h [h h h] j [j j j] [gk] J j h G g
f h [fj] l [gk] g [gj]
[gk] g [gj] l [fk] j [fj]
g j [gk] z [gl] j [gk]
[gl] j [gk] z [fl] j [fj]
f h [fj] l [fk] h [fj]
h j l x x z [zg]
[jx] z [c H] x [hz] l [jx]
k [gj] k h [gz] [fl]
f h [fj] l [gk] g [gj]
[gk] g [gj] l [fk] j [fj]
g j [gk] z [gl] j [gk]
[gl] j [gk] z [fl] j [fj]
f h [fj] l [fk] h [fj]
h j l x x z [zg]
[jx] z [c H] x [hz] l [jx]
k [gj] k h [gz] [fl]
About This Music Sheet
The Chipmunk Song – Christmas Don’t Be Late is a song by Alvin and the Chipmunks. Use your computer keyboard to play The Chipmunk Song – Christmas Don’t Be Late music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song The Chipmunk Song – Christmas Don’t Be Late is classified in the genres: Christmas Songs, Kids on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Celebrations, Fun, Occasion.
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Other Songs By Alvin and the Chipmunks
8 wew 5 0 9
8 wew 5 0 9
8 wew 5 0 9
8 wew 5 0 9
[8u] [0w] [0wto] [5tp] [0w] [0wus]
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[8ps] [0w] [0wp] [8p] [0w] [0w]
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[9oa] [qw] [qwo] [9ip] [qw] [qw]
[8uo] [0w] [0wp] [8ps] [0w] [0wsf]
[qsf] [et] [etd] [qd] [et] [et]
[qf] [et] [etd] [qg] [Wt] [Wtf]
[8d] [0w] [0ws] [ef] [tu] [tua]
[9p] [qe] [qea] [wo] [ry] [ryd]
[8s] [0w] [0w] r w q
0 [fh] [wfh] e [fh] [tfh]
r [gh] [wgh] e [gh] [gh]
r [gh] [qgh] e [gh] [tgh]
r [fh] [efh] e [fh] [fh]
w [sf] [esf] t [sf] [usf]
u [gj] [ygj] y [gj] [gj]
u [jl] [yjl] i [Hl] [Hul]
y [fh] [tfh] u [jl] [rjl]
e [gj] [rgj] w [hk] [yhk]
t [fh] [fh] s [fh] [fh]Level: 6Length: 02:07IntermediateChristmas Don’t Be Late (The Chipmunk Song)
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[ep] u [tp] u [ep] u [tp] u [wo] u [to] u [wo] u [to] u [wo] u [ro] u [wo] u [ro] u [wo] y [ro] y [wo] y [ro] u e [us] a [ts] [uf] g [ef] u t u w [ua] s [ta] [us] d [ws] u t u w [ya] p [ra] [uf] g [wf] u r u w [ya] p [ra] y w y r y e [us] a [ts] [uf] g [ef] u t u w [ua] s [ta] [us] d [ws] u t u w [ya] p [ra] [uf] g w
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k| j| f| g x x||| z x z l k j h f z||| l z l k j d f l l||| k l z l k j h f k| | S| | k j f g x x||| z x z l k j h f z||| l z l k j d f l l||| k l z l k h f| a s d s a o uLevel: 2Length: 00:46Easy
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