Verified Music Sheets

Verified Music Sheets

Verified Music Sheets are reviewed and approved by Virtual Piano Legends

Music sheets that have been carefully reviewed, refined and approved by Virtual Piano Legends are called Verified Music Sheets and denoted by the special tick icon. Getting better at playing Verified Music Sheets is the best way to improve your Virtual Pianist Rating. Verified songs also sound better when you play them by hand as well as in Auto Play mode.

  • o dhzl | j | g | w yods | p | i | [PJ] | [pj] | [ig] | [yd] | [^E] | [e6] | [q4] | [81] | [92] | d|g|[hY]oP |h|J|[li]ps |z|c|[zo]Pd |l|J|[ih]Pd |z|l|[hY]oP |z|l|[ih]ps |g | [wd]|y|o|p|[qP] | d|g|[h(]|w|[hE]|J|[ql]|e|[zt]|c|[zw]|E|[yl]|J|[qh]|E|[zy]|l|[h(]|w|[zE]|l|[qh]|e|[tg] | [wh]|y|o|p|P | d|g|[P@(]Dh ^|[E(]|[gY]|[oh4]|8|[qpje]|[g8]|[P5]dh 9|[wg]|[ys]|[qid4]|9|[ed9]|g|[o@]Ph ^|[E(]|[gY]|[ohP4]|[PJ8]|[qpje]|[tige]|[y5]iPd 9|[ywiP]|E|[yqpi4]|9|[qod9]|[og]|[P@(]Dh ^|[w(]|[gE]|[qo4]h|8|[qpje]|[tge]|[wP5]dh 9|[ywg]|[ysi]|[qd4]|9|[ypied]|s|[oYP@(]|^|[odPE(]|s|[qoE4]|8|[qie4] | [ywoE5]|9|w|e|[ywE] | [odP5]|[gdP2]1^6[o@]PDh @(^(w|[gE]|[o4]sh 4q8q[pje]|[ig]|[o5]Pdh 5^9w[ig]|[ts]|[y4]oPd 6269[qid]|[qpge]|[ohPD@]|@(^(w|[igE]|[oh4]|[PJ4]8qe[tpj]|[ig]|[E5]iPd 525 [oP]|Eyo [pi4]|4^9[q4][yd]|[ig4]24 [o@]PDh @(^([woh]|[ig]|[o4]sh 4q8q[pje]|[ig]|[o5]Pdh 25^9[wig]|[ts]|[y4]oPd 69ey[zid]|[ysli]|[o@]PDh ^@^([zwd]|[slE]|[o4]sh 8|[sqig]|e|[o5]Pdh |w e t y i o p s d P | [zd]|[sl]|[ohYP] | [zd]|[sl]|[spoih] | [ig] | [oh5]|9|w|e|r | [id4]|8|q|w|e | [od5]|9|w|e|r | [id4]|8|q|w|[tsie] | [o5][P5]dh

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:24
    Affections Touching Across Time (Inuyasha)

    Kaoru Wada

  • P D [igdP]| |D|[hYD]| |D|[iH]|[hY]|g|[hE]| |D|[oPJ]| |h|[tlY]| |h|[JE]|[iH]|h|[hYPE]| |E| |[igTE]|E| |E| |[w^P(]| |[PE]| |[q^P]| |P|J| |H|s|D| |d| |@ ^ ( q w E [qW]|[w(]| |5 9 w e E y [tW]|[wE]| |[ZD] Y D d s P O o O P s d [JD] Y D d s d D g h H J l J D [oZ]|P| |s|[PJ] S L| |S| |[lO]|H| |[YD]| |P|g|D|[h@] ^ w|[h(] h [H9] ^ [h9] W [wg] q [h(] [s8] [D(] 8 ( [h^] [H(] 8 [s(] 8 [d(] q @ ^ [wh] ^ ( [h^] [l9] ^ [J9] [WJ] [wD] q [wh] [s(] [WD] ( E [h(] [tH] ( [s8] ( [dW] E t W [tJ] W t W y q [zy] q [yJ] q [JE] q E q E [qJ] [h(] 8 [qH] [H8] [wJ] [J8] [WJ] [D(] W [J(] [WJ] [l(] [WJ] [D(] w [P(] [qg] [D(] [qg] ^ [h(] ^ w ^ [h(] ^ [qH] ^ [wJ] ^ t W [tZ] W t W y q [yc] q [zy] q [JE] q E t [yc] [ic] [cY] E [iZ] E o [hE] [WH] % ( [WH] % ( [D(] % ( w q [D(] [D(] % 8 ( [D%] [D8] [z9]| |E| |P D [igdP]| |D|[hYD]| |[iH]|[hY]|g|[hE]| |[hE]| |[wh]|[tl]| |[hE]|[oJ]|[iH]|h h [hE]| |E| |h|[gTE]| |^| |[tW]| |[wE]| |D|[qWD]| |E

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:43
    Again and Again (Plastic Memories)

    Masaru Yokoyama

  • P a S G|S G H J G S k G S O I [rJG] H J Z|Z J H [TJ] H J c|c J H [HE] G H L|L H G [gY] G H L T HG|[rJG] H J Z|Z J H [TJ] H J c|c C L [VTE] C c C|c L H [YIH] [JG] T J||H|[rJI] H J Z|Z J H [iTJ] H J c|c J H [iHE] G H L|L H G [gE(] G H L|HG|[rYJ] H J Z|Z J H [iTJ] H J c|c C L [VTE] C c C|c [L] H [HE(] J|J||H|[PI7]| |[iP]| |[i^O]| |[PI(]| |[SP]| |[PD7]| |[gS]| |[i^SO]| |[SH]| |[JGD(]| |[QI7] S g G g S [qOI] S g G g S [q^I] S g G g S [QI(] S g G[Q] g S [Q7] S g G g S [qOI] S g G g S [q^I] S g G g S [QI(] S g G g S [JG7] [QH] J Z|Z J H [J] [qH] J c|c J H [^HE] [qG] H L|L H G [g(] [QIG] H L * [QOH]G|[J7] [QH] J Z|Z J H [J] [qH] J c|c C L [^V] [qC] c C|c L H [H(] J|J $|H|[J7] [QH] J Z|Z J H [J] [qH] J c|c J H [^HE] [qG] H L|L H G [g(] G H L * HG|[J7] [QH] J Z|Z J H [J] [qH] J c|c C L [^V] [qC] c C|c L H [H(] J|J $|H|[rI] S g G g S [TI] S g|G|g|S|[IE] S g G|g|S [YI] S g|GT g|S|[rI] S g|G|g|S|[TI] S g G g S [IE] S g G g S [YI] S g GT g S [J7] [QH] J Z|Z J H [J] [qH] J c|c J H [^H] [qG] H L|L H G [g(] [QG] H L * [QH]G|[J7] [QH] J Z|Z J H [J] [qH] J c|c C L [^V] [qC] c C|c L H [H(] J|J $|H|[J7] [QH] J Z|Z J H [J] [qH] J c|c J H [^H] [qG] H L|L H G [g(] G H L * HG|[J7] [QH] J Z|Z J H [J*] [qH] J c|c C L [^V] [qC] c C|c L H [H(] J|J $|H|[rI] S g G g S [TI] S g|G|g|S|[IE] S g|G|g|S|[YI] S g|G T g|S|r

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:28
    Again (Kimiuso)

    Masaru Yokoyama

  • [I$] * Q e T Q e T [y9] Q e y [6u] 0 e T [$I] * Q e T e p Op[9I] O u O[6p] aa[0a]a [QS] a pp S | a pp [9S]dS e aaa aaa [Qa]aa p aaa p [9a]p pa S e [ua] [ua] [ua] [ua] [ua] [$uS] [ya]$ [Tp] [$uS] [ua]$ [Tp] [9pf] [pf] [pf]9 [uS] 6 [ua] [ua] [6ua] [ua] [ua] [ua] [$ua] [ua] [$ua] [Tp] [$ua] [ua] [$ua] [Tp] [$yp] [yp] [yp] OI [6u] T

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:15


  • [wd] y [wh] y [qj] t [ql] t [wk] [yj] [wh] [yk] [qj] t [qd] [tf] [wg] y w [yd] q t q t w y w y q t q t [wd] y [wh] y [qj] t [ql] t [wk] [yj] [wh] [yk] [qj] t [qg] [th] [wj] y w [zy] q t q t w y w y [sq]d[tf]g[qh]j[tk]l [l8] [wJ] [h8] [wl] [^J] q [g^] [qh] [l8] [wJ] [h8] [wl] [^J] q ^ q [l8] [wJ] [h8] [wl] [^J] q [g^] [qh] [l8] [wJ] [h8] [wl] [^J] q ^ q [j6] [h0] f [j0] [h^] q d [qf] [j8] [h0] f [j0] [h(] w s [wD] [ed]|w|[QG] dG[j0] Gj[z9]|8|7|6| [wd] y [wh] y [qj] t [ql] t [wk] [yj] [wh] [yk] [qj] t [qd] [tf] [wg] y w [yd] q t q t w y w y q t q t [wd] y [wh] y [qj] t [ql] t [wk] [yj] [wh] [yk] [qj] t [qg] [th] [wj] y w [zy] q t q t w y w y [sq]d[tf]g[qh]j[tk]l [l8] [wJ] [h8] [wl] [^J] q [g^] [qh] [l8] [wJ] [h8] [wl] [^J] q ^ q [l8] [wJ] [h8] [wl] [^J] q [g^] [qh] [l8] [wJ] [h8] [wl] [^J] q ^ q [j6] [h0] f [j0] [h^] q d [qf] [j8] [h0] f [j0] [h(] w s [wD] [ed]|w|[QG] dG[j0] Gj [z9]|8|7|6| [oh95]
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:06
    Airship Theme (Final Fantasy VI)

    Nobuo Uematsu

  • 6|8|[te92]|t 8 t|p 1 [t92]|t 8 t|6 0 [o6]|6| |[t6]|[p40]||9||t|[tp92]||8||6|[s851]||6 8||6 [u92]| |t|e t [yq4] y|t| |e [yw5]||t||w u [wt81] tw|[wut]y y[wt]|[wu4]t u[wt]|[wto]|e t [yqo4]||t||e u [w5]| |r| |[tp81] pt|[wtso] s[wt] 8 [td4] d[td]|[tf] f[fe] t [yqh4] hh [th]h hh [he] u [w5]

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:03
    Alex in the Dryer (Orange is the New Black)

    Gwendolyn Sanford

  • [1r] 8 w t 8 w y 8
    r 8 w t 8 w y w
    [3r] 0 w t 0 w y 0
    r 0 w t 0 w y w
    [4r] q w t q w y q
    r q w t q w y w
    [5r] 9 w t 9 w y w
    [ry] 9 w [tu] 9 w [yi] w
    [1r] 8 w t 8 w y 8
    r 8 w t 8 w y w
    [3r] 0 w t 0 w y 0
    r 0 w t 0 w y w
    [4r] q w t q w y q
    r q w t q w y w
    [5r] 9 w t 9 w y w
    [ry] 9 w [tu] 9 w [yi] w
    [1r] 8 w t 8 w y 8
    r 8 w t 8 w y w
    [3r] 0 w t 0 w y 0
    r 0 w t 0 w y w
    [4r] q w t q w y q
    r q w t q w y w
    [5r] 9 w t 9 w y w
    [3W] 7 [0r]|[%0r]|y|
    [6t] 0 e 0 [et] 0 e 0
    [et] 0 e 0 [et] 0 e 0
    [5t] 0 w 0 [wt] 0 w 0
    [wt] 0 w 0 [wt] 0 w 0
    [29ey] q e q [ey] q e q
    [ey] q e q [ey] q e q
    [1tu] w t w [tu] w t w
    [tu] w t w [wtu] i o
    [T6o] w T w [To] w T w
    [Ti] w T w [!Tu] w T w
    [2ei] q e q [ei] q e q
    [ei] q e q [ei] q y u
    [5ei] q e q [ei] q e q
    [5ry] w r w [7ry] w r w
    [1tu] w t w [tu] w t w
    [tu] w t w [18wtu] i o
    [T6o] w T w T w p||
    [Tu] w [!T] o|
    [2ei] q e q [ei] q e q
    [ei] q e q [ei] q y u
    [5ei] q e q [ei] q e q
    [ry] w r w [7ry] w r w
    [18tu] w t w t o|
    [7ry] w r w r u|yt
    [6et] 0 e 0 [et] 0 y u
    [6eti]|[wu] y [3w] t|e
    [2q] 9 q 9 [qe]|y u
    [29eti]|[eu] y 9 t|e
    [1r] 8 w t 8 w y 8
    r 8 w t 8 w y w
    [3r] 0 w t 0 w y 0
    r 0 w t 0 w y w
    [4r] q w t q w y q
    r q w t q w y w
    [5r] 9 w t 9 w y w
    [ry] 9 w [tu] 9 w [yi] w
    [1r] 8 w t 8 w y 8
    r 8 w t 8 w y w
    [3r] 0 w t 0 w y 0
    r 0 w t 0 w y w
    [4r] q w t q w y q
    r q w t q w y w
    [5r] 9 w t 9 w y w
    [ry] 9 w [tu] 9 w [yi] w
    [1r] 8 w t 8 w y 8
    r 8 w t 8 w y w
    [3r] 0 w t 0 w y 0
    r 0 w t 0 w y w
    [4r] q w t q w y q
    r q w t q w y w
    [5r] 9 w t 9 w y w
    [3W] 7 [0r]|[%0r]|y|
    [6t] 0 e 0 [et] 0 e 0
    [et] 0 e 0 [et] 0 e 0
    [5t] 0 w 0 [wt] 0 w 0
    [wt] 0 w 0 [wt] 0 w 0
    [29ey] q e q [ey] q e q
    [ey] q e q [ey] q e q
    [1tu] w t w [tu] w t w
    [tu] w t w [wtu] i o
    [T6o] w T w [To] w T w
    [Ti] w T w [!Tu] w T w
    [2ei] q e q [ei] q e q
    [ei] q e q [ei] q y u
    [5ei] q e q [ei] q e q
    [5ry] w r w [7ry] w r w
    [1tu] w t w [tu] w t w
    [tu] w t w [18wtu] i o
    [T6o] w T w T w p||
    [Tu] w [!T] o|
    [2ei] q e q [ei] q e q
    [ei] q e q [ei] q y u
    [5ei] q e q [ei] q e q
    [ry] w r w [7ry] w r w
    [18tu] w t w t o|
    [7ry] w r w r u|yt
    [6et] 0 e 0 [et] 0 y u
    [6eti]|[wu] y [3w] t|e
    [2q] 9 q 9 [qe]|y u
    [29eti]|[eu] y 9 t|e
    [^tu] w t w [tu] w t w
    [^tu] w t w [wu] i o
    [2eti] q e q [eti] q e q
    [29eti] q e q [qey] u i
    [5eti] q e q [eti] q e q
    [5ry] w r w [4ry] w r w
    [3ryo] w r w [ryo] w r w
    [3ryo] w r w [ryo] w r w
    [W3r] 0 W 0 [Wr] 0 W 0
    [%Wr] 0 W 0 [W7y] 0 W 0
    [6et] 0 0|s u p s
    a y o a [30p] t u p
    [qet]| 9 [qet] y [qeu]|
    [%W] E T Y

    Level: 7
    Length: 03:39
    All I Ask (Adele)


  • [sof8]|||[sof8]|f|f| s [sqpg]|g|[sof8]||| s [sof8]|f|f| f [oda7]|d|[usp6]||| ss[sqjg]| j j| j j|h|[sof8]||| ss[sqpid]| d d| s d|s|[uso8]||| [wut1]|u|u|t|[tie4]| u [wut1]||| t [wut1]| u u|u|[ywr7]|y|[te60]||| t[tpi4]|p|p| o p|o|[wut1]||| t[ytqe4]| ty|t|y|t|[wt10]||| [wro7]| tu|o|[utp6]| [uto]||| u| o [tpi4]| [toi]||| o| i [ut1]| y t||| y| t [wt5]| [wr]| 5| u|o|[utp6]| [uto]||| t [us]|[ya]|[tpi4]| [toi]||| t o| i [ut1]| y t||| t y| t [wt5]| [wr]|||t| [u1]twutwutwutw [i4]teite [u1]twutwutwutwutwutwutwutw [u1]twutwutwutw [y7]rwyrw [t6]e0te0te0te0te0te0te0te0 [p4]itpitpitpitpitoit [u1]twutwutwutwutwutwutwutw [y4]eqyeqyeqyequqeywr [t1]||| w[wut1]|u|u| t [tie4]| u [wut1]||| t [wut1]| u u|u|[ywr7]|y|[te60]||| t[tpi4]|p|p| o p|o|[wut1]||| t[ytqe4]| ty| tu|t|[wt10]||| [wro7]| tu|o|[utp6]| [uto]||| u| o [tpi4]| [toi]||| o| i [ut1]| y t||| y| t [wt5]| [wr]||| u|o|[utp6]| [uto]||| t [us]|[ya]|[tpi4]| [toi]||| t o| i [ut1]| y t||| t y| t [wt5]| [wr]||| [p2]sfj||| sfjk l [a5]dhk||| [zd] [sl] [ka] [slh]|[kha]|[p2]gj||| [pj][ig] [yd]| a|p| [oha5] [oha]5[oha] [spj5] [spj]5[spj] [kda5] [kda]5[kda] [slf5] [slf]5[slf] [zgd5] [zgd5]5[zgd5] [xhf5] [xhf5]5[xhf5] [gc5] 5[sl5]5 [xf5] 5[vh]5 [ljb6]3680e [vkh0]860e0636 [slf8]0e[xhf0]86[vkh0]e0 [ljb4]1468q [vkh8]648q8414 [slf6]8q[xhf8]64[vkh8]q8 [ljb1]580wt [wvkh]08wtw [xhf1]580wt [zwgd]08wtw [zgd5]2579w9759w9525 [sl7]9w [xf9]75 [vh9]w9 [ljb6]3680e [vkh0]860e0636 [slf8]0e[xml0]86[znk0]e0 [ljb4]1468q [vkh8]648q8414 [slf6]8q[xhf8]64[vkh8]q8 [ljb1]580wt [wvkh]08wtw [xhf1]580wt [zwgd]08wtw [zgd5]2579w9759w9 [y5]2[y5]7[y9]w[y9]7[y5]9[yw]9 [us6]t[us6][te0][us]t [us6]t[us6][te0][us]t [us6]t[us6][te0][us]t [us6]t[us6][te0][us]t [id4]y[id4][yq8][id]y [id4]y[id4][yq8][id]y [id4]y[id4][yq8][id]y [id4]y[id4][yq8][id]y [of81]u[of8][wut][of]u [of81]u[of8][wut][of]u [of81]u[of8][wut][of]u [of81]u[of8][wut][of]u [id5]y[id5][yw9][id]y [id5]y[id5][yw9][id]y [id5]y[id5][yw9][id]y [id5]y[id5][yw9][id]y [p6]s[p6][he0]ps [p6]s[p6][he0]ps [p6]s[p6][he0]ps [p6]s[p6][he0]ps [p4]s[p4][qj8]ps [p4]s[p4][qj8]ps [p4]s[p4][qj8]ps [p4]j[p4][qk8]ak [s81]l[s8][wtl]sl [s81]l[s8][wtl]sl [s81]l[s8][wtl]sl [s81]l[s8][wtl]sl [a5]k[a5][wk9]ak [p5]j[p5][wj9]pj [o5]h[o5][wh9]oh [f5] 5[wh9]|[sjfe]| [shf]||| f| h [sqjg]| [shg]||| h| g [tsf]| d s||| d| s [wso]| [oa]||| f|h|[sjfe]| [shf]||| s [lf]|[kd]|[sqjg]| [shg]||| s h| g [tsf]| d s||| s d| s [wso]| [oa]| [u8]os
    Level: 7
    Length: 04:56
    All I Want


  • [tuoh]|g|f|g|g|f|d|s d
    [tipf] d s|g| f| d|
    [tuoh]|g|f|g|g|f|d|s d
    [tipf] d s|g| f| d|
    8|w|[ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wa] s t o w|
    q|t o [is]|t o [qs] d t f i d t s
    8|w s [ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wd] f t|[wo] p
    8|w o [ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wa] s t o w|
    q|t o [is] s [ts] s [qs] d t f i d t s
    8|w|[ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wd] f t|[wo] p
    6|0|[es] s [0s] s [6s]|[0s] s e d 0|
    6|0|[es] s [0s] s [6s] s 0 s e d 0 a
    5|[9p]|w|[9o] o 5|9|[wg] f [9s] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    q|[ts] a [is]|[ta] s q|t o [ig] f [ts] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|w|
    [qf]|t|[id]|t s q|t|[ig] f [ts] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    q|[ts] s i d t d q|t|[ig] f [ts] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|[wo]|
    8|w o [ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wa] s t o w|
    q|[ts]|[is]|t o [qs] d t f i d t s
    8|w s [ts] s [ws]|[8s]|[wd] f t|[wo] p
    8|w|[ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wa] s t o w|
    q|t o [is]|t o [qs] d [tf] f i d t s
    8|w|[ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wd] f t|[wo] p
    6|0|[es] s [0s] s [6s]|0 s e d 0|
    6|0|[es] s [0s] s [6s] s 0 s e d 0 a
    5|[9p]|w|[9o] o 5|9|[wg] f [9s] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    q|[ts] a [is]|[ta] s q|t o [ig] f [ts] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|w|
    [qf]|t|[id]|t s q|t|[ig] f [ts] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    q|[ts] s i d t d q|t|[ig] f [ts] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|[wo]|
    [80w]| t|t|o|o|i|u|
    [8qei]|u|t| |y|
    [80wy]| [80w]|8|[80w]| [80w]|[8y]|
    [79w]| [79w]|7|[79w]| [79wg] f [7s] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    4|[8s] a [qs]|[8a] s 4|8 o [qg] f [8s] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|w|
    [4ipsf]|8|[qd]|8 [ips] 4|8|[qg] f [8s] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    4|[8s] s q d 8 d 4|8|[qg] f [8s] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|[wo]|
    [6psf]|0|e|0|[5oad]|9|[wg] f [9s] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    4|[8s] a [qs]|[8a] s 4|8 o [qg] f [8s] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|w|
    [4ipsf]|8|[qd]|8 [ips] 4|8|[qg] f [8s] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    4|[8s] s q d 8 d 4|8|[qg] f [8s] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|[wo]|
    [4qpsf]| |[5woad]||[uos]|

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:24
    All I Want For Christmas Is New Year's Day (Hurts)


  • [ts] f h k [pl] k h f [si] g h l [oh]||ty[t8] u o a s apop o [30] d dss a s apopo[q4] ips dff d sp [W%] fhfds d s Oo [ws5] d a sp a [p0]O [fe6] dds s a s [WO%]|[wut] ops h [wihT]h g||[tqfe] fdss p [tqWO] f d|[whda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][whfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][shfe][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf]9[yd][yd][yd][yd][yd][yd] [yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5]I5[ur]5y5 [utp5] 5 5o[I5][ro][o5][yI]6u[y^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@Y[yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5][yI]5[ur]5[yr]5 [yro5] 5 5 5[ro][ro5][yI]6[ur][ur^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@D[hda5] [j5] [daG5] [h5][ofa][ofa5]G6[pID7][pID7] [pGD7] [hfa3] [j3] [oaG3] [h3][ofa][ofa3]G3[spoD@][spoD@] [spoY@] [yoda2] 2 2[oda]2[usO3][usO3] [u3]Os[o3]sf[s3]fH[skhf6] [sjhf6] [sph6] [sof6] [soD2] [sjD2] 2 [y2] [hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][khf6] [shf6] [ofa6] [uoa6] 9[yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5]I5[ur]5y5 [utp5] 5 5o[I5][ro][o5][yI]6u[y^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@Y[yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5][yI]5[ur]5[yr]5 [yro5] 5 5 5[ro][ro5][yI]6[ur][ur^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@D[hda5] [j5] [daG5] [h5][ofa][ofa5]G6[pID7][pID7] [pGD7] [hfa3] [j3] [oaG3] [h3][ofa][ofa3]G3[spoD@][spoD@] [spoY@] [yoda2] 2 2[oda]2[usO3][usO3] [u3]Os[o3]sf[s3]fH[skhf6] [sjhf6] [sph6] [sof6] [soD2] [sjD2] 2 [y2] [hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][khf6] [shf6] [ofa6] [uoa6] 9[yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5]I5[ur]5y5 [yro5] 5 5 5[ro][ro5][yI]6u[y^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@Y[yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5][yI]5[ur]5[yr]5 [yro5] 5 5 5[ro][ro5][yI]6[ur][ur^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@D[hda5] [j5] [daG5] [h5][ofa][ofa5]G6[pID7][pID7] [pGD7] [hfa3] [j3] [oaG3] [h3][ofa][ofa3]G3[spoD@][spoD@] [spoY@] [yoda2] 2 2[oda]2[usO3][usO3] [u3]Os[o3]sf[s3]fH[skhf6] [sjhf6] [sph6] [sof6] [soD2] [sjD2] 2 [y2] 5 [hda5] 5 5 3 [hfa3] 3 3 [khf6] [shf6] [ofa6] [uoa6] [aI2] 2 [pI2] 2 5 [hda5] 5 5 3 [hfa3] 3 3 [khf6] [shf6] [ofa6] [uoa6] [aI2] 2 [pI2] 2 [hda5] 5 5 5|[yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2]2[whda5]

    Level: 8
    Length: 03:24
    All I Want For Christmas Is You (Expert)

    Mariah Carey

  • [ts] f h k [pl] k h f [si] g h l [oh]||ty [t8] u o a s apop o [30] d dss a s apopo [q4] ips dff d sp [W%] fhfds d s Oo [ws5] d a sp a [p0]O [fe6] dds s a s [WO%]| [wut] ops h [wihT]h g|| [tqfe] fdss p [tqWO] f d
    Level: 5
    Length: 00:32
    All I Want For Christmas Is You

    Mariah Carey

  • [uto8]| [ute6]|
    [wr30]| [tqe4]| [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84]
    [tqe] [84] [uto8]| [ute6]| [wr30]|
    [tqe4]| [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84]
    [uto8]| [ute6]| [wr30]| [tqe4]|
    [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [uto8]|
    [ute6]| [wr30]| [tqe4]| [tqe] [84]
    [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [uto8]| [uto] w
    [uro7]| [uro] w [tqe84]| [tqe] [84]
    [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [uto8]| [uto] w
    [uro7]| [uro] w [tqe84]| [tqe] [84]
    [tqe864]| |[uto8]| [ute6]|
    [wr30]| [tqe4]| [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84]
    [tqe] [84] [uto8]| [ute6]| [wr30]|
    [tqe4]| [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84]
    [uto8]| [ute6]| [wr30]| [tqe4]|
    [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [uto8]|
    [uto] w [uro7]| [uro] w [tqe84]|
    [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [uto8]|
    [uto] w [uro7]| [uro] w [tqe84]|
    [tqe] [84] [tqe864]| |[ywr95]|
    [ywr] [95] [ywr] [95] [ywr] [95] [tie84]|
    [tie] [84] [ywr975]| [ywr975]| [tqe84]|
    [tqe] [84] [ywr95]| [ywr] [95] [ute60]|
    [ute] [60] [ute] [60] [ute] [60] [tqe84]|
    [tqe] [84] [wr950]| [wr0] [95] [ute60]|
    [ute] [60] [ute60] [ywr95] [ute60] [tqe84]|
    [tqe] [84] [ywr975] [ywr975]||[ute860]|
    [ute] [60] [ute] [60] [ute] [60] [tqe84]|
    [tqe] [84] [ywr95]| [ywr] [95] 8 [uto]
    7 [uro] 6 [ute] 5 [wut] 4 [ute]|
    [ute]| [ute]| [ute] [ywr975]|||
    8 [uto]
    7 [uro] 6 [tie] 5 [wut] 4 [tqe]
    4 [tqe]| [tqe]| [tqe] 8 [uto]
    7 [uro] 6 [ute] 5 [wut] 4 [tqe]
    u [ute]| [ute]| |
    [uto81]| [ute6]| [wr30]| [tqe4]|
    [tqe] 4 [tqe]| [tqe] 4 [uto81]|
    [ute6]| [wr30]| [tqe4]| [tqe] 4
    [tqe]| [tqe] 4 [ywr5]| [ywr] 5
    [ywr5]| [ywr] 5 [tie4]| [tie] 4
    [wo5]| [wo5]| [upT6]| [upT6]

    Level: 8
    Length: 02:21
    All I Want

    Olivia Rodrigo

  • t yu e | t e y | y oo t | o i uyu |
    i uy e e r t | tt t r e e e e |
    t yu e | t e y | y oo t | o i u y u |
    i u y e e r t | tt t r e e e e | e

    Level: 1
    Length: 01:00
    Super Easy
    All Is Found (Frozen 2)

    Evan Rachel Wood

  • s|o u|||
    s d s a|O u|||
    p| o u||
    Y|u P p o||i|||
    u| Y y|||
    u O a d||s|||
    a| P p|||
    p d a p|||
    s|o u|||
    s d s a|O u|||
    p| o u||
    Y|u P p o||i|||

    Level: 2
    Length: 01:18
    All Of Me (Gerald Marks)

    Gerald Marks

  • [etul] [etu] [etu] [etij] [eti] [eti] [wtuf] [wtu] [wtu] [wrya] [wry] [wry] [etuj] [etu] [etu] [etig] [eti] [eti] [wtus] [wtu] [wtu] [wryo] [wry] [wry] [60e] [60e] d f [60ef] [48qf] d f [48q] f d [48qs] [8wts] [8wt] d f [8wtf] [59wf] d f [59w] f d [59ws] p [60e] [60e] d f [etu] [48qg] [48q] f s [qet] d [8wtg] [8wt] f s [tuo] d [59wf] [59w] g f [wry] p 6 0 e 0 [td] [0f] [ef] 0 [4f] [8d] [qf] 8 [ef] [8d] [qs] 8 [8s] w t w [ud] [wf] [tf] w [5h] [9g] [wf] 9 [rf] [9d] [ws] [9p] 6 0 e t [eud] f [4g] 8 q e [qtf] s d [8g] w t u [tof] s d [5f] 9 w r [wyg] f [6g] 0 e t u p s [4j] 8 q 8 [eh] 8 [qg] 8 [8f] w t w [ud] w [ts] w [5a] 9 w 9 [rp] 9 [wo] [9p] [6p] 0 e t u p s [48qj] j [48qj] h g f [8wt] d s a [59w] f [8h] w t [wf] j u w [tf] w [6d] 0 e [0s] f t 0 [ef] f 0 [4dh] [8dh] [qdh] [8s] d [epf] 8 [qf] f 8 [5dh] [9dh] [wdh] [9s] d [rah] 9 w 9 f [8wth] [8wt] f [fj] [60e] [60ef] [48qd] [48q] s [sf] [59w] [59wf] f [8d] w [td] w [ud] w [ts] [wd] [6p] 0 e t [euf] f [4d] 8 [qd] 8 [ed] 8 [qs] [8d] [5a] 9 w r [wy] f f g h l 6 0 e [etuk] j [48q] h f [8f] w t [tuo] d [59w] u u i o [sl] [60e] [ak] [pj] 4 8 q [qeto] [uf] [8wtu] [yd] 5 9 w r w y [60e] [60e] d f [60ef] f [48q] d [48qf] f d [48qs] p [8wt] [8wt] d f [8wtf] [59wh] [59w] f d [59ws] p 6 [80] d f [80] [4g] [68] f s [68] d [8g] [0w] f s [0w] d [5f] [79] g f [79] [6p] [80] [80] [6h] f [80f] [4f] [68] s [68] [4h] f [68f] [8f] [0w] [0ws] [8h] f [0wf] [5f] [79] d [79] [5f] d [79s] [6p] [80] [80] [6d] f [80] [4g] [68] [68] [4f] s [68] d [8g] [0w] [0w] [8f] s [0w] d [5f] [79] [79] [5g] f [79] [6g] 0 e t u p s [4j] [8q] [8q] [4h] [8qg] [8h] g f [wt] [wt] [8d] [wts] [5d] s a [9w] [9w] [5p] [9wo] p [6s] a p 0 e t u p s [48qj] j [48qj] h g f [8wt] d s d s a 5 9 w r w [9y] f [8h] w t w u w [tf] [wj] 6 0 e 0 [tf] 0 e 0 [4d] 8 q 8 e 8 [qs] [8f] 5 9 w 9 [rf] [9f] w 9 [8d] w [td] u [tod] s d [6p] 0 e t [euf] f [4d] 8 [qd] e [qtd] s d [5a] 9 w r [wy] f [8h] [0w] [0w] 8 [0wf] j 6 [80] [80] [6l] f [80k] f [4j] [68] [68] 4 [68h] f 5 [79] [79] [5f] f [79] [8g] f d [0w] d [0w] [8d] [0ws] d [6p] 0 e t [euf] f [4g] f d [68] d [68] [4d] [68s] d [5a] 9 w r [wy] f f g h [hl] [680e] k [fj] [468q] h f [80wt] [dh] [579w] u u i o l 6 [80] [80z] l k 6 [80] j 4 [68] [68k] j h 4 [68] g [8f] [0w] [0w] 8 [0w] h g [5d] [79f] g [79l] 5 k [79] j 6 0 e t [eu] [4j] 8 q 8 [eh] 8 [qg] 8 [8l] w t w [uk] w [tj] w [5h] 9 w 9 [rg] 9 [wf] 9 [6d] 0 e t [eu] [4j] [68] [68] [4h] [68g] [8x] z l [0w] [0w] [8k] [0wj] [5k] j h [79] [79] 5 [9w] f [80wth] f j [680e] f [468q] s f [579w] f f [8wtd] d [8wtd] s d [60ep] [60ef] f [48qd] [dz] [48qd] [sl] [dz] [5wak] 9 w r [wy] f [8wth] [8wt] [8wtf] [jl] [60e] [60e] l k [60e] [48qj] [48q] [48qh] [fh] [59w] [59w] f f [59w] [8wtd] d [8wt] d [tuos] d [60ep] [60e] f f [etu] [48qd] d [48q] d [qets] d [59wa] [59w] [wry] f f g h [lx] [680e] [kz] [jl] [468q] [hk] [gj] [80wt] [579w] f f g h [lx] [60e] [60ek] [60e] [jl] [48q] [48qh] [48q] [gj] [8wtf] [8wt] [8wt] [579w] f g h l [680e] z k l j [468q] k h g f [80wt] 5 7 9 w f g h l 6 8 0 e z k l j 4 6 8 q k h g f 8 0 w t d 5 9 w r w r y o
    Level: 6
    Length: 04:36
    All of Me

    John Legend

  • [au] | a | a [st] | s | s [ao] | a | a [yp] | p | p | [ua] | paa [at]aa a o [wo] | paa [ay]pa apo u | ua a [st] | ao [os] | ao o [yp] | a p [u0] | aaa [at]pa apo [wo] | aaa dsa apo [u0] | aa [st] ao o [so] s ao o [yp] a p [sp] | p [sf] | d s [ao] apo o I | u y [eu] | [psf] | dds [ao] | ppo [yp] | a[do] | a[fo] | a | [up] | o[au] | aa [tp] p p opu | aa [yp] p [tp] opp aa [do] | a[fo] | af a [up] | oa | aa [tp] p [wp] opu | aa [yp] p [tp] opp | aasd [uh] | G | [tf] | d a[ao] | [yp] | aasd [uh] | G | [tf] | d a [ao] | apy adh G [fp] | dsap [pf] | d s [ho] G f [dy] | s a [ep] | [pf] | d s [ho] | G d [ao] | o | [yp] | asd [uh] j G h [ft] d | a [ao] | o | y | aasd [uh] | G | [ft] | d a [ao] | o a [yp]

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:00
    All Of Me (Alternative)

    John Legend

  • [pfe]| [pf]| [pf]| [qpg]| [pg]| [pg]| [of8]| [of]| [of]| [wod]| [od]| [od]| [e0]| [e0] d f [fe0]| [qfe] f f [qe] f|[sqe]| [ws8]| [w8] d f [wf8]| [wf9] d f [w9] f d [ws9] p [e0]| [e0] f f [e0]| [qge]| [qe] f s [qe]| [wg8]| [w8] f s [w8] s [wd9]| [w9] f s [w9] p [e0]| [e0] d f [fe0]| [qfe] d f [qe] f d [sqe] s [w8]| [w8] d f [wf8]| [wh9] g f [w9] f d [ws9] p [e0]| [e0] d f [e0]| [qge]| [qe] f s [qe] s [wg8]|g [w8] f s [w8] s [wd9]| [w9] f s [w9]| [qge9]||s [qje8]| h|g|f [w80]| d|s|a [w97]| p|o|p [qe9]||j [qe8]| h|g g f [w80]| d|s p a [975]||[ywr]| f [utoh]||f j [uto]| [uto] f|[uto]| [uted]||s f [ute]| [ute] f f [ute]| [tqed]|d|d|s d [tqed]| [tqe] f f [tqe]| [yrod]|d|d|s d [ywrd]||f g| [utoh]||f j [uto]| [utof] j f [uto]| [utod]||s f [uto]| [uto] f f [uto]| [tqed]|d|d|s d [tqed]| [tqe] f f [tqe]| [yrod]|d|d|s d [ywrd]| f f g h l [e0]| [ke0]| [e0] j [qe]| [qhe]| [qge] f [w8]| [w8]| [w8]| [ywr]| f [utfW] g h l [e0]| [ke0]| [e0] j [qe]| [qhe]| [qge] f [w8]| [w8]| [wf8] d [w9]| [w9]| [w9]| [e0]| [e0] d f [fe0]| [qfe]|f [qed] f d [sqe]| [ws8]| [w8] f f [wf8] f [wh9]|f [wd9] f d [ws9] s [pe0]| [se0] f f [e0] g [qe]| [qfe]|s [qe] g [w8]| [wf8]| [ws8] d [w9]| [ws9] f s [ws9] p [e0]| [e0] h f [e0] d [qe] s|[qe] h f [qe] f [w8]| [ws8] h|[wg8] f [w9] d|[ws9] f d [ws9] p [e0]| [se0] d f [e0] g [qe]| [qfe]|s [qe] g [w8]| [wf8]|s [w8] d [w9]| [wf9]| [ws9] g [qe9]||s [qje8]| h|g|f [w80]| d|s|a [w97]| p|o|p [qe9]||j [qe8]| h|g g f [w80]| d|s p a [975]||[ywr]| f [utoh]||f j [uto]| [uto] f|[uto]| [utked]||[sj] [jf] [ute]| [ute] [jf] [jf] [ute]| [tqed]|d|d|s d [tqed]| [tqe] [jf] [jf] [tqe]| [yrohd]|[hd]|[hd]|[sg] [hd] [ywrhd]||f g| [utoh]||f j [uto]| [utof] [xl] [zk] [uto]| [utlje]||[kh] [jf] [ute]| [ute] [jf] [jf] [ute]| [tqed]|d|d|s d [tqed]| [tqe] [jf] [jf] [tqe]| [yrohd]|[hd]|[hd]|[sg] [hd] [ywrhd]| f f g h [xl] [e0]| [zke0]| [e0] [lj] [qe]| [qkhe]| [qjge] [hf] [w8]| [w8]| [w8]| [ywr]| f [utfW] g h [xl] [e0]| [zke0]| [e0] [lj] [qe]| [qkhe]| [qjge] [hf] [w8]| [w8]| [wf8] d [ywr] f [ywrh] l [utW] k [utW] j [ue]| [ue]| [ue]| [jie]| [ihe]|g [ie] l [wu]| [wuk]|j [wu] h [yw]| [ywg]|f [yw] d [tq]| [tq]| [tq]| [tqj]| [tqh]|g [tq] l [wu]| [wuk]|j [wu] h [yw]||f [utolh]||[jf] [zj] [uto]| [uto] f|[uto]| [utked]||[sj] [jf] [ute]| [ute] [jf] [jf] [ute]| [tqged]|[gd]|[gd]|[sf] [gd] [tqged]| [tqe] [jf] [jf] [tqe]| [yrohd]|[hd]|[hd]|[sg] [hd] [ywrhd]||f g| [utolh]||[jf] [zj] [uto]| [utof] [xl] [zk] [uto]| [utlje]||[kh] [jf] [ute]| [ute] [jf] [jf] [ute]| [tqged]|[gd]|[gd]|[sf] [gd] [tqged]| [tqe] [jf] [jf] [tqe]| [yrohd]|[hd]|[hd]|[sg] [hd] [ywrhd]| f f g h [xl] [ute]| [zutke]| [ute] [lj] [tie]| [tkihe]| [tjige] [hf] [wut]| [wut]| [wut]| [ywr]| f [utfW] g h [xl] [ute]| [zutke]| [ute] [lj] [tqe]| [tqkhe]| [tqjge] [hf] [uto]| [uto]| [uto]| [ywr]||f g|l [ute]|z k| l j [tqe]| h| g f [uto]||| [ywr]| f f g h l [ute]| k||j [tqe]| h| g f [uto]||f d [ywr]
    Level: 7
    Length: 04:48
    All Of Me

    John Legend

  • ss s f f | d | f |
    ss s f f | d | f |
    ss s f f | d | f |
    ss s f f | d | f |
    ss s f f | d | s |
    sh hf h d | f |
    ss s f f | d | s |
    ss s f f | d | a | s

    Level: 1
    Length: 01:00
    Super Easy
    All Of The Stars (The Fault In Our Stars)

    Ed Sheeran

  • p p pop p p a a s s sas h h a s p p pop p p a a s s sas h j a s s|| d sjhs s d d s d f sap|| sa h s s d d d d sss|| d sh s s d d s d f dsp|| ds h s s d d d d ss j|| jj j hh f f dd d d s| dd dd s j|| jj j hh f f dd d d s|| s g f d s|a| p p pop p p a a s s sas h h a s p p pop p p a a s s sas h j a s p p pop p p a a s s sas h h a s p p pop p p a a s s sas h j a s s|| d sh s s d d s d f dsp|| ds h s s d d d d sss|| d sh s s d d s d f dsp|| ds h s s d d d d ss j|| jj j hh f f dd d d s| dd dd s j|| jj j hh f f dd d d s|| s g f d s|a| p p pop p p a a s s sas h h a s p p pop p p a a s s sas h j a s p p pop p p a a s s sas h h a s p p pop p p a a s s sas h j a s j|| jj j hh f f dd d d s| dd dd s j|| jj j hh f f dd d d s|| g f d s|a| p p pop p p a a s s sas h h a s p p pop p p a a s s sas h j a s j hh f f dd d d s|| j hh f f dd d d s| dd dd s|| p p p a a s s sas h h a s p p pop p p a a s s sas h j a s tTyYuiIoOpPasSdDfgGh|h| p p pop p p a a s s sas h h a s p p pop p p a a s s sas h h a s
    Level: 2
    Length: 02:28
    All Time Low

    Jon Bellion

  • uoup | p p | tt | u y |
    pop p po p t | ttu y |
    p | opop p | tt u y |
    po o uoup | ou tt | t t

    Level: 1
    Length: 00:43
    Super Easy
    Almost There (The Princess and the Frog)

    Anika Noni Rose

  • o [d8]f w y u|o h [od] 3 7|w|o h [so] 4 8 w [ti]|[wu] 8 [wt]y 5|5 as[ya] o y t [yw1]u 5 9 [wu]|w 9 [yw] 3 y 7 [yw]||0 pa[tsi2]|9 [yod3]|o w [sohd] 5 w t y o s d h v| |o|i|[yw1]u y [wu] [y5] [wu] i [wu8] [ywo] 3 7|w r t t [tp] 4 [p8] [wtp] [rp94] p o [ri] [yo] 3 7 w [wt6]|u [to] [ie] 4 [u8] [ie] [wu] 4 [yw] 9 w [ywo3] I [yo] [iT] [w6] u 0 [ie] 2 u [tie9] u [ie] u [wt] [wt]y|[ywt5] [ywt5]|5 5 [ywto] w [yw1]u y [wu] [y5] [wu] i [wu8] [ywo] [93]|9 w|t t [utp] 4 [p8] [wtp] [rp94] p o [ri] [yo] 3 7 w [wt6]|u o [tie] [82] u [ti] [uqe5] y q r w [ywo3] I [yo] [iT] [w6] u 0 [ie] 2 u [tie8] u [wt95]y t r t [tiW1] u y [yw]u 5 u [wu] [ut] 6 u [yw] [ut] 0 p [us] [ya] 3 [u7] [yw] [yw]u 7|[wu] o [utp4] p [tp] [ya94]|a [s9] [yto] [yt3] 8 w [rW0%]|u [ur] [ut] 6 [u0] [yw] [ut] 0 p [us] [ya] 3 [a7] [ywa] p [yro]|w u [tie82] u [ie] [wu3] [ie4] [of] [q4] [of] 5 [so]d [s9] [id] w 5 [us] o [od1]f f [wof] [tof] w o [o8] [yod] 3 [d7] [wod] [yod]|7 [wa] a [tso4] [tso8] [tsqo] [yqoda4]|a [yp] [ro] 3 7 r [wt6]|u [wu] [tie] 2 u [ie] [ywto5]|o [ro4] i [wu3] u o [wus6]|0 w sd[sif82] d s [od30] s [sqo4] d [so]d|5 5 [sohd] [sohd] [sig] 5 o [od1]f f [wof] [tof] w o [o8] [yod] 3 [d7] [wod] [yod]|7 [ywa] [ya] [tso4] [tso8] [tsqo] [yqoda94] 9 [ya] [yp] [ro] 3 7 r [wt6] 0 u [wu] [tie] 2 u [ie] [ywto5]|o [wro4] i [wu3] u [d7] [us] [w6]|w sd[sif82] d s [sod5] 5 s [si] [us] 4 8 w [yqoda4]|9 w as[yod3] h a [yso] @ ^ w|[utq82] i [ywto30] [id] [us]|4 8 w [ya]|w [tp] 8 [ywto5]|5 as[ya] o [yw] w [yw1]u y [wu] [y5] [wu] i [wu8] [ywo] 3 7|w r t t [tp] 4 [p8] [wtp] [rp94] p o [ri] [yo] 3 7 w [wt6]y|u [to] [ie] 4 [u8] [ie] [wu] 4 [yw] 9 w [ywo3] I [yo] [iT] [w6] u 0 [ie] 2 u [tie8] u [wt95]y t r t [tiW1] u y [yw]u 5 u [wu] [ut] 6 [u0] [yw] [ut] 0 [ya] [us] [tp] [ya3] [u7] [yw] [yw]u 7|[wu] o [utp4] p [tp] [ya94]|a [s9] [yto] 3 8 w [rW0%]|u [ur] [ut] 6 [u0] [yw] [ut] 0 [us] [tp] p [ya3] [a7] [ywa] [tp] 0 [yro] w u [tqie2] u [ie] [wu3] [ie4] [of] [q4] [uof] 5 [so][yod] [tsi9] [yod] 5 5 [us] o [od1]f f [wof] [tof] w o [o8] [yod] 3 [d7] [wod] [yod]|7 [ywa] [ya] [tsoi4] [tso] [tsqoi] [yqoda4] q a [yp] [ro] 3 7 r [wt6]|u [wu] [tie] [82] u [ie] [ywto5]|o [ro4] i [wu3] u o [wus6]||w sd[spif2] d s [od30] s [sqo4] d [so]d|5 5 [sohd] [sohd] [sig] 5 o [od1]f f [wof] [tof] w o [o8] [yod] 3 [d7] [wod] [yod]|7 [ywa] [ya] [tsoi4] [tsoi8] [tsqoi] [yqoda94] 9 [ya] [yp] [ro] 3 7 r [wt6] 0 u [wu] [tie] 2 u [ie] [ywto5]|o [wro4] i [wu3] u [d7] [us] [w6]|w sd[sif2] d s [sod5] 5 s [si] [us] 8 w t [yo]|[ti] W o [od8]f [wf] f [of] t o o [od] 0 [rd] d [od] y|a a [sqo] s [si] [yqida]|o [pj] [pjd] 3 [ohd] 7 [wt6] 0u u [tie] 2 u [ie] [ywto5]|o [wro4] i [ywu3] u [yod%] [us] [w6] 0 w sd[sif82] d s [sod5] 5 s [si] [us] 1 5 9 [tq]|0|sd[sif9] d s [wod]d| |5 5| |d s [ywso8]|||[ywto81]

    Level: 7
    Length: 04:00
    Aloha (Hospital)

    Jo Jung-suk

  • [uspj]|||h||| [tpig]|||s||| [utof]|||ffdd [uro]|||f h [uspj]|||h||| [tpig]|||s||| [utof]|||dffdd [yoa]||| j| k| [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[te]| [ted] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wts] [a0] [wra] a [wrf]h| [wr]| [wr] [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[te]| [ted] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wth] [wh]| [je]| [tl]| [je] [tl] [utje]|[utfe]|[uthe] xz[xute]z[xute] [utle] [tjie]|[tige]|[tihe] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [tlie] [wuth]|[wutf]|[wuth] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]|[uthe]|[utfe] xz[xute]z[utke] [utle] [tiec]|[xtie]|[tlie] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [xtie] [wuth]|[wutl]|[wutl] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [sj]|a|u pupua s [uje] [te] [ue] [te] [uhe] [te] [ue] [te] [ige] [te] [ie] [te] [sie] [te] [ie] [te] [wuf] [wt] [wu] [wt] [wu] [wt]f[wuf]d[wtd] [wu] [wr] [wu] [wr] [ue] [wr] [ufe] [wrh] [uje] [te] [ue] [te] [uhe] [te] [ue] [te] [ige] [te] [ie] [te] [sie] [te] [ie] [te] [wuf] [wt] [wu] [wt] [wu] [wtd]f[wuf]d[wtd] [wu] [wr] [wu] [wr] [wuh] [wrf] [wul] [wrl] [uspj]|||hjs l z [tpji]|||h f k k [utol]| h|f klfhx lzk||| j| k| [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[te]| [ted] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wts] [a0] [wra] a [wrf]h| [wr]| [wr] [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[ut]| [utd] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wth] [wh]| [je]| [tl]| [je] [tl] [utje]|[uthe]|[utfe] xz[xute]z[utke] [utle] [tjie]|[tige]|[tihe] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [tlie] [wuth]|[wutf]|[wuth] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]|[uthe]|[utfe] xz[xute]z[utke] [utle] [tiec]|[xtie]|[tlie] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [xtie] [wuth]|[wutl]|[wutl] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] s|a|u pu[pj]u[ka] [sl]g [tie]|[tie]|[tie]| [tlie] [tlie] [tkie]l [wut]|[wut]|[wut]| [wutl] [xwut] [wuth] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]|[ute]|[ute]| [utje] [utke] [utle]g [tie]|[tie]|[tie]| [tlie] [tlie] [tkie]l [wut]|[wut]|[wut]| [wutl] [xwut] [wuth] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:33

    Alan Walker

  • h | g | D | P | d | ddss | d g h | g | D | P | d | s d d s s | h | j | J J J jj h | P g g g hd d | s P P P dg | P p p p dg | J J J jj h | P g g g hd d | s P P P dg | g g | h | J | h J h | d | g | z lz lz J h | D | g | Z zZ zl J g | d | g | z lz lz g g | h | J | h J h | g | d | z lz lj J Z | z | J | Z zZ zl z g | J | J | z lz lz J g | h | J | h J h | h | g | D | P | d | ddss | d g h g D P d | sddss| g d J J | h | ghP J l h | g d j j J g djJdgz Jlj | h | j | J J J jj h | P g g g hd | d | s P P P dg | P p p p dg | J J J jj h | P g g g hd d | s P P P dg | g g | h | J | h J h | g | d | z lz lj J h | D | g | Z zZ zl J g | d | g | z lz lz J g | h | J | h J h | g | d | z lz lj J Z | z | J | Z zZ zl z g | J | J | z lz lz J g | h | J | h J | h j JD | J J jJ | J z g g | h | J | h J h | h j JD | J J jJ | J z g g | h | J | h J h

    Level: 2
    Length: 03:10
    Alone (Easy)

    Alan Walker

  • 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 5 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 7 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 3 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 5 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 7 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 3 [4f] 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5f] [5d] 0 5 0 5 0 [5g] 7 [6f] 8 [6g] 8 [6f] 8 [6d] [7f] [8s] 5 8 5 8 5 [8d] 3 [4f] 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5f] [5d] 0 5 0 5 0 [5g] 7 [6f] 8 [6g] 8 [6f] 8 [6d] [7f] [8s] 5 8 5 8 5 [8d] 3 [4sf] 8 [4os] 8 [4dh] 8 [4ad] [5sf] [5ad] 0 5 0 5 0 [5dg] 7 [6sf] 8 [6dg] 8 [6sf] 8 [6ad] [7sf] [8os] 5 8 5 8 5 [8od] 3 [4sf] 8 [4os] 8 [4dh] 8 [4ad] [5sf] [5ad] 0 5 0 5 0 [5dg] 7 [6sf] 8 [6dg] 8 [6sf] 8 [6ad] [7sf] s d [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] t [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] l [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] t [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] l 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] [8g] 6 [8f] 6 [8d] 6 [7s] 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] 8 [6g] [8f] 6 8 [6s] [7f] 8 [5g] 8 [5f] 8 [5d] [8s] 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] [8g] 6 [8f] 6 [8d] 6 [7s] 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] 8 [6g] [8f] 6 8 [6s] [7f] 8 [5g] 8 [5f] 8 [5d] [8s] 3 [4s] 8 [4s] 8 [4s] 8 [4d] [5f] [5d] 0 5 0 5 0 [5s] 7 [6f] 8 [6g] 8 [6f] 8 [6f] [7g] [8f] 5 [8f] [5g] [8h] [5f] [8s] 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] 8 [6g] [8f] 6 8 [6s] [7f] g f d s u u u u u t u i u u u u u t u i u u u u u t u i [1u] [1u] [1u] [1u] [1u] [1i] [1o] [1t] s u u u u t u i u u u u u t u i u u u u u t u i [1u] [1i] [1o] [1i] [1u] [1y] [1u] [1t] u u u u u t u i [5u] u [5u] u [5u] t 5 u [5i] [6u] u [6u] u [6u] t 6 u [6i] [18u] i [18o] i [18u] y [18] u [18t] [4s] u [4u] u [4u] t 4 u [4i] [5u] u [5u] u [5u] t 5 u [5i] [6u] u [6u] u [6u] t 6 u [6i] [18u] i [18o] i [18u] y [18] u [18t] [4f] 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5f] [5d] 0 5 0 5 0 [5g] 7 [6f] 8 [6g] 8 [6f] 8 [6d] [7f] [8s] 5 8 5 8 5 [8d] 3 [4f] 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5f] [5d] 0 5 0 5 0 [5g] 7 [6f] 8 [6g] 8 [6f] 8 [6d] [7f] [8s] 5 8 5 8 5 [8d] 3 [4sf] 8 [4os] 8 [4dh] 8 [4ad] [5sf] [5ad] 0 5 0 5 0 [5dg] 7 [6sf] 8 [6dg] 8 [6sf] 8 [6ad] [7sf] [8os] 5 8 5 8 5 [8od] 3 [4sf] 8 [4os] 8 [4dh] 8 [4ad] [5sf] [5ad] 0 5 0 5 0 [5dg] 7 [6sf] 8 [6dg] 8 [6sf] 8 [6ad] [7sf] s d [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] t [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] l [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] t [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] l 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] [8g] 6 [8f] 6 [8d] 6 [7s] 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] 8 [6g] [8f] 6 8 [6s] [7f] 8 [5g] 8 [5f] 8 [5d] [8s] 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] [8g] 6 [8f] 6 [8d] 6 [7s] 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] 8 [6g] [8f] 6 8 [6s] [7f] 8 [5g] 8 [5f] 8 [5d] [8s] 3 [4s] 8 [4s] 8 [4s] 8 [4d] [5f] [5d] 0 5 0 5 0 [5s] 7 [6f] 8 [6g] 8 [6f] 8 [6f] [7g] [8f] 5 [8f] [5g] [8h] [5f] [8s] 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] 8 [6g] [8f] 6 8 [6s] [7f] g f d s s f f f s f f g d f s s d f d s f s g s f s s g [1f] [1s] [1f] [1g] [1h] [1g] [1f] [1s] s f f f s f f g d f s s d f d s f s g s f s s g [1f] [1s] [1f] [1g] [1h] [1g] [1f] [1s] t u u u t u u i [5y] u [5t] t [5y] u 5 y [5t] [6u] t [6i] t [6u] t 6 t [6i] [18u] t [18u] i [18o] i [18] u [18t] [4t] u [4u] u [4t] u 4 u [4i] [5y] u [5t] t [5y] u 5 y [5t] [6u] t [6i] t [6u] t 6 t [6i] [18u] t [18u] i [18o] i [18] u [18t] 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 q 9 0 8 8 9 0 9 8 0 8 q 8 0 8 8 q [10] 8 [10] q [1w] q 1 0 [18] 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 q 9 0 8 8 9 0 9 8 0 8 q 8 0 8 8 q [10] 8 0 q w q 0 7
    Level: 5
    Length: 04:32


  • o| [f8] w t u [d7] 9 w [rf] [s6] 0 e r t e [wr]| [qj] 8 e t [wh] 9 w [rj] [fe] 0 e r t e 0 8 [tf] w t u [d7] 9 w [h9] [s6] 0 e r t e [ur]| [qj] 8 e t [wk] 9 r [h9] [je] 0 e r t [sqj] 8 e q t q [lig] q [wkd] 9 w r o 9 [wha] 9 [sqj] 8 e q t q [lig] q [wkd] 9 w r o 9 w 9 [sqj] 8 e q t q [lig] q [wkd] 9 w r o [rk] [wl] [z9] [qljg] 8 e t i [ql] [ze] [xq] [wh][zr][yv] o| [tsf] w t u [wda] 9 w [yf] [sp6] 0 e r t e [wr]| [qjg] 8 e t [whd] 9 w [rj] [sfe] 0 e r t 0 u 0 [sf8] w t u [da7] 9 w [rh] [sp6] 0 e r t e [wr]| [qjg] 8 e t [wkh] 9 r [h9] [jfe] 0 e r t e 0 6 [qjg] 8 e q [wkh] 9 w [rh] [jfe] 0 e r t 0 u 0 [qjg] 8 e q [wkh] 9 w [rh] [sjf6] 0 e 0 t 0 e 0 [fe][tj][ul]
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:24
    Alone (Naruto)

    Toshio Masuda

  • [q^E] t y|t|E [qe] 4 E t|| [qE5] t y|t|E [wE] [^@]| E|t| [q^E] t y|t|E [qe] 4 E t| E E 5| |[E@] t ^|5 y| [^E] t [yq]|[tE]|E e 4 E [tq]|e| [E5] t [y9]|[wt]|E E @|^|[YE(]|y|^| t E q y E t 4|[E8] t q| E E [@(]|||@ [ywqE]| [g^P]|q|[yE]|q|[sj4]|q|[te]|[qdJ]| 5|q|[yE]|J [j@]|[h^] h q g (| ^|q|[yE]|[qdJ]|[sj4]|q|[te]|[dJ]| @|^|[qE]|g [yqJ]|g g [t(] D| [g^P]|q|[yJE] l [zq] l 4 J [qlg]|[te]|[zq] l 5 [dJ] q|[yE]|h [hP] @|^|[YE]|[J(] J [^J]|[qgP]|[yE]|[qJ] J 4|[sqj]|[te]|[qj] J @ ^ (|[qE]| [yq]||J J [^4]|g| J J [84]|j| j J ^|q|[yiE]| [j4]|q|[te]|h| 5|q|[iE]|e|@|(|[YE]|h j [^J]|q|[yE]|q|[g4]|q|[te]|[qh]| [h@] ^ (| q ( E (|P P|d| [^P] s [qd]|[ysE]|[qP] p 4 P [sq]|[te]|q| [P5] s [qd]|[ysE]|[P5] [P4] @|^|[wPD]|[qd]| ^|[sq] P [yE] d q s 4|[qP] s [te]|[qP] P @|[^P]|[iE]|[Y(]|E| [tqPE] s [d(] D [ig^]|q|[yE]|q|[pj4]|q|[te]|[qPJ]| 5|q|[yE]|[PJ] [pj4]|[oh^] [oh] [YE] [ig] (| ^|q|[yE]|[qPJ]|[pj4]|q|[te]|[qPJ]| [PJ@]|^|[qE]|( [ig] [yqPJ]|[ig] [ig] @ [YD] 4| [ig^]|q|[yPJE] [sl] [zqd] [sl] 4 [PJ] [sql]|[te]|[zqd] [sl] 5 [PJ] q|[yE]|[qh] [hP] @|^|[YE]|[PJ(] [PJ] ^|[qig]|[yE]|[qPJ] [PJ] 4|[qpj]|[te]|[qpj] [PJ] [J@(]|q|w|q|[ywqE]| [ywqE@(]|@| [y81]|i o [wE]|i o [81]|[i8] o [YE] P q| [p4]|4|[q8]|4|4|8|[qiE]|[Y8]| [y^]|[t^] y [qE]|[t^] y ^|[t^] y [qe] p ^| [o@(]| [qE]|@|[o@(]|p P @ o @| [oh5]|[pj5] [PJ] [85]|[oh5] [PJ] 5|[oh5] [PJ] [85] [sl] 5| [zd84] 4|4 [q4] 4 [sl] 4 [sl4]||| o p P s [Y4] i o p P s d D g h j J [g^P]|q|[yJE]|q|[lg4]|q|[te]|[zqJ]| 5|q|[yE]|J [j@]|[h^] h [YE] g (| ^|q|[yE]|[qdJ]|[lg4]|q|[te]|[zqJ]| @|^|[qE]|( [ig] [ywPJ]|[ig] [ig] [wt] [YD]| [ig^]| [^PJ] [sl] [zqd] [sl] 4 [PJ] [sql]|[te]|[zqd] [sl] 5 [lP] w|[yE]|[wh] [hP] @|^|[YE]|[PJ(] [PJ] ^|[qig]|[yE]|[qPJ] [PJ] 4|[qpj]|[te]|[qpj] [PJ] @|^|q|w|[yw]| t|J J [^@]|g| J J [84]|j||| j|J|@|[^E]|[i8]|w|[tQ@]|(| I|t||[q^] E t i|l| g
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:19
    Always (Descendants of the Sun)


  • 1 5 0 ui[1o] 5 0 iu[7u] 5 [7y]| 7 5 7 5
    6 3 6 ty[5u] 1 5 tr[4t]r[1e] 4| [48e]| [59r]|
    [1wt] 5 0 ui[1o] 5 0 iu[7u] 5 [7y]| 7 5 7 5
    6 3 [6et] [8ry] [6tu] [3ry] [6et] [wr]
    [4qe] 8 q 6 [48ti]| [to]|
    [4ei] 8 q [6i]o[4p] 8 q [6o]i[3to] [8t] [0tu] 5 3 8 0 5
    4 8 [qei] [6ei] [3wi] [8wu] [0wy] [5wt]
    [2qu] [6t] [9qy] 4 1 6 8 1
    7 5 [5wry] [5wry] [6wtu] [6wtu] [7wri] [7wri]
    [18wuo]| [3wt] [3wt] [4ey] [4ey] [5tu] [5tu]
    [4ei] 6 8 [ey]u[ei] [ei] [5wu] [wu]
    [10t] 5 8 5 8| |
    1 5 0 ui[1o] 5 0 iu[7u] 5 [7y]| 7 5 7 5
    6 3 6 ty[5u] 1 5 tr[4t]r[1e] 4| [48e]| [59r]|
    [1wt] 5 0 ui[1o] 5 0 iu[7u] 5 [7y]| 7 5 7 5
    6 3 [6et] [8ry] [6tu] [3ry] [6et] [wr]
    [4qe] 8 q 6 [48ti]| [to]|
    [4ei] 8 q [6i]o[4p] 8 q [6o]i[3to] [8t] [0tu] 5 3 8 0 5
    4 8 [qei] [6ei] [3wi] [8wu] [0wy] [5wt]
    [2qu] [6t] [9qy] 4 1 6 8 1
    7 5 [5wry] [5wry] [6wtu] [6wtu] [7wri] [7wri]
    [18wuo]| [3wt] [3wt] [4ey] [4ey] [5tu] [5tu]
    [4ei] 6 8 [ey]u[ei] [ei] [5wu] [wu]
    [10t] 5 8 5 8| |
    [8uo] w t w 7 0 r [0tp]
    [6et] 0 e 0 5 0 w 0
    [4ei] [8eu] [qey] [6et] [3wi] [8wu] 0 [5y]t[2qu] [6t] [8y] 6 [5ip]| [5oa]|
    [1uo] 5 8 5 7 3 7 [3tp]
    [6et] 3 6 3 5 3 5 3
    [4ei] [1eu] [4ey] [6et] [3wi] [1wu] 3 [5wy][wt][2qu] [6t] [1y] 2 5| [wu] [qt]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:05
    Always on My Mind (Elvis Presley)

    Elvis Presley

  • u i o|i u u y y|||
    t y u y t r r|e|||
    u i o i i u u y y|||
    t y u y t r r e e|||
    p p p p p p o t t|u||
    y u i u y t y t y|t|e||
    y y u u i i o|||
    y y i i u u t|||
    u i o|
    i u u y y|||
    t y u y t r r|e|||
    u i o i i u u y y|||
    t y u y t r r e e|||
    p p p p p p o t
    t|u||y u i u y t y t y|t|e||y y u u i i o|||
    u i o|i u u y y|||
    t y u y t r r|e|||
    u i o i i u u y y|||
    t y u y t r r e e|||
    p p p p p p o t t|u||
    y u i u y t y t y|t|e||y y u u i i o|||
    y y i i u u

    Level: 2
    Length: 01:30
    Always on My Mind (Pet Shop Boys)

    Pet Shop Boys

  • eyuyt[tue] | [ey]uyt[eti]w | tt w[wt] w[wt] tttty [wr] | eyuyt[tue] | e[ey]uyt[eti]w | w[wt] w[wt] w[wt] tety [rw] | uuo[tip] p p a [sip] s [sip] uo [tup] | uuo[tip] p p a [sip] s [sip] uy | uo[tip] | o u | te[et] | u [tuo] | u[ti] | uy tr er t [wt0] | eyuyt[tue] | [ey]uyt[eti]w | tt w[wt] w[wt] tttty [wr] | eyuyt[tue] | e[ey]uyt[eti]w | w[wt] w[wt] w[wt] tety [rw] | uuo[tip] p p a [sip] s [sip] uo [tup] | uuo[tip] p p a [sip] s [sip] uy | uo[tip] | o u | te[et] | u [tuo] | u[ti] | uy tr er t t | s | [yip] | Ddsp[ips] spssYy t t Dd[suo] | Dd[suo] | [suo] s Dd[suo] | Dd[suo] s s Dd[suo] | Ddss [sip] d | op[tip] p p a [sip] s Ddss op[tuo] | op[tip] p p a [sip] s s u[ry] | uo[tip] | o [tu] | te[et] |u [tuo] | ui uy tr euyt | s[sup] p | Dds[sup] | uo[tip] | o uyt | te[et] | u [tuo] | ui uy tr eYyt | t t | [qe] | i Yytet | o yt Yy [wt0]
    Level: 5
    Length: 02:00
    Always Remember Us This Way (A Star Is Born)

    Lady Gaga

  • odfds[tp60]| [ut]| [up]| df[d8][s6][tpi84]o [ti]| [te]||s [us85] os o[uso]sss[uso][id]oa[yo95]| [yo]| [yo] odf[d3]s[tp60]| [ut] e [ut] o[uod]f[d8][s6][tpi84]o [ti]| [ti]| [ti] s [wuso8] o[uso] to[uso] ss[uso][id]oa[yo95]| [yo] r [yo]| u[u3]o[tpi84] p [tpi] a [tsi] s s uo[wto8] p [wt]| [wt]||uo[tpie8] p [tpi] a [tsi] s s [u3]u[yw95]| [yr] w [yr]||[u6][o5][tpi84]| [yro95] [ute60]| |te[te84]| [ur95] [wu8]ou||u [ie84] uy tr[w95] er t [wt8]|||yuyt[e60]| [ut0]| [ut6] e [ye]u[y8][t6][qe84]w 8| [te4] e [te8] t [wt85] w[wt8] w[wt8]58t[te8]y [wr][95]| [wr] w [yr] w [yo]o[ys3]a[ut60] po[utp0]| 6 u [uto]o[us1][a3][ti84] po[tpe4]oi[yr] [tqe]| q wo[wso8] uo[wso] uo[us8] os[uso8][id]oa[o95]| [oa5] y [p5]y[oa] [oa5]u[u6]o[pi84] [tp] [pi4] [ta] [si4] [ts] [si8] uo[wu8] p [uo8] y [uo8]5[y8] [to8] uo[up60] p [up0] [ya] [usp0] s [usp] [u3]u[yr95]| [yr5] w [yr5]| [yr5] [ur6][o5][tpi84]| [yro95] [ute60]||6 te[te84]| [yur95] [wu8]o[ut]||u [ie84] uy4 tr[w95] er5 t [tq^]| [sqi^P]| [tqp^E] E [y^E] E [piD84]dsp[spi84] sp[spi84]ssY4yt [w810] Dd[uso81]| [uoD81][yd][us] [uo81]y[us] [ysi^] Dd[ysi^]| [yi^D][td][ys]s[yi^]t[ys] [sqpi4] Dd[sqpi4]| [qpiD4][dY][si]s[qpi4]Y[si] [da5] [o5]h[hd5] [o5] [wh5]h[whd5] [w5]u[wu5]o[pi84] [tp] [pi4] [ta] [si4] [ts] [piD8]dsu[wuo8]po [uo8] y [uo8]5[y8] [to8] uo[up60] p [up0] [ya] [usp0] s [usp] [u3]u[yr95]| [yr5] w [yr5]| 5 [u6][o5][tpi84]| [yro95] [ute60]||[e6] te[te84]| [yur95] [wut8] o||u [tie84] uy[e4] tr[w95] er5| [up60] sp[tsp60]p [spD60]dss[up] [ue]o[tpi84]| [yro95] [u60]y[te]||te[te84]| [yur95] [wu8] [uto]||u[tie4] [u8]yq tr[w5] [e9]rw| |te[t84]|||[y^E]| [^YE]yte t [te4]| |[10]8

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:51
    Always Remember Us This Way (A Star Is Born)

    Lady Gaga

  • w|
    [t1] 5 8|u t
    [u1] 5 8|y|
    [t4] 6 q|e|
    [w1] 5 8|w|
    [t1] 5 8|u t
    [u1] 5 8|y|
    [o5] 7 w| |
    5 7 w|u|
    [o1] 5 8 u o u
    [t1] 5 8|w|
    [e4] 6 q t t e
    [w1] 5 8|w|
    [t1] 5 8|u t
    [u5] 7 w|y|
    [t1] 5 8| |
    1 5 8

    Level: 4
    Length: 00:38
    Amazing Grace

    John Newton

  • t| [i4] 8 q| p i [p4] 8 q| o| [i^] 9 E| y| [t4] 8 q| t| [i4] 8 q| p i [p4] 8 q| o| [s8] 0 t| |8 0 t| p| [s4] 8 q p s p [i4] 8 q| t| [y^] 9 E i i y [t4] 8 q| t| [i4] 8 q| p i [p8] 0 t| o| [i4] 8 q| | 4 8 q
    Level: 4
    Length: 00:49
    Amazing Grace (Alternative)

    John Newton

  • w t w u w t w u q t q u q t q u
    w t w u w t w u q t q u q t q uu
    [wo] [to] [wo] [uo]ow [ti]i[wi] ui
    q [to] [qi] uiq [tu] q uu
    [wo]otow [uo] [wo] [ti] [wi] ui
    q [to] [qi] uiq [tu] q uu
    [9o]sts9sts9 [to] [0o] [to]
    [qo] tfq [tf] q t q tu
    [wo] [to] [wo] [uo]ow [ti] [wi] ui
    q [to] [qi] uiq [tu] q uu
    [wo] [to] [wo] [uo]ow [ti] [wi] ui
    q [to] [qi] uiq [tu] q uo
    [9f] [td] [9d] [ts]s9 [to] [0o] [tu]
    [qo] tfq [tf] q t q tu
    [9f] [td] [9d] [ts]s9 t [0o] [tu]
    [qo] tfq [tf] q t q t
    [qt] [qt] [qt] [qt]o[qtf] d d so
    [80wf] [80wf] [80wf] [80wf]f[80w] [80wd] [80wd] [80ws]d
    [70w] [70wf] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70wo]o
    [80ef] [80ef] [80ef] [80ef]f[80e] [80ed] [80ed] [80es]s
    [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qeo]o
    [80wf] [80wf] [80wf] [80wf]f[80w] [80wg] [80wf] [80wd]d
    [70w] [70wf] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70wo]
    [80ef] [80ef] [80ef] [80ef]f[80e] [80ed] [80ed] [80es]s
    [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe]o
    [80wh] [80wh] [80wh] [80wh]h[80w]f[80w]f[80w]d[80w]d
    [70w]f[70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70wo]o
    [80ef] [80ef] [80ef] [80ef]f[80e] [80ed] [80ed] [80es]s
    [8qes] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qeo]o
    [80wf] [80wf] [80wf] [80wf]f[80w] [80wg] [80wf] [80wd]d
    [70wd]f[70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70wo]o
    [8qes] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe]o[8qef] [8qed] [8qed] [8qes]s
    w t w t w t w t q t q t q t q tu
    [wo] [to] [wo] [to]ow [ti] [wi] [tu]
    [qi] [to] [qi] [tu]uq t q [tu]u
    [wo]otow [to]ow [ti] [wi] [tu]
    [qi]ot [qi] [tu]uq t q tu
    [9f] [td] [9d] [ts]s9 [to] [0o] [tu]
    [qo] tfq [tf] q t q tu
    [wo] [to] [wo] [to]ow [ti] [wi] [tu]i
    q [to] [qi] [tu]uq t q tu
    [wo] [to] [wo] [to]ow [ti] [wi] [tu]i
    [qi] [to] [qi] uuq t q uu
    [9f] [td] [9d] [ts]s9 [to] [0o] [tu]
    [qo] tfq [tf] q t q to
    [9f] [td] [9d] [ts]s9 t [0o] [tu]
    [qo] tfq [tf] q t q t
    [qt] [qt] [qt] [qt]o[qtf] d d so
    [80wf] [80wf] [80wf] [80wf]f[80w] [80wd] [80wd] [80ws]d
    [70w] [70wf] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70wo]o
    [80ef] [80ef] [80ef] [80ef]f[80e] [80ed] [80ed] [80es]s
    [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qeo]o
    [80wf] [80wf] [80wf] [80wf]f[80w] [80wg] [80wf] [80wd]d
    [70w] [70wf] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70wo]
    [80ef] [80ef] [80ef] [80ef]f[80e] [80ed] [80ed] [80es]s
    [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe]o
    [80wh] [80wh] [80wh] [80wh]h[80w]f[80w]f[80w]d[80w]d
    [70w]f[70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70wo]o
    [80ef]f[80e]f[80e]f[80e]f[80e]d[80e]d[80e] [80es]s
    [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qeo]o
    [80wf] [80wf] [80wf] [80wf]f[80w] [80wg] [80wf] [80wd]d
    [70w] [70wf] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70wo]o
    [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qed] [8qes]d
    [79w] d d [79ws] d s [79wd] sd
    [680] f| [680]||[680] s
    [68qd]d d d[68q]d d d[68q] ss
    [580]||[580]||[580] s
    [79wd] s d [79ws] d s [79wd] s
    [680d] fp [680]||[680]ff
    [68qg]f d s[68qs]||[68q]ff
    [qetg]f[qet]d[qet]s[qet] [qets] [qet] [qet] [qeto]o
    [80wf] [80wf] [80wf] [80wf]f[80w] [80wf] [80wd] [80ws]d
    [70w] [70wf] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70wo]o
    [80ef] [80ef] [80ef] [80ef]f[80e] [80ed] [80ed] [80es]s
    [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qeo]o
    [80wf] [80wf] [80wf] [80wf]f[80w] [80wg] [80wf] [80wd]d
    [70w] [70wf] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70wo]
    [80ef] [80ef] [80ef] [80ef]f[80e] [80ed] [80ed] [80es]s
    [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe]o
    [80wh] [80wh] [80wh] [80wh]h[80w]f[80w]f[80w]d[80w]d
    [70wd]f[70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70wo]o
    [80ef] [80ef] [80ef] [80ef]f[80e] [80ed] [80ed] [80es]s
    [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe] [8qeo]o
    [80wf] [80wf] [80wf] [80wf]f[80w]g[80w]f[80w]d[80w]
    [70wd] [70w]f[70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70w] [70wo]o
    [8qes] [8qe] [8qe] [8qe]o[8qef] [8qed] [8qed] [8qes]s
    w t w u w t w u q t q [uo]o[qf]f[td] [qd] [us]s
    w t w u w t w u q t q u [qs]s[ts]p[qs] [ud]f
    w t w [ud] w t w u q t q [uo]o[qf]f[td] [qd] [ts]s[qet]

    Level: 6
    Length: 05:39

    5 Seconds of Summer

  • i sg lj f| i sg lh| i sg lj f| i sg lh| i sf lh d| i sf lh| i sg lj f| i sg lj hg f[id] fg lj f| [id] fg lh| i sg lj f| i sg lh| i sf lh d| i sf lh| i sg lj f| i sg lj gs p[qi] sg lj f| i sg lh|8|[qi] sg lj f| i sg lh|8|[iE] sf lh d| i sf lh| [ie] sg lj f| [iE] sg l[tj] hg f[idE] fg lj f| [id] fg lh|w|[qi] sg lj f| i sg lh|0|[i9] sf lh d| i sf lh| [qi] sg lj f| [ti] sg l[j0] gs p[qpi] sg lj f| [pi] sg lh|8|[qpi] sg lj f| [pi] sg l[sh]|8|[idE] sf lh d| [id] sf lh| [sie] sg lj f| [ifE] sg l[tjg] hg f[jidE] fg lj f| [ihd] fg lh|w|[qig] sg lj f| [if] sg l[hg]|0|[ji9] sf lh d| [ih] sf lh| [qig] sg lj f| [tif] sg l[sj0] gs p[pi] sg lj f| [pi] sg lh| [pi] sg lj f| [pi] sg l[sh]| [id] sf lh d| [id] sf lh| [si] sg lj f| [if] sg l[jg] hg f[jid] fg lj f| [ihd] fg lh| [ig] sg lj f| [if] sg l[hg]| [ji] sf lh d| [ih] sf lh| [ig] sg lj f

    Level: 4
    Length: 02:21
    Amnesty Lodge (The Adventure Zone)

    Griffin McElroy

  • [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [uo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo] 9 [yo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [uo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] [yo] [so9] [yod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [whda] [yo] 9 [yo] [whda] 0 w [h0] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [pfe] [sp][us0] [spfe] [wod] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqi] [tpi8][sqi] [wpi] [upe] [up] 0 [wup] e [up][a0]sa[upe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [pjfe]|0|e|0|e|0|e|0 w [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo]9 [ywo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] 0 [wso] [od0] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [sp9] [yo] [woa]|0|e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wup] e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wuph] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [fe] [sp][s0] [spfe] [wd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpi] [pe] [up] 0 [wup] e p[a0]sa[pe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [sjfe] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [upo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo] 9 [yo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [uo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] [yo] [so9] [yod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [whda] [yo] 9 [yo] [whda] 0 w [h0] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [pfe] [sp][us0] [spfe] [wod] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqi] [tpi8][sqi] [wpi] [upe] [up] 0 [wup] e [up][a0]sa[upe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [pjfe]|0|e|0|e|0|e|0 w [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo]9 [ywo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] 0 [wso] [od0] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [sp9] [yo] [woa]|0|e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wup] e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wuph] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [fe] [sp][s0] [spfe] [wd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpi] [pe] [up] 0 [wup] e p[a0]sa[pe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [pjfe]

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:16
    Amongst the Clouds (Wynncraft)


  • [ut6] 0 e| | [ie4] 8 q| | [ur5] 9 w| | [ut6] 0 e|t y|u 6 0 e| | [o8] w t y| | [i9] e y u| | [o0] r u I| | [u6] 0 e t y u|i 4 8 q e o i|u 5 9 w r u y|u 6 0 e r t y|u 6 0 e r|p f p [o8] w t y|p f p [i9] e y u|p f p [o0] r u I|o|| [tpe60]||| [tqp84]||| [tpe60] p|p|p|p [tqp84] p|p|p|p [ute60] p|p|p|p [wuto8] p|p|p|p [yie9] p|p|p|p [uro0] p|p|p|p [f6] 0 e t [ud] f|g 4 8 q e [th] g|f 5 9 w r [yf] d|f 6 0 e t s d|f 6 0 e r|j x j [h8] w t y|[uj] x j [g9] e y u|[ji] x j [h0] r u I|o|| [spje]| |k| [qplg]| |z| | [woha]| |j| [ukf0]| |l| | [spje]| |k| | [qplg]| |z| | [woha]| |j| | [ukf0]| |l| | [slje6]| |[zd]| | [slje4]||| [wkd5]| |j| | [sje6]| |j x j [je60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [fe60] [ue60] [pe60] [fe60] [ue60] [pe60] [fe60] [ue60] [qf84] [uq84] [qp84] [qf84] [uq84] [qp84] [qf84] [uq84] [wf95] [wu95] [wp95] [wf95] [wu95] [wp95] [wf95] [wu95] [fe60] [ue60] [pe60] [fe60] [ue60] [pe60] [fe60] [ue60] [f6] [ue60] [pe60] [fe60] [ue60] [pe60] [fe60] [ue60] [f4] [uq84] [qp84] [qf84] [uq84] [qp84] [qf84] [uq84] [f5] [wu95] [wp95] [wf95] [wu95] [wp95] [wf95] [wu95] [f6] [ue6] [pe6] [fe6] u p f u [spje]| |k| [tlf8]| |z|l| [zwoh]|h| | [uof0]|k| |l| [uspe]fj| |b x b b
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:57
    An End Once and For All (Mass Effect 3)

    Clint Mansell

  • [wr3] 7 0| |[t10] 5 8| |[rQ2] 6 9| |[wr3] 7 0|w e|r 3 7 0| |[y5] 9 w e| |[t6] 0 e r| |[y7] Q r T| |[r3] 7 0 w e r|t 1 5 8 0 y t|r 2 6 9 Q r e|r 3 7 0 Q w e|r 3 7 0 Q|u a u [y5] 9 w e|u a u [t6] 0 e r|u a u [y7] Q r T|y||[wu730]| |[wu851]| |[wu730] u|u|u|u [wu851] u|u|u|u [wr730] u|u|u|u [ywr95] u|u|u|u [te60] u|u|u|u [yrQ7] u|u|u|u [a3] 7 0 w [rp] a|s 1 5 8 0 [wd] s|a 2 6 9 Q [ea] p|a 3 7 0 w o p|a 3 7 0 Q|f k f [d5] 9 w e|[rf] k f [s6] 0 e r|[tf] k f [d7] Q r T|y||[urofa0]| |G|[wushf8]| |j| |[ypedI9]| |f|[rdaQG7]| |h| |[urofa0]| |G| |[wushf8]| |j| |[ypedI9]| |f| |[rdaQG7]| |h| |[ohfa730]| |[pj]| |[sohf510]| |[pdG962]| |f| |[ofa730]| |f k f [f730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [851] [851] [851] [851] [851] [851] [851] [851] [962] [962] [962] [962] [962] [962] [962] [962] [730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [730] [a730] [r730] [u730] [a730] [r730] [u730] [a730] [r730] [a851] [r851] [u851] [a851] [r851] [u851] [a851] [r851] [a962] [r962] [u962] [a962] [r962] [u962] [a962] [r962] [a730] [r730] [u730] [a730] [r730] [u730] [a730] [r730] [a3] [r730] [u730] [a730] [r730] [u730] [a730] [r730] [a1] [r851] [u851] [a851] [r851] [u851] [a851] [r851] [a2] [r962] [u962] [a962] [r962] [u962] [a962] [r962] [a3] [r730] [u730] [a730] r u a r [urofa0]| |G|[whda95]| |j|h|[yjedG9]|d| |[yraQI7]|G| |h|[uro0]af| |x n x x

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:57
    An End Once and For All (Mass Effect 3) (Alternative)

    Sam Hulick

  • [j6]80[f6]80[g6]9q[d6]9q[f6]0w[s6]0w[a6]9q[a6][s9][qd][f6]8068069q69q60W60W69q69q[j6]80[f6]80[g6]9q[d6]9q[f6]0W[s6]0W[a6]9q[a6][s9][qd][p6]8068069q69q60w60w69q69q[l9]qe[k9]qe[d9]qe[f9]qe[j9]wr[h9]wr[a9]wr[s9]wr[l9]qe[k9]qe[d9]qe[f9]qe[j9]wr9wr[h9]wr9wr[l9]qe[k9]qe[d9]qe[f9]qe[j9]wr[h9]wr[a9]wr[s9]wr[l9]qe[k9]qe[z9]qe[xq]|e[k9]wr9wr[h9]wr9wr[j6]80[f6]80[g6]9q[d6]9q[f6]0w[s6]0w[a6]9q[a6][s9][qd][f6]8068069q69q60W60W69q69q[j6]80[f6]80[g6]9q[d6]9q[f6]0W[s6]0W[a6]9q[a6][s9][qd][p6]8068069q69q60w60w69q69q[l9]qe[k9]qe[d9]qe[f9]qe[j9]wr[h9]wr[a9]wr[s9]wr[l9]qe[k9]qe[d9]qe[f9]qe[j9]wr9wr[h9]wr9wr[l9]qe[k9]qe[d9]qe[f9]qe[j9]wr[h9]wr[a9]wr[s9]wr[l9]qe[k9]qe[z9]qe[xq]|e[k9]wr9wr[h9]wr9wr

    Level: 4
    Length: 01:36
    Ancient History (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • 6| [et]| [et]| [et]|
    4| [qt]| [qt]| [qt]|
    2| [qr]| [qr]| [qr]|
    3| [0e]| [0e]| [0W]|
    6| [et]| [et]| [et]|
    [48]| [qt]| [qt]| [qt]|
    [29]| [qry]| [qry]| [qry]|
    [30]| [0eu]| [0eu]| [W0u]|
    6| [et]| [et]| [et]|
    4| [qt]| [qt]| [qt]|
    2| [qr]| [qr]| [qr]|
    3| [0e]| [0e]| [0W]|
    6| [et]| [et]| [et]|
    4| [qt]| [qt]| [qt]|
    2| [qry]| [qry]| [qry]|
    3| [0eu]| [0eu]| [W0u]|
    6| [et]| [et]| [et]|
    4| [qt]| [qt]| [qt]|
    2| [qty]| [qty]| [qry]|
    [30ry]| [0eu]| [W30u]| [W0u]|
    6| [etu]| [etu]| [etu]|
    4| [qtu]| [qtu]| [qtu]|
    2| [qry]| [qry]| [qry]|
    3| [etu]| [etu]| [WO]|
    6| [etp]| [et]| [et] Op
    [4a] p [8qeo] i [8qeY] u [8qei] u
    2 f [9qed] s [9qeP] a [9qes] a
    [3k] j [70WH] g [W70f] d [W70s] a
    6| [etp]| [etj]| [et] Hj
    [4k] j [8qeh] g [8qeD] f [8qeg] f
    2 x [9qez] l [9qeJ] k [9qel] k
    [3n] b [70WV] c [W70x] z [W70l] k 6| j| b

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:30
    Andante in C Minor (Succession)

    Nicholas Britell

  • [0etp] a s a s d d s [0wtd] f h f [qetf] d s d s d [0ets] p [0etp] a s s d [0wtd] d f h h [qeth] h j g [0etf] o [0wtp] [0wt] u u [qeti] [qet] i o [0et] [0et] p [0etp] a s s d s [0wt] d f f h f [qetf] d s d d [0ets] p [0etp] a s s d d s [0wtd] f f h h [qeth] h h j f d [0et] f j k [0wtl] k k j j h [0etf] j k [0wtl] k k l h [0etf] j k [0wtl] k h h j f [0etf] d s s d [0wtf] f h f d [wry] f [wryg] h [0etf] [0et] p [0etp] a s s d s [0wtd] f h f [qetf] d s d s d [0ets] p [0etp] a s s d d [0wts] d f f f [qetg] g g g h g [0etf] f [qet] h f [qet] h f [0eth] j f f f [wryh] j d h h [qeyj] h h [qetj] k l k [0et] h j [wryd] j k [0wtl] k k j j h [0etf] j k [0wtl] k k l h [0etf] j k [0wtl] k h h j f [0etf] d s s d [0wtf] f h f d [wryd] f h f [0ets]

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:30
    Angel (Piggy Official)

    Emma Duncan

  • dfg d j dfg d j| jJjhg gfd| dfg d ghj g| jklklklkjhj| dfg d ghj g| jklklklkjhj| jkllll lzlkl| lll l lzlkj
    Level: 1
    Length: 00:50
    Super Easy
    Angry Birds (Super Easy)

    Ari Pulkkinen

  • pa[se] p f pa[se] f f|[tf]gfd[sr] sa[pe]||pa[se] [utp] 0 [uts]d[fe] [uts] 0 [utf]G[th]G[uoh]G[rh]j[yhI]G[fe] [ut] 0 [utp]a[se] [utp] 0 [uts]d[fe] [uts] 0 [utf]G[th]G[uoh]G[rh]j[yhI]G[fe] [ut] 0 [utf]G[th] [uoh] [wh] [uoh] [th]j[uoh]G[wh] [uof]G[th] [uoh] [rG] [yIG]d[pe] [utf] [f0] [utf]G[th] [uoh] [wh] [uoh] [th]j[uoh]G[wh] [uof]G[th] [uoh] [rG] [yIG]d[pe] [ut] 0 [ut] [pe] [ut]O[p0] [uta] [se] [ut]a[s0] [utd] [edD] [utdD] [dD0] [ut] [zeZ] [zutZ] [zZ0] [ut] [pe] [ut]O[p0] [uta] [se] [ut]a[s0] [utd] [heG] [uthG] [hG0] [ut] [veC] [vutC] [vC0] [ut] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utD] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utf] [feD] [utfD] [fD0] [ut] [xeZ] [xutZ] [xZ0] [ut] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utg] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utf] [heG] [uthG] [hG0] [ut] [veC] [vutC] [vC0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utf]g[f0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utp]f[p0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utf]g[f0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utp]f[p0] [ut] [se] [uts] [s0] [uts] [se]d[uts]a[s0] [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0]d[uts]a[pe] [ut] 0 [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0] [uts] [se]d[uts]a[s0] [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0]d[uts]a[pe] [ut] 0 [uts]d[tf] [uof] [wf] [uof] [tf]G[uof]d[wf] [uso]d[tf] [uof] [wh]G[uoh]G[tf] [uo] w [upo]a[se] [uts] [s0] [uts] [se]d[uts]a[s0] [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0]d[uts]a[pe] [ut] e pa[se] p f pa[se] f f|[tf]gfd[sr] sa[pe]||pa[se] [utp] 0 [uts]d[fe] [uts] 0 [utf]G[th]G[uoh]G[rh]j[yhI]G[fe] [ut] 0 [utp]a[se] [utp] 0 [uts]d[fe] [uts] 0 [utf]G[th]G[uoh]G[rh]j[yhI]G[fe] [ut] 0 [utf]G[th] [uoh] [wh] [uoh] [th]j[uoh]G[wh] [uof]G[th] [uoh] [rG] [yIG]d[pe] [utf] [f0] [utf]G[th] [uoh] [wh] [uoh] [th]j[uoh]G[wh] [uof]G[th] [uoh] [rG] [yIG]d[pe] [ut] 0 [ut] [pe] [ut]O[p0] [uta] [se] [ut]a[s0] [utd] [edD] [utdD] [dD0] [ut] [zeZ] [zutZ] [zZ0] [ut] [pe] [ut]O[p0] [uta] [se] [ut]a[s0] [utd] [heG] [uthG] [hG0] [ut] [veC] [vutC] [vC0] [ut] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utD] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utf] [feD] [utfD] [fD0] [ut] [xeZ] [xutZ] [xZ0] [ut] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utg] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utf] [heG] [uthG] [hG0] [ut] [veC] [vutC] [vC0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utf]g[f0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utp]f[p0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utf]g[f0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utp]f[p0] [ut] [se] [uts] [s0] [uts] [se]d[uts]a[s0] [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0]d[uts]a[pe] [ut] 0 [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0] [uts] [se]d[uts]a[s0] [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0]d[uts]a[pe] [ut] 0 [uts]d[tf] [uof] [wf] [uof] [tf]G[uof]d[wf] [uso]d[tf] [uof] [wh]G[uoh]G[tf] [uo] w [upo]a[se] [uts] [s0] [uts] [se]d[uts]a[s0] [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0]d[uts]a[pe] [ut] e pa[se] p f pa[se] f f|[tf]gfd[sr] sa[pe]||pa

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:06
    Angry Birds (Alternative)

    Ari Pulkkinen

  • [u][I][0wro] [u] [a] [u][I][0wro] [u] [a] [0wra][s][a][p][o] [o][I][0wru] [u][I][0wro] [u] [o][p][0wra] [u] [a][S][d][S][etu0d][S][d][S][d][f][d][S][0wra] [u][I][0wro] [u] [o][p][0wra] [u] [a][S][d][S][etud][S][d][S][d][f][d][S][0wra]

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:40
    Angry Birds

    Ari Pulkkinen

  • fff fff z zk | f f f f z zk | f G h Gf | h Gf G h Gf d | fff ffz zk | f f f f z zk | f G h Gf | h Gf G h Gf d | adfff adff | adff f a dff | fffhk klkjf | h | f | f | adff adff | f f d d adff | fffhk klkjf | h | f a apa a u aaa a | aaa a u aaa a | ppa s a a p o | opa s a a p o | aaa a u aaa a | oaa a a ddf a | upa s a a p o | I o | u | f | fff fff z zk | f f f f z zk | f G h Gf | h Gf G h Gf d | fff f f z zk | f f f f z zk | f G h Gf | h Gf G h Gf d | o o d a | apa o o d a | apa o o d a | apa | o o o u | o o d a | apa o o d a | apa o o d a | apa | f f | h | hG d | hG d a | hG d a p | h j k jh | k jh j k jh G | h j k jh | k jh j k jh G | h vC | o
    Level: 3
    Length: 02:20

    Maroon 5

  • [8f]|f|s||[4p]|p a s|p|
    [5d]| f d|s|[5a]|p|o||
    [8f]|f|s||[4p]|p a s|p|
    [5d]| f d|a|[8s]|||
    [4p]|s|[3o]|s|[5i] u i o u|t|
    [5y]|e e y|p|[5o]|y y o y o a
    [4p]|s|[3o]|s|[5i] u i o u|t|
    [5i] u i o u y u i [5y] e r t r|o|
    [8t] y u i o|s|[4p]|o i o||
    [5i]|u y u|t|[5y]| u y||
    [8t] y u i o|s|[4p]|o i o||
    [5i]|u y u|t|[5y]| o t||
    [7y] u y|y u y|[7y]|o|y||
    [8u] i u|u i u|[8u]|p|u||
    [0o] p o|o p o|[qo]|s|o|f|
    [wd]|p|a| p o|[wo]|[ep]|[ra]|
    [tf]||[es]||[qp]|p a s|p|
    [wd]| f d|s|[wa]|p|o||
    [tf]||[es]||[qp]|p a s|p|
    [wd]| f d|a|[ts]|||
    [4p]|s|[3o]|s|[5i] u i o u|t|
    [5y]|e e y|p|[5o]|y y o y o a
    [4p]|s|[3o]|s|[5i] u i o u|t|
    [5i] u i o u y u i [5y] e r t r|o|
    [8t] y u i o|s|[4p]|o i o||
    [5i]|u y u|t|[5y]| u y||
    [8t] y u i o|s|[4p]|o i o||
    [5i]|u y u|t|[5y]| o t||
    [7y] u y|y u y|[7y]|o|y||
    [8u] i u|u i u|[8u]|p|u||
    [0o] p o|o p o|[qo]|s|o|f|
    [wd]|p|a| p o|[wo]|[ep]|[ra]|
    [tf]||[es]||[qp]|p a s|p|
    [wd]| f d|s|[wa]|p|o||
    [tf]||[es]||[qp]|p a s|p|
    [wd]| f d|a|[ts]|||
    [qp]|s|[0o]|s|[wi] u i o u|t|
    [wy]|e e y|p|[wo]|y y o y o a
    [qp]|s|[0o]|s|[wi] u i o u|t|

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:40


  • I p a I I I II[ryp] aI | I I I II[ryp] aI II u | I II u | II I I II[ryp] aI | yIIIIIIIIp aI II u | I II u | Q r | T y | r r | T y | pppI | u | [ey]uII [eu] | a [auo] aa p [rup] uu | p pp p | oI I I II p yy TTr | a [auo] a a p [rup]u u | p p p po o I I I I Ip y[ey] TT[wr] | r r I Iu[wru] | [wry] y yTT re | I I I I p | y T r | r r I Iu[wru] | y y yTT re | I I I I [yp] | y T [wr] | r I Iu[wru] | [ruo] | oII uyTr | e | I I I I p a p d | f G | f d df[af] a a[auo] p p uu p pp p | oI I I II p yy TT r | a [auo] a a p [rup]u u | p p p po o I I I I Ip y[ey] TT[wr] | r r I Iu[wru] | [wry] y yTT re | I I I I p | y T r | r r I Iu[wru] | y y yTT re | I I I I [yp] | y T [wr] | [eyu] u [eyu] u I | r r | p a
    Level: 5
    Length: 02:00

    Rita Ora

  • e t u [ue860] uuu uuo pu|[ue860] uuu uuo pue uu[w975] y| |e uu[w975] y| |[ue860] uuu uuo pu|[ue860] uuu uuo pue uu[w975] y| |e uu[w975] y| |e|[r860] t| |e|[r860] t||[wo975]oou y| |[wt975]yuu y| |[q96] p p pp o|[yw975]y[w975] o o oo i i [wut850] [wut850] u u uo t t [tr] [e860]|||[q96] p p pp o|[yw975]y[w975] o o oo i i [wut850] [wut850] u u uo t t [tr] [qe864]| |e e u [uq9]yy| |t t t [wtr]rr| |[wu80] u u u [wto]|[trqe] e 6| |s s f [qf9]dd| |s s s [wsr]aa| |[wf80] f f f [wth]|[tqea] p 6| |9|[uqe]|[uq9] uu[u96]|[u64] uu[u75] u[u97] u[wu9] u[wro] p [wt]|[wt0] yo[t80]|[t85] yo[t86]|[r80] r [e0]|f|[qfe]|[qf9] ff[f96]|[f64] ff[f75] f[f97] f[wf9] f[wrh] j [wts]|[ws0] dh[s80]|[s85] dh[s86]|[a80] a [pe0]|[te]|[ue860] uuu uuo pu|[ue860] uuu uuo pue uu[w975] y| |e uu[w975] y| |[ue860] uuu uuo pu|[ue860] uuu uuo pue uu[w975] y| |e uu[w975] y| |e|[r860] t| |e|[r860] t||[wo975]oou y| |[wt975]yuu y| |[q96] p p pp o|[yw975]y[w975] o o oo i i [wut850] [wut850] u u uo t t [tr] [e860]|||[q96] p p pp o|[yw975]y[w975] o o oo i i [wut850] [wut850] u u uo t t [tr] [qe864]| |e e u [uq9]yy| |t t t [wtr]rr| |[wu80] u u u [wto]|[trqe] e 6| |s s f [qf9]dd| |s s s [wsr]aa| |[wf80] f f f [wth]|[tqea] p 6| |9|[uqe]|[uq9] uu[u96]|[u64] uu[u75] u[u97] u[wu9] u[wro] p [wt]|[wt0] yo[t80]|[t85] yo[t86]|[r80] r [e0]|f|[uqe]|[uq9] uu[u96]|[u64] uu[u75] u[u97] u[wu9] u[wro] p [wt]|[wt0] yo[t80]|[t85] yo[t86]|[r80] r [e0]|[te]|[q96] p p pp o|[yw975]y[w975] o o oo i i [wut850] [wut850] u u uo t t [tr] [e860]|||[q96] p p pp o|[yw975]y[w975] o o oo i i [wut850] [wut850] u u uo t t [tr] [qe864]| |e e u [uq9]yy| |t t t [wtr]rr| |[wu80] u u u [wto]|[trqe] e 6|||[uqe]|[uq9] uu[u96]|[u64] uu[u75] u[u97] u[wu9] u[wro] p [wt]|[wt0] yo[t80]|[t85] yo[t86]|[r80] r [e0]|f

    Level: 8
    Length: 02:58
    Anywhere (Expert)

    Rita Ora

  • 66| [ute6]| [ute6]| [ute6]| [ute7]| |y| | 2| [tqe92]| [tqe92]| [yqe92]| [ywr3]| [30]| r| [30] 66| [ute6]| [ute6]| [ute6]| [ute4]| [tie]| | [yrW%]| |r| t| [wr50]|||[qe84]||| [u6]fpasudspaufopusaufpsuadpsugpfua [u6]fpasudspaufopusaufpsuadpsugpfua [e6] u [y60]| [60]| [60] te4 y [u84]| [84]| [84]| [e5] u [y95]| [95]| [95] ty1 u [e80]| [80]| [t7]| [e60] [uo] [uo60]| [60]| [60] [ut][uo]4 [pi] [te84]| [84]| [84]| [e50] [uo] [uo95]| [95]| [95] yu3 e [y70]| [70]| [70]| [u6]fpasu[d6]spauf[o6]p[u6]s [a6]ufpsuadpsugpfua [60]uert0[y6]ter0u[w6]e[60]t [r6]0ue[t6]0ry[e6]t0i[e6]u0r[te60]ur[te60]| 60w[r6]wt[wr50]tw[95]| 5| [wr95] t [te40]ur[te40]| 4 t [u4]rw[30]| [93]| [yw30]| [wr30]| [tie2] o [toe2] i [tie2]| 2 r [wur3] i [wri3] u 3| [30]ut[we40]r0[w4]| 4| [we40]t0[w975]| [wr50]| [wur5]| [uro5]| [uso6]fa[uso6]| 6[u0][wo][ra6][wo][ts][yroa5][ts][wo][ywr95]| 5| [ra5] [ts] [usp4]fa[usp4]| 4 [ts] [uf4][ra][wo][wur30]| [ywr93]| [yoda3]| [yroa3]| [spig2] [oh] [oh2] [ig] [spig2]| 2 [ra] [uofa3] [ig] [ig3] [uofa] 3| [u30][uf][ts][utpe4][ra][u0][wo4]| 4| [utpe4][ts][u0][wuro5]| [wur5]| [wt50]| [wr95]| [u6]fpasudspaufopus[a81]u[f92]p[s81]uadpsug[p7]fua [u6]fpasudspaufopus[a30]u[qf4]p[s30]uadps[wu5]g[p81]f[u7]a [u6]fpasudspaufopusaufpsuadpsugpfua [u6][f6][p6][a6][s6][u6][d6][s6][p6][a6][u6][f6][o6][p6][u6][s6]6 [a6][u6][f6][p6][s6][u6][a6][d6][p6][s6][u6][g6][p6][f6][u6][a6]
    Level: 8
    Length: 02:30
    Apple Seed (Attack on Titan)

    Hiroyuki Sawano

  • 8|[0o] o [ws] s|a [0p]|[wo] o [ts] s|a
    [qp]|[eo] o [tp]|p|w|r|y||
    8|[0o] o [ws] s|a [0p]|[wo] o [ts] s|a
    [qp]|[eo] o [tp] o i|w|r|y||
    8|[0o] o [ws] s|a [0p]|[wo] o [ts] s|a
    [qp]|[eo] o [tp]|p|w|r|y||
    8|[0o] o [ws] s|a [0p]|[wo] o [ts] s|a
    [qp]|[eo] o [tp] o i|w|r|y||
    e|[ts] s [ug] g|f [wd]|[rs] s [yg] g|f
    [qd]|[es] s [ts] d d|E|i|p||
    8|[0o] o [ws] s|a [0p]|[wo] o [ts] s|a
    [qp]|[eo] o [ts] d s|w|r|y||
    [ts]|[us] d o s| r|[yf] g [of]|d|
    [es]|[ts] d i s| w|[rd] f [yd]||
    [ts]|[us] d o s| r|[yf] g [of]|d|
    [es]|[ts] d i s s|w s [rd] f [yd]||
    [tf]|[ug] f o g f|0 f [rf] g [yf] d|s
    e s [ts] d [us] a|s 9 f e d t s|d w|r|y||
    [ts]|[us] d o s| r|[yf] g [of]|d|
    [es]|[ts] d i s| w|[rd] f [yd]||
    [ts]|[us] d o s| r|[yf] g [of]|d|
    [es]|[ts] d i s s|w s [rd] f [yd]||
    [tf]|[ug] f o g f|0 f [rf] g [yf] d|s
    [es] s t d [us] a|s 9 s [es] f [td] d s d
    w|r|y||w|[rd] f [yd]| s [ts]

    Level: 4
    Length: 01:42
    Aquarela (Toquinho)


  • [a6]souasouasouasouasouasouasouasou [p4]otyiutepotyiutepotyiutepotyiute [skf]||| [a6]souasouasouasouasouasouasouasou [p4]otyiutepotyiutepotyiutepotyiute [i2]uetiuoyiuetiuoyiuetiuoyiuetiuoy [s7]auoporysauoporysauoporysauopory [utpea]66666 ee66666 ee66666 ee66666 e [sqpoif]88414 qq88414 qq88414 qq88414 q [utpea]66666a[se][he][a6][s6][h6][a6][s6]h[ea] [se]66666a[se][he][a6][s6][h6][a6][s6]h[ea] [qa][s8][o8][a4][s1][o4]a[sq][qo][a8][s8][o4][a1][s4] q [qa]88414 q[qp]88414 q [c9][x2][v2][z2][c2][x2]j[l9][c9][x2][v2][z2][c2][x2]j[l9] [c9][x2][v2][z2][c2][x2]j[l9][c9][x2][v2][z2][c2][x2]j[l9] [yrpoa]77777 rr77777 r r777[w7]e[r7]tyu[ro]p[ro]p[a7]s[d7]f[h7]j[h7]j[k7]lzx[vr]b e666[a6]6p[ue]e66666 e e6[a6][p6][a6]6s[ed]e6[s6][a6]66oe q884[o1]4p[tq]q88414 q q884[o1]4p[tq]q88414 q e666[a6]6p[ue]e66666 e e6[a6][p6][a6]6s[ed]e6[f6][h6]66je [sq]884[o1]4p[tq]q884[h1]4j[sq] q884[o1]4p[tq]q88414 q 92[g2][f2][g2]2f[g9]92[f2][p2]22 9 92[g2][f2][g2]2f[h9]92[g2][f2]22d9 [vr][h7][h7][v7][v7][h7]h[vr][vr][h7][h7][v7]77 r [vr][h7][h7][v7][v7][h7]h[vr][vr][h7][h7][v7]77 r
    Level: 8
    Length: 03:26
    Aquatic Ambience (Donkey Kong Country)

    The OneUps

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