[je] [uwx] [zy] [lt] [kr] [lt]
[je] [uwx] [zy] [lt] [kr] [lt]
[je] [uwx] [zy] [lt] [kr] [lt] [hw] [hw] [hw] [hw] [lt] [kr] [lt]
[wci] [ux] [lt] [kr] [lt] [lt] [wvo] [ci] [ux] [zy] [zy] [ux] [ci] [ux] [je] [lt]
[je] [uwx] [ci] [zy] [lt] [lt] [kr]
w w [hw] [kr] e [lt] [lt] w r t t
e [hw] [kr] w [lt] [zy] [lt] e e [je] [je] [lt]
w w [hw] [kr] w [lt] [lt] w r t t
e [hw] [kr] w [lt] [zy] [lt] w r[zy] [je]
[je] [hw] [je] [hw] [je] [hw] [je] [kr] [lt] [je]
[HW] [hw] [HW] [hw] [HW] [hw] [HW] [je] [kr] [lt] [je] [hw] [je] [lt]
[je] [hw] [je] [je] [hw] [je] [kr] [lt] [zy] [ux] [zy] [je] [ux] [je] [HW] [ci] [ux] [HW] [je]
[hw] [je] [lt] [hw] [je] [lt] [hw] [HW] [ux]
About This Music Sheet
Simple and Clean (Kingdom Hearts) (Easy) is a song by Hikaru Utada. Use your computer keyboard to play Simple and Clean (Kingdom Hearts) (Easy) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song Simple and Clean (Kingdom Hearts) (Easy) is classified in the genres: Songs From Games, Pop Rock on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Fantasy.
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Other Songs By Hikaru Utada
q [tp] [if]|[id] s[ia]i s 6 [p0] [fe]|[td] s[ta]t s q [tp] [if]|[id] s[ia] s 8 [wo] [to] [wo] [uo] s [wa] s [pg6] 0fe [ts] [ta] a s [hfa5] 0g[wg] [rf] [rd] ffg| [spf4] 8 q [pe]s[ie] i| [pif]|i gdi s [si]a||| [i9]|t o a|t s [si9]|t tt 9 t| [u8]|t o a|t s [us8]|t tt [p8] ts [i9]|t o a|t s [id9] s t t[ts] 9 t p [uo8]|t o a|t ss [u8]|t tt [d8] [tp]| ^ [y^]t[ye]tyt[y^] [u^]i[ie] y 6 [T6]r[wT]rTr[T6] [y6]u[wu] i [y9] 9 e tt[y9]y[i9] e yt [y9] [y9]t[ye] yt[y9] [ue] [i8] [oe] [yp^] ^ e oy^ [p^] [pe]y [T6] 6 [wP]|[p6] [T6] [wT]| [y^E] q E ty8 [wi] t t [y6] 0iet0 [T6] 6 [p6]0e q [tp] [if]|[id] s[ia]i s 6 [p0] [fe]|[td] s[ta][ta] s q [tp] [if]|[id] s[ia]i s 8 [wo] [to] [wo] [uo] s [wa] s [pg6] 0fe [ts] [ta] aa s [hfa5] 0gw [rf] [rd] df g [spf4] 8 q [pe]s[ie] i| [pif]|i gdi s [si]a 5 h[s5][ws]shs[h5]s5s[ws]| 5 h[s5][ws]sh[s5]h[s5] [wjh]| [i9]|t o a|t s [si9]|t tt 9 t| [u8]|t o a|t s [us8]|t ttp 8 st| [i9]|t o a|t s [id9] s [ts] t tp 9| [uo8]|t o a|t s [u8]|t ttd [p8] t| ^ [y^]t[ye]tyt[y^] [u^]i[ie] y 6 [T6]r[wT]rTr[T6] [y6]u[wu] i [y9] 9 e t [y9] [i9] e yt [y9] [y9]t[ye] yt[y9] [ue] [i8] [oe] [yp^] ^ e oy^ [p^] [pe]y [T6] 6 [wP]|[p6] [T6] [wT]| [y^E] q E ty8 [wi] t t [y6] 0i[ie]t0 [T6] 6 [p6]0e q [tp] [if]|[id] s[ia][ia] s 6 [p0] [fe]|[td] s[ta][ta] s q [tp] [if]|[id] s[ia][ia] s 8 [wo] [to] [wo] [uo] s [wa] s [pg6] 0f[fe] [ts] [ta] aa s [hfa5] 0g[wg] [rf] [rd] dfffg [spf4] 8 q [pe]si ii| [pif]|i gd[id] s [si]a [gda4] 8 q s [si] ii o [shf6] 0h[he] j [th] gt[tf] g [sph9] e i s [si] i[pi] s [g8] [wf]g[tg]hwd[ud] y [ts] w [ua] [us]u [uo] [ua] s[us] o [ri] ur[ri] [ur] [ri] [ro] o p [to] t[to]p[ts] [ts] q [te]| [wo]|[wf]|[id] [ig] f q [tp] [if] f[id]s [ia]i s 6 [p0] [fe]|[td] s[ta][ta] s q [tp] [if]|[id] s[ia][ia] s 8 [wo] [to] [wo] [uo] s [wa] s [pg6] 0fe [ts] [ta] aa s [hfa5] 0gw [rf] [rd] dfffg [spf4] 8 q [pe]si i i| [pif]|i gdi s [si]a [gda4] 8 q s [si] ii o [shf6] 0h[he] j [th] gt[tf] g [sph9] e i s [si] i[pi] s [g8] [wf]g[tg]hwd[ud] y [ts] w [ua] [us][us] [uo] a s[us] o [ri] ur[ri] [ur] [ri] o [ro] p [to] t[to]p[ts] [ts] q [te]| [wo]|[wf]|[id] [wg][wg] [f5] [sphf4] 8 q s [si] ii o [shf6] 0h[he] [tj] ht[tg] f g [sph9] e i s [si] i[pi] s [g8] [wf]g[tg]hw[ud]dy [ts] w [ua] [us][us] [uo] [ua] s[us] o [ri] ur[ri] [ur] [ri] [ro] o p [to] t[to]p[ts] [tse] q| [wo]|[wf]|[wd] wg[wg] [wf]
Level: 7Length: 03:04IntermediateSimple and Clean (Kingdom Hearts)
Hikaru Utada
o a s| s d s a s d| o h g f d s| a s d s a s g f d p s a p a s| s d s a s d| o h g f d s| s d s a s g f d p s a p a s|d|f||| a|s|h||| sd d| sdsdsdsd f| dsdsdsdsdsd f| pdf g fdsfff ffffffffg f| dsdsdsd f| dsdsdsdsdsdsd f| s||| ps sf gf ds||| s|d|f|d| s d a|s|h||| pg gf d s df| dfg gf d s df| s|d|f|d| s d a|s|h||| pg gf d s df| g gf d s df o a s| s d s a s d| o h g f d s| a s d s a s g f d p s a p a s| s d s a s d| o h g f d s| s d s a s g f d p s a p a s
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yyio yyio yyyydy | PPPP ssss ooo | iiii oooo ppp | PPss ooo | iiiiiiii oooo | yioiy yyioiy | yip yyip yip yyip | yiopo yyiopo | yip yyip yip yyip | sspp i yytyty | sspp I | yytyto | yiyiyyioyt | ppoiu | yyop ytyui | iiop ouou | ppii y ys ssp | iioPpoioop | sopopopp
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[pe6] 6 6 6 6 6 6 6666 6 6 6 6 6 6 [ts6][ra6][u60][qi4] 4 4 4 4 4 4 [ts4][ra4][y94][u30] 3 3 3 [t83] 3 [y93] 333[e6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] 6666 [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p5]i[f5]g[s5] [ts5][ra5][u50][qi4] 4 4 4 4 4 [p4] [ts4][ra4][y94][u30] 3 3 3 [t83] 3 [y93] 333[u60] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] 6666 [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [y95] 5 5 555[t60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [wo6] [pe6]66[u60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [e86] [t6][r6][60][t40] 4 [e84] 4 4 4 [wo4] [tpe4][r4][94][u30] 3 [e83] 3 [t310] 3 [q32] [30]33[e86] 6 6 6 6 6 6 666[t60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [wo6] [pe6]66[u40] 4 [e84] 4 4 4 [e84] [t4][r4][40][t30] 3 [e83] 3 [31] 3 [wo32] [tpe3][r3][93][u60] 6 [e86] 6 [t60] 6 [q6] [60]66[te6] 6 6 6 5 5 5 [pe5]55[tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] 3 [86] 6666 6 [^9] ^^^^o[i81]u[e86] 6666 6 [w1] 1111o[ie^]u^[e86] 6666 6 [^0] ^^^[^9]s[a5]p[e86] 6666 765[54] 4443o[i3]u[86] 6666 6 [^9] ^^^^o[i81]u[e86] 6666 6 [w1] 1111o[ie^]u^[e86] 6666 6 [^0] ^^^[^9]s[a5]p[e86] 6666 765[w3] 3333o[i3]u[pe6] 6 6 6 6 6 6 6666 6 6 6 6 6 6 [ts6][ra6][u60][qi4] 4 4 4 4 4 4 [ts4][ra4][y94][u30] 3 3 3 [t83] 3 [y93] 333[e6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] 6666 [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p5]i[f5]g[s5] [ts5][ra5][u50][qi4] 4 4 4 4 4 [p4] [ts4][ra4][y94][u30] 3 3 3 [t83] 3 [y93] 333[u60] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] 6666 [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [y95] 5 5 555[t60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [wo6] [pe6]66[u60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [e86] [t6][r6][60][t40] 4 [e84] 4 4 4 [wo4] [tpe4][r4][94][u30] 3 [e83] 3 [t310] 3 [q32] [30]33[e86] 6 6 6 6 6 6 666[t60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [wo6] [pe6]66[u40] 4 [e84] 4 4 4 [e84] [t4][r4][40][t30] 3 [e83] 3 [31] 3 [wo32] [tpe3][r3][93][u60] 6 [e86] 6 [t60] 6 [q6] [60]66[te6] 6 6 6 5 5 5 [pe5]55[tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] 3 [86] 6666 6 [^9] ^^^^o[i81]u[e86] 6666 6 [w1] 1111o[ie^]u^[e86] 6666 6 [^0] ^^^[^9]s[a5]p[e86] 6666 765[54] 4443o[i3]u[86] 6666 6 [^9] ^^^^o[i81]u[e86] 6666 6 [w1] 1111o[ie^]u^[e86] 6666 6 [^0] ^^^[^9]s[a5]p[e86] 6666 765[w3] 3333o[i3]u
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