f 8|w|t|w|8|w|t|w| [a5] d [d9]|w|9|[p4] s [s8]|q|[p8] f 8|w|t|w|[jg8] [hf] w|[tsf] [gd] w| [a5] d [d9]|w|9|[p4] s [s8]|q|[p8]| [tsof8]|[roda7]|[uspe6]|u|[ywoa5]|o| [qpi4]|t|[pi]|t|[qiO4]|t|[iO]|t| [so8]|w|t|w|8|w|t|w| [sof8]|w|t|[wg]|[daO0]|r|u|[rf]| [sql]|[tka] [pj] i|[toh] [uf] [f8]|w|t|r| [s6] d [f0]|e|[h0]|[d4] s 8|[qp]|[o8] f 8|w|t|w|8|w|t|w| [sof8]|w|t|[wg]|[daO0]|r|u|[rf]| [sql]|[tka] [pj] i|[toh] [uf] [f8]|w|t|r| [s6] d [f0]|e|[h0]|[d4] s 8|[qp]|[o8] f 8|w|t|w|8|w|t|w| [wa95] d d||[qp84] s s|p f [wt8]| |[jg] [hf]|[sf] [gd]| [wa95] d d||[qp84] s s|p| [tsof8]|[roda7]|[uspe6]|u|[ywoa5]|o| [qpi4]|t|[pi]|t|[qiO4]|t|[iO]|t| [pl] z x|p|v|[zi] l|[ji]|h x s|s|s|s| [pl] z x|p|v|[zi] l|[ji]|h|[utf]Level: 7Length: 02:05Intermediate
Twenty One Pilots