A Cruel Angel’s Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion) (Expert)

Yoko Takahashi 17 May 2021

[e60]|t|[y96] t y [yw975] y o i [ut80]y u|[ue60]|o|[qpe9] u y [wro97] o u o [utoe0] p|e| |[e60]|t 6 [y96] t [y6] [yw975] y o [i5] [ut80]y u 8 [ue60]|o 6 [qpe9] u [y9] [ro5] o u [o5] [utoe6] p|5 [81] t ww 1 8 [t1] [t5] y [w5] [w5]||[w5] [u860] i u [y750] t y [u6] 8i u e 8 4 er[t5] 7t9 [r7] [r5]||ty[i6] 6u y t 6 6 [u6] [u92] y T y|e|[e6] 3 6 [r5] [r92]| |5 [81] t ww 1 8 [t1] [t5] y [w5] [w5]||[w5] [u860] i u [y750] t y [u6] 8i u e 8 4 er[t5] 7t9 [r7] [r5]||ty[i6] 6u y t 6 6 [u6] [u2] 9y2 [T9] [y92] [92]u[92] [i92] [ue63] 3 [w53] 3 [e63] 3 [r73] 3 [tqe40] [q4]t[q4] [rq4] [tq4] [q4]t[q4] [rq4] [ywr3] 0y3 [t0] [wr60] 6e6 [r6] [tqe2] 9t2 [r9] [ywqe5] [w5]r[w5] [we5] [ywE5] 5 [ut9] * [yi8] 8 [uo5] 4 [tqe2] 9[te]2 [wr9] [tqe92] [92][te][92] [wr92] [ywr3] 0[yr]3 [te0] [wr60] 6[te]6 [yr6] [ute5] w[yi]5 [wut] [ywr5] [w5][te][w5] [ywr5] [wur20]| |[wur30] [yeI30] [urO30] [qe60] 6 [te6] 6 [yr96] [te] [yr6] [yw975] [y5] [yo5] [i5] [ut80]y u 8 [ute60] 6 [uo6] 6 [qpie9] u [y9] [wr75] r r [t7] [ywr8]t t 7 [qe60] 6 [te6] 6 [yr96] [te] [yr6] [yw975] [y5] [yo5] [i5] [ut80]y u 8 [ue60]|o 6 [qpe9] u [y9] [ro5] [o5] [u5] [o5] [utoe6] p|[qe60] 6 [te6] 6 [yr96] [te] [yr6] [ywr975] [yr5] [yro5] [i5] [ut80]y u 8 [ute60] 6 [uo6] 6 [qpie9] [ut] [yr9] [uro53] [uo3] [ut3] [uo53] [utoe63] [p6]

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About This Music Sheet

A Cruel Angel’s Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion) (Expert) is a song by Yoko Takahashi. Use your computer keyboard to play A Cruel Angel’s Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion) (Expert) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:33, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song A Cruel Angel’s Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion) (Expert) is classified in the genres: Japan, Songs From TV, Manga on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime.


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Other Songs By Yoko Takahashi

  • 1[50]5[50]8[50]([50]w[50]t[750]Y[750][4Wi][5625]Y[5625]i[375][^yi][375]i[375]P[375]O[375][@Eo][1875]i[375]o[4825]2[375][1Yo][750]P[750][4Os][5625]i[5625]Y[375][^yP][375]P[375]o[375]P[375][%YP][5625]s[24375]t[1175]W[1175]([1175]8[470][8Yos][235]t[235][8osD][235]t[235][4etg][235]q[1175][4etD][235]q[1175][4g][235][^Pdg][235][Eg][235][^PdJ][235][EH][235][(PDh][1175]g[1175]Y[1175][(PDh][235]Y[1175]([235][8sDh][235]t[235][8sDJ][235]t[235][4gHl][235]q[1175][4Osg][235]q[1175][4D][235][^PdJ][235][EPdJ][235][^Pdh][235][EPdJ][235][8dgJ][3525][tDhl][235][29][235][@(][470][oD][235][(P][1175][EP][1175]Y[235]E[235]([235]D[235][^sD][3525][dg][3525][^yP][1175]q[1175][EyP][235]q[235]^[235]P[235][18sDh][235]8[1175][tH][235]w[1175][8h][235][^Pdg][235]^[1175][ED][235]q[1175][^g][235][%WsDh][3525]H[3525][Wh][1175]Y[1175][Os][235]Y[235]W[235]s[1175]d[1175][^EiPD][3525][iPD][3525][^iPd][1175]q[1175][EiPd][235]q[235]^[235]D[1175]g[1175][(YPDH][3525][(YPh][3525][9yPg][235][8toD][235]8[1175]w[1175]t[235][8h][235][9ypsh][3525]g[3525][9f][1175]e[1175][ypsg][235]w[1175]h[1175]9[235]s[235][5wps][470]w[235][wad][1175]y[1175][oad][235]y[235]w[470][@(][470][YoD][235][(P][1175][EYoP][1175]Y[235]E[235]([235]D[235][^YsD][3525][idg][3525][^EyP][1175]q[1175][EyP][235]q[235]^[235][EP][235][18oDh][235]8[1175][tOgH][235]w[1175][8oDh][235][^idg][235]^[1175][EYsD][235]q[1175][^idg][235][%WsDh][3525][OsH][3525][WEh][1175]Y[1175][tOs][235]Y[235]W[235]s[1175]d[1175][^EiPD][3525][iPD][3525][^iPd][1175]q[1175][EiPd][235]q[235]^[235]D[1175]g[1175][(YPDH][3525][(YPh][3525][9yPg][235][8toD][235]8[1175]w[1175]t[235][8oh][235][9yosh][3525][ig][3525][9uf][1175]e[1175][yisg][235]e[1175][oh][1175]9[235][OH][235][5woadh][470][5wk][783]h[783]d[783]a[783]d[783]h[783][5wl][783]j[783]g[783]s[783]g[783]j[783][5wdhkz][470][WsD][235]t[1175][OsD][235]t[1175][Wd][235][WsD][235]t[1175][OsD][235]t[1175][Wd][235][wPg][235]E[1175][oPg][235]E[1175][Dw][235][8id][235]w[1175][tYs][235]w[1175][8d][235][qOD][235]t[1175][iOD][235]t[1175][qd][235][^Og][1175]q[235][Ei][1175]d[235][^Ys][235][^ETiP][470][^EoDh][470][@(OgH][470][@(PhJ][470][WsD][1175]Y[1175]O[1175][sD][1175]O[1175]Y[1175][Wd][1175]Y[1175][WsD][1175]Y[1175]O[1175][sD][1175]O[1175]Y[1175][Wd][1175]Y[1175][wPg][1175]y[1175]o[1175][Pg][1175]o[1175]y[1175][wD][1175]y[1175][8id][1175]w[1175]t[1175][YoD][1175]t[1175]w[1175][8g][1175]w[1175][9Osh][1175]W[1175]y[1175][iH][1175]y[1175]W[1175][9h][1175]W[1175][9Osg][1175]W[1175]y[1175][iD][1175]y[1175]W[1175][9g][235][wyosh][235]o[1175]s[1175][wyd][1175]h[1175]J[1175]z[1175][5whkv][3525][5wjlb][3525][5wkzn][235][18lZm][235]8[1175]w[1175][tDhZ][235]8[235][4qgHc][235]q[1175][tiDZ][235]q[1175][tigc][235][^EgHc][235][Egc][1175]i[1175][PJB][235][EHV][235][@(hJv][1175][gc][1175]([1175][EYhZv][235]([1175][EY][235][18hZv][235]8[1175]w[1175][tJB][235]8[235][4qlVm][235]q[1175][tigc][235]q[1175][tiDZ][235][^Edgz][235][Edgz][1175]i[1175][PsDl][235][Edgz][235][@(gHc][1175][DhZ][1175]([1175][EYDhZ][3525]2[235][8tYs][235]8[1175]w[1175][toY][235]8[235][4qOg][235]q[1175][ioY][235]t[1175][qOg][235][^Edg][235][^dg][1175]q[1175][EdJ][235][^dH][235][(YDh][1175][dg][1175]([1175][YDh][235]E[1175]([235][8tDh][235]8[1175]w[1175][tDJ][235]8[235][4qHl][235]q[1175][ig][235]t[1175][qD][235][^EdJ][235][^dJ][1175]q[1175][EPh][235][^dJ][235][8tdJ][3525][8tDl][3525]w[235][18sDl][235]8[1175]w[1175][tDhZ][235]8[235][4qgHc][235]q[1175][tiDZ][235]q[1175][tigc][235][^Egzc][235][Egc][1175]i[1175][PJB][235][EHV][235][@(hZv][1175][gc][1175]([1175][EYhZv][235]([1175][EY][235][18hZv][235]8[1175]w[1175][tJB][235]8[235][4qlVm][235]q[1175][tigc][235]q[1175][tiDZ][235][^EJzB][235][^EJzB][235][5whJv][235][^EJzB][235][^EJzB][3525][8tlZm][1175]

    Level: 9
    Length: 02:55
    A Cruel Angel’s Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

    Yoko Takahashi

  • [tpe]||s|| [qed]| s| d| [wrd]||h|g| [wtf] d|f|| [tfe]||h|| [qje]| d| s| [wrh]|h|f|h| [qhe]| j||| [je][wh][f0][d9][f0][d9][s8][o5] [tp6] 0 [utse] 0 [id2] 9sq [d9] [da5] [da9] [wh] [g9] [f1]dw[of][ut] w [pf6] 0 [thfe] 0 [jg2] 9d[qe] [s9] [woh5] [woh5] [uf30] [woh5] [woh5] [pje6]| 1 w [uts] [wo]o[ut] w [ut] [ws] [so5] 9d[wr] [o9] [wro] 9 [wr] [o9] [sf6] 0g[te] [f0] [da5] 9s[wr] [d9] [pf4] 6g[qe] [f6] [qpe] 6 [qe] [p6]a [sp2] q[sp][te] [qa] [a5] 9 [wr] [s9]d [sg1] 5f[w0] [d5] [s6] 6 [e0] [f6] [fa7] Qd[yr] [SQ] [yrd] Q [yrp] Q [up3] 0 [rW] [aO0] [raWO] 0 [rW] 0 1 w [uts] [wo]o[ut] w [ut] [ws] [so5] 9d[wr] [o9] [wro] 9 [wr] [j9]h [sf6] 0g[te] [f0] [da5] 9s[wr] [d9] [pf4] 6g[qe] [f6] [qpe] 6 [qe] [p6]a [sp2] q[sp][te] [qa] [a5] 9 [wr] [s9]d [sg1] 5f[w0] [d5] [s6] 6 [e0] [f6] [fa7] Qd[yr] [SQ] [yrda] Qf[yr] [gQ] [fa3] 0 [raWO] 0 [srpW] 0 [rdaW] 0 [tsqpe] [tsqpe] a s s[tqe] a [wrd0] [wrd0] s a p[wr0] a [tsq9] [tsq9] a d a[ywr] p [todP8]|[srf7]|[gd^E]|[hfe6]
    Level: 7
    Length: 01:38
    A Cruel Angel’s Thesis

    Yoko Takahashi


  • j J [li] s [jg] h j|j J [tl] o [sh] d f|g h [yj] p d p i p j i [th] o P s f|j J [li] s [jg] h j|j c [xth] o [lf] o [zgE]|z l [ql] t [ig] s p|l|[th]|[y^E] [ut] [yi]|[uo0]|[p4] 8 q [P8] [se] 8 [fS0] * [gd2] 6 9 [p6] [sq] 6 [P8] 1 [p4] 8 q [P8] [pe] 8 [tq] 8 [y^] 4 9 q E y i o [p4] 8 q [P8] [se] 8 [fS0] * [gd2] 6 9 [s6] [qJ] 6 [j8] 6 [j^] [d4] ^ [g9] [f1] 5 8 [g0] [g4] 8 q 8 e q t e [ig]| |c|[cS] H L H c [VH] [LC] [cH] [sZ] H l H c [cJ] L [cJ] [sm] [ZH] l H Z G [LJ] [lZ] [cS] H L H c [VH] [LC] [cH] [lZ]|L c [mH]|V D [LHB]| |[mZG]| |[cSOL]| |[smZO]| |[smZP]| |s|[sqe8]||p d s p o [wpT6]||o S p o p [qie9]||t [^TE*] u i o [sqe8]||p d s p o [wpT6]||o S p o p [qie9]| |[wuo80] t [uo]|[p4] 8 q [P8] [se] 8 [fS0] * [gd2] 6 9 [p6] [sq] 6 [P8] 1 [p4] 8 q [P8] [pe] 8 [tq] 8 [y^] 4 9 q E y i o [p4] 8 q [P8] [se] 8 [fS0] * [gd2] 6 9 [s6] [qJ] 6 [j8] 6 [j^] [d4] ^ [g9] [f1] 5 8 [g0] [h1] 5 0 w t u i o [p4] 8 q [P8] [se] 8 [fS0] * [gd2] 6 9 [p6] [sq] 6 [P8] 1 [p4] 8 q [P8] [pe] 8 [tq] 8 [y^] 4 9 q E y i o [p4] 8 q [P8] [se] 8 [fS0] * [gd2] 6 9 [s6] [qJ] 6 [j8] 6 [j^] [d4] ^ [g9] [f1] 5 8 [g0] [g4] 8 q 8 e q t e [ig]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:58
    Innocence (Katawa Shoujo)

    Sebastien Skaf

  • [8wtu] u t [8t] u u [8t] t
    [9wry] y t [9t] y y [9t] t
    [0wtu] u t [0t] u u [0t] t
    [qeti] i t [qt] i i [qt] t
    [wtu] u t [wt] u u [wt] t
    [wry] y t [wt] y y [wt] t
    [6euo] u t [6t] u u [6t] t
    [7wyo] y t [7t] y y [7t] t
    [8wuo] u t [8t] u u [8t] t
    [29yo] y t [2t] y y [2t] t
    [3wuo] u t [3t] u u [3t] t
    [4eio] i t [4t] i i [4t] t
    [4eio] i t [4t] i i [4t] t
    [4eio] i t [4t] i i [4t] t
    [4ei] i t [4t] i i [4ts] t
    [8wtus] u t [8t] u u [8td] [td]
    [9wry] y t [9t] y y [9t] t
    [0wtu] u [ts] [0t] [us] u [0t] [td]
    [qetig] i t [qt] i i [qt] [tf]
    [wtug] u t [wt] u uf[wt]dt
    [wrys] y t [wt] [ys] y [wt] t
    [6eu] u t [6t] u u [6t] t
    [7wy] y t [7t] y y [7ta] t
    [8wtus] u t [8t] u u [8t] t
    [9wrys]dygt [9t] y y [9t] [tf]
    [0wtug] u t [0t] u u [0t] t
    [qetig] iftd[qt] [id] i [qt] [th]
    [wtu] u t [wt] [uh] u [wt] t
    [wry] y t [wt] y y [wt] t
    [wry] [yh] tg[wt]f[yd] y [wt] t
    [6qeu] u [ts] [6t] u u [6t] t
    [7wy] y t [7t] [ya] y [7t] t
    [60eus] u t [6t] u u [6t] t
    [6usf] u t [6tsj] u u [6tfl] t
    [4yipd] y t [4t] y y [4t] t
    [4y] y t [4t] [yps] y [4t] t
    [5yoa] y r [5r] y y [5r] r
    [5yad] y r [5rof] y y [5rah] r
    [6ups] u t [6t] u u [6t] t
    [6u] u t [6t] [yoa] y [6r] r
    [4etp] e q [4q] e e [4q] q
    [4usf] u t [qtsj] u u [qtfl] t
    [2yipd] y t [2t] y y [2t] t
    [2y] y t [2t] [3yos] y [3t] t
    [5yoa] y r [5r] y y [5r] r
    [3rya] r w [3wtp] e e [3wro] w
    [60etp] 0 0 [60t] 0 0 [60t] 0
    [60tp] 0 0 [60u] 0 0 [60p] 0
    [6upsf] 0 t [6psfj] 0 t [6sfjl] t
    [4qyipd] y t [4qt] y y [4qt] t
    [4qy] y t [4qt] [yips] y [4qt] yt
    [5wryoa] y r [5wr] y y [5wr] r
    [5yoad] 9 r [5uoaf] 9 r [5oadh] r
    [6etups] u t [6et] u u [30t] t
    [6eu] u t [6et] [yoa] y [5wr] r
    [4qetip] t e [4qe] t t [4qe] e
    [6upsf] 0 t [6psfj] 0 t [6sfjl] t
    [29yipd] y t [29t] [2y] y [29t] t
    [29y] y t [29t] [3tuos] 8 9 8
    [5wryoa] y r [5wr] y y [5wr] r
    [3ruoa] 7 w [3erup] 7 w [3wruo] w
    [6etup] 0 e 0 [60]6666 6
    [1wtuo]8181 8 18181 8
    18181 8 18181 8
    [1sfhl]818[1ak] [8pj] [1a]8[1oh]8[1oh] 8
    [2idg]9[2ig]92 [9osh] [2oah]929[2s] 9
    [3sfhl]030[3ak] [0pj] [3a]0[3oh]0[3oah] 0
    [4idg]q[4ig]q4 [qusf] [4yad]q4q[4ts] q
    [5sfhl]w5w[5ak] [wpj] [5a]w[5oh]w[5oh] w
    [5idg]w[5ig]w5 [wosh] [5oah]w5w[5s] w
    [6sfhl]e6e[6ak] [epj] [6a]e[6oh]e[6oah] e
    [7idg]r[7ig]r7 [rusf] [7yad]r7r[7ts] r
    [1sfhl]818[1ak] [8pj] [1a]8[1oh]8[1oh] 8
    [2idg]9[2ig]92 [9osh] [2oah]929[2s] 9
    [3sfhl]030[3ak] [0pj] [3a]0[3oh]0[3oah] 0
    [4idg]q[4ig]q4 [qusf] [4yad]q4q[4ts] q
    [5sfhl]w5w[5ak] [wpj] [5a]w[5oh]w[5oh] w
    [5idg]w[5ig]w5 [wosh] [5oah]w5w[5s] w
    [6sfhl]e6e[6ak] [epj] [6a]e[6oh]e[6oah] e
    [7idg]r[7ig]r7 [rusf] [7yad]r7r[7ts] r
    [4qtis]|[id] [pg]||f
    [5wosg]| f [id] [us]|
    [30wtu]||[us]| [id]
    [4qpg]||t g [yi]fds
    [59wty]||[ry] aa s
    [7wy]||[ya] s
    [29os][ad][pg]||[of] [sg]
    [38w] s|a p|ofd
    [7wy]| a[oa]| [is][us]
    [18]|0|e|t [us]
    [37w]|9|[0ps]|w [ad]
    [48qpg]|t|[7y] g [6i]fds
    [7wy]||a[ya] s
    [38w]| [pg][of]|[pg]|
    [5waf]|[id] [id]| [ps]|
    [5w]||a[ya] s

    Level: 8
    Length: 04:04
    Now We Are Free (Gladiator)

    Hans Zimmer

  • 0eut|3 6 y|iu
    9wyr|2 5 y|uy
    [4q]et[qe]|e [2qe]|@ re
    [3W]| q [3W]ru|0||
    s s a
    [6ups] 0 [eup] t|[ea] [0s] [8d]
    [6ups] [0a] [ep] 6 5 [9s] [ws] [5a]
    [4ips] 8 [qs] [es] [ipd] q [8s] [ta]
    [ips] [qa] [8p] e|[qo] [8s] [6d]
    [1uf] 5 8 [0us]|[8s] [wsg] [0sf]
    [4pg] 8 q [eof]|[qpd] [8s] [6opd]
    5 9 w [rf] [osd] w 9 t|
    w 9 r|[ws] [9s] a
    [6ups] 0 [eup] t|[ea] [0s] [8d]
    [6ups] [0a] [ep] 6 5 [9s] [ws] [5a]
    [4ips] 8 [qs] [es] [ipd] q [8s] [ta]
    [ips] [qa] [8p] e|[qo] [8s] [6d]
    [1uf] 5 8 [0us]|[8s] [wsg] [0sf]
    [4pg] 8 q [eof]|[qpd] [8s] [6opd]
    5 9 w [rf] [osd] w r y
    o y r w 9 [7y] [5y] [7u]
    [269eyi]|[2i] i [2eyi]|[2eu] y
    [360et] r [60e]|6 w [6t] y
    [158wtu] u1u [1wtu]|[1wti] u
    [25wry] t [5wr]|5 y [5y] u
    [269eyi] i2i [2eyi] [eu]2y
    [48qet] t4e [4et] t4[ey]
    5 u u u u y r|
    [4t] e|[1e] [46t] e 1 e
    [4t] e|[1e] [46t]|[1ey] [eu]
    [5ry]|y [2t] [57r]|2|
    5 u u [2u] [57ru] y [2r]|
    [3t] r|[%r] [79r]|[%r] t
    [3y] y|[%u] [79i] u%y
    [6y] y|[3t] [68]|[3r] e
    [36] u [6u] u [25u] y [5r]|
    [4t] e|[1e] [46t] e 1 e
    [4t] e|[1e] [46t] [ey]1[eu]
    [5ey]|y [2t] [57r]|2|
    5 u u [2u] [57i]|[2u] y
    [3i]|u [%u] [79u]|[%u] i
    [W3ru]|[W2ry] t [W1r]|[W7t] r
    [6r] [3r] 8 [60e]||
    6| 6|s s a
    [6ups] 0 [eup] t|[ea] [0s] [8d]
    [6ups] [0a] [ep] 6 5 [9s] [ws] [5a]
    [4ips] 8 [qs] [es] [ipd] q [8s] [ta]
    [ips] [qa] [8p] e|[qo] [8s] [6d]
    [1uf] 5 8 [0us]|[8s] [wsg] [0sf]
    [4pg] 8 q [eof]|[qpd] [8s] [6opd]
    5 9 w [rf] [osd] w r y
    o y r w 9 [7d] [5d] [7f]
    [269pdg]|[2g] g [2pdg]|[2pf] d
    [36ups] a [6up]|6 o [6s] d
    [158osf] f1f [1osf]|[1osg] f
    [25oad] s [5oa]|5 d [5d] f
    [269pdg] g2g [2pdg] [pf]2d
    [48qps] s4p [4ps] s4[pd]
    5 f f f f d a|
    [4ts] p 1 [4p] [68ts] p 1 p
    [4ts] p 1 [4p] [68ts]|[1yd] [uf]
    [5yd]|[2d] [5ts] [79ra]|2|
    5 [uf] [2uf] [5uf] [79uf] [yd] [2ra]|
    [3ts] [ra] % [7ra] [W9ra]|[%ra] [ts]
    [3yd] [yd] % [7uf] [W9ig]|[%uf] [yd]
    [6yd] [yd] 3 [6ts] [80]|[3s] d
    [36psf]|[6psg] [psf] [25od]|[5os] a
    [4ts] p 1 [4p] [68ts] p 1 p
    [4ts] p 1 [4p] [68ts]|[1yd] [uf]
    [5yd]|[2d] [5ts] [79ra]|2|
    5 [uf] [2uf] [5uf] [79ig] [uf]2[yd]
    [3ig]|[%uf] [7uf] [W9uf]|[%uf] [ig]
    [O3uf]|[O2ud] [Ous] [O1ya]|[O7ys] [Oya]
    [4tip]|4 6 [8qips]|6|
    [5yoa]|5 7 [9wryo]|7|
    [6etu]|3 6 [80]|[6s] d
    [6psf] 6 [3psg] [6psf] [5oad] 5 [2yos] [5yoa]
    [4tip]|4 6 [8qips]|6|
    [5a]|[5dg] 7 [9wo]|[7dg]|
    [O3uaf] [%70]|3 3|[3H] j
    [3OH] [%70] [ig] [3f]g[3f] [3d] [3d] f
    [269ig]|g g g|f d
    [36usf]|f f f|s d
    [158uf]|f f h|g f
    [25yd] s a| d d f
    [2pg]|[69qpg] [pg] [2pg]|[69qpf] [pd]
    [4ipsg]|[68qig] [ig] [4ipsg]|[68q] fd
    [3ig] [uf] [70e]|[70W]|[%7q]|
    [%370] u [3u] u [3u]3[3y]3[3r]333
    [4t] e|e t e|e
    [4t] e|[46ep]8q[ts]|[yd] [4uf]
    [5yd]|[2yd] [5ts] [79ra]|2 52
    5 [uf] [2uf] [5uf] [79uf] [yd] [2ra]|
    [3ts] [ra] % [7ra] [W9ra]|[%ra] [3ts]7
    [3yd] [yd] % [7uf] [W9ig]|[%uf] [yd]
    [6yd] [yd] 3 [6ts] [80]|[3s] [6d]3
    [36psf]|[6psg] [psf] [25od]|[5os] a
    [4ts] p 1 [4p] [68ts] p 1 [4p]1
    [4ts] p 1 [4p] [68ts] [yd]1[uf]
    [5yd]|[2yd] [5ts] [79ra]|2 52
    5 [uf] [2uf] [5uf] [59ig] [uf]2[yd]
    [3ig]|[%uf] [7uf] [W9uf]|[%uf] [3ig]7
    [O3uf]|[O2ud] [Ous] [O1ya]|[O7ys] [Oya]
    [6t]ua[3a] 8 [60p]

    Level: 8
    Length: 03:11
    Potra salvaje (Isabel Aaiún)

    Isabel Aaiún