01:14 -
3 -
0| 6 666 8 0 0 0|
0q 999 9qee0 0|
06 6 6 8 0 0 0 0
[29] 9 [18]8[27] [36]|||
[4e]| e|q[1w]w0 0|0[2q] 9 90q [6e] 0 0|
[4e]| e qq[1w]w0 0 0 [2q] 9 [18] 7 [36]|||
3 2 1 7 [36]66 6 8 [360] 0 0 0
[26q] 9 9 q [36e] 0 0|
0[36] 6 6 8 [360] 0 0 0 [4q] [29] [18] 7 [36]|||
[48e]| e|q[15w]w0 0|
0[26q] 9 90q [36e] 0 0|
[48e]| e qq[15w]w0 0 0 [26q] 9 [18] 7 [36]|||
6 6 1 2 [36] 66|8 [360] 0 0 00[26q] 9 9 q [36e] 0 0 0
[36] 666 8 [360] 0 0 0 [4q] [29] [18] 7 [36]|||
[48e]| e|q[15w]w0 0|0[26q] 9 90q [36e] 0 0|
[48e]| e qq[15w]w0 0 0 [26q] 9 [18] 7 [36]|||
[48e]| e|q[15w]w0 0|0[26q] 9 90q [36e] 0 0|
[48e]| e qq[15w]w0 0 0 [26q] 9 [18] 7 [36]
About This Music Sheet
Wellerman (The Longest Johns) is a song by The Longest Johns. Use your computer keyboard to play Wellerman (The Longest Johns) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:14, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. You can also find other similar songs using Folk.
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Megalovania (Undertale)
Toby Fox
8(QetYIpsDGj6666665566666655 [p6][wp6][pe6][p6][tp6][rp6][p5][yp5] [tp6][p6][up6][yp6][p6][pi6][up5]5 [p6][wp6][pe6][p6][tp6][rp6][p5][yp5] [tp6][p6][up6][yp6][p6][pi6][up5]5 [tpie9]64064q606[p9][o8] [i7][u8][y9]5 [u9] q [qi]w [o5]98[p7]8[a9]8 [p6][wp6][pe6][p6][tp6][rp6][p5][yp5] [tp6][p6][up6][yp6][p6][pi6][up5]5 [p6][wp6][pe6][p6][tp6][rp6][p5][yp5] [tp6][p6][up6][yp6][p6][pi6][up5]5 [te6]|[yr6] 3[ut^]5 [uo6]|[YI6] 3[ut5]% [oa6]66[pe6]665566666655 [te4]|[yr4]|[ut3] [e20]|[e20] 3[w97]5 [e60]6[t60]6[y60]65[t50] [e60]6[t60]6[y60]655 [te6]|[yr6] 3[ut^]5 [uo6]|[YI6] 3[ut5]% [oa6]66[pe6]665566666655 [te4]|[yr4]|[ut3] [e20]|[e20] 3[w97]5 [e60][e6][W6][e6][t6][r6][t5][u5] [Y6][u6][p6][O6][p6][s6]55 [ie4]ui[t4]et[ie3] 2et[i2]p [o4]i [ro5]Io[y5]ry[ro4] [o3]ry[o3]ay[o3]a [ie4]|[ie4]|[wu4] [yQ$]|[yQ$] y[t$] [r95]|5 e[r5]e [W0%]|%|% [e60]|[r96]|[t60] [ye4]|4|4 [y5]Ty[r5]wr[i5]u3|3|3 [wu4]|[wu4] y[u4] [eI$]|[eI$] u[I$] [ro5]|5|5 [yrp5]|5|5 [yra5]|5|5| 2$25257[p6][wp6][pe6][p6][tp6][rp6][p5][yp5] [tp6][p6][up6][yp6][p6][pi6][up5]5 [p6][wp6][pe6][p6][tp6][rp6][p5][yp5] [tp6][p6][up6][yp6][p6][pi6][up5]5 [tpie9]64064q606[p9][o8] [i7][u8][y9]5 [u9] q [qi]w [o5]98[p7]8[a9]8 [p6][wp6][pe6][p6][tp6][rp6][p5][yp5] [tp6][p6][up6][yp6][p6][pi6][up5]5 [p6][wp6][pe6][p6][tp6][rp6][p5][yp5] [tp6][p6][up6][yp6][p6][pi6][up5]5 [te6]|[yr6] 3[ut^]5 [uo6]|[YI6] 3[ut5]% [oa6]66[pe6]665566666655 [te4]|[yr4]|[ut3] [e20]|[e20] 3[w97]5 [e60]6[t60]6[y60]65[t50] [e60]6[t60]6[y60]655 [te6]|[yr6] 3[ut^]5 [uo6]|[YI6] 3[ut5]% [oa6]66[pe6]665566666655 [te4]|[yr4]|[ut3] [e20]|[e20] 3[w97]5 [e60][e6][W6][e6][t6][r6][t5][u5] [Y6][u6][p6][O6][p6][s6]55 [ie4]ui[t4]et[ie3] 2et[i2]p [o4]i [ro5]Io[y5]ry[ro4] [o3]ry[o3]ay[o3]a [ie4]|[ie4]|[wu4] [yQ$]|[yQ$] y[t$] [r95]|5 e[r5]e [W0%]|%|% [e60]|[r96]|[t60] [ye4]|4|4 [y5]Ty[r5]wr[i5]u3|3|3 [wu4]|[wu4] y[u4] [eI$]|[eI$] u[I$] [ro5]|5|5 [yrp5]|5|5 [yra5]|5|5| 2$25257666666556Level: 5Length: 02:32Intermediate
Battle 1 (Final Fantasy IX)
Nobuo Uematsu
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Level: 7Length: 01:58IntermediateAvengers Theme Main Suite (Alternative)
Alan Silvestri