03:10 -
8 [uo] 5 [uo] 8 [uo] Y u o 8 [uo] 5 [uo] 8 Y u o p [8u] t [wu] [5o] o [wu] [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] 6 [0t] p [0to] p 6 s [0t] [8e] 5 [9r] d d [9r] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [etp] [8p] [eio] [8p] s [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [wu] [5o] [wuo] [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] [6p] s [0t] s f [8e] [6f] [0t] [0t] [5d] [9rd] d [9rd] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [tps] [8s] [tid] s 0 s d [8f] [0wt] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f [ryid] [es] [tup] 0 [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] o o [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] 6 [0t] p [0to] p 6 s [0t] [8e] 5 [9r] d d [9r] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [etp] [8p] [eio] [8p] s [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [wu] [5o] [wuo] [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] [6p] s [0t] s f [8e] [6f] [0t] [0t] [5d] [9rd] d [9rd] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [tps] [8s] [tid] s 0 s d [8f] [0wt] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f [ryid] [es] [tup] 0 [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] [etu] s s s [wrya] s d [tuof] f f f f d 8 s 9 0 s [qg] [eti] g [8g] [etig] [8g] [0wtf] [5d] [0wts] [wd] [ryo] [9f] [ryo] f [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryod] [6f] [80ef] f [80ef] [^d] [E9qd] [4d] d [E9q] [qs] [etis] [8s] s [eti] [8s] [0wt] s [5s] [0wts] [wd] [ryof] d 9 [ryo] w [ryo] [9d] [ryof] g w [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] [wri] s d [8f] [0wt] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f [ryid] [es] [tup] 0 [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] s d [8f] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] w [ryi] f [ryid] [es] [tup] [tup] [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] [eti] [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] [0wt] [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] [ryo] [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] [eti] [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] f d s [wd] [ryo] [ryo] [ryo] w [ryo] [ryof] d [ryos] [tuos] f d s [wd] [ryo] [ryo] [ryo] w [ryo] [ryof] d [ryos] [ts] w e 0 w 0 9 8 0 w 9 8
About This Music Sheet
Take Me Home Country Roads (Intermediate) is a song by John Denver. Use your computer keyboard to play Take Me Home Country Roads (Intermediate) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:10, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Take Me Home Country Roads (Intermediate) is classified in the genre of USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Folk.
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Other Songs By John Denver
8| [o8] o [p8]|o[o8] 7 6| [p6] op[p6] s 5 4 5| [d5]d|[f5]|d5 7 [qp] p [qp] o [o8]s s8| 8 5 6 7 8| [o8] o [p8]|o8 7 [p6] s [s6] f [f6]| 6 6 [d5] d [d5] d [f5]|d7 0 [qp] s s [d9]s8| [s8] d [f8]| 8| 8| [f7] [s6] [d5]| 5| 5| [f5] [d5] [s6]| 6| 6| [f7] [h0] [qj]| q| q| [qj] [j8] [h8] f 8 7 8| [f7] [s6] [d5] f 5| 5| [f7] [d0] [sq]| q| q| [s0] [d9] [s8]| 8| 8| 8 9 6 s [s6] s [a5]| [s7] d [f8] f [f8] f [f8] d [s8] 0 q g [qg] g [g8] f [d8] s [d5]| [f5] f [d5]| 5 7 [f6] f [f6] f [d7] d [d9] d [sq] s [sq] s [s6] s [d6] s [d5] [f5] [d5] 5 5 5 [d5] [f5] [g5] 5 5 5 5 5Level: 4Length: 01:38Easy
Take Me Home, Country Roads
John Denver
[sq]| l| [he]| |[gW]| l| [ws]| |[sq]| g| [le]| z| [lW]| h| [wg]| |[sq]| l| [he]| |[gW]| l| [ws]| |[sq]| g| [le]| z| [lW]| h| [wg]||Er[t^]|q|[ws]|[qp]|[o^]|[qi]|[wu]|[qi]|[o6]|q|[wf]|qDd[s%]|q|w|q|[y5]|q|[ws]|[qp]|[o8]|[qi]|[wo]|[qp]|[u6]|q|[wo]|q|[o9]|[qi]|[u80]|[i8]|[t^]|q|[ws]|[qp]|[o^]|[qi]|[wu]|[qi]|[o6]|q|[wf]|qDd[s%]|q|w|q|[y5]|q|[ws]|[qp]|[o8]|[qi]|[wo]|[qp]|[u6]|q|[wo]|q|[o9]|[qi]|[u80]|[i8]|[li]|g|h|g|[oa]|g|h|g|[PE]|g|h|J|[ji]|h|g|s|[li]|g|h|g|[oa]|g|h|g|[PE]|g|h|J|[ji]|h|g|s|l|g|h|g|a|g|h|g|P|g|h|J|j|h|g|s|l|g|h|g|a|g|h|g|P|g|h|J|j|h|g|s
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[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]| f d[ws80] df g[wh9]| fds[qa8] pa s[wo80]| poi[wu8] os f[qd] Sd p[wsq8] aa s[wd97]| f d[ws80] df g[wh9]| fds[qa8] pa s[wo80]| poi[u860] os f[d7]Sdg a[ws80]Level: 6Length: 00:27Intermediate
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0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 3 [70] 3 [70] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] [u0] [urw] 0 [orw] [I0] [rw] [Y0] [Irw]u0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [urw] [u0] [orw] [a0] [rw] [a0] [srw]a7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [I(Q] [p6] [p0e] 6 [o0e] [I7] [o(Q] 7 [o(Q] [I5] [u9w] 5 [o9w] [I3] [u70] 3 [70] 3 [u70] [u3] [o70] [I7] [(Q] [Y7] [I(Q]u0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [urw] [u0] [yrw] [u0] [yrw] 0 [yrw] [o0] [rw] [u0]y[rw]y0 [urw] 0 [rw] 0 [urw] [u0] [urw] [o0] [rw] [p0] [prw]o7 [I(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [o(Q] [I6] [u0e] 6 [o0e] [I7] [u(Q] 7 [o(Q] [I5] [u9w] [o5] [o9w] [u3] [70] 3 [70] [u3] [70] [u3] [o70] [I7] [(Q] [Y7] [I(Q] [0u] u a a a p [p1] [o58] [I1] [o58] 1 [a58] [p1] [58] 2 [y69] [y2] [u69] [y2] [t69] [t2] [69] [t5] [9w] 5 [r9w] [r5] [9w] [I5] [u9w] 1 [t58] [t1] [t58] [t1] [58] [r1] [58] [r4] [8q] 4 [t8q] [t4] [8q] [t4] [8q] [y1] [t58] 1 [r58] 1 [58] [t1] [58] [u3] [70] 3 [70] [y2] [69] 2 [69] [r5] [9w] [u5] [I9w] [o3] $ [I5] [u7] [u80w] I u [yeQ(] t [r70w] u o a f | [u0] [urw] 0 [orw] [I0] [rw] [Y0][I][urw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [urw] [u0] [orw] [a0] [rw][a][0][s][rw] [a7] [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [I(Q] [p6] [p0e] 6 [p0e] [a7] [a(Q] 7 [a(Q] [s5] [a9w] 5 [s9w] 3 [a70] 3 [70] 3 [u70] [u3] [o70] [I7] [(Q] [Y7][I][u(Q] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [urw] [f0]f[rw][f][0][D][rw][D] [0] [drw] [d0] [Srw] [S0] [srw] [s0] [arw] [a0] [krw] [J0][k][lrw] 0 [krw] [J0][k][lrw] 0 [krw] [J0][k][rw] [l7] [k(Q] [J7][k][l(Q] 7 [a(Q] [a7] [a(Q] [u6] [a0e] [a6] [a0e] [o7] [u(Q] [o7] [o(Q] [p5] [p9w] [p5] [o9w] [u3] [a70] [a3][p][o70] 3 [a70] [a3] [p70] [I7] [Y(Q] [Y7] [I(Q] [u0] u a a a p [p1] [o58] [u1] [o58] 1 [a58] [p1] [58] 2 [y69] [y2] [u69] [y2] [t69] [t2] [69] [t5] [9w] 5 [r9w] [r5] [9w] [I5] [u9w] 1 [t58] [t1] [t58] [t1] [58] [r1] [58] [r4] [8q] 4 [t8q] [t4] [8q] [t4] [8q] [t1] [r58] 1 [e58] 1 [58] [r1] [58] [u3] [70] 3 [70] [y2] [69] 2 [69] [r5] [u9w] [o5] [o9w] [p3] 4 [o5] 7 [I1] [58] 1 [o58] [o1] [58] 1 [58] 2 [y69] [y2] [u69] 2 [y69] 2 [t69] 5 [o9w] [o5] [o9w] 5 [p9w] [u5] [9w] 1 [t58] [t1] [t58] [t1] [58] [r1] [58] [r4] [8q] 4 [t8q] [t4] [8q] [t4] [8q] [t1] [r58] [e1] [e58] [e1] [58] [r1] [58] [u3] [70] 3 [70] [y2] [69] 2 [69] [r5] [9w] [u5] [I9w] [o3] 4 [I5] [u7] [u80w] o [I(Qe] Y [u07w] | [u0] [urw] 0 [Irw] [o0] [rw] [u0][y][urw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [urw] [u0] [urw] [o0] [rw] [o0][p][arw] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [a(Q] [p6] [p0e] 6 [p0e] [a7] [a(Q] 7 [a(Q] [a5] [a9w] 5 [s9w] [a3] [70] 3 [70] [u3] [u70] 3 [o70] [I7] [(Q] [Y7] [I(Q] [u03] [03] [03] [03] | [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [Qr7] [t8] [QE^] | [Qr7] [t8] [QE^] | [Qr7] [t8] [QE^] | [r7] [e6] [w5] [Q$] [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [Qr7] [t8] [QE^] | [Qr7] [t8] [QE^] | [Qr7] [t8] [QE^] | [r7] [e6] [w5] [Q$] [h] [G0] [fwr] [hwr] [G0] [fwr] [hwr] [G0] [fwr] [wr] [0] [wr] [awr] [a0] [awr] [awr] [f0] [wr] [fwr] [a7] [(Q] [(Q] [(Q] r r [t6e] [t6e] [t6e] [u7r] [o7r] [I7r] [I5w] [o5w] [I5w] [u30] [a30] [a30] [a30] [p30] [p30] [p30] [o30] [o30] [I7] [7] [7] [r7] [7] [7] [ruo3] [70] [70] [ruI3] [70] [u70] [r3] [70] [70] 3 [70] [r70] [t3] [t70] [t70] [u3] [70] [o70] [rYI7] [(Q] [(Q] 7 [(Q] [r(Q] [t6] [t0e] [t0e] [u7] [uQr] [oQr] [I5] [o9w] [I9w] [u3] [u70] [u70] [u3] [u70] [u70] [I3] [I70] [70][u][Y7] [(Q] [(Q] [r(Q] | [ruo3] [70] [70] [ruI3] [70] [70] [r3] [70] [70] 3 [r70] [r70] [t3] [t70] [t70] [u3] [70] [o70] [rYI7] [(Q] [(Q] 7 [(Q] [r(Q] [t6] [t0e] [t0e] [u7] [u(Q] [o(Q] [I5] [o9w] [I9w] [u3] [u70] [u70] [u3] [u70] [o70] [I7] [Y(Q] [I(Q] [u30] [u30] [u30] | [f0] [wr] [wr] [a7] [wr] [wr] [f0] [wr] [dwr] [f7] [hwr] [kwr] [z0] [wr] [lwr] [k7] [wr] [Jwr] [j7] [(Q] [(Q] [(Q] [f][G][h][H][j6] [h0e] [G0e] [f7][d][G(Q][D][s(Q][a][f5] [D9w][f][G9w] [s3][a][P70][a][s70][d][f3] [70] [a70][d][D7] [f(Q] [G(Q] [f0] a o [u3]Level: 9Length: 05:45Expert
My Chemical Romance