
Radiohead 10 September 2020
  • TYPE
  • transposition

[ge] p [fe] p [fe] p [ed] p
[tg] s [tf] s [tf] s [td] s
[tg] i [tf] i [tg] i [tg] i
[ge] p [fe] p [fe] p [ed] p
[tg] s [tf] s [tf] s [td] s
[tg] s [tf] s [tf] s [td] s
[pe] s p s t u [pe] d
8 p t p 0 o [t8] o
[qi] o t o q o q y
[i6] t 6 u 6 y 6 e
[i8] t 8 u 8 y 8 e
[i8] e 8 u 8 y 8 e
[p6] s 6 [s0] 6 u [p3] d
1 o 1 [p8] [o1] t 3 y
[i4] o 4 [o8] 4 o 8 y
[ig6]|[uf6] 0 [uf6] 8 [yd6] 0
[ie1]|[ue1] 0 [ue1] 6 [ye1] 0
[p4] s 4 [s8] 4 u [p4] [d8]
6 o 6 [p0] o 8 6 y
[i1] o 1 [o0] 1 [o5] 1 y
[ig4] 6 [uf4] 8 [uf4] 6 [yd4] 8
[ig6] 8 [uf6] 0 [uf6] 8 [yd6] 0
[ti1] 5 [ut1] 8 [ut1] 5 [yt1] 8
[p84] s [84] s [84] u [p84] d
[86] o [86] p [o86] t [86] y
[i81] o [81] o [81] o [81] y

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About This Music Sheet

Videotape is a song by Radiohead. Use your computer keyboard to play Videotape music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:23, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Videotape is classified in the genres: UK, Rock on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Alternative.


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Other Songs By Radiohead

  • [59wry]|||
    [5wry] 9 o y a o y 5
    [5wry] 9 o y a o y 5
    [7rQY]| I Y 7 I Y $
    [7rQY]| I Y 7 I Y 7
    [8wt] w u t o u t 8
    [8wt] w u t o u t 8
    [8t] w Y t o Y t [18w]
    [18t] w [29Y] w [@(t] w [4qt] w
    [5w] 9 o r a o y [5r]
    [5w] r o y a o y r
    [7Q] Q Y r I Y r [7Q]
    [7Q] Q r Q [rYI] Q [rY] [7Q]
    [18tu] w [tu] w o w [18wt] w
    [18tu] w u w o w [tu] [18w]
    [18w] w u [wt] [uo] w u w
    [18t] w [29Y] w [@(t] w [4qt] w
    [5y] r o r [oa] o o [5r]
    [5r] r o r a o y 9
    [7rQY] I Y r I Y r 7
    [7QY] r I r a| I|
    [18tu] t u t [uos]| |
    t w o t [uos]| |
    t w Y t [Yos]| |
    [Dsh]| |p| |

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:25
    Creep (Radiohead) (Alternative)


  • [579]| w| w r||y r w r| [579] y|
    [(Q7r]| Y| r Y||u||Y| [7(Q] Y|
    [80w] t u||u||i||u| [80w] u|
    [(8w] Y t w Y t w t w Y t w Y t w|
    [579]| [wr]||[wr]||[wt]||[wr]||[wr]|
    [7(Q]| [rY]||[rY]||[ru]||[rY]||[rY]|
    [80w]| [tu]||[tu]||[ti]||[tu]||[tu]|
    [(8w]| [tY]||[tY]||[ti]||[tY]||[tY]|
    [579]| [wr]||[wr]||[wt]||[wr]||[wr]|
    [7(Q]| [rY]||[rY]||[ru]||[rY]||[rY]|
    [80w]| [tu]||[tu]||[ti]||[tu]||[tu]|
    [(8w]| [tY]||[tY]||[ti]||[tY]||[tY]|
    [579a]| |asa| o| y| r||
    [7(QD]| |DfD| a| I| Y||
    [80wf]| |fgf| s| o| u||
    [(8w] Y t w Y t w t w Y t w Y t w|
    [579]| [wr]||[wr]||[wt]||[wr]||[wr]|
    [7(Q]| [rY]||[rY]||[ru]||[rY]||[rY]|
    [80w]| [tu]||[tu]||[ti]||[tu]||[tu]|
    [(8w]| [tY]||[tY]||[ti]||[tY]||[tY]|
    [579]| [wr]||[wr]||[wt]||[wr]||[wr]|
    [7(Q]| [rY]||[rY]||[ru]||[rY]||[rY]|
    [80w]| [tu]||[tu]||[ti]||[tu]||[tu]|
    [(8w]| [tY]||[tY]||[ti]||[tY]||[tY]|
    [579a]| |asa| o| y| r||
    [7(QD]| |DfD| a| I| Y||
    [80wf]| |fgf| s| o| u||
    [(8w] Y t w Y t w t w Y t w Y t w|
    [579ro]| |[ro] [ro]|||
    [(QI7a]| |[Ia] [Ia]|||
    [80wus]| |[us] [us]|||
    [579]| [wr]||[wr]||[wt]||[wr]||[wr]|
    [7(Q]| [rY]||[rY]||[ru]||[rY]||[rY]|
    [80w]| [tu]||[tu]||[ti]||[tu]||[tu]|
    [(8w]| [tY]||[tY]||[ti]||[tY]||[tY]|
    [579a]| |asa| o| y| r||
    [7(QD]| |DfD| a| I| Y||
    [80wf]| |fgf| s| o| u||
    [(8w] Y t w Y t w t w Y t w Y t w| [579]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:31
    Creep (Radiohead)


  • t t o s o s o s o t o s o s o s o t o s o s o s o t o s o s o s a [ua] o a o [ra] o [ra] o u o a o [rf] [yo] [yd] o t o s o s o s o t o s o s o s a [ua] o a o [ra] o [ra] o u o a o [rd] [yo] [yd] o t o s o s o s o t o s o s o s o q i s i [is] i [is] i q i s i [is] [ui] s y [yi] p i d i d i y i p i d i d i t u s u s u s u t u s u s u s u [30] u a u [ra] u [ra] u 0 u a u [rd] [yu] [yd] i t u s u s u s u 8 u s u s u s u [30] u a u [ra] u [ra] u 0 u a u [rd] [yu] [yd] u [8w] t s u s u [8t] t u s u s u [6q] i 8 q [is] i [up] i q i s s i 8 [us] q 9 e y i d [yi] p i 9 e y i d [et] d i 8 w t u s u s u 8 w t s i p s i 8 w t u s u s u 8 w t u s u s u [30] u a u [ra] u [ra] u 0 u a u [rd] [yu] [yd] i t u s u s u s u 8 u s u s u s u [30] u a u [ra] u [ra] u 0 u a u [rd] [yu] [yd] u [8w] t s u s u [8t] t u s u s u [6q] i 8 q [is] i [up] i q i s s i 8 [us] q 9 e y i d [yi] p i 9 e y i d [et] d i 8 w t u s u s u 8 w t s i p s i 8 w t u s u s u 8 w t u s u s u 4 8 q i [us] 8 q i 8 [os] [ips] [quis] [9ey] i y e [iod] [od] [uod] [id] 9 y e [yod] i [ud] [8w] [tu] u w [os] i [tu] t u w s u [48qi] p s i [8u] w t w [os] [is] [us] [wtu] 8 w w t [os] [is] [us] u [48qis] i p q [is] [ua] 8 [4is] [qi] 8 q [qis] i q [uis] q [9eyid] i e y [yid] i [yus] i [9i] e y [9e] [is] u [yis] t [is] [8w] u t w s u s u [8w] o s o s o s o [8w] [tu] o s o s o [8w]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:18
    How I Made My Millions (Intermediate)


  • [uf] [wo] [ts] [wo] [uf] [wo] [ts] [wo] [uf] [wo] [ts] [wo] [qi] [WO] [ts] [yd] [uf] [wo] [ts] [wo] [uf] [wo] [ts] [wo] [uf] [wo] [ts] [wo] [qi] [WO] [ts] [yd] [uf] w t w [uo] w t [wo] [uf] [wf] t [wd] u [ws] t w [uf] q t q [ti] q t q [uf] [qf] t [qd] t [ts] y u [qpg] e i t [qp] t r e [wia]| [ra] s y d|| [tf] [wo] [ts] [wo] [uf] [wo] [ts] [wo] [uf] [wo] [ts] [wo] [qi] [WO] [ts] [yd] [uf] w t w [uo] w t [wo] [uf] w [tf] [wd] u [ws] t w [uf] q t q [ti] q t q [uf] [qf] t [qd] t [ts] y u [qpg] e i t [qpi] t r e [wia]
    Level: 5
    Length: 00:51
    No Surprises



  • pps[9d]s[yid] [yi]
    e [yi]p[yip]a[6s]a[tus] [tu]
    e [tu]p[tup]s[5a] [ru] [ru]p[wp] [rup] [ru]o[4p] [et] [et]
    q [et]p[etp]s[9d]s[yid] [yi]
    ef[yid]s[yip]a[6s]a[tus] [tu]
    e [tus]s[tus]d[5a] [ru] [ru]p[wp] [rup] [ru]o[4p] [et] [et]
    [qa] [ey] [ey] [qs] [eu] [eu] [eu]|
    [9z]j[yig]z[yij]g[ez]j[yig]z[yil]k[6l]k[tuf]l[tuk]f[el]k[tuf]l[tuk]j[5k]h[ruf]k[ruh]f[wk]h[ruf]k[ruj]h[4j] [et] [et] q [etf]j[etk]l[9z]j[yig]z[yij]g[ez]j[yig]x[yil]k[6l]k[tuf]l[tuk]f[el]k[tuf]l[tuk]j[5k]h[ruf]k[ruh]f[wk]h[ruf]h[ruk]x[qj] [et] [et] [qk] [ey] [ey]
    [ql] [eu] [eu] [eu]|
    [9g] [yi] [yi]
    efg[yif]d[yis]d[6f] [tu] [tu]
    e [tu] [tus] [5a] [ru] [ruf]
    w [ru] [ru] [4p] [et] [et]
    qp[eta]s[etd]f[9g] [yi] [yi]
    efg[yif]d[yis]d[6f] [tu] [tu]
    e [tu] [tuf] [5h] [ru] [ruk]
    w [rul] [ru] [qj] [et] [et]
    [qk] [ey] [ey] [ql] [eu] [eu] [eu]|
    [9z]j[yig]z[yij]g[ez]j[yig]z[yil]k[6l]k[tuf]l[tuk]f[el]k[tuf]l[tuk]j[5k]h[ruf]k[ruh]f[wk]h[ruf]k[ruj]h[4j] [et] [et]
    qkl[etk]j[etk]l[9z]j[yig]z[yij]g[ez]j[yig]x[yil]k[6l]k[tuf]l[tuk]f[el]k[tuf]l[tuk]j[5k]h[ruf]k[ruh]f[wk]h[ruf]h[ruk]x[qj] [et] [et]
    [qk] [ey] [ey] [ql] [eu] [eu]
    [eu]| [pj][sl][9dz] [yi] [yi]
    e[fx][yidz][sl][yiak][pj][5ak] [ru] [ru]
    w [ruak][ak][ruak][ak][6sl] [tu] [tu]
    [8ak] [ru] [ru]
    [qpj] [et] [et]
    q [et][pj][etpj][sl][9dz] [yi] [yi]
    e[fx][yidz][sl][yiak][pj][5ak] [ru] [ru]
    w [ruak][ak][ruak][ak][6sl] [tu] [tu]
    [8dz] [ru] [rufx]
    [qpj] [et] [et]
    [qak] [ey] [ey]
    [qsl] [eu] [eu]
    [9z]j[yig]z[yij]g[ez]j[yig]zx[yiz]l[6l]k[tuf]l[tuk]f[el]k[tuf]l[tuk]j[5k]h[ruf]k[ruh]f[wk]h[ruf]jk[ruj]h[4j] [et] [et]
    qkl[etk]j[etk]l[9z]j[yig]z[yij]g[ez]j[yig]zx[yiz]l[6l]k[tuf]l[tuk]f[el]k[tuf]l[tuk]j[5k]h[ruf]k[ruh]f[wk]h[ruf]h[ruk]x[4j] [et] [et]
    4 [et] [et]
    k| l

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:01
    Idea 10 (Gibran Alcocer)

    Gibran Alcocer

  • x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j [x6] j j x j j x j c j [x86] j j x j j x j c j [Z*%] H H Z H H Z H x H Z H H Z H H Z H x H [x6] j j x j j x j c j [x86] j j x j j x j c j [Z*%] H H Z H H Z H x H Z H H Z H H Z H x H [z5] h h z h h z h Z h [z^5] h h z h h z h Z h [L7$] G G L G G L G z G L G G L G G L G z G [z5] h h z h h z h Z h [z^5] h h z h h z h Z h [L7$] G G L G G L G z G L G G L G G L G z G [j2] d d j d d j d J d [jd42] d d j d d j d J d [jd52] d d j d d j d J d [jd62] d d j d d j d J d [zjd2] d d j d d j d J d [zjd42] d d j d d j d J d [zjd52] d d j d d j d J d [zjd62] d d j d d j d J d j d d j d d j d J d x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j [x6] j [je] x j j x j c j [x86] j [tje] x j j x j c j [Z*%] H [WTH] Z H H Z H x H Z H H Z H H Z H x H [x6] j [je] x j j x j c j [x86] j [tje] x j j x j c j [Z*%] H [WTH] Z H H Z H x H Z H H Z H H Z H x H [z5] h [wh] z h h z h Z h [z^5] h [whE] z h h z h Z h [L7$] G [rQG] L G G L G z G L G G L G G L G z G [z5] h [wh] z h h z h Z h [z^5] h [whE] z h h z h Z h [L7$] G [rQG] L G G L G z G L G G L G G L G z G [j2] d [d9] j d d j d J d [jd42] d [qd9] j d d j d J d [jd52] d [wd9] j d d j d J d [jd62] d [ed9] j d d j d J d [zjd2] d [d9] j d d j d J d [zjd42] d [qd9] j d d j d J d [zjd52] d [wd9] j d d j d J d [zjd62] d [ed9] j d d j d J d [zjd2] d [d9] j d d j d J d [zjd42] d [qd9] j d d j d J d [zjd52] d [wd9] j d d j d J d [zjd62] d [ed9] j d d j d J d [zjd2] d [d9] j d d j d J d [zjd42] d [qd9] j d d j d J d [zjd52] d [wd9] j d d j d J d [zjd62] d [ed9] j d d j d J d j d d j d d j d J d x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x j j x j j x j c j x
    Level: 7
    Length: 03:00
    Halloween Theme (Halloween)

    John Carpenter

  • 48qeru| |4 8 [qe] r u| |4 8 [qe] r u||[uf] [uf4] 8 [qe] r u||[xf] [xf4] 8 [qe] r u| |[i4]pf8 [fe] [rd] [uf] d [s4] d [sh3] 8 [wh] [ed] y|3|[spi2] [d6]9[qd]e[ys]e[od5] [s9]w[ra]w[s5] [of1] 8 [wof] [uta] t w [p7]asd[spf6] 0 [fe] [rd] [uf] j [k5] l [h4]kz8q[le] [xt] [jG$] [z9]Q[le] [z$] [zwkh5] 9 [we] r y [l9] [wj] [l5] [skg4] 8 [sqjg] e [tsh]|8|4 8 [qe] r u|8|4 8 [qe] r u|8 [uf] [uf4] 8 [qe] r u 8 q [xf8] [xf4] 8 [qe] r u|8|[i4]pf8 [fe] [rd] [uf] d [s4] d [sh3] 8 [wh] [ed] y|3|[spi2] [d6]9[qd]e[ys]e[od5] [s9]w[ra]w[s5] [of1] 8 [wof] [uta] t w [p7]asd[spf6] 0 [fe] [rd] [uf] j [k5] l [h4]kz8q[le] [xt] [jG$] [z9]Q[le] [z$] [zwkh5] 9 [we] [yr] 9 l [wj] [l5] [lhf3] 7 [khf0] w [jf]|[h0] 7 [w3] 7 [r0] 0 o 3 [j0]k[l7]z[xjg4] 8 [zqjg] 8 [ljg] 8 [qkg] 8 [sjg4] 8 [sqh] 8 [sqg] 8 [vq]z[l8]z[xh4] 8 [zqg] e [qlf] 4 [qkd] 8 [sj5] 9w[rha]w5w[pg6] 0 [ofe] 0 [xh1] 58[zg0]858[lf1] 50[kd8]185[sj3] 70[ha7]070[pg3] 70[wof]30303[xkh4] 8q[zjge]q8q[lhf4] 8q[kged]q8q[sjf4] 8 [qhda] 8 [spg4] 8 [qofa] 8 4 8 [qe] r u|q 8 4 8 [qe] r u 8 q [uf8] [uf4] 8 [qe] r u|8 [xf] [xf4] 8 [qe] r u| |[xg]jgjxjgjx| |[zf]hfhzhfhz||f [lf]hfhlhfhl||[xf] [xk]hfhkhfhk

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:57
    Rui Ruii the Seal Pianist (Made in Abyss)

    Kevin Penkin