02:32 -
-5 -
[ef]utfutfut[ef]utdutsut[es]utautput[ep]utsutfut[ej]utjutjut[ej]uthutgut[yg]pifpidpi[yd]pifpigpi[uf]aOgaOfaO[uH]aOgaOfaO[ef]utdutsut[es]utautput[0a]uyauyauy[Wa]uysuyauy[ep]ut[0p]ut[8p]ut680tup| |
[eS]uTSuTSuT[eS]uTauTpuT[9p]yrOyrOyr[9O]yroyrOyr[uG]aOGaOGaO[uG]aOHaOGaO[eG]uTfuTfuT[ef]uTGuTHuT[uj]SpjSpjSp[uj]SpHSphSp[yG]pIGpIGpI[yG]pIfpIdpI[0S]OuSOuSOu[WS]OudOuaOu[ep]uT[0p]uT[*p]uT6*0Tup| |
[ex]utxutxut[ex]utzutlut[el]utkutjut[ej]utlutxut[eb]utbutbut[eb]utvutcut[yc]pixpizpi[yz]pixpicpi[ux]aOcaOxaO[uV]aOcaOxaO[ex]utzutlut[el]utkutjut[0k]uykuykuy[Wk]uyluykuy[ej]ut[0j]fs[8j]fs680sfj| |
[eL]uTLuTLuT[eL]uTkuTjuT[9j]yrHyrHyr[9H]yrhyrHyr[uC]aOCaOCaO[uC]aOVaOCaO[eC]uTxuTxuT[ex]uTCuTVuT[ub]SpbSpbSp[ub]SpVSpvSp[yC]pICpICpI[yC]pIxpIzpI[0L]OuLOuLOu[WL]OuzOukOu[ej]uT[0j]fS[j]fS60Sfj| |
About This Music Sheet
Spanish Romance (Various) is a song by Various. Use your computer keyboard to play Spanish Romance (Various) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:32, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Shannon. The song Spanish Romance (Various) is classified in the genre of Classical on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Love Songs.
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Other Songs By Various
3 3 6|6|0|0 0
(|(|7||6|6|8|8 8
9|^|^||0|0 0| 0|
4|4 4||6| 6 6|6|
@|@|@||0|6 6 0|
6 0|9|8|7|6|||
0|6 6 0| 6 0|9|8|7|6|||
6 6|6 6| 0|9|8|7|6|||
6 6| 7|7|q|q q
0|0|8||7|7|9|9 9
(|7|7||q|q|q|q|5 5 5||
7| 7 7|7|3|3|3||q|7 7 q|
7 q|0|9|8|7|||
7 7 7|7|q|q q 0 0 0|8||
7 7 Q| 7 Q|0|9|*|7Level: 2Length: 02:00EasyGrim Grinning Ghosts (Easy)
y|t|r|e|r|w|wLevel: 1Length: 00:16Super EasyTrick Or Treat
uu[6p] [0p] [6f] [0f]f[7D] [QD] [7a] Q
[6p] [0p] [6s] [0s]s[^d] [qP] [^P] q
[6f] [0f] [6f] [0f] [4i] [8i] [4i] 8
[6p] [0p] [6p] [0s] [4D] [8D] [4D] 8
[6f] [0p]p[6f] 0p[7f] [0d] [7s] [0a]
[6p] 0 6 0 6| [0u]|
[6p] [0p] [6f] [0f]f[7D] [QD] [7a] Q
[6p] [0p] [6s] [0s]s[^d] [qP] [^P] q
[6f] [0f] [6f] [0f] [4i] [8i] [4i] 8
[6p] [0p] [6p] [0s] [4D] [8D] [4D] 8
[6f] [0p]p[6f] 0p[7f] [0d] [7s] [0a]
[6p] 0 6 0 6| 6Level: 4Length: 00:32EasyGrim Grinning Ghosts (Intermediate)
[80o] o o [8qo] p a [80s]||
[0o] 9 8 [57a] a a [59a] s d [80s]||[8E]||
[6qp] p p [7qs] a p [8qo]||[80s]||
[Q9s] s s [Q8s] a s [7wd]||[7q]||
[80f]||[7(D]| f [80s]||[79o]||
[80f] d s [Q9s] a s [9wd]||[9q]||
[80f] f f [8qd] s p [80o]||[60s]||
[59a] a a [7qa] s d [80s]Level: 5Length: 00:31IntermediateThere Shall Be Showers Of Blessing
[5r]|7 t [9r]|
[5r]|7 t [9r]|
6Level: 4Length: 01:01EasyScarborough Fair (Easy)
l k [qh] t o p
l k [0h] t o p
l k [9h] t i p w f g j [th] o d f
[tuol] k [qh] t o p
l k [0h] t o p
l k [9h] t i p [qE] f g f [ts] o d f
o [ta] s [yh] i s d
g f j [uh] s d f
g f j [ih] s d f E [yg] [pf] p [ef] u o s
[toj] k [ql] t o p
[ok] [tj] z [0l] t o p o [tz] x [9c] E i p v P d h [wz] y p s [y p s g j]l k [qh] t o p
l k [0h] t o p
l k [9h] t i p w f g j [th] o d f
[tuol] k [qh] t o p
l k [0h] t o p
l k [9h] t i p [qE] f g f [ts] o d f
o [ta] s [yh] i s d
g f j [uh] s d f
g f j [ih] s d f E [yg] [pf] p [ef] u o s[toj] k [ql] t o p
[ok] [tj] z [0l] t o p o [tz] x [9c] E i p v P d h [wz] y p s [y p s g j]
l k [qh] t o p
l k [0h] t o p
l k [9h] t i p w f g j [th] o d f
[tuol] k [qh] t o p
l k [0h] t o p
l k [9h] t i p [qE] f g f [ts] o d f
o [ta] s [yh] i s d
g f j [uh] s d f
g f j [ih] s d f E [yg] [pf] p [ef] u o s
[toj] k [ql] t o p
[ok] [tj] z [0l] t o p o [tz] x [9c] E i p v P d h [wz] y p s [y p s g j]
l k [qh] t o p
l k [0h] t o p
l k [9h] t i p w f g j [th] o d f
[tuol] k [qh] t o p
l k [0h] t o p
l k [9h] t i p [qE] f g f [ts] o d f
o [ta] s [yh] i s d
g f j [uh] s d f
g f j [ih] s d f E [yg] [pf] p [ef] u o s[toj] k [ql] t o p
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Koji Kondo
[o8]|iu y [t8] y u t [yw]uiy[u8]|y[wt] r [t8]| [o8]|iu y [t8] y u t [yw]uiy[u8]|y[wt] r [t8]| [yw]|ui y [u8]|io y [u8]Io [p9]as [wa] [p9] [wo]| [o8]|iu y [t8] y u t [p8]ppp[o8]|i[wu] y [t8]Level: 4Length: 00:32Easy
Deck The Halls
j| l| k||h j| f| | j| l| k||f jlx j| |h| [gb]| v| [xs]| l zx [zd]| j f g hgf d [sj]| x| [za]| h| [pk] lk[ja] h [sj]| d| f||| [je] t u p l| [wk] r y o h| [je] t u p f|t r e| w r y o [je] t u p l| [wk] r y o v| e t [xu] [zp] x|j|[wj] r y o h| [qb] e t i v| [xt] u o s l| [zy] x z i [ph] s j|x|[qc] e t [vi] c x|z| [je] t u p x| [zw] r y o h| [ke]|l k [rj]|h|[tj]| y| uLevel: 4Length: 01:12Easy
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Ralph Schuckett