r t o a
r t o a
a p o I u y I y
a p o I u y I y
t o I u y t r t u y u r t p | u y
d d s s a a p p
About This Music Sheet
Struggle of Sadness (Yu Yu Hakusho) is a song by Yusuke Honma. Use your computer keyboard to play Struggle of Sadness (Yu Yu Hakusho) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is a Super Easy song which you can also load and play on your mobile or tablet. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:40, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Struggle of Sadness (Yu Yu Hakusho) is classified in the genres: Japan, Manga on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Sad.
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Say Something (Alternative)
Christina Aguilera
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Valse Di Fantastica (Final Fantasy XV)
Yoko Shimomura
f s f s f s
f s f s f s
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[pf] s f s f s
f s f s f s
[uh] d h d h d
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[if] s f s f s
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f d f d f d
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[dh]jhzklkh jhzhjhzklkh jhz
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[wox] z x z x z
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[59wo]podasao podopodasao pod
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[57wro]podasao podopodasao pod
[dh]jhzklkh jhzhjhzklkh jhz
hjhzklkh jhzhjhzklkh jhzLevel: 7Length: 02:20IntermediateSpring’s Melody (Your Lie in April)
Masaru Yokoyama