01:08 -
3 -
[6u] o o o u o o o
[4u] o o o u o p o
[8u] o o o u o o o
[5p]|y|t| t
[5u] o o o|o s a
[6u] o o o|o s a
[4o] o o u||
[4u] o o o|o s a
[8o] o o u||
8 t t p|y y|
[5u] o o o|o s a
6||o s a
[4o] o o u||
4||o s a
[8o] o p u||
8 t t t p|y|
5 u||
[5o] p s|d||
[6u] o o o u o o o
[4u] o o o u o p o
[8u] o o o u o o o
[5p]|y|t| t
[5u] o o o|o s a
[6u] o o o|o s a
[4o] o o u||
[4u] o o o|o s a
[8o] o o u||
8 t t t i|u u
5 y||t
[5u] o o o|o s a
About This Music Sheet
Savage Love (Jason Derulo) is a song by Jason Derulo. Use your computer keyboard to play Savage Love (Jason Derulo) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:08, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Savage Love (Jason Derulo) is classified in the genre of Pop on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By Jason Derulo
pooiy y | pooio o | pooiu u | uyuiy y |
pooiy y | pooio o | pooiu u | pooiu u y | pooiy y |
eyuiipy y | yuipp o | popop o | oioip i |
yuipy y | yuipp o | popop o | oioip yLevel: 1Length: 01:10Super EasyTake You Dancing
Jason Derulo
t t Y Y | Y Y t o i Y t o i Y |
t t Y Y | Y Y Y o i Y t o | Y |
Y Y Y P | Y Y Y | t Y t Y i i |
Y Y Y P | Y Y Y |
t Y t Y i i |
P | i | Y | o |
o P P P o P P P P | i | Y
| o |
o P P P o P s P P | i | Y | o |
o P P P o P P P P | i | Y |
i P P P P P | P P P sLevel: 1Length: 02:15Super EasySavage Love
Jason Derulo
7 [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [ig] jl[z9]l[he] [yj]| 8 [wh] [tj]hgf[d7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [pi] sd[d9] [je] [yh] h 6 0g[fe]gd [g7] qd[rg] g qd[tg] [ig]| [g9]h[je]h[yg]hj [h8] w t d [g7] qd[rg] g qd[tg] [ig] d[g9]h[je]h[yg]hj [h8] [wj] [th] g [d7] qg[rj]hg [qg]d[tg] [ig] h9 eg[yj]hgd[g8] [wg] [th] d7 qg[rg]gg [qg]g[tg]d[ig]gg [g9]g[ge] [yg] g [h6] 0 eghj[k7] [qk] [rk] jh[qj] [th] [ig] gd[g9] [ed]gydh 8 w t hj[k7]k[qk] [rk] jh[qj]h[tg] [ig] gg[l9] [je]jyhj [h6] 0g[je]hg 7 [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [ig] jl[z9]l[he] [yj]| 8 [wh] [tj]hgf[d7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [pi] sd[d9] [je] [yh] h [h8] wg[tf]gd [g7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [ig] jl[z9]l[he] [yj]| 8 [wh] [tj]hgf[d7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [id]ddd[d9] [je] [yh] h 6 0 e| [rgda7]Level: 5Length: 01:01Intermediate
Whatcha Say
Jason Derulo
lkj hh sdd lkj hh sdd sfhgs hgfd sfs ssgfsd ooddfds [8s]s pspo [4s]s pspo [8s]s pspo [9d]d opsp [8s]s pspo [4s]s pspo [8s]s pspo [9d]d opsps dfg fds ofdsdsdd apas dfg fds oofdsdsdd apas dfg fds ofdsdsddfd apas dfg fds shffdfdfds l k [tj][uos]t[uosh]j q[tip][qs][tipd]e[tupd]e[tup] w[ryo][wl][ryok] [tj][uos][tj][uosh]h q[tip] [qs][tipd] e[tupd]e[tup] w[ryo]w[ryos] [tf][ous][th][uosg] q[tips]q[tip] [eh][tipg][ef][tupd] w[ryos][wf][ryos][wtu] ss [tig] fsd [tup] oo [ryod]dfds [tl][uosl][tjl][uosj]h [ql][tipl][qjl][tipj]h [el][tupl][ejl][tupj]h [wz][ryoz][whj][ryol]j 8 w t df[qg][tfd][is] [eof][uds][pds][ud] [wd] y [oakpj] [yak] [8sk] w t df[qg][tfd][is] [sio][ehf][ufd][pfd][ufd] [ws] y [ol][yk] [tj][uos]t[uoshh] [ox][yz] [tx][uos]t[uosl] [ql][tip][qj][tipj] e[tuph]e[tup] w[ryo][wx][ryoz] [tx][uos]t[uosl] [ql][tip][qj][tipkj] [ehf][tuph]e[tup] w[ryo]w[ryoj] [tl][uos][th][uosj] q[tip]q[tip] [el][tupz][ex][tupz] w[ryol][wx][ryol] [wtu] [ti] [wtp] [ryo] sa[ol]ljlj[ohol]l [tjl][yj]h l[yl] jljh zz [shj][alj] [pl]ljlj[ohol]l [tjl][yjh] l[yl]jljh zzhj[tlj] [ul]l[ojl][ijh]Level: 6Intermediate
Jason Derulo
4|[etY]|3|YY t
[6y]||[5e]| e
[4t] ty|[3y]|t|
[4s]|s|[3p]|Yu t
[6y]||[5e]| e
[4t] ty|[3y]|t|
[4e]|4|3|[3Y]u t
[6y]|6|[5e]|5 e
[4t] t[4y]|[3y]|[3t]|
[4s]|[4s]|[3p]|[3Y]u t
[6y]|6|[5e]|5 e
[4t] t[4y]|[3y]|[3t]|
[6p] o[6u]|[5y] t[5y]|
[4y] t[4y]|[3u]|[3t] t
[6Y] Y[6y]|[5t] e [5e] e
[4t]|[4e] e 3|3 e
[4Y] u 4|3|3 t
[6y] t[6y] t[5y] t[5e]|
[4e]|[4tup]|[3ryp]|[3Y]Y t
[6y]|6|[5e]|5 e
[4t] t[4y]|[3y]|[3t]|
[Y4ps]|[Y4ps]|[3ryp]|[3Y]u t
[6y]|6|[5e]|5 e
[4t] t[4y]|[3y]|[3t]|
4|[etY]|3 3[Wru]|
4|[etY]|3 3[Wru]|
[6etu]Level: 6Length: 01:27IntermediateHit The Road Jack (Ray Charles)
Ray Charles
a s a o a s a o u||| a s a o a s a o u||| f d s|f d s|f f a|| f d s|f d s s f f a||| a s a o a s a o u||| a s a o a s a o u||| f d s|f d s|f f a|| f d s|f d s s f f aLevel: 2Length: 00:34Easy
Twenty One Pilots
T e [r0] | T W [e9] | erTyT e W r | W | T | [e9] | TreW | WWuyTyy T | TreW | WuyTyy TrTreWe Q | WTreWW 0 | TreW | WuyTyy T e | TreW | WuyTyy TrTreWe Q | TreWW Q | TreW | W WuyTyy T | rT | uy TrW | W | T | Q | erT | uI IO | u | yuu yy T | uII IO | u | yuu yy T | I I pI O | ua | pO O pI | uuII IO | uu | T u ry T | TreW | WWuyTyy T | TreW | WWuyTyy | TTTreWe Q | WWTreWW 0 | eyTrTrT rerer | euuuuy | TreWQ | TTrTrT rerer | WWWWWTTQ | e e eWeW QW WQWr er rTyT | e e eWeW QW WQWr er rTyT | e e eWeW QW WQWr er rTyT | 9 9 9 | 9 | [y9] I p S u O a f T u O S y I p S | GLevel: 4Length: 02:00Easy
Everything I Wanted
Billie Eilish