02:51 -
4 -
3 6 0|0|0
8 q 7|7 7
[30] [6e] [0u]|[0u]|[0u]
[8t] [qi] [7r]|[7a] a7
[3ups] 6 [0s] s 0|[0s]
8 sq d7 a 7 7a
[3ups] 6 [0s] s 0|[0s]
8 sq d7 asa7a [7a]a
3 6s [0s] s [0s] s [0s]s8 sqs [7d] a 7aa[7a] s3 6s [0s] s [0s] ss0s8 qs [7d] a [7a] a7as3 6s [0s] s [0s] s [0s]s8 sqs [7d] a 7aa[7a] s3 6s [0s] s [0s] ss0s[8s] qs [5s] a [5a] a[5a] p3 6t [0t] t 0 tt0t8 eqt [7t] rr7r [7r] t3 6t [0t] t 0 tt0t8 qt [7t] rr7r [7r] t3 6t [0t] t [0t] tt0t3|3 y [3r]r [3r] rt3 t6t 0t 0 t [0t]
[8t] [qt]t y r a a|
[3ups] 6 0 [6s] [0s] 6 0 [6s]
[8ip] [qs] 8dq [O7ua] [0r] [3r] 0
[3ups] 6 0 [6s] [0ups] 6 0 [6s]
[8ip] [qs] 8dq [7rip] [0a] [3a] 0
[3ups] 6 0 [6s] [0s] 6 0 [6s]
[8ip] [qs] 8dq [O7ua] [0r] [3r] 0
[3ups] 6 0 [6s] [0ups] 6 0 [6s]
[8ip] [qs] 8dq [7rip] [0a] [3a] 0
[6p] s[6s] s [6s] s[6s] s
[6s] s[6s] s [6a] a [6a]a s|
tt t t e tt t
[ts] [ts][yd] [ra] [ra] r e
[3e] 6s [0s] s 0ss [0s]
[8s] qs [7d] a [7a]a 7a
[3s] s6ss0f [0s] ss0s8 pqss5d 5 a[5a] s3 [6s]ss0s 0sss0s8 sqss7d [7a] a[7a] s3 s6[us] [0s] [pf] [0f] f [0f]
[8f] [qs]s [5s] a 5aa5
[6s] 6[pj] 6 [18f] 1s [1g]
[29] g2 [2d] 7 7 72
6 6[pj] 6 [18f] 1s [1d]
7 d7 [7a] 7 a7a72
[6s] 6[pj] 6 [18f] 1s [1g]
[29] g2 [2d] 7 7 72
6 6[pj] 6 [18f] 1s [1d]
7 d7 [7a] 7 a7a72
[6s]|6 s [6s]|6 s
6 s 6d [6a]|6 a
[6s]|6 s [6s]|6 s
6 s 6d [6p] a [6a]|
[6s]|6 s [6s]|6 s
6 s 6d [6a]|6 a
6 s s s s s s ss||
a a|
[3ups] 6 0 [6s] [0s] 6 0 [6s]
[8ip] [qs] 8dq [O7ua] [0r] [3r] 0
[3s] 6 0 [6s] [0ups] 6 0 [6s]
[8ip] [qs] 8dq [7rip] [0a] [3a] 0
[3ups] 6 0 [6s] [0s] 6 0 [6s]
[8ip] [qs] 8dq [O7ua] [0r] [3r] 0
[3s] 6 0 [6s] [0ups] 6 0 [6s]
s s d|s s s
[3upsf] 6 [0s] s 0|[0s]
8 sq d7 a 7 7a
[3ups] 6 [0s] s 0|[0s]
8 sq d7 p [7d] d7d
[3upsf] 6 [0s] s 0|[0s]
8 sq d7 a 7 7a
[3ups] 6 [0s] s 0|[0s]
[8s] sq d7 p a a a
[3upsf] 6 0 [6s] [0s] 6 0 [6s]
[8ip] [qs] 8dq [O7ua] 0 3 [0a]
[3ups] 6 0 [6s] [0ups] 6 0 [6s]
[8ip] [qs] 8dq [7p] [0d] [3d] [0d]
[3upsf] 6 0 [6s] [0s] 6 0 [6s]
[8ip] [qs] 8dq [O7ua] 0 3 [0a]
[3ups] 6 0 [6s] [0ups] 6 0 [6s]
[8ips] [qs] 8dq [7up] [0a] [3a] [0a]
3 p6 0|0|0
8 q 7
About This Music Sheet
Alors On Danse (Stromae) is a song by Stromae. Use your computer keyboard to play Alors On Danse (Stromae) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:51, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Alors On Danse (Stromae) is classified in the genres: France, Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Electro House, Emotional.
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Other Songs By Stromae
[etuf] fff f[etu]f ff f
[wruf] fff f[wru]f ff f
[qeyd] ddd d[qey]d dd d
[9qed] ddd d d dd d
[efjlx] tu t e up u
[wdhkz] ry r w yo y
[9dgjz] qe q 9 ey e
[9dgjz] ey e 9| [0rufhk]|
e tu t [ex] lj f
w ry r [wz] kh d
9 qe q [9z] jg d
[9dgj] ey e 9 f[0ruf] f [6psh] [0g][ef] [td][us]| |
[3o]af 70 wr| p f [9ipd] [es][yd] [if][pd]||
df[9ey]ffff f h hh[0ruh]fh [6sfj] [0h][ef] 0 6 0[tsfj] 0
[5oad] 9w 9h[5j] [9h][rd] 9s[9p] ey e 9 ei e
9 ey e 9 f [0wrh]fh [6sfj] [0l][ej] [0h] 6 0[tj] [0h]
[5ad] 9w 9h[5j] [9h][rd] 9s[9pd] ey e 9 ei e
9 ey e 9| [0wr]|
[ed] [tf][uf] tf[ef] up [ua]
w ry r w [yg][of] yd[9s] qe q [9h] e[yg] e
[9f] e[ya] e [9s]| [0ruf]|
[ed] [tf][uf] [tf] [ef]| p a w ry r w gf a
[9s] qe q [9h]| g|
[9f] e[ya] e [9s]| [0ruf]|
[6sfk] [0k] [ek] [tj] u fff
[3fhk] [7k] [0k] [wj] r| ff
[9pdg] [ef] [yd] [ig] p| |
[9eyg] f d| f hh[0ruh]fh
[6j] [0h][ef] 0 6 0[tj] 0
[5d] 9w 9h[5j] [9h][rd] 9s
[9p] ey e 9 ei e
9 ey e 9 hh[0wrh]fh
[6j] [0l][ej] 0 6 0[tj] 0
[5d] 9w 9h[5j] [9h][rd] 9s[9d] ey e 9 ei e
9 ey e 9| [0wr] f
[680f] fff f[80e]f ff f
[0wrf] fff f[wru]f ff f
[9qed] ddd d[qey]d dd d
[9qed] ddd d[qey]d dd f
[680f] fff f[80e]f ff f
[0wrf] fff f[wru]f ff f
[9qed] ddd d[qey]d dd d
[9qed] ddd d[qey]d dd fLevel: 8Length: 02:22ExpertMa Meilleure Ennemie (Stromae and Pomme)
j G h|f||
j G h|f||
j G h|f||
j G h|f
[0wr]| j G h|f
[Qey]| j G h|f
[9wr]| j G h|f
[wtu]| j G h|f
[etu]| j G h|f
[wru]| j G h|f
[erY]| j G h|f
[0wro]||o r o|
[Qeyp]||p y p|
[9wra]||a r a|
[wtus]||s u s|
[etuo]||o u o|
[wruo]||p u o|
[erYI]||I Y I|
[0wr]| j [rG] h w f
[Qey]| j [yG] h r f
[9wr]| j [rG] h w f
[wtu]| j [uG] h t f
[etu]| j [uG] h t f
[wru]| j [uG] h r f
[Qry]| j [yG] h r f
[0wr]| j [rG] h w f
[Qey]| j [yG] h r f
[9wr]| j [rG] h w f
[wtu]| j [uG] h t f
[etu]| j [uG] h t f
[wru]| j [uG] h r f
[Qry]| j [yG] h r f
[0wr]| j G h|f
[Qey]| j G h|f
[9wr]| j G h|f
[wtu]| j G h|f
[etu]| j G h|f
[wru]| j G h|f
[erY]| j G h|f
[0wro]||o r o|
[Qeyp]||p y p|
[9wra]||a r a|
[wtus]||s u s|
[etuo]||o u o|
[wruo]||p u o|
[erYI]||I Y I|
[0wr]| j [rG] h w f
[Qey]| j [yG] h r f
[9wr]| j [rG] h w f
[wtu]| j [uG] h t f
[etu]| j [uG] h t f
[wru]| j [uG] h r f
[Qry]| j [yG] h r f
[0wr]| j [rG] h w f
[Qey]| j [yG] h r f
[9wr]| j [rG] h w f
[wtu]| j [uG] h t f
[etu]| j [uG] h t f
[wru]| j [uG] h r f
[Qry]| j [yG] h r f
[0wr]| j G h|f
[Qey]| j G h|f
[9wr]| j G h|f
[wtu]| j G h|f
[etu]| j G h|f
[wru]| j G h|f
[erY]| j G h|f
[0wro]||o r o|
[Qeyp]||p y p|
[9wra]||a r a|
[wtus]||s u s|
[etuo]||o u o|
[wruo]||p u o|
[erYI]||I Y I|
[0wr]| j [rG] h w f
[Qey]| j [yG] h r f
[9wr]| j [rG] h w f
[wtu]| j [uG] h t f
[etu]| j [uG] h t f
[wru]| j [uG] h r f
[Qry]| j [yG] h r f
[0wr]| j [rG] h w f
[Qey]| j [yG] h r f
[9wr]| j [rG] h w f
[wtu]| j [uG] h t f
[etu]| j [uG] h t f
[wru]| j [uG] h r f
[Qry]| j [yG] h r f
[0wr]| j [rG] h w f
[Qey]| j [yG] h r f
[9wr]| j [rG] h w f
[wtu]| j [uG] h t f
[etu]| j [uG] h t f
[wru]| j [uG] h r f
[Qry]| j [yG] h r fLevel: 6Length: 03:36IntermediateFormidable (Stromae)
u | y | [aruo] u | y | [aruo] u | y | [aruo] [aryo] | y | [wtuo] [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e [wr0] | [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e w e [wr] | [wry] | [wtu0] [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e [wr0] | [wtu] | [ey] | t [wr0] [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e w e [wr] | [wry] | [wtu0] | e [wr] | [wry] | [wtu] | [ay] [tuo] [tp][ro][tup]o uuu[auo]aap ppo[wru] uuopo [ayo] [ado] [wtu] | [ay] [tuo] po[tup]o | uuu[auo]aap ppo[wru] uuopo [ayo] [ado] [wtu] | o [ayo] [ado] [sfo] [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e [wr0] y [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e [wr0] e [wr] | [wry] | [wtu0] [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e [wr0] | [wtu] | [ey] | t [wr0] y[wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e w e [wr] | [wry] | [wtu0] we [wr] |[wry] | [wtu] a [tuo] | a ap[tuo] | po[tup]o uuu[auo]a p ppo[wru] uu[ruo]po [ayo] | [ado] | [wtu] | o [ayo] | [ado] | [sfo] | o [ayo] | [ado] | [sfo]Level: 6Length: 02:25Intermediate
Ocean Eyes
Billie Eilish
[Ws] Y O [(P] E Y [qO] t i [(o] E Y [*i] W T [(o] E Y Y i O O % ( W E t s s P O [O4s] 8 q w W P s s [*WTs] P O O O P s [(P] W Y i o O o s s P O [Ws] Y O W Y O W Y O [WD] Y [Os] [qP] [tO] [iO] q t i q t i [qO] [tP] [is] [*S] W [TS] [*s] W [TP] [*P] [WO] T [*O] [WP] [Ts] [(EYP] Y D D D D g s P [%YOs] ( W [%YOs] ( W [%YOs] ( W [%Ys] [(YP] [WYO] [YOqs] t i [YOqs] t i [YOqs] t i [Oqs] [tP] [iO] [*YS] W T [*Ys] W T [*YO] W T [*Y] W T [(Ots] E Y ( [EYS] [Ys] [(YP] E Y [(ts] [EP] [WYO] [%YOs] ( W [%YOs] ( W [%YOs] ( W [%Ys] [(YP] [WYO] [YOqs] t i [YOqs] t i [YOqs] t i [Oqs] [tP] [iO] [*YS] W T [*Ys] W T [*YO] W T [*Y] W T [(EYP] [YD] [ts] [EP] [qWO] t i t O t [*H] W [Th] [*g] W [Th] [Ws] Y O W Y O [(D] E [YS] [(s] E [YP] [qO] t i q t i [*H] W [Th] [*g] W [Th] [Ws] Y O W Y O [(D] [ED] [YD] [(D] E [Yg] [qs] [tP] [iO] q [ts] [iD] [*H] W [Th] [*g] W [Th] [Ws] Y O [WO] [YP] [Os] [(D] E [YS] [(s] E [YS] [qs] t i P [*S] W T s O P [Ws] Y O P [(P] E Y O O O [Ws] Y O [(P] E Y [qO] t i [(o] E Y [*i] W T [(o] E Y [%(WYOs]Level: 7Intermediate
Perfect (Expert)
Ed Sheeran
o h g [o8sg] w t [fsy] u [o5ad] 9 w [ose] r a [u6ps] 0 e r t [fl] [dk] [sj] [ha3] 7 9 w [o3adf] [wru] [or3] [tip4] [u1] [f6] [oad] 5 [y5] [o79w] d s [yoa] 4 o d 5 [ups] 6 [680] [ps] 6 [oa] 5 [tip4] [u1] [f4] [oad] 5 [oah5] [os79w] [odg] [upsf] 6 0 e [fl0et] [dk0] [sj6] [ah] [tip4] [u1] [sf6] [oad] 5 [y5] [o79w] d s [yoa] [3o] [d5] [ups] 6 [680] [ups] 6 [uoa] 5 [tip4] [u1] [f4] [oad] 5 5 [d79w] s a [u1os] 5 8 9 w u y t [o1] d a [uos] [tyu8] o f d f g [opfwr] d d [uoe] o s a s d [oaf0w] a a [qeu] s s s [awry] s d d [d0wy] s a s [setu] [qetu] o s s s d s [yoswr] a a [tyu8] w t [oy] f [du] f g [opf5] 9 w [de] d r [et6] 0 e or s [at] s d [o3af] 7 9 [aow] [ao] [wry] [we4] [s8] [sqe] s [a5] [s9] d [wr] d [o80wad] s [ya579] s [su6] 8 [et] p a [ips4] 8 [qe] s [y5os] [a9] [pwr] a [uos8] w t y u [0wt] s [p4sh [h8] [hq] [je] [adh] 5 [g9] [fw] [dr] [oaf3] [g7] [f79w] a [ups6] 8 [80e] s d [ipf4] [f8] [fq] [ge] [oaf] 5 [d9] [sw] [dr] [pd6] 0 e [sr] d [pfet] e 0 [s6] [p4sh] [h8] [hq] [je] [adh] 5 [g9] [fw] [gr] [o3ah] [l7] [k9] [fw] [psf6] 0 e d [ips4] 8 q [hsw] [pesh] [gt] [fi] g [oaf5] 9 w [ade] [oadr] t y o o p a p a s a s d s d f h o [h579] g [osg1] [f5] [d8] [of9] 0 w t [fu] [od5] [os7] 9 [oaw] r [oay] [so] l [f6hl] 0 k e [fst] u p s [fs] [ah3] [f7] [ah] 9 [adjw] [adhr] y [fo] h [sfj4] 6 8 q e g j [adh5] 7 9 w r g [oaf3] 7 [g9] w [fr] [oa] [ups6] 0 e t u p a [ips4] 6 8 [hq] [pesh [gt] [fi] g [oaf5] 7 9 [oadw] [oadry] o [h79w] g [osg1] [f5] [d8] [of9] 0 w t [fu] [od5] [os7] 9 [oaw] r [oay] [so] l [f6hl] 0 k e [fst] u p s [fs] [ah3] [f7] [ah] 9 [adjw] [adhr] y [fo] h [sfj4] 6 8 q e g j [adh5] 7 9 w r g [oaf3] 7 [g9] w [fr] [oa] [ups6] 0 e t u p a [ips4] 6 8 [hq] [pesh] [gt] [fi] g [oaf5] 7 9 [oadw] [ry] w [y579] t r [wet4] [o8] [sq] [se] [oa5] [s9] [dw] [dr] [u6pd] [s0] [ae] [sr] [fst] u p s [p4sh] [h8] [gq] [fe] [o5ad] 9 [sw] [ar] [t8uos] w t u sLevel: 7Intermediate
Uta ni Katachi wa Nai Keredo