01:25 -
-2 -
[8u] w t u|w t o
3 7 [0r] o|0 r t
6 0 w t|0 w t||
[4w][5t]iu t|
[8u] w t u|w t o
3 7 [0r] o|0 r t
6 0 w t|0 w t
[59wr]||sss d f
f 8 [wd] y u|w y
[ud] [0d] [rd] [yd] [rf] [yd] [us] [6s]
0 w t|0 w t|
0 w [ts]ss [rd] [th] og9
e y i|e y [ig] [8g]
[wf] [tf] [og] f [wd] [td] y 5
9 w t|9 w t [59wr]||
s d f f
8 w t [yd]f[ud] o s [ah]
0 r I o|d d d
6 [0f] r t o d d d
q [tf] i [os]| t [ip]
[9pg] e [uf] [ipg]||[pg]
[8of] w [td] [us]| p d
5 9 w t|9 w t
[59wr]| ssf g [osh] [osh]
1 8 w t [uh] g [wf] d
5 9 w y [os] d [rf] [ps]
6 [0ad] [esf] [tps] u [ad] [esf] [dg]
4 [8sf] q t [iof] [tpg] [qah] [sh]
8 w t u [oh] g [uf] [aOH]
3 [7pj] 0 [rak] u|[rf] d
[6s] [0a] [es] [tj] 5 9 [ws] [rd]
[4q]||[ips] d f p
9 [ed] u i|s|
[0tuo]sd| s d f p
[qt] d t o|a s h
[4q]| ggg g h g
[1f] 5 8 [woh] t [8ts] w [tyd]
5 9 w [yod]|[wra] [tys] w
6 0 [rto]|0 r [to]||
gg[5g] g h g [1f]
5 8 [woh] t [8ts] w [tyod] 5
9 w [yo]sh w [rya] [wts] 6
0 r [to] 0|r t
About This Music Sheet
Beautiful (Crush) is a song by Crush. Use your computer keyboard to play Beautiful (Crush) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:25, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Shannon. The song Beautiful (Crush) is classified in the genre of South Korea on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using K-Pop.
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Firework (Intermediate)
Katy Perry
[8w]| 8 8||
[8w]| 8 8| o
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[8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
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[8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
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[8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
[8wu]| 8 [8i]||
[8y]|i 8 [8u]||
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[8y]|i [8u] [8u]||
[8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
[8a]| [8o] [8u]||
[8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
[8a]| [8o] [8u]||
[579y]| u [8tu]|7|
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[36p] u p o [37u]|u y
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[48et]| y [8t] r e w
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[8wtu]| 8 [8yi]||
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[8w]|[tu] 8 [8yi]| u
[8y] u i [8u] [8tu]||
[8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
[8a]|o 8 [8u]||
[8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
[8a]|p [8o] [8uo]||
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[W0r]| f d S a p
[9wa]| u y T r e
d p d f S p S d
a p p o o I u y
w Q 0 9 2Level: 6Length: 02:24IntermediateTest Drive (How To Train Your Dragon)
John Powell
[etu]| [etu]| [wry]||[wry]| [wry] d a [etu]|o [etu]| [wry]||[wryd]| [wry] s| [etu]| [etu]| [wry]||[wryd] d d [wry] s p [qets]| [qet]| [tuo]||[tuos] s s [tuos] s h [etuf]| [etu] s s [wrys] h f|[wrys] s s [wrys] s h [etuf]| [etu] s s [wrys] h f|[wrys] s s [wrys] s h [etuf]| [etu] s s [wrys] h f d [wrys] s s [wrys] s h [qetf]| [qet] s s [tuos] h f d [tuos] s s [tuos] s h [etuf]| [etu] s s [wryh]|f|[wryd] s s [wrys] h| [etuf]| [etu] s s [wrys] h f|[wryd] s s [wrys] h| [etuf]| [etu] s s [wrys] h f|[wryd] s s [wrys] h| [qetf]| [qet] s s [tuos] h f|[tuod] s s [tuos] h| [etuf]| [etu] s s [wrys] h f d [wrys] s s [wrys] h| [etuf]| [etu] s s [wryh]|f|[wryd] s s [wrys] h| [etuf]| [etu] s s [wrys] h f d [wrys] s s [wrys] h| [qetf]| [qet] s s [tuos] h f d [tuod] d d [tuod] d| [etus]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etud] d d d d d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etu]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [qetd] d d d d d [tuod] d d|s p s p|d [etus]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etud] d d d d d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etu]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [qetd] d d d d d [tuod] d d|s p s p|d [etup]||| [etup]|||[etu]||[wry]||[wry]| [wry]| [etu]||[wry]||[wry]| [wry]| [etu]|| [wry]||[wry]| [wry]| [qet]| [qet]| [tuo]||[tuo]| [tuo]| [etu]||[wry]|| [wry]| [wry]| [etu]||[wry]||[wry]| [wry]| [etu]||[wry]||[wry]| [wry]| [qet]| [qet]| [tuo]||[tuo]| [tuo]| [etu]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etud] d d d d d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etu]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [qetd] d d d d d [tuod] d d|s p s p| [etu]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etud] d d d d d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etu]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [qetd] d d d d d [tuod] d d|s p s p| [etup]Level: 6Length: 02:40Intermediate
Trap Queen (Fetty Wap)
Fetty Wap