gsP ghHhghS soPoOio
gsP ghHhghS soPoOio
hHg sPs hHl lJp hHL LlL HhS Hhs
hHg sPs hHl lJp hHL LlL HhS Hhs
HhH sPs HhH HhH sPs HhH
HhH sPs HhH HhH sPs HhH
HhH sPs HhH HhH sPs HhH
HhH sPs HhH HhH sPs HhH
gsP ghHhghS soPoOio
gsP ghHhghS soPoOio
hHg sPs hHl lJp hHL LlL HhS Hhs
hHg sPs hHl lJp hHL LlL HhS Hhs
HhH sPs HhH HhH sPs HhH
HhH sPs HhH HhH sPs HhH
HhH sPs HhH HhH sPs HhH
HhH sPs HhH HhH sPs HhH
About This Music Sheet
30 Minutes is a song by t.A.T.u.. Use your computer keyboard to play 30 Minutes music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song 30 Minutes is classified in the genres: Pop, Electronica on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Russia.
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Other Songs By t.A.T.u.
p j l k o h k l s h l z i h z x p j x z o h k l s h l z i k l z [xp] j l k o h k l s h l z i h z x p j x z o x z l s 8|s s [a9] a s o 0| |q a s o 8||p [o7] o y u 6||y[y5] u y t 8|s s [a9] a s o 0||o[qO] P O o 8| |[y7] [u7] y [t6] 6 0 [se] 0 [s4] [d8] q [f8] 8 w t [wd] [d5] [f9] [wd] [s9] 6 0 [se] 0 [s4] [d8] q [f8] 8 [wf] [td] [ws] [d5] [f9] [wd] [s9] 6 [s0] [se] [s0] [s4] [a8] [qp] [o8] 8 [wf] [td] [ws] [d5] [f9] [wd] [s6]|| [s6]|[s5] [a5]|[s4] 8|s s [a9] a s o 0||y[yq] u y t 8|p p [o7] o y u 6||y[y5] u y t 8|s s [a9] a s d 0 s|s[qd] [fa] [dO] [so] 8|f|[d7] [d7]|[s6] 6 0 [se] 0 [s4] [d8] q [f8] 8 w t [wd] [d5] [f9] [wd] [s9] 6 0 [se] 0 [s4] [d8] q [f8] 8 [wf] [td] [ws] [d5] [f9] [wd] [s9] 6 [s0] [se] [s0] [s4] [a8] [qp] [o8] 8 [wf] [td] [ws] [d5] [f9] [wd] [s6]|| [s6]|[s5] [a5]|[s4]| | h j k [le6] j l k [w5] h k l [t8] h l z [q4] h z x [e6] j x z [w5] h [rk7] l [t8] h h g [qg4] h j k [le6] j l k [w5] h k l [t8] h l z [q4] h z x [e6] j x z [w5] h k l [t8]|sfhklhfdsoy t|s s [ya] a s o u a o a i a s o t|p p [ro] o y u e t u py[yo] u y t 8|s s [a9] a s d 0 s|s[qd] f d s 8|f|[d7] [d7]|[s6]| 0 [se] 0 [s4] [d8] q [f8] 8 w t [wd] [d5] [f9] [wd] [s9] 6 0 [se] 0 [s4] [d8] q [f8] 8 w [tf]|[f7] g r h 6 0 [se] 0 [s4] [d8] q [f8] 8 [wf] [td] [ws] [d5] [f9] [wd] [s6]|| [s6]|[s5] [a5]|[s6]| 0 [se] 0 [s4] [d8] q [f8] 8 w t [wd] [d5] [f9] [wd] [s9] 6 0 [se] 0 [s4] [d8] q [f8] 8 w [tf]|[f7] g r h 6 [s0] [se] [s0] [s4] [a8] [qp] [o8] 8 [wf] [td] [ws] [d5] [f9] [wd] [s6] [qe] t u o p| | e|s|s a|[sj]k [le6] j l k [w5] h k l [t8] h l z [q4] h z x [e6] j x z [w5] h [rk7] l [t8] h h g [qg4] h j k [le6] j l k [w5] h k l [t8] h l z [q4] h z x [e6] j x z [w5] h [rk7] l [t8]|sfhklhfdsoy[t8]Level: 5Length: 03:25Intermediate
8 0 w r e|w 0 9 q e t r|
e q 8 [0l] [wk] [rj] [eh] g [wh] 0 9 q e t r|e q
[9qe]|y u [9qwo] i u y [80wu]||[80w]||
[9qe]|y u [9qwo] i u y [80wu]||[80w]||
[9qe]|i o [9qwa] p o p [80wu] t u a [680p]||
[9qe]|y u [9qwo] i y u [80wt]||[80w]||
[9qe]|y u [9qwo] i u y [80wu]||[80w]||
[9qe]|y u [9qwo] i u y [80wu]||[80w]||
[9qe]|i o [9qwa] p o p [80wu] t u a [680p]||
[9qe]|y u [9qwo] i y u [80wt]||[80w]||
[^59o] o p p [^*5o] o p p [468u]||[468y]|| [^59o] o p p [^*5o] o p p [468t]||[468]||
[680p] p a a [689p] p a a [579I]||[^*5u]||
[680p] p a a [689p] p a a [W9qo]||[9qW]Level: 6Length: 00:55IntermediateLa Madrague (Brigitte Bardot)
Brigitte Bardot
[u860] y|u y|[wu97] y [yw80] t|p o u y t [yqe8]uu|p o u y t [yqe8]uu|t|ttt y [t860]||ttt t [wt97] y [wr80]||ooouuuyy[yqe8]ttttet e t y [qe8] t| |tt[wt97] y [t860]||ttt t [wt97] y [wr80]||ooouuuyy[yqe8]ttttet e t y [qe8] t| |[w97] o [p860] o[p860] o[p860] o [w97]|[w80]|[w80] o [wp80] a [wp80] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[qpe8] a [qpe8] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[tqe8]|[w97] o [p860] o[p860] o [p860] o [w97]|[w80]|[w80] o [wp80] a [wp80] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[qpe8] a [qpe8] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[tqe8]| |6 [t80] [t80] [t80] [y97]5 [u6] 1 [t85] [t85] [t85] [wo8]5 [u0] 4 [tq8] [tq8] [tqp8] a[q9][p5] [o0] [u4] [q8] y[q8] [tq8] [rq8]5 [w0] [u6] [y80] [80]u [y80] [97][u5] [y6] [y1] [t85] [85]p [o85] u[w8][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]p [qo8] u[q9][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]t [q8] t[tq8][t5] [y0] [t6]||ttt [t7] t y [r81]||ooouu[u30]yy[yq4]ttttet e [tq4] y [q4] t| |tt[t5] y [t6]||ttt [t7] t y [t81]||ooouu[u30]yy[yq4]ttttet e [tq4] y [q4] t| |[w5] w [p860] o[p860] o[p860] o [w97]|[w80]|[w80] o [wp80] a [wp80] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[qpe8] a [qpe8] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[tqe8]|[w97] o [p860] o[p860] o [p860] o [w97]|[w80]|[w80] o [wp80] a [wp80] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[qpe8] a [qpe8] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[tqe8]| |6 [t80] [t80] [t80] [y97]5 [u6] 1 [t85] [t85] [t85] [wo8]5 [u0] 4 [tq8] [tq8] [tqp8] a[q9][p5] [o0] [u4] [q8] y[q8] [tq8] [rq8]5 [w0] [u6] [y80] [80]u [y80] [97][u5] [y6] [y1] [t85] [85]p [o85] u[w8][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]p [qo8] u[q9][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]t [q8] [pe][q8][ra5]|[tsqe8]|p| |[yd]|[wra80] papo||[ts] [ts] [wuf97]||d [yd] fd|[ts860] p||[w97] [pe] [ra]|[tsqe8]|p| |[yd]|[wra80] papo||[ts] [ts] [wuf97]||d [yd] fd|s p| |[u6] [y80] 6 [u80] [y6] [80] [u6] [y80] [y8] [wt0] 8 [wp0] [o8] [wu0] [y8] [wt0] [y4]u[uq8] 4 [qp8] [o4] [uq8] [y4] [tq8] [y4]u[yq8] 4 [tq8] 4 [q8] 5 [97] [u6] [y80] 6 [u80] [y6] [80] [u6] [y80] [y8] [wt0] 8 [wp0] [o8] [wu0] [y8] [wt0] [y4]u[uq8] 4 [qp8] [o4] [uq8] [y4] [tq8] [y4]u[yq8] 4 [tq8] 4 [q8] 5 [a97] [p6] [o80] [p6] [o80] [p6] [o80] 7 [w9] 8 [w0] 8 [wo0] [p8] [wa0] [p8] [wo0] [u4] [q8] [y4] [q8] [p4] [qa8] [p4] [qo8] [u4] [q8] [y4] [q8] [t4] [q8] 5 [o97] [p6] [o80] [p6] [o80] [p6] [o80] 7 [w9] 8 [w0] 8 [wo0] [p8] [wa0] [p8] [wo0] [u4] [q8] [y4] [q8] [p4] [qa8] [p4] [qo8] [u4] [q8] [y4] [q8] t| |6 [t80] [t80] [t80] [y97]5 [u6] 1 [t85] [t85] [t85] [wo8]5 [u0] 4 [tq8] [tq8] [tqp8] a[q9][p5] [o0] [u4] [q8] y[q8] [tq8] [rq8]5 [w0] [u6] [y80] [80]u [y80] [97][u5] [y6] [y1] [t85] [85]p [o85] u[w8][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]p [qo8] u[q9][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]t [q8] [pe][q8][ra5]|[ts860]|p| |[ywd97]|[wra80] papo||[ts] [ts] [uqfe8]||d [yd] fd|[tsqe8] p
Level: 7Length: 03:31IntermediateHappier (Alternative)
18181818181818181818181818181818[t1]8[s1][s8][s1]8[s1]8[s1]8[s1][s8][s1]8[s1]8[s1]8[s1][s8][s1]8[s1]8[s1]8[s1][s8][s1]8[s1]8[t1]8[o1]8[Y1]8[s1]8[t1]8[o1]8[Y1]8[s1]8[t1]8[o1]8[Y1][o8][s1]8[t1]8[o1]8[Y1][o8][s1]8[t1]8[o1]8[Y1][o8][s1]8[w5]5[y5]5[t5]5[o5]5[y2]9[s2]9[d2]9[D2]9[d@]([s@]([o@]([y@]([t1][Y8][o1]8[Y1]8[s1]8[w5]5[y5]5[t5]5[o5]5[y2]9[s2]9[d2]9[D2]9[d@]([s@]([o@]([y@]([t1][Y8][o1]8[Y1]8[s1]8[w5][r5][y5]5[y5][t5][o5]5[y2][Y9][s2]9[d2][s9][D2]9[d@][P(][s@][o(][a@][Y(][y@][Y(][t8][w5][@(] [@(][w5][t8][r7][w5][r7][y9] [r7][y9][wo][y9][t8][Y(][wo] [Y(][wo][ts]oYy[q4][w5][^E][t8][y9][Y(][Y(][wo][wo][ra][ra][ts][ts][t1]8[o1][Y8]1[t8]1[s8]1[t8]1[Y8]1[t8][y1][Y8][o5]w[s5][wd]5[wo]5[wa]@[o(]@[Y(]@[o(][i@][Y(][t1]8[o1][Y8]1[t8]1[s8]1[t8]1[Y8]1[t8][y1][Y8][o5]w[Y5][wo]5[wY]5[wo]@[Y(]@[P(]oiY[y(]Y[y(][t1]8[o1][Y8]1[t8]1[s8]1[t8]1[Y8]1[t8][y1][Y8][o5]w[s5][wd]5[wo]5[wa]@[o(]@[Y(]@[o(][i@][Y(][t1]8[o1][Y8]1[t8]1[s8]1[t8]1[Y8]1[t8][y1][Y8][o5]w[Y5][wP]5[wt]5[wo]@[Y(]@[P(][i@][y(][Y@][y(][t1]8[o1][Y8]1[t8]1[Y8]1[t8][Y1][o8][d1][s8][o1][Y8][o5]w[s5][wd]5[wo]5[wd]@[s(][d@][D(][h@][D(][d@][o(][t1]8[o1][Y8]1[t8]1[Y8]1[t8][Y1][o8][d1][s8][o1][Y8][o5]w[Y5][wo]5[wo]5[wY][o@][s(][o@][s(][D@][s(][o@][y(][t1]8[o1][Y8]1[t8]1[Y8]1[t8][Y1][o8][d1][s8][o1][Y8][o5]w[s5][wd]5[wo]5[wd]@[s(][d@][D(][h@][D(][d@][o(][t1]8[o1][Y8]1[t8]1[Y8]1[t8][Y1][o8][d1][s8][o1][Y8][o5]w[Y5][wo]5[wo]5[wY][w@][E(][t@][y(][Y@][o(][a@][s(][t1]8[o1]8[Y1][o8][s1]8[w1]8[y1]8[t1]8[o1]8[y2]9[s2]9[d2]9[D2]9[d@]([s@]([o@]([y@]([t1][Y8][o1]8[Y1]8[s1]8[w1]8[y1]8[t1]8[o1]8[y5]w[s5]w[d5]w[D5]w[d@]([s@]([o@]([y@](18 8 8 818 8 8 818 8 8 818 8 8 8[t1]8[s1][s8][s1]8[s1]8[s1]8[s1][s8][s1]8[s1]8[s1]8[s1][s8][s1]8[s1]8[s1]8[s1][s8][s1]8[s1]8[s1]8[l1][l8][l1]8[l1]8[l5]5[l5][l5][l5]5[l5]5[l2]9[l2][l9][l2]9[l2]9[l@]([l@][l(][l@]([l@]([t1]8[o1]8[Y1]8[s1]8[t1]8[o1]8[Y1]8[s1]8[t1]8[o1]8[Y1]8[s1]8[t1]8[o1]8[Y1]8[s1]8[t1]8[o1]8[Y1]8[s1]8[t1]8[o1]8[Y1]8[s1]8[s1]8[s1]8[s1]8[s1]8[s1]8[s1]8[s1][o8][Y1][o8][s1]8s8 8 8[s1]8s8 8 8[s1]8s8 8 8[s1]8s8s[o8]Y[o8][s1]8s8s8s8[s5]5s[s5]s5s5[s2][s9]s[s9]ss[s9]s[s9]s[s@][s(]s[s(]sss[s(]sss[s(]s1[sl8][sl1][sl8][sl1][sl8][sl1][sl8][sl1][sl8][sl1][sl8][sl1]8[sl1]8[sl5][wsl][sl5][wsl][sl5][wsl][sl5][wsl][sl@][sl(][sl@][sl(][sl@]([sl@]([sl1][sl8][sl1][sl8][sl1][sl8][sl1][sl8][sl1][sl8][sl1][sl8][sl1]8[sl1]8[s5][wo][Y5][wo][i5][wY][t5][wo]@[Y(]@[P(]oiY@[y(][Y@][y(][t1]8[o1][Y8]1[t8]1[Y8]1[t8][Y1][o8][d1][s8][o1][Y8][o5]w[s5][wd]5[wo]5[wd]@[s(][d@][D(][h@][D(][d@][o(][t1]8[o1][Y8]1[t8]1[Y8]1[t8][Y1][o8][d1][s8][o1][Y8][o5]w[Y5][wo]5[wo]5[wY][o@][s(][o@][s(][D@][s(][o@][y(][t1]8[o1][Y8]1[t8]1[Y8]1[t8][Y1][o8][d1][s8][o1][Y8][o5]w[s5][wd]5[wo]5[wd]@[s(][d@][D(][h@][D(][d@][o(][t1]8[o1][Y8]1[t8]1[Y8]1[t8][Y1][o8][d1][s8][o1][Y8][o5]w[Y5][wo]5[wo]5[wY][o@][s(][o@][s(][D@][s(][o@][y(][t1]8[o1][Y8]1[t8]1[Y8]1[t8][Y1][o8][d1][s8][o1][Y8][o5]w[s5][wd]5[wo]5[wd]@[s(][d@][D(][h@][D(][d@][o(][t1]8[o1][Y8]1[t8]1[Y8]1[t8][Y1][o8][d1][s8][o1][Y8][o5]w[Y5][wo]5[wo]5[wY][w@][E(][t@][y(][Y@][o(][a@][s(][h1][k8][l1][h8][k1][l8][h1][k8][l1][h8][k1][l8][h1][k8][l1][h8][k5][wl][h5][wk][l5][wh][k5][wl][h@][k(][l@][h(][k@][l(][h@][k(][t1]8[o1]8[Y1]8[s1]8[w1]8[y1]8[t1]8[o1]8[y5]w[s5]w[d5]w[D5]w[d@]([s@]([o@]([y@](18 8 8 818 8 8 81
Level: 4Length: 03:58EasyVitality (Helltaker)