Apple Seed (Attack on Titan)

Hiroyuki Sawano 27 October 2020

66| [ute6]| [ute6]| [ute6]| [ute7]| |y| |
2| [tqe92]| [tqe92]| [yqe92]| [ywr3]| [30]| r| [30]
66| [ute6]| [ute6]| [ute6]| [ute4]| [tie]| |
[yrW%]| |r| t| [wr50]|||[qe84]|||
[e6] u [y60]| [60]| [60] te4 y [u84]| [84]| [84]|
[e5] u [y95]| [95]| [95] ty1 u [e80]| [80]| [t7]|
[e60] [uo] [uo60]| [60]| [60] [ut][uo]4 [pi] [te84]| [84]| [84]|
[e50] [uo] [uo95]| [95]| [95] yu3 e [y70]| [70]| [70]|
60w[r6]wt[wr50]tw[95]| 5|
[wr95] t [te40]ur[te40]|
4 t [u4]rw[30]| [93]| [yw30]| [wr30]|
[tie2] o [toe2] i [tie2]|
2 r [wur3] i [wri3] u 3|
[30]ut[we40]r0[w4]| 4|
[we40]t0[w975]| [wr50]| [wur5]| [uro5]|
[uso6]fa[uso6]| 6[u0][wo][ra6][wo][ts][yroa5][ts][wo][ywr95]| 5| [ra5] [ts]
[usp4]fa[usp4]| 4 [ts] [uf4][ra][wo][wur30]| [ywr93]| [yoda3]| [yroa3]|
[spig2] [oh] [oh2] [ig] [spig2]| 2 [ra]
[uofa3] [ig] [ig3] [uofa] 3| [u30][uf][ts][utpe4][ra][u0][wo4]| 4|
[utpe4][ts][u0][wuro5]| [wur5]| [wt50]| [wr95]|

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About This Music Sheet

Apple Seed (Attack on Titan) is a song by Hiroyuki Sawano. Use your computer keyboard to play Apple Seed (Attack on Titan) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:30, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Apple Seed (Attack on Titan) is classified in the genres: Japan, Songs From TV, Manga on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime, Attack On Titan.


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Other Songs By Hiroyuki Sawano

  • [epfj] u| e u|
    [eph] i| e i|
    [epg] o| e o|
    [epf] i| e i|
    [epfj] u| e [us]|
    [eph] i| [ea] i|
    [epg] o| [ed] o|
    [epf] i| e i|
    6 e| 6 e|
    [6eo] e| 6 e|
    [6ua] e| 6 e|
    [6us] e| 6 [eud]|
    [6us] e| 6 e|
    [6ua] e| 6 e i
    [6u] e| [6t] e 9
    6 e| 6 e|
    6||[eo] t| |
    y| |
    i| |
    u| |
    [6t] e| 6 e|
    [6ey] e| 6 e|
    [6tu] e| 6 e|
    [6eti] e| 6 w 0
    [6eto] 6| 6 6|
    [6typ] 6| 6 6|
    [6roa] 6| 6 6|
    [6tos]| |
    [6shl] 3 [6e] 0 e|
    [4qdhjz] 8 q w e|
    [5wa]dhk9 [wpdj] 9 [rafk]|
    [30shl] 7 0 w [epfj]|
    [6sfhl] 0| 6 e|
    [7rdhjz] w| 7 [rfjx]|
    [4qfjlx] 8 q t y q
    [4qyod] 8 q 8 [4qdhz]|
    [3shl] 8 0 8 [0o]|
    3 8 [0afk]| |
    [6pfj] 6| 6 6|
    [6wo] 6| 6 6|
    [6qi] 6| 6 6|
    [6ep] 6| 6 6[ra][ts]
    [6ra] 6| 6 6 [ep]
    [6wo] 6| 6 [6qi]|
    [60u] 6| 6 6 8
    [69] 6| 6 6|

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:52
    2An (Attack on Titan)

    Hiroyuki Sawano

  • 1|[soh]|[soh]|[soh]|[ohd2]| |[igP]| |4|[oYD]|[oYD]|[igP]|[sig5]| |[yod]| |1|[soh]|[soh]|[soh]|[soh%]|[sOH]| |[igP5]| |[yod]|[oYD]|[yod^4]| |[tsY@%]| |[th]vlzZhcZlzhvJlhZzhvlZhzclZhVlvhz[o8]hsdDogDsdohPsoDdohsDodgsDoHshod[so1]5[h1]@[sg5]8(wtw(85@1D5[so%]@[g%]8[sh(]WtYOYtW(8%@[si^]4[h^]9[sqg]EyiPiyEq9^D4[gP@]^[h@]5[so^](wEYEw([^D]5@^[s1]5[JD1]@58(wtw(85@1[h5][^JD]4[l^]9[qD]EyiPiyEq9^4[s%]@[JD%]8(WtYOYtW(8%[g@][hd^]4[s^]9[qg]EyiPiyEq9^4[o81]hsdDogDsdohPsoD[d81]ohsDodgsDoHshod[o8][h8][s8]d[D8][o8][g8]D[s8][d8][o8]h[P8]soD[d8][o8][h8]s[D8][o8][d8]gsDoHshod[wY81]oy[wY81]|[81] w [y81]EY[q^]EyYE[q^]|^|[y^] Y [wYE%]oy[YE%]|% Y [to%]yE[w5]|[q5]|[iE5] 55[yw5] 5 [tWO4] [PE] [YPE4] [WO] [YWO4]|4 [y9] [wo5] [WO] [WO5] [wo] [ywoE5]|[o5] Y [t(%]yw[E%]|% E [t%]Yw[^E]|[qi^E] 4^[w^YE] 4^[y^E]|[Y1]osD[oh][yd][YD81]|[81] [wo] [yd81][PE][YD][yid^P][YD][PE][qi^]|^|[yd^] [YD] [soYD%][oh][yd][YD%]|% [YD] [oh%][yd][PE][wo5]|[qiE5]|[igP5] 55[yod5] 5 [O4]sDH[PJ] [PJD4] [OH] [sOHD4]|4 [yd] [oh5] [OH] [sOHD5] [oh] [ohP5]|[oh5] [YD] [ts%][yd][wo][PE%]|% [PE] [ts%][YD][wo][^PE]|[qi^E] 4^[wo^E2] 4^[yiPE] 4 [o81]hsdDogDsdohPsoD[d@(]o[qh4]s[D@(]odgsDoH[s92]hod[o81]hsdDogDsdohPsoD[wd5]o[hW%]s[wD5]odgsD[o^E]H[sY8]h[yo^]d[to8]hsdDogDsdohPsoDdohsDodgsDoHshod[w81]otyYwiYtywoEtwYywotYwyitYwOtowy

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:30
    YouSeeBIGGIRLTT (Attack on Titan)

    Hiroyuki Sawano

  • [p6]pssaaddppssaadd[p8]pssaaddppssaadd[s9]sffddggssffddgg[qp]pssaaddppssaadd[p6]pssaaddppssaadd[p81]pssaaddppssaadd[s92]sffddggssffddgg[qp4]pssaaddppssaadd[we80]| |o y[wt80]|e|u| w [e860] ty| |o y[t975]|e|u| w [u860] ty| |o u[ywo80]|[up]|[up]|[so]|[tqkfe]|[jf]|[fa]|k|[ywrlh]|[kf]|[jf]|[jd]|[utsjfe]|j k j h f d [ut]|s d f l k h [tqhe]|j k j h f d [ywrj] l l l k l k|[pe60]| |[pe][pe][pe][pe][pe][pe60] u [e60] p [ue60] p[pe60]ppp[qp84] s [q84] s [wa95] p[wp95]poo[pe60] u [e60] p [ue60]|[e60]ety[q84] u[qo84] u[wo95] u[wo95] u [pe60] u [e60] p [ue60] p[pe60]ppp[qp84] s [q84] s [wa95] p[wp95]poo[pe60] u [e60] p [ue60]|[e60]ety[q84] u[qo84] u[wo95] u [wo95] p [pe60] s [ea60] a [e60] p [e60] op[q84] p [q84] p [w95] p [wu95]|[ple60]j[sk]h[lea60]j[ka]h[le60]j[pk]h[le60]j[ok][ph][ql84]j[pk]h[ql84]j[pk]h[wl95]j[pk]h[wul95]jkh[ple60]j[sk]h[lea60]j[ka]h[le60]j[pk]h[le60]j[ok][ph][ql84]j[pk]h[ql84]j[pk]h[wl95]j[pk]h[wul95]jkh[ule60]jkh[le60]jkh[le60]jkh[le60]jkh

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:03
    The Founding Titan (Attack on Titan)

    Hiroyuki Sawano

  • [w3] r u w r u w r I w r I w r o w r o w r I w r I [w3] r u w r u w r I w r I w r o w r o w r p o I r [w3] r u w r u w r I w r I w r o w r o w r I w r I [w3] r u w r u w r I w r I w r o w r o w r p| |[u3] w r u w r u w r u w r I w r I w r I w r I w r [u3] w r u w r I w r I w r o w r o w r p w r o w I [u3] w r u w r I w r u w r u w r o w r u w r p w r [u3] w r u w r u w r y w r u w r I w r y w r u w r [u3] w r u w r o u o a u o [f3] u o a u f u a f a f G [h3] a k f a j|f h G f a [u3] o a d f o h o G f a u [ua3]||[lf]||[kd3]||[sj]||[hd5]||[sG]||[fa]||[sh5]||[jfd6]||[sh]||[kd5]||[lf6]||[kd3]||[hd]||[aG1]||[fa]| |[r3] 0 w t 0 w t 0 w r 0 w r 0 w u 0 w u 0 w y 0 w [y3] 0 w t 0 w r 0 w t 0 w r 0 t 0 r 0 w 0 r u 0 r [r73] o u r o u r o u r o u [t73] p u t p u t p u t p u [y73] a I y a I y a I y a I [t73] p u t p u t p u [t73]| |[ura73] o u [ura] o u [ura] o u [yd] [ts] [ra] [upe51] u e [wo] u w [wo] u w [upe] u p [ura63] o u [ra] o u [yd] y o [ts] t o [ra2] r u [pe] e y [wo] w y [pe] e u [ra73] u r [ra] u f u d u a u a [ra51] u o [ra] u f u d u a u o [a63] u f u a u d u p a p u [a7$] u f u d u a u o p a u 3||0 r 0 t 0 y 0 u 0 r 0 t 0 e 0 r 0 t 0 w 0 3||0 r 0 t 0 y r u r I r o r p r a r s t a u| |3 7 0 [wu] [rI] I I||ua||[ua1] [p5] [p8] [p0] w t u||u||[ua6] [p3] [p6] [p8] 0 e t||us||[us2] [a$] [a7] [a9] Q r u I I o||3||[kfa3] [pj7] [oh0] [IG3] [oh7] [IG0] [ufa3] 7 0 1||[kfa1] [pj5] [oh8] [IG1] [oh5] [IG8] [ufa1] 5 8 6||[a6]fk3 6 [kfa6] 3 6 [pjd6] 3 6 7||[a7]fk$ 7 [kfa7] $ 7 [pjd7] $ 7 [ua3]||[ua]||[od]||[so]||[ua3]||[of]||[pG]||[hd]||[pj73] d p [pj] d p [hd] p d [dG] p d f p a d p o p I u y u r w r 0 e|w||0 r 0| |[730]| |x||x||x

    Level: 5
    Length: 03:26
    Erwin’s Charge (Attack on Titan)

    Hiroyuki Sawano

  • 6etsttartoetowto4qtsttartoeto|6etsttartoetowto4qtsttartoeto|29qeyqeuweieeoey59 eyoeyodyosyos6etsttartoetotot4qtsttartoeto|6etsttartoetowto4qtsttartoeto|||oiu i o [t4] 8 q w e| |oiu i o [t2] 6 9 e r t r [r3] % 7 W u| |[t6] 0 [oa]et[sp]tp[da]yp[sf]up[gd]|[pf]| |[use]| |[pog]| |[uqf]p|4468q68t668r|w|||[use]|||[lj]|||[s4]o|148t8tr98w96w65w| |w [e2] [r6] [i9] ei[q6]ei[w6]eueye [y3]7370r 0[te]0[yr]0[ut]0[yi0][u4]140w67w80w9qt0wtqruwtieyotusyuau[s6]u[a0]u[se]u[ura]u[se]uduausu[s4]u[a8]u[sq]u[woa]u[se]uduausu[s2]u[a6]u[s9]u[qa]u[ws]u[ed]ufupu[d3]u[f7]u[p0]u[wa]u[spe]u[da]u[sp]u[oa]u[oa4]8qweto48qetweue[t4]8qeuwtoetititut[u4]148t88r78w68w58[w4]48w58w68w8wt8t w| |[sl]||[ka6] 3[oh]6 3 [oh6] 3[ig][uf6][ig]3[oh][ts4] 1 [tp4] 8 q [sl6] 8[ka]q [ka6] 3[oh]6 3[oh]6 [xf3] 6[zd]3 [slg@]| |[tiP*!]| |[YOE7]| |[qYE%]| |[E5]eq9Eeq9Eeq9[^E]eq9Eeq9Eeq9Eeq9Eeq9[E5]eq9Eeq9Eeq9[^E]eq9Eeq9Eeq9E

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:21
    EP←K (Nanatsu no Taizai)

    Hiroyuki Sawano


  • [6up] 0 e [tf] e 0 [6a] 0 e [ts] e 0
    [4ypd] 9 q e q 9 [4s] 9 q e q 9
    [5ia] 9 w r w 9 [5g] 9 w r w 9
    [1uof] 5 8 0 8 5 [O3yd] 7 0 W 0 7
    [6up] 0 e [tf] e 0 [6a] 0 e [ts] e 0
    [4ypd] 9 q e q 9 [4s] 9 q e q 9
    [2ia] 7 9 q 9 7 [2d] 7 9 [qa] 9 d 7
    [3uof] 7 0 W 0 7 % 7 0 W 0 7
    [6psj] 0 e t u t e 0 [6adk] 0 e t [usfl] t e 0
    [4djz] 9 q e y e q 9 [4dgl] 9 q e y e q 9
    [5fhz] 0 w r u r w 0 [5dgz] 9 q r y r q 9
    [1fhx] 5 8 0 w 0 8 5 [H3dz] 7 [0k] [Wl] [rz] [Wl] [0k] 7
    [6psj] 0 e t u t e 0 [6adk] 0 e t [usfl] t e 0
    [4djz] 9 q e y e q 9 [4dgl] 9 q e y e q 9
    [6psj] 0 e t u t e 0 6 0 e t u t e 0
    6 0 e t u t e 0 6 0 e t u t e 0 6 l x b

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:54
    Sinfonietta in A Minor (Succession)

    Nicholas Britell

  • [Y8]| Y| o| [s%]| s| d| [P(]| P| o| [P9]| P| i| [tY8]| Y| o| [sY(]| s| d| [YP(]| P| o| [o^E]||Y i [to8] o o [to8]|o [to8] O [W%]| [W%]| [oW%] O [YP(]|P [YP(]|O [oY(] i [y9]| [y9]| [yY9] i [to8] o o [to8]|P [t8] O [W%]| [W%] D|[dW%]| [YP(]|P [YP(]|s [Y(]| [yP9]| [y9]| [yi9] o [toD8]|o [to8]| [to8] P [sW%]|d [W%] s|[WP%] P [Y(]| [Y(]| [sY(]| [yiP9]| [y9]| [yi9] o [toD8]|o [to8]| [to8] P [sW%]|d [W%] s|[WP%] P [Y(]| [Y(]| [oYE(]| [iE9]||Y|y y [w8] t||P [tD8] DD [tD8] D s [wY] P [WD%] DD [WD%] D s [t8]| [tqD] DD [tqg] h g [tqD] g [wD]| d| [^E] P [tD8] DD [tD8] D s [wY] P [WD%] DD [WD%]gD s [t(]| [tqD] DD [tqg] h g [tqD] g [woD]| d|| [thP8]||[ydJE]|| [sOD%] ( W [tP(] h H [tJ(] H [tq] h|[tqg]|D [tq] J [E9] H|[hE9]|g [wD9] g [thP8]||[ydJE]|| [sOD%] ( W [tP(] h H [tJ(] H [tq] h|[tqg]|D [h^E]| [g^E]||Y i [to8] o o [to8]|o [to8] O [W%]| [W%]| [oW%] O [YP(]|P [YP(]|O [oY(] i [y9]| [y9]| [yY9] i [to8] o o [to8]|P [t8] O [W%]| [W%] D|[dW%]| [YP(]|P [YP(]|s [Y(]| [yiP9]| [y9]| [yi9] o [toD8]|o [to8]| [to8] P [sW%]|d [W%] s|[WP%] P [Y(]| [Y(]| [sY(]| [yiP9]| [y9]| [yi9] o [toD8]|o [to8]| [to8] P [sW%]|d [W%] s|[WP%] P [Y(]| [Y(]| [oY(]| [iE9]||Y|y y [Y8] w t Y t|[o8] t [s%] ( t s t|[dW] t [P(] E Y P Y|[oE] Y [^P] q y P y|[iE] y [Y8] w t Y t|[o8] t [s%] ( t s t|[dW] t [P(] E Y P Y|[oE] Y [^P] q y P y|[iE] y P [th8] h h J|J D [WD%] D D h| P [hY(] H h H h| gD[yg9]||P| [wth8] h h J|J D [WD(%] D D h| P [hYE(] H h H h|g D [gE9]||d| [D8] w t D t|[h8] t [l%] ( t l t|[zW] t [J(] E Y J Y|[hE] Y [^J] q y J y|[gE] y [D8] w t D t|[h8] t [l%] ( t l t|[zW] t [J(] E Y J Y|[hE] Y [^J] q y J y|[gE] y Y i [to8] o o o|o o O [W%]|| o O [YP(]|P P|O o|[i^E]|| Y i [to8] o o o|P| O [W%]||[WD%]| [dW%]|[YP(]|P [YP(]|s [Y(]|[^PE]|[^E]|[^E]| [i^E] o [tD8]|o [to8]| [to8] P [sW%]|d [W%] s| [WP%] P [Y(]| [Y(]| [sY(]|[yP9]| [y9]| [yi9] o [tD8]|o [to8]| [to8] P [sW%]|d [W%] s| [WP%] P [Y(]| [Y(]| [oY(]|[iE9]||Y| y Yy[wt(]
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:16
    Stay With Me (Goblin)

    Nam Hye-seung

  • [57]|d|
    [8sl] w [tjb] w [uhv] t [wfx] t
    [7rak] w [rfx] [wgc] [uhv] r [wfx] 0
    [8sl] w [tjb] w [uhv] t [wfx] t
    [7rak] w [rfx] [wgc] [uhv] r [wfx] 0
    [8pj] q [ehv] q [tfx] q [edz] q
    [9oa] [wps] [roa] [wip] [yo] w [ros] w
    [8t] q [ehv] q [tfx] q [edz] q
    [9oa] [wps] [roa] [wip] [yo] w [ros] w
    [8sl] 0 [wjb] t [uhv] t [wfx] 0
    [7rak] 0 [wfx] [rgc] [uhv] r [wfx] 0
    [8sl] 0 [ejb] t [uhv] t [efx] 0
    [8t] 0 [Wfx] [tgc] [uhv] t [Wfx] 0
    [8pj] q [ehv] q [tfx] q [edz] q
    [9ak] [wsl] [rak] [wpj] [yoh] w [rsl] w
    580twoux l|uosf

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:28
    The Owl House Credits Theme