02:46 -
2 -
te0te0te0te0te0te0te0te0reqreqreqreqreqreqreqreqyrWuyriyruyWyrWuyW0qWriute0te0te0te0te0te0u| 6| t| r| i| [u4]|||[e3]| t| [r%]| W| [q6]0|||[ge6]| t| r| i| [uf4]|||[e3]| t| [ra%]| W| [q6]0| d|||[fe6]| t| [yj]| [if]| [tg4]| u| [of]| [ys]| [ua3]| y s [td%]| [sr]| [ea6]| u| [sp]| e| [up6]|||[sp]| [up]| [ia4]| [up] [yO]| [ti]| [ur3]| [ti] [yo%]| [ti] [ye] [ur6]| [ye] [ur]|||[up6]|||[sp]| [up]| [ia4]| [up] [yO]| [ti]| [ur3]| [ti] [yo%]| [ti] [ye] [ur6]| [ye] [tp]|||te0te0te0te0te0te0te0te0[r4]eqreqreqreqreqreqreqreq[y3]rWuyriyruyW[y%]rWuyW0qWriu[t6]e0te0te0te0te0te0u| [t6]e0te0te0te0te0te0te0te0[r4]eqreqreqreqreqreqreqreq[y3]rWuyriyruyW[y%]rWuyW0qWriu[t6]e0te0te0te0te0te0u| [tf6]e0te0te0te0[tj]e0te0[tf]e0te0[rg4]eqreqreqreq[rf]eqreq[sr]eqreq[ya3]rWuyriyr[us]yW[yd%]rWuyW[s0]qWriu[ta6]e0te0te0te0[ts]e0te0u| [tf6]e0te0te0te0[tj]e0te0[tf]e0te0[rh4]eqreq[rf]eqreq[rd]eqreq[sr]eqreq[yf3][rd][sW][uj][yf][sr][if]y[rg]u[yf]W[yd%]r[sW]u[ya]W[s0]q[dW]r[if]u[tj6]e0te0te0[tg]e0[tf]e0te0u| [t6]| r e| 0| [e4]| t| e| t| [u3]| teu[y%]tepiu[t6]| r e| 0| [e0][e0][e0][e0][pe0][e0][e0][e0][se0][e0][e0][e0][fe0][e0][e0][e0][tqh][tq][tq][tq][tqf][tq][tq][tq][tqa][tq][tq][tq][tqp][tq][tq][tq][rf0]s[r0]p[rf0]j[r0]f[rd0][r0]h[r0]d[r0][ysW][yW]a[yW]p[yW][yWO][yW]p[yW]f[yW][yjW][yW][yW][yW][yW][yW][ygW][yW][tfe0][te0][te0][te0][te0][te0][te0][te0]
About This Music Sheet
Trilobyte (Rogue Legacy) is a song by A Shell in the Pit. Use your computer keyboard to play Trilobyte (Rogue Legacy) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:46, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Trilobyte (Rogue Legacy) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano.
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h g f d l j k j h|| f s s d f psg| | a s d [of]||gfd| | h g f h l k k l j||h h| | [pg] [of] [id] [us] [ha] [pg] [of] [id] [us]| | s d f psg| [pg]| [ha]||[pg] [of]| | s d f [pg]| [pg]| [ha]||gh[of]| | f d s [id]| |[pi]| [of]| [id]| |[si]| [pi]| [ya]|| y [us]| [of]| [of]||gfd| | y o a d v c x z m b n b v|| x l l z x jlc| | k l z [xh]||cxz| | v c x v m n n m b||v v| | [jc] [xh] [zg] [lf] [vk] [jc] [xh] [zg] [lf]| | l z x jlcj l c v h k c x| | l z x c j l c v h k cvx| | x z l z g j g j g x g z g j g l g j g k d h d l f x f x||cxz| | h g f d l j k j h|| f s s d f psg| | a s d [of]||gfd| | h g f h l k k l j||h h| | [pg] [of] [id] [us] [ha] [pg] [of] [id] [us]| | s d f psg| [pg]| [ha]||[pg] [of]| | s d f [pg]| [pg]| [ha]||gh[of]| | f d s [id]| |[pi]| [of]| [id]| |[si]| [pi]| [ya]||y [us]| [of]| [of]||gfd| | y o a d v c x z m b n b v|| x l l z x jlc| | k l z [xh]||cxz| | v c x v m n n m b||v v| | [jc] [xh] [zg] [lf] [vk] [jc] [xh] [zg] [lf]| | l z x jlcj l c v h k c n x| | l z x c j l c v h k cvx| | x z l z g j g j g x g z g j g l g j g k d h d l f x f x||cxz|||[xm]Level: 4Length: 02:50Easy
Pallet Town (Pokemon)
Junichi Masuda
[so8]|w|t|w|8|w|t|w| [so8]|w|t|w|8|w|t|w| [sof8]|w|t|[wg]|[daO0]|r|u|[rf]| [sql]|[tka] [pj] i|[toh] [uf] [f8]|w|t|r| [s6] d [f0]|e|[h0]|[d4] s 8|[qp]|[o8] f 8|w|t|w|8|w|t|w| [sof8]|w|t|[wg]|[daO0]|r|u|[rf]| [sql]|[tka] [pj] i|[toh] [uf] [f8]|w|t|r| [s6] d [f0]|e|[h0]|[d4] s 8|[qp]|[o8] f 8|w|t|w|8|w|t|w| [a5] d [d9]|w|9|[p4] s [s8]|q|[p8] f 8|w|t|w|[jg8] [hf] w|[tsf] [gd] w| [a5] d [d9]|w|9|[p4] s [s8]|q|[p8]| [tsof8]|[roda7]|[uspe6]|u|[ywoa5]|o| [qpi4]|t|[pi]|t|[qiO4]|t|[iO]|t| [so8]|w|t|w|8|w|t|w| [sof8]|w|t|[wg]|[daO0]|r|u|[rf]| [sql]|[tka] [pj] i|[toh] [uf] [f8]|w|t|r| [s6] d [f0]|e|[h0]|[d4] s 8|[qp]|[o8] f 8|w|t|w|8|w|t|w| [sof8]|w|t|[wg]|[daO0]|r|u|[rf]| [sql]|[tka] [pj] i|[toh] [uf] [f8]|w|t|r| [s6] d [f0]|e|[h0]|[d4] s 8|[qp]|[o8] f 8|w|t|w|8|w|t|w| [wa95] d d||[qp84] s s|p f [wt8]| |[jg] [hf]|[sf] [gd]| [wa95] d d||[qp84] s s|p| [tsof8]|[roda7]|[uspe6]|u|[ywoa5]|o| [qpi4]|t|[pi]|t|[qiO4]|t|[iO]|t| [pl] z x|p|v|[zi] l|[ji]|h x s|s|s|s| [pl] z x|p|v|[zi] l|[ji]|h|[utf]Level: 7Length: 02:05Intermediate
Twenty One Pilots
ppOp pOp pOph g
ppOp pOp pOpr e
[yip] p [yO] p [yi] p h g
[9yip] [9p][9yO] [9p][9yip][9O][9p][9r] e
[tup] 6 [6s] [6f]|6d6[6s]|
[6tup]|[es] f 6 d [6os] i
[2yip]|[2d] g 9 f [9ag] p
[2ip] 6 [2d] [6g] 9 f [2g]|
[tup] 6 [6s] [6f]|6d6[6s]|
[6tup]|[es] f 6 d [6os] i
[2yip]|[2d] g 9 f [9ag] p
[2ip] 6 [2d] [6g] 9 f [2g]|
[6u]|[6tup] o [0p] o [6p]|
[6u]|[0tup] o [ep] o [6p] o
[2p]|[6yip] o [2p] o [9p] o
[2p]|[6yip] p [9s] P [2p]|
[6u]|[6tup] o [0p] o [6p]|
[6u]|[0tup] o [ep] o [6p] o
[2p]|[6yip] o [2p] o [9p] o
[2yip]|[6u] u [9o] i [2u] ee
[6e] ee[0etu] uu[6u] u [eu]u[6u]
[6i]uu [0etu] u [ei] uu[0i] [6u]u[2y]yy [6ey] yy[2y] p [9yip] [2o]o[2p] pp[6yip] pp[9s] s[6a] [2p]
[6t] tt[0etu] t [6t] tt[eu] [6t]t[6u] t [0u]uu [eu] uu[0u]i[6u]
[2y] yy[6eu] uu[2y]|[9y] [2y]y[2y] yy[6y]yy [9p] pp[6p]p[2p]
6|u u p p p p
[6p] [0tup] 6 [0tu] [eu] [0tu] [6o] [0tu]
[9y] [6ey] 2 [9ey] [6p] [9yip] [2p] [9yip]
[2p] [6yip] 9 [6yi] [2y] [9eu] [2o] [9yi]
[6u] [0etu] 6 [0psf] [ej] [0sfj] [6j] [0sfj]
[6j] [0sfj] 6 [0sf] [ef] [0sf] [6h] [0sf]
[9g] [6ipd] 2 [9ipd] [6j] [9dgj] [2j] [9dgj]
[2j] [6dgj] 9 6 [2d] [9pf] [2h] [9pdg]
[6g] [psf] [6p] o [0p] o [6p]|
6|[0tup] o [ep] o [6p] o
[2p]|[6yip] o [2p] o [9p] o
[2p]|[6eu] u [9o] i [2u]|
[6g] [psf] [6p] o [0p] o [6p]|
6|[0tup] o [ep] o [6p] o
[2p]|[6yip] o [2p] o [9p] o
[2p]|[6eu] u [9o] i [2u] tt[6t] yy[0ey] yy[6y] yy[ey] [6y]
[6t]yy [0ey] y [et]ty [0t] [6r]t[2y] yy[6qey] yy[2y] u [9y] [2t]t[2y]yy [6qey] y [9y] yy[6u] [2t]
[6u] uu[0etu] uu[6u] uu[eu] [6u]
[6u]uu [0tu] u [eu]uu [0d] 6
[2i] t [6ey]yy [2y] y 9 [2t]
[2t]tt [6t]tt [9y] y [6r] [2e]
66 u u p p p p
[6p] [0tup] 6 [0tu] [eu] [0tu] [6o] [0etu]
[9y] [6ey] 2 [9ey] [6p] [9yip] [2p] [9yip]
[2p] [6yip] 9 [6yi] [2y] [9eu] [2o] [9yi]
[6u] [0etu] 6 [0f] [ej] [0sfj] [6j] [0sfj]
[6j] [0sfj] 6 [0sf] [ef] [0sf] [6h] [0psf]
[9g] [6pd] 2 [9pd] [6j] [9dgj] [2j] [9dgj]
[2j] [dgj]|[dg]|y u y
[6tup] O [6p] O [ep] O [6p] O
[6tup] O [0p] O [ej] H [0j] [6H]
[2dgj] H [2j] H [9j] H [2j] H
[2dgj] H [6j] H [9p] O [6p] [2O]
[tup] 6 [6s] [6f]|6d6[6os] i
[6tup]|[es] f 6 d [6ps] p
[2yip]|[2d] g 9 f [9og] i
[2ip] 6 [2d] [6g] 9 f [2g]|
[tup] 6 [6s] [6f]|6d6[6os] i
[6tup]|[es] f 6 d [6ps] p
[2yip]|[2d] g 9 f [9og] i
[2ip] 6 [2d] [6g] 9 f [2g]|
e u p o [up] o p|
e|p o [up] o p o
[yp]|p o [ep] o p o
[qp]|u u [eo] i u|
66 u u p p p p
[6p] [0tup] 6 [0tu] [eu] [0tu] [6o] [0tu]
[9y] [6ey] 2 [9ey] [6p] [9yip] [2p] [9yip]
[4p] [8tip] q [8ti] [4y] [8tu] [5o] [9ryi]
[6u] [0etu] 6 [0eti] [eu] [0etu] 6 [0eti]
[8u] [0etu] 8 [0eti] [8u] [6etu] 8 [0eti]
[9p] [epd] [9d][yia]e [qd] [eipd]ay [eip]
u u o u i yLevel: 6Length: 03:01IntermediateLoca (Shakira)