00:16 -
o|ssss fhfs|
o|ssss fhfs|
About This Music Sheet
The Wheels on the Bus is a song by Verna Hills. Use your computer keyboard to play The Wheels on the Bus music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:16, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song The Wheels on the Bus is classified in the genre of Kids on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Nursery Rhymes.
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Level: 4Length: 02:40EasyShirohae (Naruto) (Alternative)
Yasuharu Takanashi
s a [8s]| |8|
s a [qs]| |q|
s a [8s]||d [8d]||
g [8g]| |8|
f s [wd]||a o| [8f] s [wd]| |w|
h s [eg]||[wf] [wf]||d [wd]| |w|
s a [8s]| |8|
s a [qs]| |q|
s a [8s]| o| [8h]|
g f [8g]| |8|
h d [8g]||f [wd]|
h d [Eg]| |E| [wh] d [eg]||[wf] [qd]|
g j [wk]| |w|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8k] l||[8h]| s| [qJ]| |q|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8k] l||[8h]| s| [wl]| |[wk]|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
s a [8s]| o| [qi]|
s a [8a] s||[8g]| d|
[wgl]| |w| |
[whk]| |w| |
[tfl]| |[qgl]|
[tfl]| |[qgl]|
[tfl]| |w| |8Level: 4Length: 01:18EasyJurassic Park Theme
John Williams
yyio yyio yyyydy | PPPP ssss ooo | iiii oooo ppp | PPss ooo | iiiiiiii oooo | yioiy yyioiy | yip yyip yip yyip | yiopo yyiopo | yip yyip yip yyip | sspp i yytyty | sspp I | yytyto | yiyiyyioyt | ppoiu | yyop ytyui | iiop ouou | ppii y ys ssp | iioPpoioop | sopopoppLevel: 3Easy
Kim Hyun Joong