02:10 -
i i i |
Yio t Y i i i |
Yio t Y Po i Y Po i Y i |
tEtEt |
tEtEy EE tw |
tEtE y EE tw |
E t wq |
EtEtEt |
tEtEy EE tw |
tEtEy EE tw |
E t wq |
EtEtE |
t Yi o t Y i |
t t Yi o t Y i |
E t Yi o t Y i y t E |
Et Y i |
io i YY tY |
Y Po i Y Po i Y i |
o Y i |
o i YY tY |
Y Po i Y Po i Y i i i |
Yio t Y i i i |
Yio t Y Po i Y Po i Y i |
EtEtEt |
EtEtEy EE tw |
tEtEy EE tw |
E t wq |
Y y t E t t Yi o t Y i |
t t Yi o t Y i |
E t Yi o t Y i y t E |
Y Po i Y Po i Y i i i |
PoPos oo ii |
P s oo io |
P P Ooi |
o Y i |
o i YY tY |
Y Po i Y Po i Y i i i |
Yi o t Y i i |
Yio t Y Po i Y Po i Y i i i Yio t Y i |
i Yio t Y Po i Y Po i Y i i | i
About This Music Sheet
Blinding Lights is a song by The Weeknd. Use your computer keyboard to play Blinding Lights music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:10, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Ecaterina. The song Blinding Lights is classified in the genres: Canada, Dance, Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Meme.
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Other Songs By The Weeknd
8|0 w|r|t|u o|a|
t|u o|a|s|f h|k|
8|0 w|r|t|u o|a|
t|u o|a|s|f h|k|
8|0 w|r| |d|
s| a| o| o|
[8u]|0 w|r|t|u o|a|
t|u o|a|s|f h|k|
8|0 w|r| |d|
s| a| o| o|
[8u]|0 w|r|t|u o|a|
t|u o|a|s|f h|k|
[8sf]| 0| r| w|
8| 0| r| w|o|
[8sG]| 0| r| w|
8| 0| r| w|o|
[8sf]| 0| r| w|
8| 0| r| w|o|
[8sG]| 0| r| w|
8| 0| r| w|o|
[8sG]| |r| w|
8| |r| w|o|
[8sf]| |r| w|
8| |r| w|o|
[8sG]| |r| w|
8| |r| w|o|
[8sf]| |r| w|
8| |r| w|o|
[8wsG]| |[ro]| |
[8w]| |[ro]||o|
[8sG]|0 w|r| |d|
s| a| o| o|
[8u]|0 w|r|t|u o|a|
t|u o|a|s|f h|k|
8|0 w|r| |d|
s| a| o| o|
[tupsj]| h| G| f|
[Iryj]|j|h|h|[dG]| f|
[6ej]|j|k|k|[sf]| d|f|
[30j]|h| G|[af]| |
[7rdj]| k| [af]| d|
[8wj]|h| G|[wusf]| |
[60sj]| h| [0tG]| f|
[37af]||f|[7wx]| |
[Q7j]|j|h|h|[yQG]| f|
[8wsf]||f|[wux]| |
[60fj]| k| [0tsf]| d|f|
[37j]|h| G|[7wf]| |
[Q7dj]| k| [Qyaf]| d|
[8wj]|h| G|[wuf]| |
8|0 w|r|t|u o|a|
[8f]| [0G]|f|[rd]| w|f|
[8f]| [0G]|f|[rd]| w|
[8wf]| G|f|[rud]||f|
[8wf]| G|f|[rud]| |
[8f]| [0G]|f|[rd]| w|f|
[8f]| [0G]|f|[rd]| w|
[8wf]| G|f|[rud]||f|
[8wf]| G|d|[ruf]| |
[8d]|0|[wd]|f|[rf]| w|
[8d]|0|[wd]| [rG]|d|[wf]|
[8d]|0|[wd]|f|[rf]| w|
[8d]|0|[wd]| [rG]|d|[wf]|
[8d]|0|[wd]|f|[rf]| w|
[8d]|0|[wd]| [rG]|d|[wf]|
[8d]|0|[wd]|f|[rf]| w|
[8d]|0|[wd]| [rG]|d|[wf]|
8||[sf]|[rsf]| w|
[8fj]| h| r|[sG]|[wsf]|
[8fj]| h| [rsG]| [wf]|
[8fj]| h| r|[sG]|[wsf]|
[0wt]|d|[sf]| [0wt]|d|[sf]|
[wruz]| [hx]| [wruz]| [hx]|
[0wtd]| [sf]| [0wtd]| [sf]|
[wruz]| [hx]| [wruz]| x|z|
[8f]|w|t|u|o| |
[6sj]|0|[eh]|t|[uG]| f|
[3af]|7|0|w|r| |
[7j]|[Qj]|[rh]|[yh]|[dIG]| f|
[8wsf]| |[wu]| |
[60j]|j|k|k|[0tsf]| d|f|
[37j]|h| G|[7waf]| |
[Q7dj]| k| [Qyaf]| d|
[8j]|[wh]|t|[uG]|[oaf]| |
[6sj]|0|[eh]|t|[uG]| f|
[3af]|7|0|[wf]|[rx]| |
[7j]|[Qj]|[rh]|[yh]|[IG]| f|
[8wsf]||f|[wux]| |
[60fj]| k| [0tsf]| d|f|
[37j]|h| G|[7wf]| |
[Q7dj]| k| [Qyaf]| d|
[8sj]|h|0| [wj]|h|r|
[6fj]|h|8| [0j]|h|w|
[0aj]|h|w| [rj]|h|y|
[7j]|h| k|[Qaf]| [edh]|
[8sj]|h|0| [wj]|h|r|
[6fj]|h|8| [0j]|h|w|
[0aj]|h|w| [rj]|h|y|
[7j]|h| k|[Qaf]| [edh]|
8|0 w|r|t|u o|a|
8|0 w|r|a| d|
[8h]| w| t| r|
8| w| [tj]| r|
[8wk]| |[ru]| |
[8w]| |[ruGC]| |
[8fx]|0 w|r|t|u o|a|
t|u o|a|s|f h|k|
xLevel: 7Length: 03:44IntermediateTimeless (The Weeknd)
The Weeknd
[9ed]| d|sdf p s|
[60d]| d|sdf p s|
[8wh]f d s|hf d s|
[wad]| w| w|
[qp]o[0p]o[9eip]| [9e]|
[9e]| [9ep]opo[60us] oo[60]pu
[60]| [60p]opo[8wus] oo[8w]pu
[8w]| [8wo] p [59u]y|[59]|
w|o[qp]o[0p]o[9eip]| [9e]|
[9e]| [9ep]opo[60us] oo[60]pu
[60]| [60p]opo[8wus] oo[8w]pu
[8w]| [8wo] p [59u]y|[59]|
w|o[qp]o[0p]o[9e] p sd f|
p s d [60p] p sd [sf]|
p s d [8wo] p sd f|
p s daa| p| o| h s [9ed]| [9e]| [9e]|
[9e]df [60d] ss[60]ps [60] p [60] s [8wh]f d s|
[8wh]f d sd [59] [ad] [59]| w|
[qf] [0s] [9ed]| [9e]|
[9e]| [9e]df [60d] ss[60]ps
[60] p [60] s [8wh]f d s|
[8wh]f d sd [59] [ad] [59] o
w o q [0o] [9ed]| d|sdf p s|
[60d]| d|sdf p s|
[8wh]f d s|hf d s|
[wad]| w| w|o[qp]o[0p]o[8wh]f d sd [59] [ad]
[59]| w| [qh]f[0h]f[9egj] ff[9e]dd
[9e]| [9eh]fhf[60sj] ff[60]dds[60] p [60] h
[8wj] ff df [8w]| h [ah]
[59]gfd[59] f w| [qf] [0s] [9ed]| [9e]| [9e]|
[9e]df [60d] ss[60]pds[60] p [60] s [8wh]f d s|
[8wh]f d sd [59] [ad] [59] o [59] o ww[wo]w[9ed]| d|sdf p s|
[60d]| d|sdf p s|
[8wh]f d s|hf d s|
[wad]| w [ad] w [ad] q [0ad]
[9ed]| d|sdf p s|
[60d]| d|sdf p s|
[8wh]f d s|hf d s|
[wad]| w| w| [qf] [0s]
[9ed]| [9e]| [9e]|
[9e]df [60d] ss[60]pds[60] p [60] s [8wh]f d s|
[8wh]f d sd [59] [ad]Level: 6Length: 02:36IntermediateBlinding Lights (The Weeknd)
The Weeknd
p s s | s | s s p s d a | o a a | a | o o o a s s |
p s s | s | p s p s d a | o a a | a | o o o a s s |
g f g f | g | g f f | g g f g f | g f g f | d | g g f f | g g f | g fLevel: 1Length: 01:15Super EasySave Your Tears
The Weeknd
[6s] 0 [ta] e [up] 0
[%O] 0 [rf] W [ua] [0s]
[7d] q [yf] 0 [ig] 9
[8g] w u t [of] w
[qd] e [yf] i [pg] e
[%f] 0 y W [ua] 0
[%a] 0 [rs] W [ua] 0
[6a] 0 t e [up] 0
[6s] 0 [ta] e [up] 0
[%O] 0 [rf] W [ua] [0s]
[qd] e [yf] i [pg] e
[%g] 0 r [Wf] [uH] [0j]
[qk] [ez] [yl] [ik] [pj] [dh]
[sg] p [uf] t [ep] 0
[9a] W [yd]s r [ia] W
[6a] 0 t e [up] 0Level: 4Length: 00:46EasySong of Lament (Elden Ring)
Tsukasa Saitoh
u p s [tp] p s p [ya] p i o [ue] |
u p s [tp] p s p [ew] p u Y [yw] |
y i O [rw] |
y i O [pw] |
e t o [iw] u o i [iw] u u W [ew]Level: 4Length: 00:30EasyThe Godfather Theme (Easy)
Nino Rota
sssdsPpppPpoi sssPpssssdsPpppPpoi sPpsdsPsssdsPppPoi sPpsdsPshdh lkhhdh lkhhhdh jhjkjhdh lkhdh lkhhhdh jhjkjhdLevel: 3Easy
Unconditionally (Easy)
Katy Perry