01:54 -
[6u]ps0 e r [tu] p
[8osf] w t y [uosf]|
[4ips] 8 q w e t
i| t| e|
[6u]ps0 e [ru] [tp] s
[8osf] w t y [uosf]|
[4isg] 8 q w e t
i| [ts]| [ea]|
[0ep]| s| p|
[9wp]a p a o p a
[70o]| a| o|
[ep] [ua] s [up] s d
[ef] u j u j k
[wj] [yh] h [yf] h f
[0d] r a r p|
[eus]ap| |
[6up] 0 [eus] r [tup]|
[5p][ya] [9p] [wa] [es] [ra] p
[3uo] 7 [0ua]| [7uo]|
[6up] [0a] [eus] p [0us] d
[6pf] 0 [esj]| [0sj]|
[5k][dj] [9h] [wj] [ef] [rh] f
[3d] 7 [0a]| [7d] sa
[6p] 0 e| p|
[9pdG] e [ypdG] u [Ipdh] u
[9pdG] e y| [pdG] h
[6sfj] 0 [esfj] r [tsfk]|
[6l]kj0 e| j h
[9pdG] e [ypdG] u [Ipdh] u
[9pdG] e y| [pd]|
[6psf] 0 [ep] r [tpsf] [rd]
[6psf] 0 e| [psf]|
[2pdIG] 6 [9pdIG] 0 [Qpdh] 0
[2pdIG] 6 9| [pIG] h
[6sfj] 3 [6sfj] 7 [8sfk]|
[6l]kj3 6| j|
[4sfj] 8 q w e t
i| [ts]| [ea]|
[6up] 0 [eus] r [tup]|
[5p][ya] [9p] [wa] [eo] [rp] a
[3uo] 7 [0ua]| [7uo]|
[6up] [0a] [eus] p [0us] d
[6pf] 0 [esj]| [0sj]|
[5k][dj] [9h] [wh] [ef] [rh] f
[3d] 7 [0a] 7 o 7
[6up] 0 e| |
[6ps] 0 [esf] 0 [ps] 0
[5ad] [9ps] [wad] [9sf] [ad] [9ps]
[3oa] 7 [0ad] 7 [oa] 7
[6ps] [0oa] [eps] [0ad] [sf] 0
[6sf] 0 [ejl] 0 [jl] 0
[5jl] [9hk] [whk] [9j] h 9
[3d] 7 [0a] 7 o 7
[6up] 0 e| l k
[upj]| l| j|
[yoj]k j k h j k
[ruh]| k| h|
[pj] [fk] l [fj] l z
[px] f b f b|
[on]b [dv] v [dx] v x
[uz] a k a j|
About This Music Sheet
Ancient Stones (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim) is a song by Jeremy Soule. Use your computer keyboard to play Ancient Stones (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:54, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Ancient Stones (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Elder Scrolls.
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Other Songs By Jeremy Soule
[e6]| |[e6] [e6]| |[e6]| |[e6] [e6]| |[upe6] p p [tqpi6] p p [ywpo6] p p [yp96] p as[upe6] p p [tqpi6] p p [ywpo6] p p [yp96] p as[upe6] p p [tqpi6] p p [ywpo6] p p [yp96] p as[upe6] p p [tqpi4] p p [ywpo5] p p [yp92] p as[pe6] as[pe6] [e6] 66 6 6 6 [y6] 66 6 6 6 [tpe4] 44 4 4 4 [yro5] 55 5 5 5 [pe6] 66 6 6 6 [yd6] 66 6 6 6 [qpjd4] [q4][q4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [wkhda5] [w5][w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [je6] jjjj[qjg4] [jg][jg][jg][jg][wjh5] [jh] [jh] [jd92] [jd] [jd] [je6] jjjj[qjg4] [jg][jg][jg][jg][wjh5] [jh] [jh] [jd92] [jd] [jd] [lje6] [lj][lj][lj][lj][qlj4] [lj][lj][lj][lj][wkh5] [kh] [wkh5] [jd92] [jd] [jd] [lje6] [lj][lj][lj][lj][qlj4] [lj][lj][lj][lj][wkh5] [wkh5] [wkh5] [jd92] [pj92] [ka92] [slf6]80etuou[tsl]e[zd0]8[xf6]80etuou[xtf]e[vh0]8[zkhd5]79wryoy[srl]w[ka9]7[pjdG9]Qeyipdp[pji]y[kea]Q[slf6]80etuou[tsl]e[zd0]8[xjf6]80etuou[xtf]e[vh0]8[ljb5]68qetit[vhe]q[nk8]6[jb2]469qeye[qpj]9[ka6]4[sle860] [e860][ka] [e860] [pj] [e860] [qoh864] [q864][ig] [q864] [uf] [q864] [yd642] [642][642] [642] [ts642] [yf642] [yd752] [752][752] [752] [752] [sl752][ka][sle860] 6 [sl][ka][sle860] 6 [sl][ka][zwd975] [sl5] [ka] [spj860] 6 [spj][oh][sqpj864] 4 [pj][ph][pjd9642] 2 [oh][pj][wka975] [sl5] [oh] [spj860] 6 [pj][ka][sle860] [sl6] [sl][zd][xqf864] 4 [ka][sl][zwd975] [sl5] [ka] [pj860] 6 [pj][oh][sqpj864] 4 [pj][oh][pjd9642] 2 op[wka975] [sl5] [oh] [spjfe860]|[e860] [xjfe860]|[je860] [xjfe860]|[je860] [xqjf864]|[uqf864] [uqf864]|[q864] [xjfe860]|[je860] [xjfe860]|[je860] [xqjf864]|[uqf864] [upfe860]|||p a [us]| |a| |upf| |[pe6]||a||s||[wf5]||[tqpie4]| |[pj]||[oh]||[ig]||[uf]||[yd]||[yeQ6]| |9| |e| |[yI]| |6
Level: 8Length: 02:02ExpertSkyrim (Theme) (Expert)
Jeremy Soule
[yed9]| |[ig]|f|[ywts] a d|||[yed9]| |[ig]|f|[ywso] a|||[i962]pd||[ug]|f|[ywts] a d|||[dQ] I p| |d|[pe60]Sf|||e|[e2] 6 [y9] 0 q 0 [i9] 6 [i4] 1 [e4] 5 6 5 [t4] 1 [t1] 5 [w8] 9 0 9 [t8] 5 [t5] [y2] [r5] 6 7 6 [w5] 2 [e92] 6 [ye9] 0 q 0 [yp9] 6 [tp4] 8 [tqi] w e w [tqp] 8 [to1] 5 [t8] 9 0 9 [to8] 5 [ro5] 9 [ywr] e r e [wp] [d9] [g9] e [yf] e [d9] e [ys] e [a5] 9 w 9 [o5] 9 [wa] 9 [p4]a [s8] [qp] 8 4 8 [qo] 8 [p5] 9 w 9 5 9 [wp] [d9] [g9] e [yf] e [d9] e [ys] e [a5] 9 w 9 5 9 [wo] [a9] [p4]a [s8] [qp] 8 4 8 [qg] [f8] [d5] 9 w 9 5 9 [wj] z [yj]zicpd[yx]ipd[zy]ipd[yl]ipd[wh]kryowryo[wh]ryo[wk]ryo[qh]ke[tl]i[qj]etiqeti[qh]eti[wd]hrjyowryowryo[wj]r[zy]o[yj]zicpd[yx]ipd[zy]ipd[yl]ipd[wd]hrkyowryowryo[wh]r[yk]o[qd]hek[tl]i[qj]etiqeti[qc]e[xt]i[zw]ryowryowryowryo[yed9]| |[ug]|f|[ywts] a d|||[yed9]| |[ig]|f|[ywso] a|||[yed9]gjz||[uc]|x|[ywtl] k z|||[zQ] G j| |z|[upje]Lx|||[zy] i p d [yc] i [xp] d [wm] [yn] [zp] a p o y r [zy] i p d [yc] i [xp] d [wm] [yn] p a p o y r [zy] i p d [yc] i [xp] d [wm] [yn] [zp] a p o y r [zy] i p d [yc] i [xp] d [wm] [yn] p a p o y r
Level: 6Length: 02:50IntermediateFrom Past to Present (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim) (Alternative)
Jeremy Soule
[ywoE] d s o P| |[wYE]| |o| |[tqoe] P p i y| |[qe9]| |i| |[ywoE] d s o [hP]| |[wYE]| |o| |[qo]etP p i y| |[qe9] 9 q e E y i|[ywoE] P p i o| |[wYE]|p| |P|[tqie] P p i p| |[qe9]| |P|p|[wo95] P p i o| |[^@(]|i| |t|[yeQ9]| |[yd]||Ddsd| |[eQG9]| |[ohdP5] [zd9] [wsl] [oh9] [hPJ5] 9 w 9 @ ^ ( ^ [oh@] ^ ( ^ [oh4] [PJ8] [qpj] [ig8] [yd4] 8 q 8 2 6 9 6 [ig2] 6 9 6 [o5]Pdh[zd9] [wsl] [oh9] [hPJ5] 9 w 9 @ ^ ( ^ [oh@] ^ ( ^ [oh4] [PJ8] [qpj] [ig8] [yd4] 8 q 8 [zjd2] 6 9 q e y i|[woE95]|[tp]|[yP]| |[tqp4]| |[ie]| |[ie92]|[oE]|[tp]| |[oE5] 9 w 9 5 9 w 9 [oE5] 9 [wtp] 9 [yP5] 9 w 9 [tp4] 8 q 8 [yd4] 8 q 8 [d^]gjzq E q [c^] q [zE] q [zd5] 9 w 9 5 9 w 9 [o5] [d9] [ws] [oe] [PE] t y i [oYE@] ^ ( ^ @ ^ ( [^P] [iP4] [pi8] [qpi] [o8] [o4] [i8] [qi] [y8]t[y2] 6 9 [y6] [yP2] 6[yp]9 [i6] [o5] 9 [wd] 9 [o5] 9 [wd] [s9] [P@] ^ ( ^pPp[o@] ^ ( [o^] [P4] [p8] [qp] [o8] [o4] [i8] [qi] [y8] [i2] 6 9 6 [P2] 6 9 Pp[P5] 9 w [P9]p[P5] 9 w [p9]P[s@] ^ ( [^P]p[o@] ^ ( [o^]i[o4] 8 q [o8]i[o4] 8 q [i8]o[p2] 6 9 [P6]i[o5] 9 w Jj[wJ] y o [yJ]j[wJ] y o [yj]J[l(] E Y [JE]j[h(] E Y hg[qh] t i hgh||gh[j9] e y Jg[wh] y o P d h J z v
Level: 6Length: 02:56IntermediateFar Horizons (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
Jeremy Soule
d| [tD] [ol] [sh]| d| [tD] [ol] [sh]| d| [tD] [ol] [sh]| s| [qd] [th] [ih]| d| [tD] [ol] [sh]| d| [tD] [ol] [sh]| d| [tD] [ol] [sh]| s| [qd] [th] [ih]| [td]| [vY] [hP] [vD]| [ic] [zs] [th] [ol] [sZ]| [zy] [PJ] [YD] [hP] [lD]| [iJ] [hP] [tlh] o s| o| [vY] [hP] [vD]| [ic] [zs] [tZ] [ol] [sZ]| [zy] [PJ] [lY] [hP] [lD]| [iJ] [hP] [tlh] o s| o| [vY] [hP] [vD]| [ic] [zs] [tZ] [ol] [sZ]| [zy] [PJ] [lY] [PD] [lD]| [iJ] [hP] [li] [sg] [lg]| s| [vY] [hP] [vD]| [ic] [zs] [tZ] [ol] [sZ]| [zy] [PJ] [lY] [PD] [lD]| [iJ] [jP] [igJ] [sj] g| y y[Y8] [ws] [to]| y y[Y8] [ws] [to]| y y[Y8] [ws] [to]| y y[Y8] [ws] [to]| y y[^Y@(] s o| y y[^Y92] s o| y y[^Y4] s o| y y[Y851] s o| y yY s o| y yY o s| |[h(] [oE] [hY]| [qg] [td] [o8] [ws] [tD]| [d9] [PE] [Y(] [oE] [sY]| [qP] [oE] [so8] w t| w| [h(] [oE] [hY]| [qg] [td] [D8] [ws] [tD]| [d9] [PE] [s(] [oE] [sY]| [qP] [oE] [so8] w t| w| [hPD(] [oE] [hYD]| [qg] [td] [oD8] [ws] [tsD]| [d9] [PE] [so(] [YE] [soY]| [qP] [oE] [sqi] [ti] [si]| t| [hPD(] [oE] [hYD]| [qg] [td] [oD8] [ws] [tsD]| [d9] [PE] [so(] [YE] [soY]| [qP] [tp] [qiP] [tp] i| 9 9[1(] [t5] [w8]| 9 9[1(] [t5] [w8]| 9 9[1(] [t5] [w8]| 9 9[1(] [w5] [t8]| |z| [sZ]Dh z l| J| [li]ps J j| g| [gE]yi D d| P| [ts]Yo
Level: 5Length: 02:02IntermediateSecunda (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
Jeremy Soule
4 8 4 8 4 8 4 5 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 7 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 3 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 5 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 7 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 3 [4f] 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5f] [5d] 0 5 0 5 0 [5g] 7 [6f] 8 [6g] 8 [6f] 8 [6d] [7f] [8s] 5 8 5 8 5 [8d] 3 [4f] 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5f] [5d] 0 5 0 5 0 [5g] 7 [6f] 8 [6g] 8 [6f] 8 [6d] [7f] [8s] 5 8 5 8 5 [8d] 3 [4sf] 8 [4os] 8 [4dh] 8 [4ad] [5sf] [5ad] 0 5 0 5 0 [5dg] 7 [6sf] 8 [6dg] 8 [6sf] 8 [6ad] [7sf] [8os] 5 8 5 8 5 [8od] 3 [4sf] 8 [4os] 8 [4dh] 8 [4ad] [5sf] [5ad] 0 5 0 5 0 [5dg] 7 [6sf] 8 [6dg] 8 [6sf] 8 [6ad] [7sf] s d [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] t [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] l [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] t [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] l 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] [8g] 6 [8f] 6 [8d] 6 [7s] 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] 8 [6g] [8f] 6 8 [6s] [7f] 8 [5g] 8 [5f] 8 [5d] [8s] 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] [8g] 6 [8f] 6 [8d] 6 [7s] 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] 8 [6g] [8f] 6 8 [6s] [7f] 8 [5g] 8 [5f] 8 [5d] [8s] 3 [4s] 8 [4s] 8 [4s] 8 [4d] [5f] [5d] 0 5 0 5 0 [5s] 7 [6f] 8 [6g] 8 [6f] 8 [6f] [7g] [8f] 5 [8f] [5g] [8h] [5f] [8s] 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] 8 [6g] [8f] 6 8 [6s] [7f] g f d s u u u u u t u i u u u u u t u i u u u u u t u i [1u] [1u] [1u] [1u] [1u] [1i] [1o] [1t] s u u u u t u i u u u u u t u i u u u u u t u i [1u] [1i] [1o] [1i] [1u] [1y] [1u] [1t] u u u u u t u i [5u] u [5u] u [5u] t 5 u [5i] [6u] u [6u] u [6u] t 6 u [6i] [18u] i [18o] i [18u] y [18] u [18t] [4s] u [4u] u [4u] t 4 u [4i] [5u] u [5u] u [5u] t 5 u [5i] [6u] u [6u] u [6u] t 6 u [6i] [18u] i [18o] i [18u] y [18] u [18t] [4f] 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5f] [5d] 0 5 0 5 0 [5g] 7 [6f] 8 [6g] 8 [6f] 8 [6d] [7f] [8s] 5 8 5 8 5 [8d] 3 [4f] 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5f] [5d] 0 5 0 5 0 [5g] 7 [6f] 8 [6g] 8 [6f] 8 [6d] [7f] [8s] 5 8 5 8 5 [8d] 3 [4sf] 8 [4os] 8 [4dh] 8 [4ad] [5sf] [5ad] 0 5 0 5 0 [5dg] 7 [6sf] 8 [6dg] 8 [6sf] 8 [6ad] [7sf] [8os] 5 8 5 8 5 [8od] 3 [4sf] 8 [4os] 8 [4dh] 8 [4ad] [5sf] [5ad] 0 5 0 5 0 [5dg] 7 [6sf] 8 [6dg] 8 [6sf] 8 [6ad] [7sf] s d [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] t [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] l [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] t [4s] f 4 f 4 s f [4s] g [5d] f 5 s 5 d f [5d] s 6 s 6 g 6 f s 6 g [18] s [18] f [18g] h g [18] l 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] [8g] 6 [8f] 6 [8d] 6 [7s] 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] 8 [6g] [8f] 6 8 [6s] [7f] 8 [5g] 8 [5f] 8 [5d] [8s] 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] [8g] 6 [8f] 6 [8d] 6 [7s] 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] 8 [6g] [8f] 6 8 [6s] [7f] 8 [5g] 8 [5f] 8 [5d] [8s] 3 [4s] 8 [4s] 8 [4s] 8 [4d] [5f] [5d] 0 5 0 5 0 [5s] 7 [6f] 8 [6g] 8 [6f] 8 [6f] [7g] [8f] 5 [8f] [5g] [8h] [5f] [8s] 3 4 8 [4s] 8 [4h] 8 [4d] [5d] 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 7 [6f] 8 [6g] [8f] 6 8 [6s] [7f] g f d s s f f f s f f g d f s s d f d s f s g s f s s g [1f] [1s] [1f] [1g] [1h] [1g] [1f] [1s] s f f f s f f g d f s s d f d s f s g s f s s g [1f] [1s] [1f] [1g] [1h] [1g] [1f] [1s] t u u u t u u i [5y] u [5t] t [5y] u 5 y [5t] [6u] t [6i] t [6u] t 6 t [6i] [18u] t [18u] i [18o] i [18] u [18t] [4t] u [4u] u [4t] u 4 u [4i] [5y] u [5t] t [5y] u 5 y [5t] [6u] t [6i] t [6u] t 6 t [6i] [18u] t [18u] i [18o] i [18] u [18t] 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 q 9 0 8 8 9 0 9 8 0 8 q 8 0 8 8 q [10] 8 [10] q [1w] q 1 0 [18] 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 q 9 0 8 8 9 0 9 8 0 8 q 8 0 8 8 q [10] 8 0 q w q 0 7Level: 5Length: 04:32Intermediate
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Bad Romance
Lady Gaga
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Level: 7Length: 02:09IntermediateSecond Run (TalesWeaver)