Stephen Schwartz

3 Music Sheets

About the Artist

Stephen Lawrence Schwartz is an American musical theatre composer and lyricist. In a career spanning over five decades, Schwartz has written hit musicals such as Godspell, Pippin, and Wicked.

Credit: Wikipedia

Artist's Music Sheets

  • OO D S|| iO|| T| i| YY|
    OO D S|| iO|| S| i| YY|
    T I i Y TT|

    Level: 2
    Length: 00:16
    Defying Gravity (Wicked)

    Stephen Schwartz

  • 3 7 0 Q e y Q w 3 8 0 w t o w|
    3 7 0 Q e y Q w 3 8 0 w t o w|
    6 0 [ua] [yp] [ua] 0 6 [to]
    [4ua] [8yp] q 8 [4e] y e r
    6 0 [ua] [yp] [ua] 0 6 [os]
    [4od] 8 [qpf] w [eup] [wy] [qu] y
    [5yo] 9 [od] [us] [od] y [5o] s
    [9id] e [yp] e [4tp] 8 [qus]|
    [6yua] 0 w w e y e r
    6 [0t] [eua] [ryp] [tua] r e [0to]
    [4ua] [8yp] q 8 [4e] y e r
    6 0 [eua] [ryp] [tua] r [es] [od]
    4 8 [qpf] w [eup] [wy] [qu] y
    [5yo] 9 [od] [us] [9od] y [us] [id]
    9 e p [tup] 4 8 [qus] e
    [I3ypd] 7 0 Q e y I p

    Level: 7
    Length: 00:43
    No One Mourns The Wicked (Wicked)

    Stephen Schwartz

  • [tus] t t [tid] t t t t [tiod] t t t t [ta] t [to]
    [tus] t t [tid] t t t t [tiod] t t t t a|o
    [80] t|t [qt]|t|[wt] y| q r|w
    [80] t|t [qt]|y|[wy]||q r|w
    [80] t t t [7t]|y|[6wu] o| 0|u o
    [9qp] o|s| u|[5q]|[to] [5qto]| u y
    [80t]|t|[qt] t| [wt] y| q [ru]|y
    [80t]| t u|o|[0rp] o| w|u o
    [Eqyp]|P P|p|o [wtus]||[wt]|u o
    [Eqyp] P|P| p|[wtyp] o o|r| o
    [eos] s s [9is]|a|p [7yo] p o [0tu]| t|
    [eos] s s [9is]|a|p [wtyo]| [wr]| i|
    [8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[Eqt]| t [ei] u t|
    [80w]| [9q]||[5q]| [5q] g f s|
    [80o]| [9q]||[5q]| [5q] g f s|
    [80] t|t [9qt]|t|[5qt] y|[5q]|r|w
    [80] u|o [9qt]|y|[5qy]| [5q]|r|w
    [80] w t t [7t]|y|[6wu] o| 0||
    [9qp] o|s| u|[5qy]| [5qto]| u y
    [80t] t|t [9qt]|y|[5qy] t|[5q]| Y y
    [80y] t|[7wt]| u|[0wyo]| [0w]||o
    [^qyp] P|P|P|p [8wyp]|o|q t [0t] t
    [^qyp] P|P| p|[5qto]| s a o o|
    [6os] s s [9is]||[7ya] p o [0to]||
    [6os] s s [9is]|i p|[5qto]| [5q]| [ri]|
    [8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[Eqt]| t [ei] u t|
    [WT6u]||T|u [TO]||u|
    [9TI] I I [eI] O I [r*I] u u|W| u
    [9TI]|O p e O|I [r*I] u u|W||
    [qup] a s s|a|p [0yp] a|o||
    [9t] p a s|a|p [0yp] o o| o|o
    [EY8o] p|[y(EP]|p|o [Eqto]|p [E9ti]| i|
    [EY8o] p|[y(EP]|p|o [Eqt] o p [E9ti]| i|
    [*WTi] o|O|o|i [8wtu]||t
    [^WTi]| o O|i|[8wio]|s|u|s|
    [eos] s s [9is]|a|p [7yo] p o [0tu]||
    [eos] s s [9is]|a|p [wtyo]| [wr]| [ri]|
    [8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[Eqt]| t [ei] u t|
    [6wt]| [9q]||[5qty] [ty] [ty] [5qry]||
    [8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[4tp]| t i u t

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:49
    The Wizard And I (Wicked)

    Stephen Schwartz


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