06:41 -
[sqjg84]| |[oh]|
[usp863]| |s d||
[spf860]| |[oda975]| |
[spi864]| |s g| f [w80]|||
[wth8]||f h| r f [tqpied]|||
[spf]| |[oda]| [oda]|
[sqpj84]| |[oh]|
[uso851]| |s d||
[spf860]| |[oda975]| |
[spi864]| |s g| f [w80]|||
[wth8]||f h| r f [qpied9]|||
[sqpf9]| |[oda]| [spi]|||
[f850]| f f f g h|
[wtf0]| |f||f
[spf860]| |[oda975]| |
[spi864]| |[s864]| [g753]|
[f8]| 0| w||t
[utso]| |[utso]| s|
[uto]| [usro]| [utso]| |[uroa]|||
[sqjg84]| [sjg]| [sjg]| [oh]|
[usp863]| |s d||
[spf860]| |[oda975]| |
[spi864]| |s g| f [w80]|||
[wtj8]||f h| r f [tqpied]|||
[spf]| |[oda]| [oda]|||
[ws80]| |[ws80]| [ts80]|
[tf80]| [tf80]| |[wrd9]| |[tf80]|||
[ws80]| |[ws80]| [ts80]|
[wtf0]| [wtf0]| |[wrd9]| |[tf80]|||
[ws80]| |[ws80]| [ts80]|
[wtf0]| [wtf0]| |[wrd9]| |[tf80]|||
[ws80]| |[ws80]| [ts80]|
[wtf0]| [wtf0]| |[wrd9]| |[se86]|||
[ws80]| |[ws80]| [ts80]|
[wtf0]| [wtf0]| |[wrd9]| |[tf80]|||
[ws80]| |[ws80]| [ts80]|
[wtf0]| [wtf0]| |[wrd9]| |[se86]|||
[ws80]| |[ws80]| [ts80]|
[wtf0]| [wtf0]| |
[wrd9]| |[tf80]| |
[qa97]| |[se80]|||
[sqjg84]| [sjg]| [sjg]| [oh]|
[usp863]| |s d||
[spf860]| |[oda975]| |
[spi864]| |s g| f [w80]|||
[wtj8]||f h| r f [tqpied]|||
[spf]| |[oda]| [oda]|||
[sqjg84]| |[oh]|
[usp863]| |s d||
[spf860]| |[oda975]| |
[spi864]| |s g| f [w80]|||
[wth8]||f h| r f [tqpied]|||
[spf]| |[oda]| [oda]|||
[f850]| f| f g h|
[wtf0]| |f||f
[spf860]| |[oda975]| |
[spi864]| |[s864]| [g753]|
[f8]| 0| w||t
[utso]| |[utso]| s|
i| [usr]| [utso]| |[uroa]|||
[sqjg84]| [sjg]| [sjg]| [oh]|
[usp863]| |s d||
[spf860]| |[oda975]| |
[spi864]| |s g| f [w80]|||
[wth8]||f h| r f [tqpied]|||
[spf]| |[oda]| [oda]| [oda]|||
[ws80]| |[ws80]| [ts80]|
[wtf0]| [wtf0]| |[wrd9]| |[tf80]|||
[ws80]| |[ws80]| [ts80]|
[wtf0]| [wtf0]| |[wrd9]| |[tf80]|||
[ws80]| |[ws80]| [ts80]|
[wtf0]| [wtf0]| |[wrd9]| |[tf80]|||
[ws80]| |[ws80]| [ts80]|
[wtf0]| [wtf0]| |[wrd9]| |[se86]|||
[ws80]| |[ws80]| [ts80]|
[wtf0]| [wtf0]| |[wrd9]| |[tf80]|||
[ws80]| |[ws80]| [ts80]|
[wtf0]| [wtf0]| |[wrd9]| |[se86]|||
[ws80]| |[ws80]| [ts80]|
[wtf0]| [wtf0]| |
[wrd9]| |[tf80]| |
[qa97]| |[se80]|||
[se80]| [wurh]|||
[wurf]| |[se80]|||
[se60]| [urh0]|||
[wtf0]| |[wa97]|||
[se80]| [wurh]|||
[wurf]| |[se80]|||
[sqjg84]| [sjg]| [sjg]| [oh]|
[usp863]| |s d||
[spf860]| |[oda975]| |[spi864]
About This Music Sheet
Without Words (The Fault In Our Stars) is a song by Ray LaMontagne. Use your computer keyboard to play Without Words (The Fault In Our Stars) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 06:41, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song Without Words (The Fault In Our Stars) is classified in the genres: Rock, USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Folk, Country.
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[uto]| s| e| h| [uroh]| a| w| h| [uthe]| s| 0| h| [uqh]| s| y| p| [uto]| s| e| h| [uroh]| a| w| h| [uthe]| s| 0| h| [uqh]| s| y| j| [yohd]| z| l| k| [urh]| |l| k| [upjf]| |z| l| [tsqji]||| [ywo]| d| [usro0]| a| [yra9]| |[ype9]| | [o530]| [s530]| [530]| [h530]| [woh73]| [wa73]| [w73]| [wh73]| [th60]| [ts60]| [t60]| [th60]| [he84]| [se84]| [e84]| [pe84]| [o530]| [s530]| [530]| [h530]| [woh73]| [wa73]| [w73]| [wh73]| [th60]| [ts60]| [t60]| [th60]| [he84]| [se84]| [e84]| [je84]| [rh97]| [zrd97]| [srl97]| [rka97]| [woha73]| [w73]| [wsl73]| [wka73]| [tspj60]| [t60]| [ztd60]| [tsl60]| [spje84]| [e84]| [e84]| [e84]| [ywr]| [wrd]| [wsr]| [wra]| [ra9]| [r9]| [p62]| [62]| [w851] 0 w 0 [t851] 0 w 0 [e861] 0 e 0 [o861] e t e [o730] w r w [wr730] w r w [r730] w r w [o730] w r w [o60] e t e [te60] e t e [t60] e t e [o60] e t e [uqo84] e t e [tq84] e t e [tq84] e t e [tq84] e t e [w851] 0 w 0 [t851] 0 w 0 [e861] 0 e 0 [o861] e t e [o730] w r w [wr730] w r w [r730] w r w [o730] w r w [o60] e t e [te60] e t e [t60] e t e [o60] e t e [uqo84] e t e [tq84] e t e [tq84] e t e [tqp84] e t e [wo95] r y r [wd95] y o y [ws95] t o t [wa95] r o r [wro730]|w r [w730] r w r [ts730]| [ra730]|[730] e [tpe60]|e [t60]|e|[yd60]| [ts]|6 e [tqpe84]|e e [tq84] e e e [tq84] e e e [tq84]|e| [w95]| [y95]| [t95]| [r95]| [w973]| [973]| [t973]| [r973]| [e6]| 6| [y6]| [t6]| [r972]| [72]| [e962]| [62]| [u851] y t w t y [u851] y t w t y [u851] y t w t y [u851] y t w [t1] y [u1] y t w t y [u851] y t w t y [u851] y t w t y [u851] y t w t y [wu851] y t w t y [ut851] y t w t y [u851] y t w t y [uo851] y t w t y [o730] I u r u I [ro730] I u r u I [o730] I u r u I [o730] I u r u I [uoe60] y t e t y [u60] y t e t y [u60] y t e t y [u60] y t e t y [qi84] u y t y u [qi84] u y t y u [qi84] u y t y u [qi84] u y t y u [wu851] y t w t y [ut851] y t w t y [u851] y t w t y [uo851] y t w t y [o730] I u a u I [o730] I u a u I [o730] I u a u I [o730] I u a u I [se60] a p f p a [se60] a p f p a [se60] a p f p a [se60] a p f p a [se84] a p g p a [se84] a p g p a [se84] a p g p a [se84] a p j| [whd9]|d 5 [zrhd9]|d 5 [slhe9]|s 5 [wkha9] a 5 o [oha730]|o a [730] o a [70] [sl730]| [ka730]|3 p [spje60]| [t80] p s e [zed60]| [sle60]|6 p [spje84]|p p [e84] p p s [spje84]|p s [pe84] s p s [wo95]|5 [oed95]|o 5 [wso95]|o [o5] [oa95]|w| [yo730]| [730]| [d730]|s|[a730]|3| [upe0]| [r0]| [ed0]| [se0]| [yra9]| [r9]| [r9]| [r9]| [yp62]| [62]| [62]| | [uto]| s| e| h| [uroh]| a| w| h| [uthe]| s| 0| h| [uqh]| s| y| p| t u o s||| 8| 1Level: 8Length: 04:38Expert
Cloud Atlas (Theme)
Mark Fowler
e [tu] [tu]
q [et] [et]
8 [0wt] [0wt]
0 [Wry] [Wry]
e [tu] [tu]
q [et] [et]
8 [0wt] [0wt]
0 [Wry] [Wrya]s[ef] [tu] [tu]s[qa] [eti] [eti]s[8u] [0wt] [0wt]
0 [Wry] [Wrya]s[ef] [tu] [tu]s[qj] [eti] [eti]g[8f] [0wt] [0wt]d[0f]
[Wry] [Wrya]s[ef] [tu] [tu]s[qa] [eti] [eti]p[8u] [0wt] [0wt]
0 [Wry] [Wrya]s[ef] [tu] [tu]s[qj]k[etij] [eti]g[8f] [0wt] [0wt]d[0f] [Wry] [Wryd]f[yg]h[ipg]f[ipd]s[wa]i[ryoh]g[ryof]D[tf]g[uof]d[uos]a[qp]u[etig]f[etid]s[Wd]f[ryud]s[ryua]p[qO]u[wrI]O[wrp]a[es]a[tus]S[tud]D[Wf] [ryuf]h[ryug]f[yg]h[ipg]f[ipd]s[wa]i[ryoh]g[ryof]D[tf]g[uof]d[uos]a[qp]u[etig]f[etid]s[wd]f[ryud]s[ryua]p[QO]u[rWI]O[Wrp]a[ep] [tu] [tu] [tu]|
as[ef] [tu] [tu]s[qa] [eti] [eti]p[8u] [0wt] [0wt]
0 [Wry] [Wrya]s[ef] [tu] [tu]s[qj]k[etij] [eti]g[8f] [0wt] [0wt]d[0f] [Wry] [Wryd]f[wg]h[ryig]f[ryid]o[tf] [uo] [uo]
[0d]f[Wryd]s[Wrya]d[0s] [et] [et]
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[0z]x[Wryz]l[Wryk]z[el] [tu] [tu]
[(j]H[etj]k[etl]z[0x] [Wryf] [Wryf] [Wryf]|
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0 [Wr] [Wra]s[ef] [tu] [tu]s[qj] [et] [et]g[8f] [0w] [0w]d[0f]
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[4jlcb] [qetiHV][jb][qetilm]
[18] [80wtflx] [80wtgc]
[30dhkz] [W0ry][sl][W0ryak]
[6psj] [etusl] [etufx]
[4jlcb] [qetiHV][jb][qetilm]
[18] [80wtflx] [80wtgc]
[H30dkz] [W0ry][sl][W0ryak]
[6psj] [etusl] [etufx]
[4jlcb] [qetiHV][jb][qetilm]
[18] [80wtxm] [80wtc]
[V30zn] [W0ry][lm][W0rykn]
[euplxm]| [6e]Level: 9Length: 02:11ExpertCordelia (Juan Arenosa) (Expert)
W r I u W r Y u W T Y u e T e p I | W r I u W r Y u W T Y u e T e p I | [af] [af] [DG] H [DG] [SO] kk jj HH GG f f | [af] [af] [DG] H [DG] [SO] kk jj HH GG f f | u a a a a O I u u uuu uuu u I u u I OOO p O u r OOO p | O u r uuuuu u I O T | u u u | aaaa a OO II O I u aaa aaa O p aa O p a | u O O O p O u r O O O p O u u aaaaa O p a [ua] S [ua]Level: 4Easy
I Don’t Care
Fall Out Boy