[yip] | s s s s d s [qet] p | [wtu] | o p P [ip] o i [yi] opp |
[qey] | s s s s d s [qet] s poi | [wtu] | o o p P p o i i |
i[yips]ssss s s pp | s[qet]ssss s s pp | i[wtuo] o o p P p o i i opp |
ii[yips]ssss s s pp | s[qet]ssss d s sp | i[wtuo] o o p P p o i i | gg h g g [yil] | j h [egy] h j [tji] | g [tg] h j g [tuh] | h g J j h g | d | gg g g l [yil] | j h [egy] h j [tji] | gg[sg] h j g [sfh] | s J j h g | s s s s d h [gey] | s s s [sip] p d s | s s s [ips] d h | f ds s s p d s |
s s s s s [dip] | [sip] | oi[tip] | o [tuo] p P p [tuo] i i opp | s [syi] s g f d [set] | s [eti] | o [tuo] p P p oid | poi | i[yips]ssss s s pp | s[qet]ssss d s sp | i[wtuo] o o p P p o i i opp | ii[yips]ssss s s pp | s[qet]ssss d s sp | i[wtuo] o o p P p o i i | gg h g g [yil] | j h [egy] h j [tji] | g [tg] h j g [tuh] | h g J j h g | d | gg g g l [yil] | j h [egy] h j [tji] | gg[sg] h j g [sfh] | s J j h g | s s s s d h [gey] | s s s [sip] p d s | s s s [ips] d h | f ds s s p d s | s s s s d h | g [ey] s s s [sip] p d s | s s s [sip] d h | [sfo] | d[suo] | s s p d s | s s p d s [ips] | g g h g g [yil] | j h g h j [tji] | g [tg] h j g [stuo] | h g J j h g | d | gg g g l [yil] | j h [egy] h j [tji] | gg[tg] h j g [thuo] | s J j h g | s s s s d h g
About This Music Sheet
Too Good At Goodbyes is a song by Sam Smith. Use your computer keyboard to play Too Good At Goodbyes music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:20, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Ecaterina. The song Too Good At Goodbyes is classified in the genres: UK, Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Sad, Break-Up Songs.
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Other Songs By Sam Smith
[48W]e t t e [60T] [60T]| [9qy]| |
[^qy]| |
[48W]e t t e [60T] [60T]| [9qy]| |
[^qy]| |
[48W]e t t e [60T] [60T]| [9qy]| |
[^qy]| |
[48W]e t e q [80t] [80t]| [48e]|||
[48]| |[60e] t y [9qt]
e wq [^9]| |
[48]||q [60e] t y [9qt]
e||[^9]| |
[48]||q [60e] t y [9qt]
e w q [^9]||qwe
[48]| qwe [18] q w [48q]|||
[48]||q [60e] t y [9q]t
e w [^9q]| |
[48]||q [60e] t y [9qt]
e||[^9]| |
[48]||q [60e] t y [9qt]
e w q [^9]||qwe
[48] qq w [18e] q w [48q]| |
[48tp]| 8 8 [60]| [60p] [60]o
[9q] y q q [9q]| [9qt] [9q]
[48ei] i [8i] [8i] [60eu] u [60u] [60i]u
[9qy]| q q [9q]| [9qt] [9q]
[48tp]| 8 8 [60]| [60p] [60yP]
[9q] [tp] q [Eqo] [9q] i [9q] [9qi]
[48p] s [8p] [8i] [E8yo] [E8yo] [48] [ei]
[48]| 8 [E8yi] 8| [8q]|
[48]||q [60e] t y [9qt]
e w q [^9]| |
[48]||q [60e] t y [9qt]
e w q [^9]| |
[48]||q [60e] t y [9qt]
e w q [^9]||qwe
[48]| t w[60] 0w [9q]| |
[48tp]| 8 8 [60]| [60p] [60]o
[9q] y q q [9q]| [9qt] [9q]
[48ei] i [8i] [8i] [60eu] u [60u] [60i]u
[9qy]| q q [9q]| [9qt] [9q]
[48tp]| 8 8 [60]| [60p] [60yP]
[9q] [tp] q [Eqo] [9q] i [9q] [9qi]
[48p] s [8p] [8i] [E8yo] [E8yo] [48] [ei]
[48]| 8 [E8yi] 8| [8q]|
[^q] [^q] [^qyp] [^qp] [^qp] [^qo] [^qi] [^qo]
[48y] [48i] [48] [48] [48] [48] [48] [48]
[60TP] [60p] [60p] [60p] [60p] [60]p[60] [60p]
[9qo]i[9qy] [9q] [9q] [80] [80] [80] [80]
[^q] [^qi] [^qp] [^qp] [^qp]o[^qo] [^qi] [^qo]
[48y] [48i] [48] [48] [48] [48] [48] [48i]
[E8yp] [8o] 8 [8i] [8p] [8o] [8i] [8p]
[E8yo] 8 8 8 8 8 [8i] 8
[48tp]| 8 8 [60]| [60p] [60]o
[9q] y q q [9q]| [9qt] [9q]
[48ei] i [8i] [8i] [60eu] u [60u] [60i]u
[9qy]| q q [9q]| [9qt] [9q]
[48tp]| 8 8 [60]| [60p] [60yP]
[9q] [tp] q [Eqo] [9q] i [9q] [9qi]
[48p] s [8p] [8i] [E8yo] [Eyo] [48] [ei]
[48]| 8 [E8yi] [E8yi]| [48i]|
[48tp]| 8 8 [60]| [60p] [60]o
[9q] y q q [9q]| [9qt] [9q]
[48ei] i [8i] [8i] [60eu] u [60u] [60i]u
[9qy]| q q [9q]| [9qt] [9q]
[48tp]| 8 8 [60]| [60p] [60yP]
[9q] [tp] q [Eqo] [9q] i [9q] [9qi]
[48p] s [8p] [8i] [E8yo] [Eyo] [48] [ei]
[48i] [48] [48] [48] [48] [48] [9q] [48i]
[48p] [48s] [48p] [48]i[60] [60u] [60]i[9q]y
[9qe] [9qw]q9 [^9] [^9] [^9] [^9] [^9i]
[48p] [48s] [48p] [48i] [60o] [60o] [60] [9qi]
[9q] [9q] 9 [^9] [^9] [^9] [^9] [^9s]s
[9qO]po[9qi]o[9p] [^9]i[^9] [^9y] [^9] [^9i]
[48p] [48s] [48p] [48i] [E6yo] [E6yo]| [48ei]Level: 6Length: 03:57IntermediateI’m Not The Only One (Sam Smith)
Sam Smith
u u u uo a |
u u u u o a |
pp p o p oy | aa |
u u u u oa |
u u u u o a |
pp p o p oy | aa |
u u u uo a |
u u u u o a |
pp p o p oy | aa
u u u u oa |
u u u u o a |
pp p o p oy | aa | o uLevel: 1Length: 01:30Super EasyPromises
Sam Smith
G f | dfdf d | G f | dfdf G |
G f | dfdf d |
aaaaaaa jjf j G ff dfdf a |
f d | dfdf G |
G f | dfdf d |
aaaaaaj | jjf j Gfd |
Gfd Gfd Gfd f |
Gfd Gfd Gfd f |
Gfd Gfd Gfd faaaaaj jjf j GfdLevel: 1Length: 01:30Super EasyMy Oasis
Sam Smith
Df f f DfD aS |
S S S aS a I I |
aS D | Dff f DfD aSa |
S S S aS a I IO |
O O IIIO O O II aa |
S S DDDLevel: 1Length: 01:00Super EasyHow Do You Sleep
Sam Smith
[860]|w w w w e w [853] 8| |[752]|9 0 q 0 9 8 [8642]|090| |[860]|w w w w e w [853] w 98| |[752] 9 9 0 q 0 9 8 [8642]|||w[w860]wwww w w 00|w[850]wwww w w 00|8[9752] 9 9 0 q 0 9 8 [8642]|090| |88[w860]wwww w w 00|w[850]wwww e w w8|8[9752] 9 9 0 q 0 9 8 [8642]||tt y t t [utoe63]|u y t y u|[wut851]||t t y u t [ywr52]|y y i u y t [q962] e|tt t t o [utoe63]|u y t y u u[wt851]||ttt y u t [ywr52]||y i u y t [q962] w w w w e y t 6 [uto3] [uto6] [uto7] [uto8] [ute7] [ypi6] [uto3] 1 [w5] [w8] [w9] [w0] [e9] [y8] 5r[w5] [yro2] [yro5] [yro6] [yro7] [wut6] [utp5] [wut2] 2 6 [t9]t0 q p y we6 o [o860] o o [o6] [p860] o 1 t [y850]u|1 [850]|5 y [y975] u i [u5] [y975] t 2 uy[u964] yt 2 [964]|6 o [o860] o s [a6] [p860] o [p1] o [t850]||1 [850]|5 y [y975] u i [u5] [y975] p 2yuy[t964]yt|2 [964] o[o6]ooo[o860] o o [u6]u[860] o1ooo[o850] p o [o1]t[850] t[y5] y [y975] u i [u5] [y975] t [t2]|[u964]yu|2 [964] tt[o6]ooo[o860] o o [u6]u[860] o1ooo[o850] p o [o1]t[850] t[y5] y [y975] u i [u5] [y975] t [t2]|[964] ss d s s [uthe]|f d s d f f[wut]||s s d f s [ywrd]|d d g f d s [yie] p|tt t t o [o860]|[u6] y t y u u [850]|1 ttt y u t [y975]|5 y i u y t [q96] w [w2] w w e yt [t6] [uto3] [uto6] [uto7] [uto8] [ute7] [ypi6] [uto3] 1 [w5] [w8] [w9] [w0] [e9] [y8] 5r[w5] [yro2] [yro5] [yro6] [yro7] [wut6] [utp5] [wut2] 2 [w6] [w9] [w0] [wq] [e0] [y9] [t6] 6 [uto3] [uto6] [uto7] [uto8] [ute7] [ypi6] [uto3] 1 [w5] [w8] [w9] [w0] [e9] [y8] 5r[w5] [yro2] [yro5] [yro6] [yro7] [wut6] [utp5] [wut2] 2 6te[w9]e[w0] [qe] 0 9 6 6 [uto3] [uto6] [uto7] [uto8] [ute7] [ypi6] [uto3] 1 [w5] 8w9 [t0] [r9] [e8]re[w5] 5 [yro2] [yro5] [yro6] [yro7] [wut6] [utp5] [wut2] 2 6 9 [e0] q 0 9 6 6 [uto3] [uto6] [uto7] [uto8] [ute7] [ypi6] [uto3] 1 5 [p8] [o9] 0 9 [u8]t[y5] 5 [yro2] [yro5] [yro6] [yro7] [wut6] [utp5] [wut2] 2 6 9 [t0] [tq] [y0] [t9] [t6] [o860]|u y t y u u[850]||t t y u t [y975]|y y i u y t [q96] e|tt t t o [o860]|u y t y u u [850]||ttt y u t [y975]||y i u y t [q96] w w w w e yt [t8630]
Level: 8Length: 03:31ExpertToo Good at Goodbyes (Expert)
Sam Smith
[tsofd] h l| | [yodPJ] h d| | [tsofd] h l k z l j k [yohdP]| |d| | [of8] h [usol]|[yuo]|[uto]| [dJ5] h [yodE]|[yeE]|[ywE] sd [s%]|[tYE]|[tYWD] d [s%] d [s4]|[wtW]|[tqW]|4| [us1] w t y u t r y t w q w 0 w [s8] [d7] [f6] 0 t e u 0 [tfe] g [h5] 0 r w u 0 [wrjg] [kh] [lj4] 8 [jge] q t 8 [ged] q [hf8][jg][whf] y w u w [to] u [r0] Q w r [ukha] Q w r [jaG0] Q w r [uhfa] Q [wp] [ro] [te4] 8 0 e [spji] w e t [sqph] w e t [spig] w [oe] [ut] [r0] Q w r [ua]hzQ w r [p0]flQ w r [ukhd] 0 [rpI] [oa] [sp4] 8 q w e t ios| | [ysqlj]|[wuskh]|[sjige]| [tsohf]|8 w [ysof] w u| q t [slji] t [uskh] t [slji]| [wukfa]|3 [xhf7] [xwhf] 0 r u 6 q [tslf] q [uskh] q [sjig]| [ysihe] 9 0 q [ed] t i s [spi5]|7|[ywa]|d f [pg4] [of] [id] [sp]|8 q e t i p s [tpgd9] [tsof0] [ysqpi] d [si1] 5 8 w [t0]| | l|k|j| [yspih]| |[uoda]||df [pig] f d s| | [yi] m b v [pc] l j g [tsof] h l| | [yodPJ] h d| | [tsofd] h l k z l j k [yohP]| |d|5| [of0] [wh] [utsl] w [yt] w [ut] w [dJ5] [h9] [wodE] 9 [we] 9 [wE] [s9]d [s%] ( [YW] E [tOD] [dE] [sW] d [s4] 8 w W [to] W [yi]| [us1] 5 [uh]dwf[ts]a0o[wp]u0p [o0]yutrwe0w[us8]wd7 [sf6]0truetru[sfe]t[gd]0 [hf5]0truwtru[jge]t[kh]0 [slj4]8e[wsjg]tqewt[qpgd]e8 [hf1][jg][hf8] wtyuwy[to]wu8 [wr3]70wQw[rkha]Qw0w7 [jaG3]70wQw[rhfa]Qw[p0]wo7 [te4]8q[oe]swfeg[th]lwxev[qc]xel8h [g4]f8sqf[ed]fd[wo][ed][ts]we[sqph]ef8 [uo3]70wQw[ra]hzQw0w7 [p3]gl70wQw[rkhd]Qw[pjd0]w[kha]7 [slj4]8qwet[ro]tio[tp][si] [sg5]|[sljg]|[khda]|[wspjg]| [sohf1]5890q[utsof]w0w08 48w[slje]q8[srkh]w8[tsjg]e8 [khfa3]70wr[xkhf]u[xokhf]urw07 48w[slje]q8[srkh]w8[tsjg]e8 [sph2]690qe[ypid]eyuip [spi5]9qeti[yoa5]|d f [pg3]8fq[wd]est||psghl| | [tpgd9] [tsof0] [ysqpi] d [us1] 5 890wty[uo]| | lsfksfjsf yipsh||[uod]||df [spig] [xl] [zk] [lj]| | [tie9]| |[ytqp5]|5| [us1] 5 [y0]tw| | 1Level: 7Length: 04:10Intermediate
Aerith’s Theme (Final Fantasy)
Nobuo Uematsu
6 0 e r T r e 0 9 Q T u T e |
6 0 e r T r e 0 9 Q T u T e |
O 0 e r T r [pe] 0 I Q T u T e |
u I O 0 e r T r [ea] S 9 [QI] T u T e |
S f [h5] 7 9 [GQ] [ed] Q [9p] [7a] 5 7 9 Q e |
[h5] 7 G Q [ed] Q [9p] [7a] 5 7 9 Q e |
p [6u] 0 e r T r e 0 6 0 e r T |
u p S | [7yd] 9 Q S p [uf] [IG] 7 [9yd] Q e T |
p S [5d] 7 S d e G S | r e |
[3r] % 7 0 W 0 7 % |
3 % 7 0 W 0 6 5 7 9 Q e Q 9 7 6 ( 0 e T r e 0 |
3 % 7 0 W 3 % 7 0 WLevel: 5Length: 01:18IntermediateWet Hands (Minecraft)
6 [ute]|[ute] 6 [ute] 3 [ute] 3 [wur]|[wur] 3 [wur] 7 [wur] 2 [yqe]|[yqe] 2 [yqe] 6 [yqe] 5 [ywr]|[ywr] % [yrW] 3 [yrW] 6 [ute]|[ute] 6 [ute] 3 [ute] 5 [wut]|[wut] 5 [wut] 2 [wut] $ [teQ]|[teQ] $ [teQ] 2 [teQ] 4 [ute] 1 [ute] % [urW] 3 [urW] [a6] [t0]|[tp0] [a6] [t0] 6 [tp0] [u0] [wr]|[ywr] [u0] [wr] 7 [wur]i [o9] [qe]|[qie] [o9] [qe] 6 [qie] [y5] [r9]|[tr9] [y%] [W7] 3 [uW7]y [t6] [e0] u [t0] [a6] [t0] [s6] [t0] [d5] [t0] p [t0] [a5] [t0] [s9] [t0] [fQ] [te]|[te] Q [te] 9 [ted]s [qf] [te] 8 [ted]s[fW] [yr] 0 [yr] [a6] [t0]|[tp0] [a6] [t0] 6 [tp0] [u0] [wr]|[ywr] [u0] [wr] 7 [wur]i [o9] [qe]|[qpe] [o9] [qie] [u6] [qie] [y5] [wt9] y [wu9] [y%] [W7] 3 [uW7]y [t6] [e0] u [t0] [a6] [t0] [s6] [t0] [d5] [t0] p [t0] [a5] [t0] [s9] [t0] [fQ] [te]|[te] Q [te] 9 [tje]k [qlf] [te] 8 [tke]j[dWH] [yr] 0 [yr] [skf6] t 0 [tj] [skf6] t 0 [tj] [ofa0] r w [rd] [ofa0] r w [rf]g [phd9] e q [ge] [phd9] e q [ge] [oda5] r 9 [sr] [daO%] r 0 [rf]d [sp6] t [f0] t [skf6] t [l0] t [zhf5] t [j0] t [khf5] t [l0] t [xjG$] t 0 t $ t 0 [tj]k[ljf4] e 8 [ke]j[fdH3] W 7 W 6 t 0 t 6 [tl] [x0] [tm] [vn0]mnr w [xrb] [vn0] r w [rn]m [zc9] e q [xme] [zn9] [leb] [vqk] [leb] [vk5]bv[rc] [x9] [zr] [x%] [rV] [n0] [zr] [xb6] [tj] [mb0] [xt] [zn6] [xt] [xm0] [xt] [vn5]mnt 0 [tcb] [xv5] [ztc] [xl0] [ztc] [lb$] t 0 t $ t 0 [tb]n[xm4] e 8 [ne]b[zV3] W 7 W 9 [qe] u [qie] [p9] [qie] [u6] [qie] [s9] [qie] u [qie] [s9] [qea]sa[p6] [qea] [s6] [t0]|[t0] [f6] [tdQ]fd[s3] [tdQ] [f6] [vt0] CvC[zt0] [x6] [tQ] [b3] [tQ] 9 [qe] u [qie] [p9] [qie] [u6] [qie] [sf9] [qie] u [qie] [sf9] [qed]fd[s6] [qed] [sf6] [t0]|[xtl0][zc][xv6] [xvt0] [zv3] [zvt0] [vl6] [t0] k [t0] [jb6]|[nk5]| 9 [qe] u [qie] [p9] [qie] [u6] [qie] [s9] [qie] u [qie] [s9] [qea]sa[p6] [qea] [s6] [t0]|[t0] [f6] [tdQ]fd[s3] [tdQ] [f6] [vt0] CvC[zt0] [x6] [tQ] [b3] [tQ] 9 [qe] u [qie] [p9] [qie] [u6] [qie] [sf9] [qie] u [qie] [sf9] [qed]fd[s6] [qed] [sf6] [t0]|[xtl0][zc][xv6] [xvt0] [zv3] [zvt0] [vl6] [t0] k [t0] [sj6]|[kd5]| [lj4] [e8]|[e8] [lj4] [ke8]lk[j4] [ke8] [lH4] [W8]|[W8] [lH4] [kW8]lkj [kW8] [lh3] [w8]|[wk8] [hd3] [W7] 3 [gW7] [sf6] [e0]|[ed0] [s6] [ed0] [f6] [ge0] [hf9] [qhfe] [hd] [qhed] [sh9] [qe] [s9] [qfe] [da0] [wrda] [pd] [wrpd] [od0] [wr] [xl0] [zwrk] [qlj] [te]|[te] q [te] [qh] [te] [xol] [sfa] c [sfa] [zkO] [sfa] [lO] [sfa] 6 [t0]|[t0] 6 [t0] 3 [80] 6Level: 6Length: 02:13Intermediate
Scarlet Forest (Deltarune)
Toby Fox