01:43 -
-5 -
[zd] [xf] [vh] [qmlcb4]etiop[snkc]po[jib]te[vkh30]wryuoaou[xrf]w[vh]0[zjcb92]qeyip[zwvkh5]ry[jib]oa[xlhf81]0wtyuou[zd]y[xtf]w[vh]0[qmlcb4]etiop[snk]po[jib]te[vkh30]wryop[xfa]ou[yvh]rw[zjcb92]qeyui[zvkh30]wryuo[xpljeb]ute08[e6] t r w [xe]b|x|z|v|[xe] r t u [pl]|j|[k0] Q [wh] r [uf]| |[j9] q [khe] [lj] [zk0] w r h e [rj] [tk]n u [le]m r [th]v u [qj]lxt o p l|j e [k0] r [yj] u h [tf] [yg] [uh] [d9]gje y [ji] [zp] l [ukh] [lj] 0 [rkfH] u O a|[rl70] z [qj4]lx8 e [zq] [tlj] [ke] [tl] [qj] [kh30] 7 [wv]b 0 [vr] w 0 7 [lj92] [zk6] [xql] [zc9] [xwv5] 9 [zr] w [xtl8] w t u [r7] [zw] [xr] [v7] [e6] [l0] e t [w5] [kh9] [wl] [x5] [q4] [sjg8] q e [30] [h8] [v0] x [ljd92]69qe[zd]y[xf30]7[zd]0[xwf]r[vh]u[ljeb6]0ertup d f h [sqlg4]8q[skge]ti[sj]it[sh]eq[fa30][o7][fa0][wd]rhy[spfe6]0[vh]e[rml]t[nk]u[qpi4]8[oa]q[spe]tpe[woa5]9whjry[ha]o[tsof8]wtyuosou[tf]wh0[qlg4][s8][qlg][kge][ts][ki]j[ts][je][qh][s8][h4][f30]7d0[wf]rku[sqj4]8ne[mi]ovp[yjg9]qhe[yj]ejq[f0]hkruopha[e6]0[sj]ertu[pb]| |[yjged9] h j j [urf0]hk|h|[sqjg]tiopiosjghlcvbm609weyuopdfh[zv][xb][zb][zv][xb6]
About This Music Sheet
Wu Ji (The Untamed) is a song by Hai Lin. Use your computer keyboard to play Wu Ji (The Untamed) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:43, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Wu Ji (The Untamed) is classified in the genre of Songs From TV on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using China.
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Other Songs By Hai Lin
[f6] 0 r t [us]|p|[a3] 7 [wo] r u| |[tpi4] 8 [ea] s [d5] 9 [yro]|[utp6] 0 e r [ut]||pasd[f6] 0 r t [us]|p|[ya0]|[tp]|[ro]||io[pi9] e r [tpi] [id] [us] [ya] [tp] [upa3] 0 e r [uW]|s d [qpf] t p [od] [sp] a s p [oa0] r [tsj] y [uha]||dsa[sqp] d [sf] g [ha]|[wda]|[of8] w y u s d [fa] h [sp] e u y [wu] a s f p q t r [t0] o h f [y2]ips6 q [tid] [rof] d [of0]ryh [s6]fj0 e t u d f h [qlf] p [kd] p [sj] p [ha] q [of0] r [od] [rh] [tf] r t r [tp2] [yqa] [use] [tp] [ywa] [sje] [rha] [sof1] 5 0 w [ywpE] d [uofTE] h [f4]jl8 [ked] t [sji]|[ha] h [of0]ry|f [kd] [sje]| |[ysj] [ha] [sj] [lf] [ukd]|[ha]|[sj6] 0 t u p s f j [xlb6]
Level: 6Length: 01:09IntermediateWu Ji (The Untamed) (Alternative)
Hai Lin
1 y [t5] y [t8] y [ts] [y5] [t1] y [tp] [yo] [tp] [yo] [wtsp] [yo] [wt8] [ye] [wt] [ye] [wto5] [yp] [tsoe6] [ypd] [ts81] [yw] [te] [yw] [te5] [yw] [ted] [ywh] [f8] [yw] [te] [yw] [te] [yw] [te5] [yw] [s1] [yw] [te] [yw] [te8] [yw] [ted] [ywp] [o1] [yw] [te] [yw] [te5] [yw] [te6] [yw] [s81] [yw] [te] [yw] [te85] [yw] [ted] [ywh] [f81] [yw] [wthe] [yw] [tfe0] [yw] [tse8] [ywp] [d92] [ue] [yr] [ue] [yrh5] [ue] [yrj] [ue] [d92] [ue] [yr] [ue] [yrh] [ue] [ywr5] [ue] [ts81] [yw] [te5] [yw6] [te8] [yw] [ted] [ywh] [f81] [yw] [te] [yw] [te5] [yw] [te6] [yw] [s81] [yw] [te5] [yw6] [te5] [yw] [ted] [ywp] [o81] [yw] [te8] [yw] [wte] y [te5] [yw] [s81] [yw] [te5] [yw] [te8] [yw9] [ted] [ywh] [f81] [yw] [te] [yw] [wtse] [yd] [tpe5] [ywo] [s81] y [wtl] [ye] [wtj8] 9 [wth] [y9] [81] [yw] [te] [yw] [te8] 9 8 wWeErtTyYuiIoOpPa[usp81] 3 6 8 [pid92] 4 [of8] 0 [uoa7] 3 5 0 r 0 [w7] 5 [ypie2] 4 6 9 [uroa3] 0 [us6] 5 [wuro3] 5 7 0 [wt] 0 7 5 4 6 [tp8] q [ya9] r [wus] 8 [wro3] 7 0 w [uts8] w [of0] 8 [tp2] 4 6 9 [id2] 4 [us8] 6 [yaO3] 7 [f0] W [rk] W 0 7 [e4] 8 [qp] 8 [se] 8 6|[w3] 8 [wo] 8 [ws] 8 5|2 6 [qp] 6 [sq] 8 [f6] 4 [d5] 9 w 9 [yo] 9 w 9 [y5] 9 w 9 [y5] 2 7 5 [ts81] [yw] [te] [yw] [te5] [yw] [ted] [ywh] [f8] [yw] [te] [yw] [te] [yw] [te5] [yw] [s1] [yw] [te] [yw] [te8] [yw] [ted] [ywp] [o1] [yw] [te] [yw] [te5] [yw] [te6] [yw] [s81] [yw] [te] [yw] [te85] [yw] [ted] [ywh] [f81] [yw] [wthe] [yw] [tfe0] [yw] [tse8] [ywp] [d92] [ue] [yro]h [ue] [yrp5]j [ue] [yrd]z [ue] [o92]h [ue] [yrp]j [ue] [yur]f e [yw5] [ue] [ts81] [yw] [te5] [yw6] [te8] [yw] [ted] [ywh] [f81] [yw] [te] [yw] [te5] [yw] [te6] [yw] [s81] [yw] [te5] [yw6] [te5] [yw] [ted] [ywp] [o81] [yw] [te8] [yw] [wt] y [te5] [yw] [s81] [yw] [te5] [yw] [te8] [yw9] [ted] [ywh] [f81] [yw] [te] [yw] [wtse] [yrd] [tpe5] [ywo] [s81] y [wt] [ye] [wt] y [te5] [yw] [81] y [wt] [ye] [wt] y [te5] [yw] [p81] y [wto] [ye] [wtp] y [toe5] [yw] [p81] y [wto] [ye] [wtp] y [toe5] [yw] [O81] y [wto] [yW] [wtO] y [toW5] [yw] [O81] y [wto] [yW] [wtO] y 5tYoOsDh[ts1] 5 [w8] [yW%] [wY8] t [wo(] [O5] [o8] [wtO]o[wY8] [yw5] [wt8] [w1]w[85] w [wo8] [Y5] [wo8] [O(] [ts%] [t8] [wd]s[qO] [o8] [w1]w[w@] [W8] w (98|[i4] 1 4 o [O8] [i%] [O8] [sq] [o5] oYy t [y%] %|% [t1] [Y5] [o8] [wO] [o5] [O9]o[wY] [y9] [t8] [s5(] [w@] [W4] [w@] Ww[5(] [94] [ts81] 5 8 [wo1] [ts5] [wo1] [wtso5] [yd8] [YOD%] [yd@] [ts8] [YWO@] [wto81] [w5]w[8(] 8 [ti4] [iW4] [to1] [WO4] [tq8]iOs4 ds[O1] [w5]tYo[w1]w[w@] [W8] [w5] (98 5 [tsYO%] ( [sYW] [tO(] [oE@] [tO8] [woE] [wY8] [yr5] [y9]Y[ywr] [t9] [yw7] w 9 r [t%] [o(]o[to] [O(] [ro5] [O9]o[wrY] [y9] [t8] ( w W w (98|[t81]Yosw t o [sY] o [wsY5] [id] [OD%] [dY(] [tsW] [iO] [to8] ww( 8 [iW4] [iW] [woE] [tWO] [sqY] 4 dsO [oY8] www W w Ww( 8 [tsYO%] % [sY] [tO] [oE@] [tO] [oE] [wY] [yrq7] yYy t [y9] w 9 t [wt1] [o5]o[oY8] [iO5] [yo5] [o2]O[ro5] [i2] [ywro5] 9 8 W w 9 8 [w5] 5 5 9 t [s9] r [o9] 5 [w5]||[w5] [w5]|5|[s81] [yw] [te] [yw] [te5] [yw] [ted] [ywh] [f8] [yw] [te] [yw] [te] [yw] [te5] [yw] [s1] [yw] [te] [yw] [te8] [yw] [ted] [ywp] [o1] [yw] [te] [yw] [te5] [yw] [te6] [yw] [s81] [yw] [te] [yw] [te85] [yw] [ted] [ywh] [f81] y [wth] y [tfe0] [yw] [tse8] [ywp] [d92] [ue] [yr] [ue] [ywr] [ue] [yr] [ue] [92] [ue] [yr] [ue] [ywr] [ue] [yr] [ue] [s81] [yw] [te5] [yw6] [te8] [yw] [ted] [ywh] [f81] [yw] [te] [yw] [te5] [yw] [te6] [yw] [s81] [yw] [te5] [yw6] [te5] [yw] [ted] [ywp] [o81] [yw] [te] [yw] [wt] y [te5] [yw] [s81] [yw] [te8] [yw] [te5] [yw6] [ted5] [ywh] [f81] [yw] [te5] [yw] [tse8] [ywd] [tpe] [ywo] [s81] [yw] [te] [yw] [wte] [yw] [te5] [yw] [81] y [wt] [ye] [wt] y [te5] [yw] [81] y [wt] [ye] [wt] y [te5] [yw] [81] y [wt] [yW] [wt] y [tW5] [yw] [81] y [wt] [yW] [wt] y [tW5] [yw] [81] y [wt] [ye] [wt] y [te5] [yw] [81] y [wt] [ye] [wt] y [te5] [yw] [81] y [wt] [yW] [wt] y [tW5] [yw] [t81] [yw] [toe] [yw] [s5]0t|1
Level: 7Length: 04:45IntermediateSong of Lucidity (The Untamed)
Hai Lin
[qh]WtY g|[oD]|[id]| [sY]| [wo]sf|||yad|||[u8] o[wu0]| u[i9]|[sqe] s| [o0] a[ywro]|o|[qO]|[tdW] d sd[f0] d[wsr] a|s[pe]|[upT] Pp u[y9]|[eQI]|p f[e5][uq] hs do|[u81] o[wur0]| [u1][i92]|[tsqe] s| [o30] a[wro]|o 3[qO4]|[tdW] d sd[f30] d[wsr] a|s[p6]|[wp0] Pp [u6][y92]|[eQI]|p f[we5]|5|[s%]|[wra60]| [wr0] 6[wr30]|[wr0]|[wr60] 3[wr60]| [wr0] 6[wf40]|[w0]|[s65]|[a40]|[te0]|[te0] 1[te50]|[te0]4[te0] 1[te40]|[te0]|[te0] 1[fe50] h[e0]s[e40]|[wra60]| [wr0] 6[wr30]|[wr0]|[wr60]|[ute2]|[ute]|[ute]|[ute2]|[ute]|[ute]|[utW3]|[utW]|[utW]|[utW0]|[utfW]d[utW] s[utqpe]|[utfe]d[ute] s[yrqWO]|[yrdW]|[ysrW]|[ywrf0]|[ywrh]|[ywrj]d[te0]|[tse0]|[te0]u[tie9]|[tpe9]|[tse9]|[raY(]|[rY(]|[raY(]p[yro0]a[yr0]d[yr0]|[wtsE8]|[wtfE8]d8 s[utqpe]|[utfe]d[ute] s[yrqWO]|[yrdW]|[yrW] s[ywrf0]|[ywrh]|[ywrj]k[eT0]| j|[h9]et| [og]sf|g|p f[weT0]|||[d9]|||[wur80] ou| u[tqie9]|s s| [ywro0] ao|o|[ytqWO]|d d sd[ywrf0] ds a|s[wpT0]|p Pp u[yteQ9]|I|p f5qe hs dz|h| 5|[u8] o[wur0]|[wr0] [u8][i9]|[tsqe] s[tqe] 9[o0] a[ywro]|[ywro] 0[qO]|[ytdW] d[ytW]sd[uf0] d[ywsr] a[ywr] s[p6]|[wpT0] P[wpT0] [u6][y9]|[teQI]|[tpeQ] f[wq5]eu [w5]|[tqed5]|[usqe]|y|t|[wr4]|[te]|[qe]|[w30]|7qwr[wrf0]|[th]|[ra0]|[wP(]Ey t|E|[qe@]|E|[w(]|[85](wE
Level: 7Length: 02:04IntermediateLove Like You (Steven Universe) (Intermediate)
Rebecca Sugar
fh h[81]| [wtsf0]| [wt0]| [wt0]fh [utple] k [utpk] jj[utp] h [utpf] g [ywrj0] hh[ywr]| [ywrfa]| [ywr] hh[tqihe] g [tihe] j [urfW0] d [urfW] g [utpge] ff[utp]| [utspofe]| [utpo]| [wutp]| [utp]| [yqe9]| [yqed] f [tqige] f [tied] s [ywra] [ywr] ad a[wtd80] ss[wt0]| [wtg0]|f[wt0] d [wts0]| [wt0]| [wtg0]| [wta0]a| [sg8] [wtg0] g [wth0] [g8] [wtf0] ds[wt0] [ga7] [wtg0] g [wth0] [g7] [wtf0] ds[wt0] [g^P] [wtg0] g [wth0] [g^] [wtf0] ds[wt0] [qj] [tie]| [tie] [qp] [tie] i [tie]u[j9] [yqje] j [yqje] 9 [yqhe] g [th8] w [rf7]| [utpd] e [utp] d [utpf] [tqige] f [tied] s [tie] a [tife] d [ws]tyo| [wa]ryo|aa| [sg8] g [wtg0] h [wtg0] f [wtd0]s| [ga7] g [wtg0] h [wtg0] f [wtd0]s| [g^P] g [wtg0] h [wtg0] f [wtd0]s| [qj] [tie]| [tie] [qp] [tie] i [tie]u [j9] [yqje] j [yqje] 9 [yqhe] g [th8] w [rf7]| [utpd] e [utp] d [utpf] [tqige] f [tied] s [tie] a [tife] d [ywrod]| ds[tqigW]| fd[ywrof]| ds[tqigW] [tqiW] fh h[81]| [wtb0]| [wvt0]| [xwtf0] h [utple] k [utpk] jj [utp] h [utpf] g [ywrj0] hh[ywrc] z [yxwr] c [ywr] v [tqihe] g [tihe] j [urfW0] d [urfW] g [utpge] ff[utpg]c| [utpoe]| [utpoh]v| [wutp]| [utpj]b| [yqe9]| [yqed] f [tqige] f [tied] s [ywra] [ywr] fh h[81]| [wtsf0]| [wt0]| [wt0]fh [utple] k [utpk] jj[utp] h [utpf] g [ywrj0] hh[ywr]| [ywrfa]| [ywr] hh[tqihe] g [tihe] j [urfW0] d [urfW] g [utpge] ff[utp]| [utspofe]| [utpo]| [wutp]| [utp]| [yqe9]| [yqed] f [tqige] f [tied] s [ywra] [ywr] ad a[d8]0wtss|[86]Level: 7Length: 01:43Intermediate
Follow Me (Beck)
Beat Crusaders
[8tg] s o s f s o s d s o s d o f o
[6eg] s o s f s o s d s o s d o f o
[4qh] s o s g s o s f s o s g s h s
[5wd] s o s d s o s d|||
[0wos]| [os] qw[oa]| [oa]|
[os]| [os] ew[oa] q0[oa] 9
[68eos]| [os] 90[oa]| [oa]|
[os]| [os] 8w[qoa] 0 [9oa] 8
[48qos]| [os] 50[oa]| [oa]|
[od]| [od] 5[0oa] q[oa] w
[os] 9 [os]| [os]| [os]|
[oa]| [oa]| [oa]| [oa] w
[5wtu]| [wt] io[wr]| [wr]|
[wt]| [wt] po[wr] i [wru] y
[6wt]| [wt] yu[wr]| [wr]|
[wt]| [wt] o[wri] u [wry] t
[4wt]| [wt] wu[wr]| [wr]|
[wy]| [wy]| [wru]u i[wr] o
[wt] y [wt]| [wt]| [wt]|Level: 7Length: 01:05IntermediateStronger Together (Ladybug & Cat Noir)
Jeremy Zag