03:27 -
[30]|r 3 [30]|[w7]W[e3] [30]|r [30] [t3]re [r6]E[e%] [30]|r 3 [30]|[w7]W[e3] [30]|r [30] [t3]r[E5]e[q%]Wr [p6]66 6|[p6] o [o81] i [i4]44 [i4]|[i4] u [i3] o [u6]66 [u6]|[u6] y [y81] e [e4]44 [e4]|[e4] 0 [30]|[p6]66 6|[p6] o [o81] i [i4]44 [i4]|[i4] u [i3] o [u6]66 [u6]|[u6] y [y81] e [e4]44 [e4]|[e4] 0 [30]|[u3] Opu Opu Op[a2]p[O3][i4][u3] Opu Opu Op[a6] [a%]s[ua3] Opu Opu Op[a2]p[O3][i4][u3] Opu Opu Op[a%] s [up6] 6 6[s3][a2][p1][yo5] 5 5[a2][p1][o7][ti4] 4 4[p6][o5][i4][ur3][i4][O%] [uO7][p1][a2] [up6] 6 6[s3][a2][p1][yo5] 5 5[a2][p1][o7][ti4] [pi6] [sp1] [sg4] [fa%]43 [ua0](7 [up6] 6 6[s3][a2][p1][yo5] 5 5[a2][p1][o7][ti4] 4 4[p6][o5][i4][ur3][i4][O%] [uO7][p1][a2] [up6] 6 6[s3][a2][p1][yo5] 5 5[a2][p1][o7][ti4] [pi6] [sp1] [sg4] [fa%]43 [ua7]^3 [p6]6[s6]s[s6] aa[pa6] [so] [od81] [pi] [pi4]4[s4]s[si4] aa[ia4] [uo] [oi3] [oa] [up6]6[s6]s[us6] aa[ua6] [ys] [yd81] [pe] [e4]4[s4]s[s4] pp[pe4] [u0]u[u30] I [p6]6[s6]s[s6] aa[pa6] [so] [od81] [pi] [pi4]4[s4]s[si4] aa[ia4] [uo] [oi3] [oa] [up6]6[s6]s[us6] aa[ua6] [ys] [yd81] [pe] [e4]4[s4]s[s4] pp[pe4] [u0]u[u30]|[30]|r 3 [30]|[w7]W[e3] [30]|r [30] [t3]re [r6]E[e%] [30]|r 3 [30]|[w7]W[e3] [30]|r [30] [t3]r[E5]e[q%]Wr [p6]66 6|[p6] o [o81] i [i4]44 [i4]|[i4] u [i3] o [u6]66 [u6]|[u6] y [y81] e [e4]44 [e4]|[e4] 0 [30]|[p6]66 6|[p6] o [o81] i [i4]44 [i4]|[i4] u [i3] o [u6]66 [u6]|[u6] y [y81] e [e4]44 [e4]|[e4] 0 [30]|[u3] Opu Opu Op[a2]p[O3][i4][u3] Opu Opu Op[a6] [a%]s[ua3] Opu Opu Op[a2]p[O3][i4][u3] Opu Opu Op[a%] s [up6] 6 6[s3][a2][p1][yo5] 5 5[a2][p1][o7][ti4] 4 4[p6][o5][i4][ur3][i4][O%] [uO7][p1][a2] [up6] 6 6[s3][a2][p1][yo5] 5 5[a2][p1][o7][ti4] [pi6] [sp1] [sg4] [fa%]43 [ua0](7 [up6] 6 6[s3][a2][p1][yo5] 5 5[a2][p1][o7][ti4] 4 4[p6][o5][i4][ur3][i4][O%] [uO7][p1][a2] [up6] 6 6[s3][a2][p1][yo5] 5 5[a2][p1][o7][ti4] [pi6] [sp1] [sg4] [fa%]43 [ua7]^3 [p6]6[s6]s[s6] aa[pa6] [so] [od81] [pi] [pi4]4[s4]s[si4] aa[ia4] [uo] [oi3] [oa] [up6]6[s6]s[us6] aa[ua6] [ys] [yd81] [pe] [e4]4[s4]s[s4] pp[pe4] [u0]u[u30] I [p6]6[s6]s[s6] aa[pa6] [so] [od81] [pi] [pi4]4[s4]s[si4] aa[ia4] [uo] [oi3] [oa] [up6]6[s6]s[us6] aa[ua6] [ys] [yd81] [pe] [e4]4[s4]s[s4] pp[pe4] [u0]u[u30]
About This Music Sheet
Witch Dagger (Night in the Woods) is a song by Alec Holowka. Use your computer keyboard to play Witch Dagger (Night in the Woods) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:27, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Witch Dagger (Night in the Woods) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Night In The Woods.
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Other Songs By Alec Holowka
[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry|w [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [o5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] u [y3] [t8]3 [73]|[53] [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [i5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] [u8] [y3] t37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5 [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry||[40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3|3 83 [73]|[53] [40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3 8 3 37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5 [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry|w [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [o5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] u [y3] [t8]3 [73]|[53] [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [i5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] [u8] [y3] t37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5 [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry||[40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3|3 83 [73]|[53] [40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3 8 3 37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5
Level: 5Length: 03:33IntermediateVideo Outpost Too (Night in the Woods)
Alec Holowka
[30]| |YuiIoO[p6]|6666| |[s6]| |[p6]| |6| |[s6]| |[p2] 3 1|[o6]| |[sp6]||6 [up2] 3 5|6| |[s6]||6 [p2] 3 5|[f3]| |[u30]|[u30]|[y92] [t81] [e6]|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[s6]|0e0[s6]|[f0] 8 [d5] s [wa] 9 [p4]|48i[qp]s[d9]|[yd] e [ws] a [wp] 0 [p6]|ewe[s6]|[fe] 0 [d5] s [wa] 9 [ype]|[te]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [s6]|0e0[s6]|[sf0] 8 [da5] [sp] [woa] 9 [pi4]|4[i8][qp][gd9]|[ygd] e [wsf] [da] [wsp] 0 [p6]|[ue][wo][pe][s6]|[se] 0 [a5] p [wo]|[p2]|[ye]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e60]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[e6]||yu[pe6]|e|[y92] [u30] [wo1]|[pe6]||yu[pe6]||[yw]6[oe][ts2] [ra3] 5[pe][wo][pe6]| |[60]|[pe]|[y92] [u30] [wo5]|[u30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[of4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[lh4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[uof4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[slh4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]1 t| |e| |[s6]| |[p6]| |6| |[s6]| |[p2] 3 1|[o6]| |[sp6]||6 [up2] 3 5|6| |[s6]||6 [p2] 3 5|[f3]| |[u30]|[u30]|[y92] [t81] [e6]|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[s6]|0e0[s6]|[f0] 8 [d5] s [wa] 9 [p4]|48i[qp]s[d9]|[yd] e [ws] a [wp] 0 [p6]|ewe[s6]|[fe] 0 [d5] s [wa] 9 [ype]|[te]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [s6]|0e0[s6]|[sf0] 8 [da5] [sp] [woa] 9 [pi4]|4[i8][qp][gd9]|[ygd] e [wsf] [da] [wsp] 0 [p6]|[ue][wo][pe][s6]|[se] 0 [a5] p [wo]|[p2]|[ye]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e60]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[e6]||yu[pe6]|e|[y92] [u30] [wo1]|[pe6]||yu[pe6]||[yw]6[oe][ts2] [ra3] 5[pe][wo][pe6]| |[60]|[pe]|[y92] [u30] [wo5]|[u30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[of4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[lh4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[uof4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[slh4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]1 [s6]| |[p6]|[s6]|p|h|[j6]|[f6]| |6|[d6]|[f6]66[o6]|[p6]|l|616[j6]|6|m| |b
Level: 6Length: 04:14IntermediateTitle (Night in the Woods)
Alec Holowka
[ype] d G j G j [yok] h d [ywra]| [tsf] [sof][gd][thf][gd][sof] [wda] [oda][sf][wgd][sf][oda] [tsf] [sof][gd][thf][gd][sof] [qpi] [usf] [yod] [ywo] [ut8] [wut][yi][uo8][yi][wut] [yr5] [ywr][ut][yi5][ut][ywr] [te6] [ut0] [yr5]|[wt][wt80]| 1
Level: 6Length: 00:14IntermediateThe Map Room (Night in the Woods)
Alec Holowka
4||4 $ 4 $|4||sgGl| |4||4 $ 4 $ % 44||tiIs| |1|v C l| |8888||1|v C l L b| |8888|$|4||4 $ 4 $|4||sgGl| |4||4 $ 4 $ % 44||tiIs| |[x1]|Z|g|G|z|L|f|g|x|Z|g|G|z|5555|5|[x1]|Z|g|G|z|L|f|g|x|Z|v|V|C|2222|2|4||4 $ 4 $|4||sgGl| |4||4 $ 4 $ % 44||tiIs| |1|v C l| |8888||1|v C l L b| |8888|$|4||4 $ 4 $|4||sgGl| |4||4 $ 4 $ % 44||tiIs| |[x1]|Z|g|G|z|L|f|g|x|Z|g|G|z|5555|5|[x1]|Z|g|G|z|L|f|g|x|Z|v|V|C|2222|2
Level: 4Length: 01:22EasyThe Historical Society (Night in the Woods)
Alec Holowka
[qe8] [sf]|[qe8][qe8][sf][qe8]|[sf] [ysfeI]||[ysfeI][yeI]|[wr9]|[sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [ws8] [to] [wrf] s[w8]s[to] [wrf] [tg]h[sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [yeIG] gf ds a|[95] 9 [sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [ws8] [to] [wrf] s[w8]s[to] [wrf] [tg]h[sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [yeIG] gf ds a|[95] 9 [u60] [s6] a [s6] d [s6] [a6] [s8] [u60] [s6] a [s6] d [s6] [a6] [s8] [u60] [s6] a [s6] d [s6] [a6] [s8] [u60] [s6] a [s6] d [s6] [a6] [o9] [sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [ws8] [to] [wrf] s[w8]s[to] [wrf] [tg]h[sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [yeIG] gf ds a|[95] 9 [sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [ws8] [to] [wrf] s[w8]s[to] [wrf] [tg]h[sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [yeIG] gf ds a|[95] 9 [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][qpi] [woa] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][woa] [qpi] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][qpi] [woa] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [tsf] [tsf] [raD][tsf] [raD] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][qpi] [woa] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][woa] [qpi] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][qpi] [woa] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [tsf] [tsf] [raD][tsf] [raD]
Level: 6Length: 01:05IntermediateRobot Builder (Night in the Woods)
Alec Holowka
p| f| p| f| p| f| p| f|
[4p]| f| p| f| p| f| p| f|
[6p]| f| p| f| p| f| p| f|
[4p]| f| p| f| p| f| p| f|
[1p] 1 [1f] 1 [1p] 1 [1f] 1 [7p] 7 [7f] 7 7| |
[68]0W| W 6 [6e]| e 6 [6r]| r 6 [6t]| t 6
[48]qW| W 4 [4e]| e 4 [4r]| r 4 [4t]| t 4
[18]0W| W 1 [1e]| e 1 [1r]| r 1 [1t]| t 1
[29]QW| W 2 [2e]| e 2 [2r]| r 2 [2t]| t 2
[68]0W| W 3 [6e]| e 36[6r]| r 36[6t]| t 3
[48]qW| W 1 [4qe]| e 48[4qr]| r 8[4q][4qt]| t 8
[18]0W| W 15[1e]| e 15[18r]| r 15[18t]| t 5
[79]QW| W $7[7e]| e [$7][$7][7r]| r [$7][$7][$7t]| [$7t]Level: 5Length: 01:18Intermediate28 Days Later Theme
John Murphy
p f s f p f s f i s p s i s p s [sx] h [fx] h [sx] h [fx] h [ok] d [ak] d [ok] d [ak] d [pl] f [sl] f [pl] f [sx] f [ib] s [pb] s [ib] s [pv] s [sx] h [fx] h [sx] h [fx] h [ok] d [ak] d p [fl] [sl] [fj] [pl] [fj] [sl] [fz] [ix] s [pl] [sl] [ih] [sx] p s s h f h s [hl] [fl] [hl] [ok] d a [dl] [ok] [dj] [al] d p [fl] [sl] [fj] [pl] [fj] [sl] [fz] [ix] s [pl] [sl] [iv] [sx] p s s h f h s [hl] [fl] [hz] o d a d o [dx] [ax] [dx] [elx] u [psl] u [el] u [pfx] u [qb] t [ijb] t [qb] [tx] [ihxv] [tx] [tx] o [sfx] o [tx] o [sfx] o [wk] y [oak] y [wk] [yx] [oakx] [yx] [elx] u [psl] u e l u z [pfz] [uz] x [qzb] [tl] [ijlb] t [qb] [tx] [ihxv] [tx] [tx] o [sfx] o [tx] [ol] l [sflx] [ol] z [wk] [yk] [oak] [yl] w y o a d h k z z v n x x x [6x] 0 [es] t s u f [tl] [qj] [th] [ij] p j [il] [hv] [tv] x [8f] w [tf] u f [tl] [fv] [wv] x [5a] 9 [wa] [rz] a [yx] [ax] [rx] [6x] 0 [es] t s [ul] [fl] [tj] c [qj] t [ij] p j i h [tv] [8fx] [wv] [tfx] [uv] [fx] [tv] [fx] [wz] c [5a] 9 [wa] [rj] [ac] y [ax] r [6sl] 0 [esl] t [fx] u [lm] [tkn] [qjb] t i [phj] c i [dzx] t [8fx] w [tfx] u [hv] [tgc] [fx] [dz] [wsl] [5ak] 9 [wak] [rh] [dzc] y [akx] r [6sl] 0 [esl] t [fx] u [lm] [tkn] [qjb] t i [phj] c i [dzv] t [8fx] w [tfx] u [hv] [tgc] [fx] [dz] [wsl] [5ak] 9 [wak] [rh] [slc] y [dx] s [pl] f [sl] f [pl] f [sl] f [il] s [pl] s [il] s [pl] s [sl] h [fl] h [sl] h [fl] h [ok] d [ak] d p [fl] [sl] [fj] [pl] [fj] [sl] [fz] [ix] s [pl] [sl] [ih] [sx] p s s h f h s [hl] [fl] [hl] [ok] d a [dl] [ok] [dj] [al] d p [fl] [sl] [fz] [pj] [fj] [sl] [fz] [ix] s p [sl] [iv] s x p s s h f h s [hl] [fl] [hz] o d a d o [dx] [ax] [dx] [el] j f [us] f j [sl] j f [us] f j [el] j f [us] f j [sl] j f [us] f j [ql] j g [ts] g j [sl] j g [ts] g j [ql] j g [ts] g j [sl] j g [ts] g j [tl] h f [os] f h [sl] h f [os] f h [tl] h f [os] f h [sl] h f [os] f h [wk] h d [ya] d h [ak] h d [ya] d h [wk] l v v x p [fl] [sv] [fv] x p [fl] [sv] [fv] z i [sl] [pl] [sl] i [sl] [pv] [sv] x s h f h s [hl] [fv] [hv] x [oz] d a d o d a d [el] u z [sl] u v [ex] u k [sl] u z [ql] t z [sl] t v [qx] t k [sl] t z [tl] o z [sl] o v [tx] o k [sl] o z [wl] y z [al] y v [wfx] y [fx] a [dz] [yfx] x x x [6x] 0 [ets] 0 [6s] 0 [euf] [0l] [qj] [th] [ipj] t [qj] [tl] [iohv] [tv] x [8f] w [tuf] w [8f] [wl] [tuv] [wv] x [wa] y [oa] [yz] [wa] [yx] [oax] [yx] [6x] 0 [ets] 0 [6s] [0l] [eufl] [0j] c [qj] t [ipj] t [qj] t [ioh] [tv] [8fx] [wv] [tufx] [wv] [8fx] [wv] [tufx] [wz] c [5a] 9 [wra] [9j] [5wc] [5w] [5x] 5 [6sl] 0 [etsl] 0 [6fx] 0 [6elm] [5wkn] [qjb] t [ip] [tgj] [qjlc] t [iphx] t [8fx] w [tufx] w [8hv] [wgc] [tufx] [dz] [wshl] [5adk] 9 [wra] [9h] [5gkc] 9 [wrkx] 9 [6sl] 0 [etsl] 0 [6fx] 0 [etlm] [0kn] [qjb] t [ip] [tgj] [qglc] t [iolv] t [8fx] w [tufx] w [8hv] [wgc] [tufx] [dz] [wshl] [5adk] 9 [wra] [9h] [5wkc] [5w] [5fkx] 5 [6sl] 0 [etsl] 0 [6sl] 0 [etfx] 0 [qjlb] t [ipjb] t [qjlb] t [iohv] t [8fx] w [tuhx] w [8fx] w [tuhx] w [5adk] 9 [wrak] 9 [5k] 9 [wj] rLevel: 6Length: 03:33Intermediate
Faded (Alternative)
Alan Walker
[i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [u8] e [t0] e [p0] e [p7] q 9 [qo] [i9] [qo] [p^] q [y9] q 9 q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [s8] e [p0] e [s0] e [d7] q 9 [sq] [d9] [sq] [d^] q 9 q 9 q [d9] e [sq] e [qd] e [p8] e [d0] e [f0] e [g7] q 9 [qf] [g9] [qh] [g^] q [d9] q 9 q [d9] e [qp] e [qd] e [s8] e [p0] e [o0] e [p7] q 9 [qo] [i9] [qo] [p^] q [y9] q 9 q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [u8] e [t0] e [p0] e [p7] q 9 [qo] [i9] [qo] [p^] q [y9] q 9 q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [s8] e [p0] e [s0] e [d7] q 9 [sq] [d9] [sq] [d^] q 9 q 9 q [d9] e [sq] e [qd] e [p8] e [d0] e [f0] e [g7] q [f9] q [g9] q [h^] q [g9] q [h9] q [j9] e q e q e [j8] e [h0] e [j0] e [j7] q [h9] q [j9] q [d^] q 9 q 9 q [G9] e Q [ed] [QG] [he] [j8] e [hQ] e [QG] e [G7] Q 9 [hQ] [G9] [hQ] [G6] Q [d9] Q 9 [QG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [d9] e [pQ] e Q [je] [j5] 9 [h7] 9 [G7] 9 [G9] e [dQ] e Q [eG] [G9] e Q [ed] [QG] [he] [j8] e [hQ] e [QG] e [G7] Q 9 [hQ] [G9] [hQ] [G6] Q [d9] Q 9 [QG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [d9] e [pQ] e Q [je] [j5] 9 [h7] 9 [G7] 9 [G9] e [dQ] e Q [eG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [G9] e [dQ] e [QG] e [f6] 0 * 0 * 0 6 0 * 0 * 0 [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [u8] e [t0] e [p0] e [p7] q 9 [qo] [i9] [qo] [p^] q [y9] q 9 q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [s8] e [p0] e [s0] e [d7] q 9 [sq] [d9] [sq] [d^] q 9 q [d9] q [d9] e [sq] e [qd] e [p8] e [d0] e [f0] e [g7] q 9 [qf] [g9] [qh] [j^] q [d9] q 9 [qj] [j9] e [qh] e [qj] e [j8] e [h0] e [j0] e [z7] q 9 [ql] [z9] [ql] [z^] q 9 q 9 q [G9] e Q [ed] [QG] [he] [j8] e [hQ] e [QG] e [G7] Q 9 [hQ] [G9] [hQ] [G6] Q [d9] Q 9 [QG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [G9] e [dQ] e Q [eG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [d9] e [pQ] e Q e [G9] e Q [fe] [QG] [he] [j8] [he] [QG] [fe] [QG] [he] [G7] [hQ] [G9] [hQ] [G9] [hQ] [G6] Q [d9] Q 9 [QG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [G9] e [dQ] e [dQ] [eG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [d9] e Q e Q [eG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [j9] e [QG] e [jQ] e [j6] 0 * 0 * 0 [j6] 0 * 0 * 0 [g9] e [qd] e [qj] e [f8] e [s0] e [j0] e [j7] q 9 [qh] [g9] [qh] [j^] q [d9] q 9 q [g9] e [qd] e [qj] e [l8] e [j0] e [l0] e [z7] q 9 [ql] [z9] [ql] [z^] q 9 q 9 q z| l| z| [j8] e [z0] e [x0] e [c7] q [x9] q [z9] q [z^] q 9 q 9 q 9 e q e q e [z8] e [l0] e [z0] e [z7] q 9 q 9 q [z^] q 9 q 9 q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [u8] e [t0] e [p0] e [i7] q 9 [uq] [y9] [uq] [i^] q [y9] q 9 q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [s8] e [p0] e [s0] e [d7] q 9 [sq] [d9] [sq] [d^] q 9 q 9 q [d9] e [sq] e [qd] e [p8] e [d0] e [f0] e [g7] q 9 [qf] [g9] [qh] [g^] q [d9] q 9 q [h9] e [qg] e [qh] e [j8] e [f0] e [j0] e [z7] q 9 [ql] [z9] [ql] [z^] q 9 q 9 q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [u8] e [tq] e [qp] e [p7] q 9 [qo] [i9] [qo] [p^] q [y9] q [a9] q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [s8] e [p0] e [s0] e [d7] q 9 [sq] [d9] [sq] [d^] q 9 q 9 q [d9] e [sq] e [qd] e [p8] e [d0] e [f0] e [g7] q [f9] q [d9] q [d^] q [p9] q 9 q [p9] e [qo] e [qp] e [u8] e [i0] e [o0] e [p7] q [o9] q [p9] q [y^] q 9 q 9 qLevel: 5Length: 03:57Intermediate
Brian Crain