Cold Iron (Katawa Shoujo)

Sebastien Skaf 12 November 2020

[uspf6] 6||[spig6] 6||[spoh6] 6||[spig6] 6||[uspf6]|||[u6] [t0] e [u0] [i4] [t0] e [i0]u[y5] [r9] w [y9] [u8] [wr] w [yw]t[e4] [t0] u [t0] [y4] [r9] w [t9]y[Y$] [r(] e [Y(] [u3] [y0] [r9] [W7] [u6] [t0] e [u0] [i4] [t0] e [i0]u[y5] [r9] w [y9] [u8] [wr] w [yw]t[e4] [t0] u [E0] [r$] [e(] u [e(] [W3] [y9] u [ye9]r[te8]| |p [sf] [jf] l [kh] d [ha] d [ji] [sp] [sg] j h|f|[yg] [pi] [pd] g [sf] p [sp] p [dO] [pi] [sa] [aO] [sp] u p u 6 [tf] j [tl] [k5] [rd] h [rd] [j4] [se] g [je] [h8] u|u [g2] [qp] d [qg] [f6] [tp] s [tp] [d3] [iW] O [dW] [s6] t [sf] t [ugda]|[sf][da][sp][ufaO]|[daH]|[faH]||[sj][kd][uspj]|[sf]|[rgd]|[sf][da][sp][uaWO0]|[rdaO]|[urO]||[tp][ya][tpe0]| |@ 3 8 [W7] [r9] [t(] [yq] [u0] [xpj]| |[pjc]| |[vpj]|3|[pjc]| |[xpj]|||[u6] t e u [i4] t e i [o5] t e o [i3] r W i [u6] t e u [i4] t e i [o5] t e o [i3] r W i [uhe]Hjt e u [qi] t e i [woh] t e [oj] [li0] [zr] [lW] [ji] [ue] t e u [qi] t e i [wo] t e o [i0] r W i [uhe]H[sj]t e u [qi] t e i [woha] t e [soj] [lif0] [zrg] [lfW] [xli] [ue] t e [ujc] [qi] t e i [wvok] t e o [kiH0] r W i [ulje] t e u [qi] t e i [wo] t e o [i0] [rpg] [haW] [pig] [uofe] [ta] [tpe] u [qi] t e i [woda] t e [spo] [i0] r [aWO] i [upe] [ta] [se] [uf] [qji] [tf] [se] [ia] [woda] t e [spo] [i0] r [aWO] i [sf6][sf] [sf][sf] [sp][sp] [sp][sp] [da3][da] [da][da] [aO][aO] [aO][aO] [sp6][sp] [sp][sp] [tp][tp] [tp][tp] [uO3][uO] [uO][uO] [aO][aO] [da][da] [sf6][sf] [sf][sf] [sp][sp] [sp][sp] [da3][da] [da][da] [aO][aO] [aO][aO] [sp6][sp] [sp][sp] [tp][tp] [tp][tp] [uO3][uO] [uO][uO] [aO][aO] [da][da]| |[sp]|[xlj]| |Z [ljc]|x| |Z[zH]| |[hL]| |[lG6]

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About This Music Sheet

Cold Iron (Katawa Shoujo) is a song by Sebastien Skaf. Use your computer keyboard to play Cold Iron (Katawa Shoujo) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:50, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Cold Iron (Katawa Shoujo) is classified in the genres: Songs From Games, Japan on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Relaxing, Emotional, Katawa Shoujo.


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Other Songs By Sebastien Skaf

  • j J [li] s [jg] h j|j J [tl] o [sh] d f|g h [yj] p d p i p j i [th] o P s f|j J [li] s [jg] h j|j c [xth] o [lf] o [zgE]|z l [ql] t [ig] s p|l|[th]|[y^E] [ut] [yi]|[uo0]|[p4] 8 q [P8] [se] 8 [fS0] * [gd2] 6 9 [p6] [sq] 6 [P8] 1 [p4] 8 q [P8] [pe] 8 [tq] 8 [y^] 4 9 q E y i o [p4] 8 q [P8] [se] 8 [fS0] * [gd2] 6 9 [s6] [qJ] 6 [j8] 6 [j^] [d4] ^ [g9] [f1] 5 8 [g0] [g4] 8 q 8 e q t e [ig]| |c|[cS] H L H c [VH] [LC] [cH] [sZ] H l H c [cJ] L [cJ] [sm] [ZH] l H Z G [LJ] [lZ] [cS] H L H c [VH] [LC] [cH] [lZ]|L c [mH]|V D [LHB]| |[mZG]| |[cSOL]| |[smZO]| |[smZP]| |s|[sqe8]||p d s p o [wpT6]||o S p o p [qie9]||t [^TE*] u i o [sqe8]||p d s p o [wpT6]||o S p o p [qie9]| |[wuo80] t [uo]|[p4] 8 q [P8] [se] 8 [fS0] * [gd2] 6 9 [p6] [sq] 6 [P8] 1 [p4] 8 q [P8] [pe] 8 [tq] 8 [y^] 4 9 q E y i o [p4] 8 q [P8] [se] 8 [fS0] * [gd2] 6 9 [s6] [qJ] 6 [j8] 6 [j^] [d4] ^ [g9] [f1] 5 8 [g0] [h1] 5 0 w t u i o [p4] 8 q [P8] [se] 8 [fS0] * [gd2] 6 9 [p6] [sq] 6 [P8] 1 [p4] 8 q [P8] [pe] 8 [tq] 8 [y^] 4 9 q E y i o [p4] 8 q [P8] [se] 8 [fS0] * [gd2] 6 9 [s6] [qJ] 6 [j8] 6 [j^] [d4] ^ [g9] [f1] 5 8 [g0] [g4] 8 q 8 e q t e [ig]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:58
    Innocence (Katawa Shoujo)

    Sebastien Skaf

  • [lf8] w u t o u t w 8 w u t o u t w 8 w u t o u t w [s8] wduft [oh] u t w 8 w u t o [ul] [tk] [wh] [f6] 0 t o u e [th] [g0] [qf] t i t p [si] [td] [ea] [s8] w u t o u t w 8 w u t o u t w [s8] wduft [oh] u t w 8 w u [tl] [oj] [uf] [ts] w 6 0 t [oj] [uf] [se] [tp] 0 [wa] r i [rf]g[og] ifydr [f8] w u t o u t w [d5] 9 q 9 w q 9 5 [s8] w u t o u t w 8 w u t o u t w 8| |[wu0]| | [yqd5]| |[u8]
    Level: 6
    Length: 00:57
    Wiosna (Katawa Shoujo)

    Sebastien Skaf

  • l| k| h| [f8] w y [ud] s| [yaW]| [s6] 8 0 e r t y u [riW] u t t| We [tq] u [yw] 5 7 9 w [qp] [o0] [i9] [u8] 0 w i o 0 t 0 [wr4] 8 [qe] 8 7 8 7 6 [p4] 8 e [ro] [ie] q [ro] e [wro]| | w e r [t1] [w5] [e8] [r9] t r [t0] y [t4] [o8] [ie] [wu] [yq] i [u3] 0 [yW] % [wt6] 0 e r t r w 0 [t4] [w8] [qe] [wr] [te] y t s [a5] [o9] [ie] [ro] y u i u [tq4] 8 q w e| u| [i2] [u6] [y9] [qpi] [uO3] [p7] [aO0] [uW] [uta6] 0 [pe] [ra] [utsp] r [wu] 0 [i2] [u6] [yq] t [r5]| 9 t [tq8]| |0
    Level: 6
    Length: 00:53
    Three Stars – Sebastian Skaf (Katawa Shoujo)

    Sebastien Skaf


  • z x l j k h d f s p a o [9y] [0u] [8t] [6e] [7r] [6e] [%W] [5w] [5adh] y Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] [qwry] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [(j] h [9G] j [Qtl] [Gx] 9 z [Qtl] j [wrgz] 5 6 [7y] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] l z [tux] l [tuz] x [Etu] l [Etuz] l [etix] l [etiz] x [Wti] l [Wtiz] l [wtuhx] [fl] [wtugz] [hx] [wri] [dk] [wrigz] [tufl] 5 6 [7y] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] [qwry] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [(j] h [9G] j [Qtl] [Gx] 9 z [Qtl] j [wrgz] 5 6 [7y] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] l z [tux] l [tuz] x [Etu] l [Etuz] l [etix] l [etiz] x [Wti] l [Wtiz] l [wtuhx] [fl] [wtugz] [hx] [wri] [dk] [wrigz] [tufl] w 8 f g G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0ws] o [qp] a [ets] d [qf] d [Wts] d [8o] f [0wg] h [5j] h [0wf] g [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 0 h [(j] J [9k] k [wr] k 9 j [tQG] d [wrh] q 0 f [9g] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0ws] o [qp] a [ets] d [qf] d [Wts] d [8s] [0w] 8 o [0wI] o [qets] [qetp] s [eQY] p [QYes] p [wtuo] s [wtuf] h [wtu] f [wtus] o [Q9tp] [Q9ts] [wrif] d [wr] [us] t w 0 x [9c] C [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0ws] o [qp] a [ets] d [qf] d [Wts] d [8o] f [0wg] h [5j] h [0wf] g [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 0 h [(j] J [9k] k [wr] k 9 j [tQG] d [wrh] q 0 f [9g] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0ws] o [qp] a [ets] d [qf] d [Wts] d [8s] [0w] 8 o [0wI] o [qets] [qetp] s [eQY] p [QYes] p [wtuo] s [wtuf] h [wtu] f [wtus] o [Q9tp] [Q9ts] [wrif] d [wr] [us] t w 8 y Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] [qwry] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [(j] h [9G] j [Qtl] [Gx] 9 z [Qtl] j [wrgz] 5 6 [7y] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] l z [tux] l [tuz] x [Etu] l [Etuz] l [etix] l [etiz] x [Wti] l [Wtiz] l [wtuhx] [fl] [wtugz] [hx] [wri] [dk] [wrigz] [tufl] w [18fhl] [4gj] H [qegj] 8 [qel] [^Jgz] [yEP] p [qP] s [Eyd] [2dg] f [qedg] 6 [qej] [5dhJ] [Eyo] I [9o] p [yEP] h [wd] [Eyh] d w h [Wd] [es] [ti] [9g] [ey] [0f] H [yuk] x W z [yuk] l [etuj] [wtuPJ] 8 [4gj] H [qegj] 8 [qel] [^Jgz] [yEP] p [qP] s [Eyd] [2dg] f [qedg] 6 [qej] [5dhJ] [Eyo] I [9o] p [yEP] h [wd] [Eyh] d w h [Wd] [es] q 0 9 [!*Og] g [8sj] l [qe] [Ph] t s [8d] f [qepg] a s d f g h [4gj] H [qegj] 8 [qel] [^Jgz] [yEP] p [qP] s [Eyd] [2dg] f [qedg] 6 [qej] [5dhJ] [Eyo] I [9o] p [yEP] h [wd] [Eyh] d w h [Wd] [es] [ti] [9g] [ey] [0f] H [yuk] x W z [yuk] l [etuj] [wtuPJ] 8 [4gj] H [qegj] 8 [qel] [^Jgz] [yEP] p [qP] s [Eyd] [2dg] f [qedg] 6 [qej] [5dhJ] [Eyo] I [9o] p [yEP] h [wd] [Eyh] d w h [Wd] [es] q 0 9 [!*Og] g [8sj] l [qe] [Ph] t s [8d] f [qepg] [4qjlc] [qets] [qetp] s [eQY] p [QYes] p [wtuo] s [wtuf] h [wtu] f [wtus] o [9tp] [9es] [wrif] d [wr] [us] t [18fhl] [4yi] [qeu] [yi] 6 u [qeyi] 4 p [qeid] p [6s] d [qes] p [8uo] [0wI] [uo] 5 I [0wuo] 8 s [0wof] s [5d] f [0wd] s [5ad] [qwS] [ad] 9 S [qwad] 5 g [qwaj] g [9h] j [qwh] g [(Qsl] [(Qsl] [(Qsl] [(Qsj] [0wsh] [uo] [uo] [uo] [uo] [4yi] [qeu] [yi] 6 u [qeyi] 4 p [qeid] p [6s] d [qes] p [8uo] [0wI] [uo] 5 I [0wuo] 8 s [0wof] s [0d] f [wtd] s [qp] O [9p] h 0 g q s [wf] D [tuf] j [tQY] l [wtuh] f [I6es] [I9s] [5wif] [id] [7r] [us] [8t] [uo] [uo] [uo] [uo] [4yi] [qeu] [yi] 6 u [qeyi] 4 p [qeid] p [6s] d [qes] p [8uo] [0wI] [uo] 5 I [0wuo] 8 s [0wof] s [5d] f [0wd] s [5ad] [qwS] [ad] 9 S [qwad] 5 g [qwaj] g [9h] j [qwh] g [(Qsl] [(Qsl] [(Qsl] [(Qsj] [0wsh] [uo] [uo] [uo] [uo] [4yi] [qeu] [yi] 6 u [qeyi] 4 p [qeid] p [6s] d [qes] p [8uo] [0wI] [uo] 5 I [0wuo] 8 s [0wof] s [0d] f [wtd] s [qp] O [9p] h 0 g q s [wf] D [tuf] j [tQY] l [wtuh] f [I6es] [I9s] [5wif] [id] [7r] [us] [8t] w [18fhl]

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:21
    The Entertainer (Intermediate)

    Scott Joplin

  • f l k h f q t o f l k h d w y p d l k h s e u a s e u a s e u a f l k h f q t o f l k h d w y p d l k h s e u a s e u a s e u a f l k h f q t o f l k h d w y p d l k h s e u a s e u a s e u a f l k h f q t o f l k l z w y p|l|k l e u p s d a|s 6|6 f [l6] k [h6] f q ff[if] [qf] [qf]ff [if] [qd] w dd[od]dws[ws]dd [od] [wf] e ff[pf]fed[ed]ff [pf] [ed] e as[sp]sep[se]ss [sp] [pe] [qf]|[if] q [qf]|[if] [qf] [wd] d [od] [wj] w h o w [fe]fffp [fe] [ed]f f[pg] [fe] e s p [se] [se]|p e q ff[if] [qf] [qd]fffifqf [wd] d [od] [wf] [wp]|[so] w e f [pf] [fe]f[ed]fffpfef [ed]dd [pd] [fe] [ge] f [pd] [se] q ff[if] [qf]f[qd]fffifqf [wd] d [od] [wd] [wj] f [oh] w e f [pf] [fe]f[ed]fffpf[ed] [ed]ds [pa] [se] e ppp [pe] [qf] [tf] [if]fg [wd] [yd] [of] p [ed] [ud] [pd]df p p ddfs [qf] [tf] [if] gdw [yd] [od] s [ed] [ud] [pd] fg f d s [xqj] t i x [zw] [yx] [vo] l e [uf] [ph] l [kf]|[lhf]| [xqj] t i x [zw] [yl] [ok] [ljfe]| u p 6 [h6] [h6] [j6] [k6] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [z5] [wl] [k5] [wljf] 6 e 6 [he] [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [k5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [sjfe] 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [z5] [wl] [k5] [wl] 6 [xe] 6 [je] 6 e [j6] [ke] [lg4] [qlg] [lg4] [qlg] [kg5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [sjfe] 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q [ljg4] q [kd5] w [h5] [wsjf] 6 e 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q [ljg4] q [zkh5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [ljfe] 6 [he] [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [xjg4] q [xjg4] q [zkh5] w [k5] [wljf] 6 e 6 e [lf6] ek6 [he] 4 [sqjg] 4 [qj] [h5] [wf] [f5] [wlf] 6 j 6 h 6 j 6| [xqj] t i x [zw] [yx] [vo] l e [uf] [ph] l [kf]|[lhf]| [xqj] t i x [zw] [yl] [pk] [ljfe]| u p f l k h f q df[if] [qf] [qd]f fi [qf]f [wd] d [od] [wf] [wp]|[so] w e p [pf] [fe] [ed]f fp [fe]f [ed] d [pd] [fe] [ge] f [pd] [se] q hj[ji] [qh] [qh] f [id] [sq] [wd] s [od] [ws] [wda] [sf] [ogd] [wsf] e ss[pd] [se] [ed] s [pd] [se] [fe] f [pf] [lfe] e [jf] p [fe] [qh] [if] [qh]h[if]hqf[ih] [qh] [if] [wh] [of]g[wh]h[of]f[wh] [oj] [wh] [of] [he] [pf]f[he] [pf]hef[ph] [he] [xp] [he] [ph]h[he] [pf]hef[ph] [he] [pf] [qh] [ih]h[qh] [ih]h[qh] [si] [sq] [ih] [wh]h[oh]h[wh] [oh]h[wh] [ok] [wh] [oh] [WOH] [WOH] [WOH] [WOH] [woh] [pje] [rka] [tsl]||[wh] [oh] [wj] [ok] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [z5] [wl] [k5] [wljf] 6 e 6 [he] [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [k5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [sjfe] 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [z5] [wl] [k5] [wl] 6 [xe] 6 [je] 6 e [j6] [ke] [lg4] [qlg] [lg4] [qlg] [kg5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [sjfe] 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q [ljg4] q [kd5] w [h5] [wsjf] 6 e 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q [ljg4] q [zkh5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [ljfe] 6 [he] [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [xjg4] q [xjg4] q [zkh5] w [k5] [wljf] 6 e 6 e [lf6] ek6 [he] 4 [sqjg] 4 [qj] [h5] [wf] [f5] [wlf] 6 j 6 h 6 j 6| q t [ol] j l z k w y p h h j k l e u [lja] [lj] [xj] [xj] [lj] e u a h h j l q t o h h [xh] [zh] w y p l z x z l e u a j||h [he] [uh] [ha] j|l l| q [th]h[oj] h j h j h [wk] ylp k|h h h [zfe] u a [lf]||[jf] e u a s|f g h q [tj] [oj] h j h j h [zwh] y[kh]p h|h h h [xje] c [xe] z [lje] z [xe] x 6 6 [h6] [h6] [h6] [h6] [j6] [k6] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [z5] [wl] [k5] [wljf] 6 e 6 [he] [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [k5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [sjfe] 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [z5] [wl] [k5] [wl] 6 [xe] 6 [je] 6 e [j6] [ke] [lg4] [qlg] [lg4] [qlg] [kg5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [sjfe] 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q [ljg4] q [kd5] w [h5] [wsjf] 6 e 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q [ljg4] q [zkh5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [ljfe] 6 [he] [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [xjg4] q [xjg4] q [zkh5] w [k5] [wljf] 6 e 6 e [lf6] ek6 [he] 4 [sqjg] 4 [qj] [h5] [wf] [f5] [wlf] 6 j 6 h 6 j 6| [xqh] t i h [zwk] y [vo] [lh] e u p f [lhf]|[zhf]| [xqh] t i x [zw] [yl] [ok] [khf] e u [pjf]|[kf]|[lf]| [xqh] t i x [zwh] [yx] [vo] [lh] e [uf] [ph] l [kf]|[lf]| [xqjg] t i x [zw] [yl] [ok] [ljfe6]
    Level: 6
    Length: 04:13
    Haru Haru

    Big Bang

  • [th] f [uod] h [uof] d [rh] f [uod] h [uof] d [he] f [uod] h [uof] d [wh] f [uod] h [uof] d [qj] g [tfe] j [tge] f [j0] g [ytif] j [ytig] f [j9] g [ytif] d [ytif] g [wj] h [yig] f [qg] G [h0] f [uod] h [uof] d [he] f [uod] S [uod] f [g9] d [ytsi] g [ytid] s [wg] d [ysi] a [ysi] d [fW] s [yura] P [yur] s [ed] s [uta] s [wf] h [kQ] j [zut] l [utk] j [wj] H [yih] G [yig] o [th] f [uod] h [uof] d [rh] f [uod] h [uof] d [he] f [uod] h [uof] d [wh] f [uod] h [uof] d [qj] g [tfe] j [tge] f [j0] g [tfe] j [tge] f [j9] g [ytfe] d [ytfe] g [wj] h [yig] f [qg] G [h0] f [yrd] h [yrf] d [h6] f [wd0] S [wd0] f [g9] d [tse] g [ted] s [qg] d [ytsW] a [ytsW] d [fQ] O [ytpe] a [ytse] f [wg] f [uth] G [utj] h [wk] j [yrih] g [yrpi] a [d8] s [wuts] a [s7]|[d6] s [utea] s [uted] D [f0] a [urW] a [rfW] k [wd] s [utra] s [utrd] f [dQ] p [ye] p [yed] j [qd] s [ywra] p [ywra] s [d0] s [wtra] s [wtrf] h [k9] j [zte] l [tke] j [wh] G [yrig] f [yurd] f [ed] s [uta] s [utd] D [f0] a [ur] a [urf] k [dQ] s [ywra] p [ywra] s [qd] o [ywr] o [ywrd] h [d0] s [wta] s [wtd] D [f9] d [wrS] d [wrh] k [l9] k [zytI] l [ytkI] j [j5] h [ywrh] G [ywrqh]|[th] f [uod] h [uof] d [rh] f [uod] h [uof] d [he] f [uod] h [uof] d [wh] f [uod] h [uof] d [qj] g [tfe] j [tge] f [j0] g [ytif] j [ytig] f [j9] g [ytif] j [ytig] f [wj] h [yig] f [qg] G [h0] f [uod] h [uof] d [he] f [uod] S [uod] f [g9] d [ytsi] g [ytid] s [qg] d [ytsW] a [ytsW] d [fQ] O [ytpe] a [ytse] f [wg] f [uth] G [utj] h [k5] j [wrqh] g [wrqp] a [d8] s [wuts] a [s7]|[d6] s [utse] a [s5]|[d$] s [utseQ] a [s$]|[yfW0] d [yrhW] g [yf] d [of] u y o u y [wut1]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:04
    Title Theme (Hiveswap Friendsim)

    Toby Fox