Valerie (Amy Winehouse)

9 June 2023
  • transposition

w e [1t]| [80wt] e [80wt]| tt|
[1e]| [80wt] e [80wt] e t t [2e] t [9qe] y [9qe]|||
2| [9qe]| [9qe]| t e [1t] e [80wt] e
[80wt]| ye|[1e] w [80w] e [80wt] u u u
[2u] y [9qe] u [9qe]|||
2| [9qe]| [9qe]| o
[8qep] s sp|s| s d
[70wp] o o u o| oo|
[8qep] s sp|s| s d
[70wp] o o u o|||
[8qe] soss|s p|
[70w] f f fdf d f f [9wrf] d| f|||
[9wrd]f f[9wrf] f [0wrf] f [9wrf] d
1| [80w] ss[80][9q] [0w]|
1| [80w]| [80][9q] [0w]f f
[2f] d [9qef]| [9q][0w] [qe]|
2| [9qe]| [9q][0w] [qe]f d
1| [80w] ss[80][9q] [0w]|
1| [80w]| [80][9q] [0w]f f
[2f] d [9qef]| [9q][0w] [qe]|y
[2t] e [9qet] y [9qu][0w]y[qe]t r

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About This Music Sheet

Use your computer keyboard to play Valerie (Amy Winehouse) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:00, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. You can also find other similar songs using R&B.


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  • [w0] 8 [w0] 8 [w0] 8 [r0] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8 [w0] 8 [w0] 8 [r0] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8o[wo0] [o8] [wo0] 8 [ra0] [a8]p [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8o[wo0] [o8] [wo0] 8 [ra0] [p8] [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8 [wo0] [o8] [w0] 8 [ra0] [a8]p [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8 [w0] 8 [wo0]o8 [ra0] [a8] [qpe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] [p8] [sqe] [p8] [se0] 8 [fe0] [f8] [ed9]s[p6] [e9] 6 [e8] 6 [e8] 6 [wra] [a9] [wr] 9 [wra] 9 [wts] [d9] [ywid]| |f h|fd [w0] 8o[wo0] [o8] [wo0] 8 [ra0] [a8]p [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8o[wo0] [o8] [wo0] 8 [ra0] [p8] [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8 [wo0] [o8] [w0] 8 [ra0] [a8]p [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8 [w0] 8 [wo0]o8 [ra0] [a8] [qpe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] [p8] [sqe] [p8] [se0] 8 [fe0] [f8] [ed9]s[p6] [e9] 6 [e8] 6 [e8] 6 [wra] [a9] [wr] 9 [wra] 9 [wts] [d9] [ywid]| |f h|fd [sqe] 8 [qpe]s8 [wa9] [s7]a[wp9] [a7] [s80] [s5] [80] 5 [70] 5 [w9] 7 [qe] 8 [qpe] [s8] [wa9] [a7]p[w9]p[u7] [80] 5 [80] 5 [70] 5 [w9] 7 [qe] 8 [qpe] [s8] [wa9] [s7]a[wp9] [a7] [s80] [s5] [80] 5 [70] 5 [w9] 7 [qe] 8 [qe] [p8]s[wd9] [f7]d[ws9] [d7] [d80]s[ws] 5 w 6 w 7 w [w0] 8o[wo0] [o8] [wo0] 8 [ra0] [a8]p [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8o[wo0] [o8] [wo0] 8 [ra0] [p8] [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8 [wo0] [o8] [w0] 8 [ra0] [a8]p [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8 [w0] 8 [wo0]o8 [ra0] [a8] [qpe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] [p8] [sqe] [p8] [se0] 8 [fe0] [f8] [ed9]s[p6] [e9] 6 [e8] 6 [e8] 6 [wra] [a9] [wr] 9 [wra] 9 [wts] [d9] [ywid]| |f h|fd [sqe] 8 [qpe]s8 [wa9] [s7]a[wp9] [a7] [s80] [s5] [80] 5 [70] 5 [w9] 7 [qe] 8 [qpe] [s8] [wa9] [a7]p[w9]p[u7] [80] 5 [80] 5 [70] 5 [w9] 7 [qe] 8 [qpe] [s8] [wa9] [s7]a[wp9] [a7] [s80] [s5] [80] 5 [70] 5 [w9] 7 [qe] 8 [qe] [p8]s[wd9] [f7]d[ws9] [d7] [wd80]ss
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:11

    John Lennon

  • 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]5[86] [ut5] 6 [ut] [83] [ut8] [86] [ut] 8 [ut] [q8] [tig] [qg7]8[tig7] [f6] [ted] [f8]d[tfe] [f6] [tse] [p3] [te]a[s6] [tse] 8 [te] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [86] [ut7] [83] [ut9] [60] [ut9]08 [utq] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [w8] [utq] [60] [ut8]63 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [ut8] [qg8] [tig7]8[qg] [tig] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [s6] [uta] [s3] [utd] [f6] [utd]f8 [ut] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [h8] [utg] [f6] [uts]p3 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [uts] [sqg] [tiga]s[qg] [tig] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] [p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] q [ti] q [ti] [f6] [tse] [p8] [te] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qi] [ti] [qi] [toi] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tih8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]78 [ut7] 6 [ut] [83] [ut7] [86]7[ut6] [86] [ut] [qg6] [tig] [qg] [ig5] [86]7[ut6] [t8][r7][ute6] [86]7[ut6] [63] [ut7] 6 [ut6]78 [ut6] [qg] [tqig]0[qg]0[tqig]0[p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] [f6] [tse] [tp8][r7][te6] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qig] [tig] [qig] [toig] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tihg8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8][r7][te60] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8]56 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]5[86] [ut5] 6 [ut] [83] [ut8] [86] [ut] 8 [ut] [q8] [tig] [qg7]8[tig7] [f6] [ted] [f8]d[tfe] [f6] [tse] [p3] [te]a[s6] [tse] 8 [te] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [86] [ut7] [83] [ut9] [60] [ut9]08 [utq] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [w8] [utq] [60] [ut8]63 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [ut8] [qg8] [tig7]8[qg] [tig] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [s6] [uta] [s3] [utd] [f6] [utd]f8 [ut] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [h8] [utg] [f6] [uts]p3 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [uts] [sqg] [tiga]s[qg] [tig] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] [p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] q [ti] q [ti] [f6] [tse] [p8] [te] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qi] [ti] [qi] [toi] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tih8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]78 [ut7] 6 [ut] [83] [ut7] [86]7[ut6] [86] [ut] [qg6] [tig] [qg] [ig5] [86]7[ut6] [t8][r7][ute6] [86]7[ut6] [63] [ut7] 6 [ut6]78 [ut6] [qg] [tqig]0[qg]0[tqig]0[p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] [f6] [tse] [tp8][r7][te6] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qig] [tig] [qig] [toig] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tihg8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8][r7][te60] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8]56

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:07
    Unfamiliar Lands (Wynncraft)


  • 4 8 q w|0|1 5 9 0|8| 5 9 e r|w|6 0 r t|w| [w4] 8 [q8] w|0|[u1] 5 9 0|8| [r5] 9 e r|w|[t6] 0 r t|0 w| [q4]|8 [wu]|y t [wt] 1 5 9 [wu]|y t [yt] 5|9 u|y t [wt] 6 y 0 [wu] w 5 r t 4|8 [ywu]|y t [wt] 1|5 y u|[to] u [yw] 5|9 [wu]|y t t 6 e 0 [wt] 5|[wr] t 4 8 w [yu]|y t [wt] 1 5 [yo9] [yo]|i u y 5 9 [yo] [yo]|i u t 6 y 0 [ut] 5 0 [wu] o [to4] p o [to] q|[to] s 1 5 y u y|[wt]|t [yW93]|u [yW] 9 r|[wt] 6 y t 0 e o s h| e o s d [of4] f f [of] q|p [to] 1 5 8 9|0 a s [od5] d d [od] w|a [so] 6 0 r t|0 s d [of4] f f [of] q|[tp] [to] 1 5 [of] [od]|s 9|[ya5]|s [od] 9 f w p 6 [so] 0 a s w o|[ofd4] 8 q [tp]|o [yo] 1 5 8 9 [of]|d [od] 5 9 w o [of]|a [so] 6 [od] 3 [so]|0 e|[ofd4] 8 q [tp]|o [yo] 1 5 8 9 [og] f d [sod] 5 9 w t|9 w t [r5]|9 w 9 s [so] 4 8 q [wt]|e| [yu1] 5 8 9|0|8 [yto5] 9 w r|t w r [wt6] 3 r t|w|t [wqe4]|8 [wu]|y t [wt] 1|5 [wu]|y t [yt] 5 9 w [wu]|y t [wt] 6 y 0 u w|r t [we4]|8 [wu]|y [t8] [wt] 1|5 u|o y u y 5|9 [yu]|y t [wt] 6 e 3 [wt]|r|[wt] 4 8 0 [wu]|y t [wt] 1 5 [yo] [yo]|i u [yw] 5 9 [yo] [yo]|i u t 6 y [wu]|5 0 [wu] o [to4] [p8] o [to] q|[to] s 1 5 y u [y0]|t t|[yW93]|u y|r|[wt] 6 0 r t o|s d h|e o s d [of] 4 f f [of] q|p [to] 1 5 8 9|0 a s [od5] d [od] [od] w|a [so] 6 3 r t 0 o s d [of4] f f [of] q|[tp] [to] 1 5 [of] [od]|s 9| [ya5]|s [od] 9 f w p 6 [so] 0 a s w o| [ofd4] 8 q [tp]|o [yo] 1 5 8 9 [of]|d [od] 5 9 w o f|a [so] [o63] [od]|[so]|0 e| [ofd4] 8 q [tp]|o [yo] 1 5 8 9 [og] f [od] [od] 5 9 w t|9 w 9 r a|9 [ws]|[so] [63]|[ohd]|[o0] [se] [ya] [93]|7 [ohd] 9|[ya] 4 1 [so4]|8 q|w t|[so84] d [of] [og] 8 f [od4] s [so63]|[ohd]|[o0] [se] [ya] [93]|7 [ohd] 0|[ya] 8 [tso4] 8 q w t|i o [so] [of] [of] [of] [of4] [og4] [oh4] [soh4] 4||| [tqpof]|o p|o [yo] 8|w|d f|d [od] w|y o f|a [so] 6 [od0] e [so]|w| [tqpof] i|o p|o [yo] 8|w|f g f d [od] w y o s y a| |a s|[sqoi]
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:16
    My Love (EXO)
