Your Reality (Doki Doki Literature Club) (Expert)

Dan Salvato 12 November 2020

t [uo] v [vtq] [ve] [ut]| [ve0]c[xq] [te]cv [xq8] [zw] [yr] l [zw9] [xt] [uol] h [tq] e [ut]| [e0] [sqpo] [te]| [q8] [woda] [yr] 5 [w9] [yutso81]| [wuso] [e81] [t6]| [wuso] [86] [ytqi4] [q4] [spi] [ywto5]||[ywro9]ew [yuo81]| [wt] [wute81] 6| [te0] 6 [wtqie4] [q4] [te] [ywre5]||[ywr9]| [81]| [vuso] [v81] [v6]| [uso] [v6]c[xq4] [q4]c[vspi] [xw5] z| [yola] [z9] [x81] l [usoh] [v81]b[v6] vb[vuso] [m6] [q4] [q4] [spli] [j5]k hj [yoka9] h [81]| [vuso] [b81] [v6]| [uso] [x6]c[vq4] [qc4]x[zspi] [wj5] h| [yoga] [j9] [h81] x [usol] [v81]b[v6] vb[vuso] [m6] [q4] [q4] [zspi] [b5]n bn [yoma9]| [yutso81] hh[wuto] [he8] [t6] g [wuso] [fe6] [ytsqi4] [qS4]d[spi] [ywtof]g[w5] Gh[ywroa9]ew [yuo81] j [wth]f[81]s6| [toe0] [p6]s[wtqie4] [qp] [tse]d[ywso5]||[ywra7]| [yutso81] hh[wuto] [he8] [t6] g [wuso] [fe6] [ytsqi4] [qS4]d[spi] [ywtof]g[w5] Gh[ywroa9]ew [yuo81] j [wth]f[81]s6| [toe0] [p6]s[wtqie4] [qp] [tse]d[ywso5]||[ywra7]| [v81] l [zusoh] [lh81] 6v l[zuso] [l6] [wv4] [ql4] [zspif] [wlg5] vhl[zyoa] [lh9] [v81] l [zuso] [l81] 6v l[zuso] [l6] [vql4] [ql4] [zspid] [xl5] v l[zyoa9] [lh] [v81] l [zuso] [l81] 6v l[zuso] [l6] [qg4] [qh4]j[spih]f[w5]d apo[yoa]s[f9] [gd81] [sf][uso] [so81] 6[uo] [uso]a[f6] [qpd4] [q4] [spi] 5||[yoa9]| [81]| h [h81] [h6]||[h6]g[qf4] [q4]g[spih] [wf5] d| [ysoa] [d9] [v81] x [usoc] [z81] [x6] l [zuso] [j6] [qh4] [qf4] [spig]hb5 v| [yoa9]| [81]| [usoh] [j81] [h6]| [uso] [f6]g[qh4] [qg4]f[spid] [wp5] o| [yoia] [p9] [v81] x [usoc] [z81] [x6] l [zuso] [j6] [cV@(] [vZ@(] [zc] [lZ4] [zg] [lf] [JD8] [pj] [qg4] [qj4] [spi] l [wh5] [wk5] [yoa] z [qg4]h[qj4] [spji]hj [wk5]h[wj5]L[yvoa] [w5] [yutso81] hh[wuto] [he8] [t6] g [wuso] [fe6] [ytsqi4] [qS4]d[spi] [ywtof]g[w5] Gh[ywroa9]ew [yuo81] j [wth]f[81]d6| [toe0] [p6]s[wtqie4] [qp] [tse]d[ywso5]||[ywra7]| [yutso81] hh[wuto] [he8] [t6] g [wuso] [fe6] [ytsqi4] [qS4]d[ypi] [ywtof]g[w5] Gh[ywroa9]ew [yuo81] j [wth]f[81]d6| [toe0] [p6]s[wtqie4] [qp] [tse]d[ywso5]||[ywro7] [p6]s[wtie4] [qp] [tse]d[ywso5]| f [ywr7] g [g81] fs[uo] [p81]s6 h [uso] 6 [yie]||[tie]| |[yie]||[wut]

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About This Music Sheet

Your Reality (Doki Doki Literature Club) (Expert) is a song by Dan Salvato. Use your computer keyboard to play Your Reality (Doki Doki Literature Club) (Expert) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:00, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Your Reality (Doki Doki Literature Club) (Expert) is classified in the genres: Songs From Games, Manga, Japan on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime, Doki Doki.


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Other Songs By Dan Salvato

  • [wt0] s [hf] s|s [wthf0]| [te0] p [sf] p|p [tsfe0]| [qe8] i [sp] i|i [sqpe8]| [wr9] o [da] o|o [wro9]pa[wtd0] [hf]|s|s [wthf0]| [te0] [mb]|j n j [xteb0]| [qlec8] i [sp] i|i [sqe8]| [wr9] o [da] o|o [wro9]pa[wtd0]|gh h| [wt0] g [tfe0] g h f|s [te0] d [qfe8] s o|v|[vqe8] p [wro9] a|d f g [wrd9]| [wt0]|gh h| [wt0] g [tfe0] g l j|g [te0] f [qed8] f g|z|[xqe8] f [wr9] g h| o [wro9]pa[wtd0] [hf]|s|s [wthf0]| [te0] p [sf] p|p [tsfe0]| [qe8] i [sp] i|i [sqpe8]| [wr9] o [da] o|o [wro9]pa[wtd0] [hf]|s|s [wthf0]| [te0] [mb]|j n j [xteb0]| [qlec8] i [sp] i|i [sqe8]| [wr9] o [da] o|o [wro9]pa[wtd0]|gh h|g [wt0] f [tse0] S d fg|Gh [te0]| [qe8] j h f|o [qe8] p [wsr9] p d s|o [wro9]pa[wtd0]|gh h|g [wt0] f [tse0] S d fg|Gh [te0]| [qe8] j h f|o [qe8] p [wsr9] p d s|o [wro9]pa[wtd0]|gh h| [wt0] g [tfe0] g h f|s [te0] d [qfe8] s o|v|[vqe8] p [wro9] a|d f g [wrd9]| [wt0]|gh h| [wt0] g [tfe0] g l j|g [te0] f [qed8] f g|z|[xqe8] f [wr9] g h| o [wro9]pa[wtd0] [hf]|s|s [wthf0]| [te0] p [sf] p|p [tsfe0]| [qe8] i [sp] i|i [sqpe8]| [wr9] o [da] o|o [wro9]pa[wtd0] [hf]|s|s [wthf0]| [te0] [mb]|j n j [xteb0]| [qlec8] i [sp] i|i [sqe8]| [wr9] o [da] o|o [wro9]pa[wtd0]|gh h|g [wt0] f [tse0] S d fg|Gh [te0]| [qe8] j h f|o [qe8] p [wsr9] p d s|o [wro9]pa[wtd0]|gh h|g [wt0] f [tse0] S d fg|Gh [te0]| [qe8] j h f|o [qe8] p [wsr9] p d s|o [wro9]pa[wsr9] p d s|f [wr9] g [wtg0] f s p s [hf] [wt0]| [te0] [mb]|j n j [xteb0]| [qlec8] i [sp] i|i [sqe8]| [wr9] o [da] o|o [wro9]pa[wuso8]
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:17
    Okay Everyone! (Doki Doki Literature Club)

    Dan Salvato

  • 8|0|[tg] h|h| |g| [f9]|q|[th]|d| s| d| [f0]|r|[uo]||| [d9]|w|[yi]||| 8|0|[tg] h|h| |g| [h9]|q|[tf]|d| a| p| [o0]|r|[uo]||| [i9]|w|[yi]||| o|1|5|8|0|w|t|u| o p [o7]|w|r|w|y|w|r| [wo] p [e4] t o [i8]|[uq]|[te]| p| [o1]|[s5]|[a8]|[s0]|w|t|u|d f [p2] s g [o6]|[i9]|q|e|y|i|g f [s1]|[h5]|[h8]|0|w|t|u|[oj]| [k4]|[j8]|[qk]|[je]|t|[ih]|p|g| [uro0] a f||| [ypied9]||| 8|0|[tg] h|h| |g| [f9]|q|[th]|d| s| d| [f0]|r|[uo]||| [d9]|w|[yi]||| 8|0|[tg] h|h| |g| [h9]|q|[tf]|d| a| p| [o0]|r|[uo]||| [i9]|w|[yi]||| o|1|5|8|0|w|t|u| o p [o7]|w|r|w|y|w|r| [wo] p [e4] t o [i8]|[uq]|[te]| p| [o1]|[s5]|[a8]|[s0]|w|t|u|d f [p2] s g [o6]|[i9]|q|e|y|i|g f [s1]|[h5]|[h8]|0|w|t|u|[oj]| [k4]|[j8]|[qk]|[je]|t|[ih]|p|g| [uro0] a f||| [ypied9]||| 8 0 w y s f h
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:08
    My Feelings (Doki Doki Literature Club)

    Dan Salvato

  • 5 9 e r| | 4 8 w e| | 5 9 e r| | 4 8 w e| | [k5] 9 e r| | l [k4] 8 [wj] e|| h g [f5] 9 e r| | d [s4] 8 w e| | [h5]k 9 e r| | [lh] [kh4] 8 [wjg] e|| h g [f5] 9 e r|| v c [xl4] 8 w [zke]|| [lj]| [kh5] 9 [le]z [zr]| | 4 [k8]l[zw] [je]|| h j [k5] [h9] [ed] r| |4 8 w e| | [kh5] 9 [le]z [zr]| | 4 [k8]l[zw] [je]|| h j [w^J(]| | J l J [qje8]| | j| [wh^(]||g|| d| [qfed8]||[sg]|| j| [k5] [v9] [ne] [vr]| v m v 4 [v8] [wm] [ve] z v b n [k5] [v9] [ne] [vr]| v m v 4 [v8] [wm] [ve] z v b n [k5] [v9] [ne] [vr]| v m v 4 [v8] [wm] [ve] z v b n [k5] [v9] [ne] [vr]| v m v 4 [v8] [wm] [ve] z v b n 5 9 e r| | 4 8 w e| | 5 9 e r| | 4 8 w e| | [k5] 9 e r| | l [k4] 8 [wj] e|| h g [f5] 9 e r| | d [s4] 8 w e| | [h5]k 9 e r| | [lh] [kh4] 8 [wjg] e|| h g [f5] 9 e r|| v c [xl4] 8 w [zke]|| [lj]| [kh5] 9 [le]z [zr]| | 4 [k8]l[zw] [je]|| h j [k5] [h9] [ed] r| | 4 8 w e| | [kh5] 9 [le]z [zr]| | 4 [k8]l[zw] [je]|| h j [w^J(]| | J l J [qje8]| | j| [wh^(]||g|| d| [qfed8]||[sg]|| j| [k5] [v9] [ne] [vr]| v m v 4 [v8] [wm] [ve] z v b n 5 9 e r| | 4 8 w e| | 5 9 e r| | 4 8 w e| | e [w975]| |[w975]
    Level: 5
    Length: 02:54
    My Confession (Doki Doki Literature Club)

    Dan Salvato

  • 5 9 e r| y| o [p4] 8 w e||| 5 9 e r| y| o [i4] 8 w e||| 5 9 e r| y| o [p4] 8 w e||| 5 9 e r| y| o [i4] 8 w e||| 5 [v9] [ne] [vr]| [yv] m [vo] [p4] [c8] [wm] [ve] l c b n 5 [v9] [ne] [vr]| [yv] m [vo] [i4] [c8] [wm] [ve] l c b n 5 [v9] [ne] [vr]| [yv] m [vo] [p4] [c8] [wm] [ve] l c b n 5 [v9] [ne] [vr]| [yv] m [vo] [i4] [c8] [wm] [ve] l c b n 5 9 e r| y| o [p4] 8 w e||| 5 9 e r| y| o [i4] 8 w e||| 5 9 e r| y| o [p4] 8 w e||| 5 9 e r| y| o [i4] 8 w e||| 5 [v9] [ne] [vr]| [yv] m [vo] [p4] [c8] [wm] [ve] l c b n 5 [v9] [ne] [vr]| [yv] m [vo] [i4] [c8] [wm] [ve] l c b n 5 [v9] [ne] [vr]| [yv] m [vo] [p4] [c8] [wm] [ve] l c b n 5 [v9] [ne] [vr]| [yv] m [vo] [i4] [c8] [wm] [ve] l c b n 5 9 e r| y| o [p4] 8 w e||| 5 9 e r| y| o [i4] 8 w e||| 5 9 e r| y| o [p4] 8 w e||| 5 9 e r| y| o [i4] 8 w e||| 5 [v9] [ne] [vr]| [yv] m [vo] [p4] [c8] [wm] [ve] l c b n 5 [v9] [ne] [vr]| [yv] m [vo] [i4] [c8] [wm] [ve] l c b n 5 [v9] [ne] [vr]| [yv] m [vo] [p4] [c8] [wm] [ve] l c b n 5 [v9] [ne] [vr]| [yv] m [vo] [i4] [c8] [wm] [ve] l c b n 5 9 e r| y| o [p4] 8 w e||| 5 9 e r| y| o i
    Level: 4
    Length: 02:44
    I Still Love You (Doki Doki Literature Club)

    Dan Salvato


  • [6e] w e t 5 w e w [4e] t w [5e] [3us] 8 [0wo] 8 [0ws] [4id] 8 [qeo] 8 [qed] [5of] 9 [wrpg] 9 [wrf] d [%is] 0 [Wrkc] 0 [Wrx] [6jl] 0 [wtc] 0 [wtx] [3fl] 8 [0w] 8 [0w] [4c] 8 [qex] 8 [qel] [5z] 9 [wrx] 9 [wrk] [3fhl] 8 [0s] w [td] [ipf] 4 8 q e t s [5f] 9 [wd] [rs] [yd] [adh] [adh] % 0 [Wd] r [ya] d [6s] 0 w t [usj] [sh] [3s] 8 0 w [tsj] [sh] [4s] 8 q e [tos] [5oa] 9 [wos] r [yod] [os] [3f] 8 [0s] w [td] [ipf] 4 8 q e t s [5f] 9 [wd] [rs] [yd] [adh] [adh] % 0 [Wd] r [ya] d [6s] 0 w t [usj] [sh] [3s] 8 0 w [tsj] [sh] [4s] 8 q e [ts] [5oa] 9 [wos] r [yod] [os] [1p] [36f] [1p] [36f] s p [%3f] p [%3f] s s [25j] f [25] s s [$2] p [$2a] [4is] 8 q [eis] 8 6 [4ia] [6is] 8 [qid] 4 [5od] 9 w [rod] 9 7 [5of] [5od] [5os] [4od] [3s] 8 [0o] w [tos] w [0of] 8 [4of] 8 [qod] [es] [tod] e q 8 [5d] 9 [wo] r [ya] r [wd] 9 [%g] 0 [Wf] [rd] [yf] r [Wd] 0 [6s] 0 w t [usj] t [wsh] 0 [3s] 8 0 w [tsj] w [0sh] 8 [4s] 8 q e [ts] e q 8 [5a] 9 [ws] r [yd] r [wf] 9 [3s] 8 [0o] w [tos] w [0of] 8 [4of] 8 [qod] [eos] [tod] e q 8 [5d] 9 [wo] r [ya] r [wd] 9 [%g] 0 [Wf] [rf] [yf] r [Wd] 0 [6s] 0 w t [usj] t [wsh] 0 [3s] 8 0 w [tsj] w [0sh] 8 [4s] 8 q e [ts] e q 8 [5a] 9 [wh] r [yd] r [wf] 9 [3s] 8 [0o] w [tos] w [0of] 8 [4of] 8 [qod] [eos] [tod] e q 8 [5d] 9 [wo] r [ya] r [wd] 9 [%g] 0 [Wf] [rf] [yf] r [Wd] 0 [6s] 0 w t [usj] t [wsh] 0 [3s] 8 0 w [tsj] w [0sh] 8 [4s] 8 q e [ts] e q 8 [5a] 9 [ws] r [yd] r [ws] 9 [14] [oh] [14uf] [14yd] [%3yd] [oh] [%3uf] [%3yd] [36yd] [pj] [36uf] [36yd] [ts] 1 3 5 [8ep] [ra] [2ts] 2 [ts] 2 [5uf] [yd] [25] [ts] [25ep] [6yd] [ts] [yd] [ts] 5 o p o [4p] s o [5o] [5p] [5os] [5od]
    Level: 5
    Length: 02:45
    Silhouette (Naruto)

    Kana Boon

  • f s f s f s f s f s f s f s f s f s f s f s f [sn] [kf] s f s f s f s f s f [zs] [hf] s f s f s f s f s f s [if] s f s f s [uf] s [rf] s [tf] s [yf] s f s f s [wf] s f s [qf] s [s0] o t o s o s o s o [xsm] o [zsn] o [vsl] o s o s o s o s o [yp] u p u p u [tp] u [wp] u [pe] u [rp] u p u p u [wp] u p u [pe] u [qp] i [up] i p i p i p i [xpm] i [zpn] i [zvp] i p i p i p i p i [oE] y o y o y [oe] y o y o y [to] y o y o y [qo] y [oe] y [wo] y [oE] y o y o y [oe] y [o9] y [o8] y [qo] y o y o d [ywoh]|||[tp6] [o0] [pe] [u0] [yo7] [wa] [up8] [oe] [tp]|o|[yI92] 6 9 u y|[u60]| |[spj6] [oh0] [spje] [upf] [oha7] [wkda] [spj8] [ohe] [tpjf] p s f [yedI9] p [ufe0] p [ypQIG]|[ufe]|||[id] p d p d p j p d p d p [od] p d p d p j p d p d p d p d p d p d|d|d|d|d| |f s f s f s f s f s f [sn] [kf] s f s f s f s f s f s [qfe] s [upif] s f s f| |[ts]|[tpf6]g[sj]lfg[ysj9]lfg[sj]l[tifa]g[sj]lfg[sj]l[tf8]g[sj]l[ufe6]g[sj]l[yfe]g[sj]l[yof]g[sj]l[ifa]g[sj]lfg[sji]lfg[sj]l[ohfa6]g[sj]lfg[sj]lfg[sj]l[tqif]g[sj]lfg[sj]lfg[sj]l[xjg]|||[t6] q [t0] q t q [t6] q t q r q [u60] w u w u w [u6] w u w [ua] w [o6] t [qo8] t o t o t o a s d [ie]osf

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:13
    Cogwheel (Revue Starlight)

    Yoshiaki Fujisawa

  • [e60] e t e u e t e [w5] w r w y w r w [e60] e t e u e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wr5] w r w [yr] w r w [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te60]|3|6 6 6 66[t6] [te0] [u3] [te0]u[o6] [ie0]3u [e60]i[o5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[u4] [tqe] [t8] [rqe] [t4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [tp6] [tpe0] [us3] [te0][up][so6] [pie0]3[up] [e60][si][oa5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [yo5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[uo3] [wt0] [t8] [wri0] [to3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[up4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0]3u [te60] [r5] [wr] [y9] [wr] [o5] [wr]9y [wr7] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0] [u3] [te60] [u8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [i9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ut6] [te0] [up3] [te0] [oa6] [te0]3[us]d[te60] [uf5] [wr] [yd9] [wsr] [od5] [wr]9[ya] [wr7] [tp6] [ute0] [uo3] [tpe0] [so6] [te0] [ua3] [te60] [up8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [ia9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ue60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[ue60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3] [yr] [ute60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3]|[ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[wr9] [te] [ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[w9]|[u6] [e0] [y3] [e0] [u6] [e0]3t [e60] [y5] [wr] [u9] [wr] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][us4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [ts6] [tse0] [uf3] [te0][us][of6] [ied0]3[us] [e60][id][oa5] [wr] [ia9] [wusr] [ya5] [wr]9 [wtrp7][ya][us3] [wtp0] [tp8] [wro0] [tp3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][uso4] [utqpe] [utp8] [yrqoe] [utp4] [qe] [yro8] [qe6] [up6] [e0] [p3] [e0] [a6] [e0]3sd[e60] [o5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [up6] [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0]3 [e60] [yo5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [e60] e t e u e t e [w5] w r w y w r w [e60] e t e u e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wr5] w r w [yr] w r w [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te60]|3|6 6 6 66[t6] [te0] [u3] [te0]u[o6] [ie0]3u [e60]i[o5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[u4] [tqe] [t8] [rqe] [t4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [tp6] [tpe0] [us3] [te0][up][so6] [pie0]3[up] [e60][si][oa5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [yo5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[uo3] [wt0] [t8] [wri0] [to3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[up4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0]3u [te60] [r5] [wr] [y9] [wr] [o5] [wr]9y [wr7] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0] [u3] [te60] [u8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [i9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ut6] [te0] [up3] [te0] [oa6] [te0]3[us]d[te60] [uf5] [wr] [yd9] [wsr] [od5] [wr]9[ya] [wr7] [tp6] [ute0] [uo3] [tpe0] [so6] [te0] [ua3] [te60] [up8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [ia9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ue60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[ue60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3] [yr] [ute60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3]|[ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[wr9] [te] [ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[w9]|[u6] [e0] [y3] [e0] [u6] [e0]3t [e60] [y5] [wr] [u9] [wr] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][us4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [ts6] [tse0] [uf3] [te0][us][of6] [ied0]3[us] [e60][id][oa5] [wr] [ia9] [wusr] [ya5] [wr]9 [wtrp7][ya][us3] [wtp0] [tp8] [wro0] [tp3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][uso4] [utqpe] [utp8] [yrqoe] [utp4] [qe] [yro8] [qe6] [up6] [e0] [p3] [e0] [a6] [e0]3sd[e60] [o5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [up6] [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0]3 [e60] [yo5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [e60]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:53
    The Forest Lives On (Wynncraft)
