04:05 -
-5 -
[tsqj]| |h| [wsf8]|||
[rha0]| |f| [usje]|||
[tsqj]| |h| [wtsf8]|||
[qjf] [tk] [ol] p s| h|
[f8] w y u o| |
[uf0] r u o a| |
[lf6] 0 r t u| |
[qjf] [tk] [ol] p s| h|
[f8] w y u o| |
[uf0] r u o a| |
[sjf6] 0 r t u| e|
[sf4] j [fe4] [q4] [tqe4] [q4] [te4] [q4]
[f8] h [utf] w [ut8] w [ut8] w
[f0] h [ofa] r [uo] r [uo] r
[sf6] j [utf]| [ut] e [ut] e
[sf4] j [sfe4] 4 [e4] [q4] [te4] [q4]
[f8] h [utsf] w [ut] w [ut] w
[f0] h [ufa] r [uo] r [uo] r
[sf6] j [utf]| [ut] e [ut] e
[sj4]| j 8 [wj] e [tj8]|
[tsh8] w [yh] u [oh]| t|
[ha0]| h r [uh] o [fa]|
[sj6] 0 [rj] t [uj]| |
[sj4]| j 8 [wj] e [j8]|
[th8] w [yh] u h| t|
[ha0]| h r [uh] o [fa]|
[sj6] 0 [pj] r [tj]| |
[jf4] 8 [wl] e l t [zi] th
[xl8] w [yh] u h o u t
[ukf0] r u o k u [ha] o
[pjf6] [k0] [pl] r k t [uj]|
[jf4] [k8] [wl] e l t [zi] h
[x8] w [yh] u h o u t
[ukf0] r u o k u [ha] o
[pjf6] [k0] [ple] r k t [uj]|
[jf4] 8||l e z|
[xh8] w [yx] u x o u t
[xh0] r [uk] o k u [ha]|
[jf6] [k0] [le6] r k t [uj]|
[jf4] 8 [li8] w l e z|
[xh8] w y u x t o|
[xh0] r [uk] o k u [ha]|
[lf6] 0 [rj] t j| u|
[jf4] 8 [ql84] w l e z|
[xh8] w y u x t o|
[k0] r [uk] o k u [ha]|
[pjf6] 0 [ke]r tlu k|
[pjf6] 80etupsfjlbmx[b6]|||
[ljb4]| 8| e t i t
[vtlh1]| 5| 0 [w0] t w
[xnk3]| 7 0 [wvh0] r u r
6 0 [xml6] r [nke6] [e6][vh] [w65]
[qljb4]| 8| e t i t
[vlh81]||8 0 w t w
[zvh30]| 7 0 w r u r
[xl6] 0 e r [e6] [e6] [zw5]x
[qlc4]| 8 q| e t i
[xhf81]| [51]| 0 w t w
[vkh30]| 7 0 [wka] r u r
[zhd6] 0| r [slfe6] [e6] [w65]
[sqpj4]| 8 w [jgec]| i t
[xhf81]| 5| 0 w [t0]|
[zv30]| 7 [30] w r u|
[xl6] 0 e r [e6] [e6] w
[vl4] [jb8] l v e j [tl] v
8 [wh] [tl] [yv] u h l v
0 [rh] u [voh] a h [uk] v
6 0 [pgc] r [xpf6] 6[l6] [zw5]x
[v4] [j8] [sql84] [ve] e j [li] v
8 [wh] [tl] [yv] u h [uol] v
[z3] 7| w [r0] u [ml] r
[x6] [m60] [ne] [vt] z [ul] [upk] h
[jgc4]| 8 q [jb] e t e
[vlh8]| w t [yxh8] u o|
[zh3]| 7 0 [wnk] 0 [vh]||
[60] [xl6] r [nke6] [e6][jb6] [e6]
[vql4] [j8] l [wvo] e j [tl] v
8 [wh] [tl] [yv] u h [ol] v
[k0] r u o a f [uh] k
[lhf6] 0 r t u| e|
[pj4] [ka] [sli4] [q4] [ti4] [q4] [ti4] [q4]
[oh1]| [o1]| 1 [81] [81] 8
[ka3]| [ur] 0 [ur30] 0 [ur] 0
[slf6]| [ut] [pe] [ut] e [ut] e
[pj4] [ka] [sl4] [q4] [i4] [q4] [tqi4] [q4]
[oh81]| [o1] 1 [o81]| [o81] [81]
[ka3]| [ur3] [30] [ur] 0 [u0] 0
[slf6]| [ut] e [ut] e [ut]|
[slib]| |v| [xtolh]|||
[vukda]| |x| [plfb]|||
About This Music Sheet
The Longing Dance (Are You Human?) is a song by Lim Ji Eun. Use your computer keyboard to play The Longing Dance (Are You Human?) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:05, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song The Longing Dance (Are You Human?) is classified in the genres: Songs From TV, South Korea on Virtual Piano.
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[wr3] 7 0| |[t10] 5 8| |[rQ2] 6 9| |[wr3] 7 0|w e|r 3 7 0| |[y5] 9 w e| |[t6] 0 e r| |[y7] Q r T| |[r3] 7 0 w e r|t 1 5 8 0 y t|r 2 6 9 Q r e|r 3 7 0 Q w e|r 3 7 0 Q|u a u [y5] 9 w e|u a u [t6] 0 e r|u a u [y7] Q r T|y||[wu730]| |[wu851]| |[wu730] u|u|u|u [wu851] u|u|u|u [wr730] u|u|u|u [ywr95] u|u|u|u [te60] u|u|u|u [yrQ7] u|u|u|u [a3] 7 0 w [rp] a|s 1 5 8 0 [wd] s|a 2 6 9 Q [ea] p|a 3 7 0 w o p|a 3 7 0 Q|f k f [d5] 9 w e|[rf] k f [s6] 0 e r|[tf] k f [d7] Q r T|y||[urofa0]| |G|[wushf8]| |j| |[ypedI9]| |f|[rdaQG7]| |h| |[urofa0]| |G| |[wushf8]| |j| |[ypedI9]| |f| |[rdaQG7]| |h| |[ohfa730]| |[pj]| |[sohf510]| |[pdG962]| |f| |[ofa730]| |f k f [f730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [851] [851] [851] [851] [851] [851] [851] [851] [962] [962] [962] [962] [962] [962] [962] [962] [730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [a730] [r730] [u730] [a730] [r730] [u730] [a730] [r730] [a851] [r851] [u851] [a851] [r851] [u851] [a851] [r851] [a962] [r962] [u962] [a962] [r962] [u962] [a962] [r962] [a730] [r730] [u730] [a730] [r730] [u730] [a730] [r730] [a3] [r730] [u730] [a730] [r730] [u730] [a730] [r730] [a1] [r851] [u851] [a851] [r851] [u851] [a851] [r851] [a2] [r962] [u962] [a962] [r962] [u962] [a962] [r962] [a3] [r730] [u730] [a730] r u a r [urofa0]| |G|[whda95]| |j|h|[yjedG9]|d| |[yraQI7]|G| |h|[uro0]af| |x n x x
Level: 7Length: 02:57IntermediateAn End Once and For All (Mass Effect 3) (Alternative)
Sam Hulick
kfjfkfhjLevel: 5Length: 01:50IntermediateExorcist Theme
Mike Oldfield
[utsohfe]|||[tsqpoid]| |xcb v[to0]v [vie9]llhss[ywog] f d s [uso8]|[uto] w [yo7]|[ywg]fgh[shf6]0te [utso] e [utso] e [utso]asd[f5]8eq [tspoi] e [tspoi] e [tp0]opa[spi2]6q|[te9] f [wod5]|[yr] s [uso8] w i t [u8] w [y7] w [t6]0w|[usoe] as f e op[w84]|q e [toi]|[p3]8wa[si][q62]|[te9] s [wso5] a [yra] s[uo][t8]|i t [u8] w [y7] w [wt60]|[se]uoas f e op[e84]|q e [toi]|[p3]8was[q62] 9etp a[so][w5] fp[yr] a[uso]8|[ti] w [u8] w [y7] w [t6] 0t[slfe]u[tka][uslf]ou[xtjf]e06[oh][spjg]4 8wetqoiteq[pj8]3[wka][sljg]2 6q9et[sl][sld5]9[wka]r[yka]w[ysl][soh]8 wtitw8[ut]w8w[y7]wrw[t6] 0t[slfe]u[tka][uslf]ou[xtf]e06jzx[eb9$]|Qe[zyd][xfI][ysl]eQ9[pj$][ka] [sljg][q62]|[pj9][ka][tie][sl][w5] [xf][yrpoj] [ka][w5][slhg][81] 8w[ti]8515[ur0] [w8] [yr97] 5 [ye^] ^9[ytqd]9[yd^][yd9][tq]9[uf^]9[tqig]9[uf^] [sp6] 60[te]0[yd6][ts0][utea]060[te]066[wt%] %8[wYOD(]8[YOD%][YOD8][w(]8[yd%]8[wts(]%f [uso1] 8w[uts]w8w[uts]w8 [yo97]57 [te$] $9[ufeI]9[ufI$][ufI9]e9[pe$][ts9]e9$ [wte4] 48[upfe]8[upf4][upf8]e8[pe4]8[utso3]8w[yd8][tspi][q62] 9[tspie]q[tspi9]6[uts3]8[ywd]0[ts8]3[sohO] [q4] [sigO8]qWt[tsiO]q84[tYWO]q84[wto] 5 58[ywt]85 [ywt]985[ywt]98 [w975]ryo||37[igaWO]|[ufaO730] 3 [ypid4] 4q[wte]q[ts8][tsi]4 4[97][ywr]w9p[spjf3] 30[ywr]0[oh7][sohf]6 60[utspfe]0[ig]6[oh][poh2]6[qpig][uf9]eq[ig9]6[ufaO3]7[ydWO]7[igaO%]0[rfaO]0[yoda6] 0r[ya]e[ts0][utso][q5] [^E]q[t81] [w80] [y6$]Ipd$Q[ye]Q[ts9][tspi]4 4q[wte]q8[pj][spjf3]7w0w[ypf]r[ka][soh]6 60[upf][ig][@7(][oh][sohf2]6q[ts][tsie9] 9eyuye9[i6]2[uf9] [yoda5] 59[ywr]9[wo] [ywra95]|7 [ts] [wutso60] [t6][oe][se][ph][pl][mf] [sh] [toe] [tsqo84] [t8][qo][se][th][ql][mi] [sh] [to0] [utso2]6q [t9][oe][ys]hlm [sh] [to] [wtso95]| |[ywroa9]|[yr]|[utoe]|l kl x|hj[tqoe]| |[toj0] k[lg][ie9]||l[lh][ywo] k k l[hf][tso]| |[rod]|a|[usoe]|l kl x|jzx[ypbQ]||zxl|jk [lg][ie9]|jk [lh][ywo] xj k [lf][tso]|g s [tf] o [rd] o [pdE] y [zsiP] [zy]z[siP] [yx] [sicP] [yx] e u [so] [zu]z[sol] u [so] u [sWO] t [oZY] [tZ]Z[oY] [zt] [olY] [xt] t u [sohf] u [shf] o [rhd] o [spQ] y [xp] [yx]xp [yj]lp y [sqpo] t [xp] [xt]xp [tj] [olh0] [zt]l[i9] e [sli] [sle] [slf0] [ztd] [sol] [vlhH] q [tlgcH] i [slgH] q [tsOH] i [sohd] w ty[sod]ytw[sod]ytw[sod]yt w ryopasdfg h| |0r[kgcOH]|[xukfH0] r [zqjgd] t [ojgd] [tsl][sl]q r [yo] rj[xlb0] r [uo] [vr][xvlh]e u [xojf][jgc][vh][vh9] [gec][xf][yi] [gec][xfH]0 [zrkdOH] [kgcWH] [xua] [zkhed] u [kda] [sl][sl][wi] [yP] [ts8] w [dQ]Gjzy [pjd] [yl][sljG]q t [spoi] tj[xljb0] r [yo] [rnk][vlh][oe] u [xjf*]eT[ygc][vuh][xvlh9]ei[sl][slg][yp] i [spf] i [spg] [xf] [zwhd5]|[yw] [oha]5[wkda]|[yro] [sl] [slhf6] 60[uto]re0[uto]re0[uto]re0[E5]5[yd5]9[yqd]9[uf5][ig][81] [uf] [ywtd8] [ts][ts][qpe84] [ywd83]|[tsqpi62] 9qe[tp]eq959[ywd]e[yrd]e[wuf][igaO9]%0[ohW]r[ufW]0[yd][uspf]6 0rye06[t0]e06[r0]e06[E5] [yd9] [ywd9] [uf5] [ig81] [oh8] [wutf0][yd][ts] [tqpe84] [ywd83]|[tsqpi62] 9qe[tpi]eq959[ywd]e[yrd]w[uf9][wig95] [uf] [yd]ss|||[utod]||ss[ypi]||p [uoja]||f[sh][uoe]|[wuof]ds[qd]etosd [if][ga][yrqo] h [yof] df0 r [yo] d [se6] e uu[tse6] [ywpid4] 8 [ype8] [ts4][ts]4 7 [ywr] [w97]p[spjf3]7w0 [yw] [ka][sohf][e6] 0 [utfe0][yd]e[ts][tspi2]6q9q[tp]eq9[tpi]e[pe]q[pe]96[pj2] [pj5] [ka5][ohda97] 57w[r9]yoa[wd9]haoyrwryorw525[igaO3] 3[q7][W0][i7][O3][s7]gHkcVn[xnV73]|[faO730]|[ypid4] 46[wtqe8] [ts][ytso]4|[ywr4]579 p[spjf3]|[ywr3]70[oh][sohf]6 60[utspfe][pigd][spoh][spoh2]2[sqpig7][uf9]eq[ig9]62[ufaO3]37[ydaWO0] [igaO%]%0[urfaO] [yoda6] 636[yoa6]e0[ts6]36[ytso5] [ywE5]9[wut81] [wt] [ypdI$] $69QeyuyeQ96$[ts]2$4[ytso][y4]68qweteq864[p1][spjf3] 37[w0]ry07333[ka7]3[sohf6] 6[tW(][uspf!][spig2][oh3][sohf2] [ts2]6[tsqi]9[sq][ie][tp]sgjljgspi9642 [uf] [yoda5]|[wr9] [wo] [wra95] 7 [ywro] [ts] [utsoe6] 0 [utoe] 0 [utoe] [t0] [oe] [wu50] [y4] 8 [wu] 8 [utsoe] 8 [wo3] [u8] [yq2] 6 [uq8] 6 [utsq8] 6 [yqd8] 6 [wu95]Osf| |[ywoda]|9|[utso8] w [uto] w [uto] w [uto] w [utso8] w [uto] w [uto] w [uto] w [utso8]|||[xvslf]|||[t10]
Level: 8Length: 05:54ExpertWishing Rem Inori Minase (Re:Zero)
Kenichiro Suehiro