Innovation and creativity is good
Virtual Piano was established in 2006 as the original online piano keyboard. Since then, it has been used by millions of students as a learning platform in educational institutions across the world. It has introduced children to the piano and ignited their passion for music. The platform has provided a stepping stone into the music industry for some of the great artists and producers trending today. It has been used as a tool in commercial music production as well as a solo instrument by individuals for recreation. The global picture of the 15-year use of Virtual Piano shows that it is certainly not just a virtual piano keyboard. Virtual Piano is a form of expression and communication between different cultures and regions of the world – crossing language, space and time.
The challenge of being first to market
Since its inception, Virtual Piano has been plagiarised more than 130 times and the majority of these violations have been prosecuted and shut down. Immitation is a form of flattery for the original author, however, it also causes loss/damage to the original works. For those doing the copying, it is unethical, illegal and widely considered as a form of theft. Virtual Piano encourages collaboration and the spread of knowledge and ideas with positive energy. However, plagiarism is strongly condemned and will be prosecuted without exception.
Clause 1.7 of Virtual Piano's T&C's clarifies what users must never do:
"1.7 You may, however, not modify, create or derive works from, participate in the transfer or sale of, post its code on the internet, or in any way exploit the Virtual Piano tool itself or any portion thereof for any public or commercial use without the express written permission of Virtual Piano (and its holding company, Crystal Magic Studio Ltd). You may, therefore, not create a physical or virtual presence (including websites, blogs, social media channels or any other property) on behalf of Virtual Piano or its community without the express written permission of Virtual Piano (and its holding company, Crystal Magic Studio Ltd)."

International Copyrights
Virtual Piano is an intellectual property of Crystal Magic Studio Ltd with international © copyrights of Virtual Piano and all of its related assets, registered in England & Wales under company #05476350. Virtual Piano is protected by The Berne Convention, the global authority on governing copyright. It is also protected by TRIPS (agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights), an agreement between all the member nations of the World Trade Organization (WTO). It is also protected by The WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT), Marrakesh Treaty, Universal Copyright Convention (UCC). is the best virtual piano as the most widely used piano application with more than 19 million users.
- From home screen Key Assist menu, turn ON Keyboard Keys, Highlight Keys (if you're using a computer, also turn ON Highlight Keyboard).
- You will see characters displayed on top of the piano keys that correspond to a computer keyboard's keys.
- Next, from the piano search box search for and select a super easy song like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Once loaded press Start Now.
- Press the keys highlighted in orange via your computer keyboard, one at a time. If you're using a mobile or tablet, you can press the highlighted piano keys directly.
- Continue playing and you will start to hear the melody of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Well done, you’re playing the piano online! You'll receive a score at the end for your rhythm and accuracy.
- Play this super easy song 3 times and write down your score for each attempt. Did you improve on your 3rd attempt? You're ready to go on an amazing musical adventure! Now try other easy songs and you'll quickly find it's the easiest way to learn to play the piano online!
It is easy to read the unique Virtual Piano music sheets, written in plain English alphabet. This means you don't necessarily need to spend years learning the traditional music notation. Instead, you can spend more time focusing on the music itself. All Virtual Piano music sheets are written and constantly refined by millions of people using a very few intuitive rules:
- [asdf] - Play notes together simultaneously
- [a s d f] - Play the sequence at fastest possible speed
- asdf - Play notes one after the other quickly
- a s d f - Play each note after a short pause
- [as] [df] - Play “as” together, short pause, then “df” together
- as|df - Pause for “|”
- as| df - Long pause for “|” with one extra space
- as | df - Longer pause for “|” with 2 extra spaces
- as| |df - Longest pause for 2 “|” with an extra space
- Paragraph Break - Extended pause
For more detail, see the How To Play page.
Yes, Virtual Piano is protected by international copyrights. Virtual Piano is an intellectual property of Crystal Magic Studio Ltd with international © copyrights of Virtual Piano and all of its related assets, registered in England & Wales under company #05476350. Virtual Piano is protected by The Berne Convention, the global authority on governing copyright. It is also protected by TRIPS (agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights), an agreement between all the member nations of the World Trade Organization (WTO). It is also protected by The WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT), Marrakesh Treaty, Universal Copyright Convention (UCC).