Bohemian Rhapsody (Alternative)

Queen 5 October 2020
  • TYPE
  • transposition

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d [uod] d [I29ey]

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About This Music Sheet

Bohemian Rhapsody (Alternative) is a song by Queen. Use your computer keyboard to play Bohemian Rhapsody (Alternative) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 06:00, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Bohemian Rhapsody (Alternative) is classified in the genre of Pop Rock on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Fun, 70s Songs.


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Other Songs By Queen

  • s s d [8f] f 8 ff[4pf] d d s
    [8of]| 8| 8 h j k
    [6l]l l6 l [8fk] k k l
    [qj]hg q| q||f
    [9g] gg9 h [6f]| 6fdf[9g] f [9g] hf6| dsp
    [wf]| [wd]| w| w|
    [wj] h w| w s s d
    [8f] f 8 ff[4pf] d d s
    [8of]| 8| 8 hhj k
    [6l] l [6l]l [8k]k z l
    [qj]hg q| q||df[9g] g [9g] h [6f]|
    6 df[9g] f [9g] hf6 dd s
    [5f] d 5 5w| 5 sa[5ps] [pd] [ps]| [5pg]| w|
    [8l]l l lk[ql]| q jk[el] l lkk [wk]| w|
    [8l] llllk[ql]| q jk[el] ll kj[wh]| q h
    [0l]l l l [qk] l q jk[wl] k l kz[QYl]| |
    [wul]l l s [wif]ds| fd[tud]s [tu]| [tu]| [tu]|
    [eis]| [ei]| [ei]| [ps]|
    [tuos]| [tu]| [tuod]f [tu] d
    [eis]| [ei]| [wid] s s f
    [8f] f 8 ff[4pf] d d s
    [8of]| 8| 8 h j k
    [6l]l l6 l [8fk] k k l
    [qj]hg q| q||f
    [9g] gg9 h [6f]| 6fdf[9g] f [9g] hf6| dsp[wf]| [wd]| w| w|
    [wj] h w| w s s d
    [8f] f 8 ff[4pf] d d s
    [8of]| 8| 8 hhj k
    [6l] l [6l]l [8k]k z l
    [qj]hg q| q||df[9g] g [9g] h [6f]| 6 df[9g] f [9g] hf6 dd s
    [5f] d 5 5w| 5 sa[5ps] [pd] [ps]| [5pg]| w|
    [8l]l l lk[ql]| q jk[el] l lkk [wk]| w|
    [8l] llllk[ql]| q jk[el] ll kj[wh]| q h
    [0l]l l l [qk] l q jk[wl] k l kz[QYl]| |
    [wtx]x x z [wuz] l||
    [wi] H h g s||fd[tud]s [tu]| [tu]| fd
    [qps]| q| q j||
    [8h] ffds 0| w|
    [qps]| |[8us]

    Level: 5
    Length: 03:03
    Too Much Love Will Kill You (Queen)


  • yy |
    E t yy |
    y Y i Y y t |
    y Y i Y y t

    Level: 1
    Length: 00:14
    Super Easy
    Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)


  • [dghPJ] [dghJ] [dghJ] [dghJ] [dghJ] [osfhJ] [sfhJ] [sfhJ] [sfhJ] [psgj] [sgj] [sgj] [shPJ] [sjl] i i
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    o y E w
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    [18i] Y i p
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    [^Ey] q E y
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    P [%(Ws] P [%(WO] Y [@^(EYwo] [@^(] [18tYO] o [18Y] w [5E] E [5] [Y18to] i [18Y] y [5wE] [5] [18to] Y Y [18i] o [r%WY] r
    [^Wo] t Y i i
    Y Y t
    y [o@(P] Y o
    P [Os] d [Os] d [o@(P] Y o
    P [@(YIps] d [@(YIps] d [29yiP] y i
    P [i!*TP] s [iTP] s [18tuo] t u
    o [TP] O O
    o [18to] u t
    E [i] 4 p g
    i [Pd] g [ps] g [Oa] g [oP] g [4qeti]

    Level: 8
    Length: 05:30
    Bohemian Rhapsody



  • [sg] p [sg] p [gd] p [gd] p e p [fS] p [fS] p [fS] p [sg] p [sg] p [gd] p [gd] p e p [fS] p [hS] p [gS] f [usg] [pi] [usg] [tp] [ugd] [pi] [ugd] [tp] e p [fS6] p [fS6] [p6] [feS] [p6] [usg] [pi] [usg] [tp] [ugd] [pi] [ugd] [tp] e p [fS6] p [hS6] [p6] [geS] [pf] [sog] [pi] [sg] p [ogd] [pi] [gd] p [pT] [up] [feS] [p6] [fS6] [p6] [feS] p [sog] [pi] [sg] p [ogd] [pi] [igd] p [pT] [up] [feS] [p6] [hS6] [p6] 66
    Level: 5
    Length: 00:31
    Heathens (Alternative)

    Twenty One Pilots

  • 0eS|f a sfs S p| f p afp p| [Ie]|[Oe]|[ue]|u|| [Ie]|p ap|| [ye] y S|f a sfs S p| f p afp p| [Ie]|[Oe]|[ue]|e|| [Ie]|p ap|| [ye] y [eTu]|||||[QeTu]|||||[9Qeu]|||||[QeTu]|| [9Qeu]|| [eTu]|||||[QeTu]|||||[9Qeu]|||||[QeTu]|| [9Qeu]|| [eTu][eTu] [eTu][eTu][eTu] [9Qeu][9Qeu] [9Qeu][9Qeu][9Qeu] [QeTu][QeTu] [QeTu][QeTu][QeTu] [9Qeu][9Qeu] [9Qeu][9Qeu][9Qeu] [eTu]| [eTu]|| [9Qeu]|| [QeTu]|| [eyu]|| [9Qeu]|| [eTu] [eTu] [eTu] [eTu] [9Qeu] [9Qeu] [9Qeu] [9Qeu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [eyu] [eyu] [9Qeu] [9Qeu] [eTu] [eTu] [eTu] [eTu] [eyu] [eyu] [eyu] [eyu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [eyu] [eyu] [9Qeu] [9Qeu] [eTuS]|f a sfs S p| f p afp p| [Ie]|[Oe]|[ue]|u|| [Ie]|p ap|| [ye] y [eTu]|||||[QeTu]|||||[9Qeu]|||||[QeTu]|| [9Qeu]|| [eTu]|||||[QeTu]|||||[9Qeu]|||||[QeTu]|| [9Qeu]|| [eTu][eTu] [eTu][eTu][eTu] [9Qeu][9Qeu] [9Qeu][9Qeu][9Qeu] [QeTu][QeTu] [QeTu][QeTu][QeTu] [9Qeu][9Qeu] [9Qeu][9Qeu][9Qeu] [eTu]| [eTu]|| [9Qeu]|| [QeTu]|| [eyu]|| [9Qeu]|| [9Qeu]|| [eyu]|| [eTu] [eTu] [eTu] [eTu] [9Qeu] [9Qeu] [9Qeu] [9Qeu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [eyu] [eyu] [9Qeu] [9Qeu] [eTu] [eTu] [eTu] [eTu] [eyu] [eyu] [eyu] [eyu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [eyu] [eyu] [9Qeu] [9Qeu] [eTu] [eTu] [eTu] [eTu] [9Qeu] [9Qeu] [9Qeu] [9Qeu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [eyu] [eyu] [9Qeu] [9Qeu] [eTu] [eTu] [eTu] [eTu] [eyu] [eyu] [eyu] [eyu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [QeTu] [eyu] [eyu] [9Qeu] [9Qeu] [eTuS]|f a sfs S p| f p afp p| [Ie]|[Oe]|[ue]|u|| [Ie]| p a p||
    Level: 7
    Playing Favorites

    The Starting Line

  • ppfdp pfdo ofdo ofdI Ifdp pfdo ofdo ofdI | f S paSd dSap pIaIuI | f S paSd dSap pIaIuI | pfdp pfdo ofdo ofdI pfdp pfdo ofdo ofdI | f S paSd dSap pIaIuI | f S paSd dSap pIaIuI | jjG jjd | jjh hhjG | d h h h hhGfd a G GG Gpa | h h h hhGfd ddd SSSSGpa ddd SSSSGpa dd SSSSGSd
    Level: 3
    Speed of Sound
