Con te Partiro (Time To Say Goodbye)

Andrea Bocelli 27 August 2020
  • TYPE
  • transposition

5|[ywo]|[ya]|[ywo] d
[f8] o [ws] o [tf] o [sr] o
5 i [wa] i [yid] [pg]w[of]
[wka] [oh]r[sl] [qka] [oh]r[uf]
[qid] gtf [id] [ys] [yria]||
[yria]| [wo]
i o p o p a p a
s a s d [sq4] p d f
[sog8]| w [utof]| w
i o p o p a p a
[ts] a s [yd] [se] p d [f8]
[sog]| w [utof]| w
[yws]| ap[ywa]|a r
[tqpi4]| [p6] [yoa5]||
[wuto]||[utp] o
[yro]|[ywro]|a|[wtp] o
[uto]|[wo8]|o o [f0] [tqg]|
s s s s|[ywra]|
[wuto]||[utp] o
[yro]|[ywro]||[wts] a
[utf] p [utf] p [pe0] s p p
[fe0] [tqg]|s s s s|
[uo8] t [wu] o [ts]|[wuo]|
5|[ywo]|[yda] s [wd]fd
t||[yqd] g f
[wurka] [oh] [sl] [ywrqka] [oh] [uf]
[qid] gtf [id] ys[yria]|||
5|[ywo]|[ya]|[ywo] d
[f8] o [ws] o [tf] o [sr] o
5 i [wa] i [yid] [pg]w[of]
[wka] [oh]r[sl] [qka] [oh]r[uf]
[qid] gtf [id] [ys] [yria]|||
i o p o p a p a
s a s d [sq4] p d f
[sog8]| w [utof]| w
[qi4] o p [wo] [pe6] a p s
[yd9]| s [uf0]||
[qi4] o p [wo] [wp5] a p a
[qi4] o p [wo] [wp5] a p s
[pied]| s [ufe8]| d
[tqge]| f [ywro]|||
5|[ywo]|[ya]|[ywo] d
[f8] o [ws] o [tf] o [sr] o
5 i [wa] i [yid] [pg]w[of]
[wka] [oh]r[sl] [qka] [oh]r[uf]
[qid] gtf [id] [ys] [yria]||
[yria]| [wo]
6|[upe]|[uS]|[upe] f
6|e o [uof] [ha]e[pG]
[eSL] [pj]T[zd] [wSL] [pj]T[IG]
[wof] hyG [of] [ud] [uoTS]||
[uoTS]| [pe]
[wut]|a|[ywr] d

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About This Music Sheet

Con te Partiro (Time To Say Goodbye) is a song by Andrea Bocelli. Use your computer keyboard to play Con te Partiro (Time To Say Goodbye) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:54, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Con te Partiro (Time To Say Goodbye) is classified in the genre of Classical on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Italy, Opera, Sad.

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    • 2 m


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    Other Songs By Andrea Bocelli

    • [wto0]||[wts0]|| [wt0]||[wra9]|d| [se80]||[e80]|| [qe8]||[qe8]|d| [wtf0]|f|[wt0]|| [wt0]||[ywrd] g f [se80]||l| [qke8] h l [qke8] h f [wth0]||[wt0]|| [qed9] g f [ywrd] s a||| [qie8] o p o [wrqp] a p a [sqe9] a s d [se80] p d f [tqg0]||[wtf0]|| [qie8] o p o [wrqp] a p a [sqe9] a s d [se80] p d f [tqg0]||[wtf0]|| [wtsq]| ap[ywqa]|| [sqge8]||[fe80] p| [pe80]| p [ywra]|| [ywo0]||[yw0]|p o [ywro]|o|[ywr]|s a [oe80] o o [oe80] o f [qpge8]|s|[yws9] a a| [ywo0]|o|[wt0]|p o [ywro]|o|[ywr] s|a [ed80] p| [e80] d g [qpge8]|s s [wsr9] a a| [wra9]||| [uo8]||[wts0]|| [yo5]||[ywqa]|d| [uso85]||[e80]|| [pi4]||[qe8]|d| [sf8]|[wtsf0]|| [fa5]||[ywqd] g f [spe80]||l| [qke8] h l [qke8] h f [hf8]||[wt0]|| [qed9] g f [ywqd] s a [uo8]||[wts0]|| [yo5]||[ywqa]|d| [uso85]||[e80]|| [pi4]||[qe8]|d| [sf8]|[wtsf0]|| [fa5]||[ywqd] g f [spe80]||l| [qke8] h l [qke8] h f [hf8]||[wt0]|| [qed9] g f [ywqd] s a [ywra]||| [qie8] o p o [wrqp] a p a [sqe9] a s d [se80] p d f [tqg0]||[wtf0]|| [qie8] o p o [wrqp] a p a [qped9]| s [wrfa0]|| [qie9] o p o [wrqp] a p a [se80]||[xle80]|| [qie8] o p o [wrqp] a p a [qped9]| s [ywrfa]| d [sqge8]| f [wrqo] p o| [rqo9] d h|| [uo8]||[wts0]|| [yo5]||[ywqa]|d| [uso85]||[e80]|| [pi4]||[qe8]|d| [sf8]|[wtsf0]|| [fa5]||[ywqd] g f [spe80]||l| [qke8] h l [qke8] h f [hf8]||[wt0]|| [qed9] g f [wrqd] s a [ws80]
      Level: 7
      Length: 02:25
      Time To Say Goodbye

      Andrea Bocelli


    • s
      h l h s h
      H s h l h J H
      h s g l g s g
      h s H l H l J
      H s h l h s h
      H s h l h J H
      h s g l g s g
      h s g l g s H
      s s h l h [os] f [oh]
      H s h l h [Jv] m [Hv]
      h s g l g [ts] O [tg]
      h s H l H [lc] m [Jc]
      H s h l h [os] f [oh]
      H s h l h [Jv] m [Hv]
      h s g l g [ts] O [tg]
      h s g l g [sc] m [Hc]
      s h l h [os] f [ol]
      s h l h [sv] m [lv]
      s g l g [ts] O [tl]
      s H l H [sc] m [lc]
      s h l h [os] f [ol]
      s h l h [sv] m [lv]
      s g l g [ts] O [tl]
      s H l H [sc] m [lc]
      s o s [(s] s [Es] s
      [us] s O s [ts] s o s
      [ts] s i s [8s] s [Ws] s
      [ts] o O s [ts] s i s
      [ts] s o s [8s] s [Es] s
      [us] P O s [ts] s o s
      [ts] s i s [8s] s [Ws] s
      [ts] o O s [ts] s i s
      [ts] s [oh] s [8s] s [Es] s
      [us] s [OH] s [us] s [Eoh] s
      [8s] s [ig] s [8s] s [Ws] s
      [is] [oh] [OH] s [is] s [Wig] s
      [8s] s [oh] s [8s] s [Es] s
      [uPJ] s [OH] s [us] s [Eoh] s
      [8s] s [ig] s [8s] s [Ws] s
      [is] [oh] [OH] s [is] s [Wig] s
      [8s] s [wl] s s s [Ptul] s
      s s [8l] s [Otus] s [El] s
      [tuos] s [ql] s s s [Otil] s
      s s [8l] s [Wtos] s [ql] s
      [Wtis] s [wl] s s s [Ptul] s
      s s [8l] s [Otus] s [El] s
      [tuos] s [ql] s s s [Otil] s
      s s [8l] s [Wtos] s [ql] s
      [Wtis] s [wl] s l l [Ptum] l
      l s [8l] s s s [Ptul] s
      s s [ql] s l l [tipm] l
      l s [8l] s s s [tipl] s
      s s [wl] s [Ptul] l [8m] l
      [Ptul] s [wl] s [Ptus] s [8l] s
      [Ptus] s [ql] s [tipl] l [8m] l
      [tipl] s [ql] s [tips] s [8l] s
      [tips] s [wl] s [Ptul] l [8m] l
      [Ptul] s [wl] s [Ptul] l [8m] l
      [Ptul] s [ql] s [tipl] l [8m] l
      [tipl] s [ql] s [tipl] l [8m] l
      [tipl] s [5wafk] [wtushl] [18fPJ]
      [wtu] [sl] [5wafk] [wtushl] [18fPJ]
      [wtu] [sl] [H4qak] [etisjl] [18pgj]
      [eti] [sjl] [H4qak] [etisjl] [18pgj]
      [eti] [sl] [5wak] [tushl] [J18dz]
      [Etu] [shl] [5wak] [Etushl] [J18dz]
      [Etu] [shl] [H4qak] [etisjl] [18gjc]
      [eti] [sl] [H4qak] [etisjl] [18gjc]
      [eti] [sl] [wafk] [tushl] [8fPJ]
      [wtu] [sl] [5afk] [wtushl] [1fPJ]
      [wtu] [sl] [Hqak] [etisjl] [8pgj]
      [eti] [sl] [H4ak] [etisjl] [1pgj]
      [eti] [sl] [wak] [tushl] [J8dz]
      [wtu] [shl] [5ak] [wtushl] [J1dz]
      [wtu] [shl] [Hqak] [etisjl] [8gjc]
      [eti] [sl] [H4ak] [etisjl] [1gjc]
      [eti] [sl] [Jqdz] [ygEJ] [8dg]
      [Pyid] [qdg] [ygEJ] [J8z]
      [yizc] [qsjl] [etgj] [8sg]
      [tips] [qsg] [etgj] [8sgjl]
      [ti] d g J [qz] [ygEJ] [8dg]
      [Pyid] [qdg] [ygEJ] [J8z]
      [yizc] [qjl] [etgj] [8sg]
      [tips] [qsg] [etgj] [8sgjl]
      [ti] [wk] m [tul] m [8J] m
      [tul] m [ok] m [sfl] m [tJ] m
      [sfl] m [qk] m [etil] m [8j] m
      [etil] m [pk] m [sgl] m [ij] m
      [sgl] m [wk] m [tul] m [J8x] m
      [tul] m [ok] m [sfl] m [Jtx] m
      [sfl] m [qj] m [etil] m [8jc] m
      [etil] m [pj] m [sgl] m [ijc] m
      [sgl] m [iz] m [dPJ] m [tj] m
      [dgJ] m [iz] m [dgJ] m [Pc] m
      [dgz] m [il] m [psj] m [tH] m
      [sgj] m [il] m [sgj] m [pc] m
      [sgl] m [iz] m [dPJ] m [tj] m
      [dgJ] m [iz] m [dgJ] m [Pc] m
      [dgz] m [il] m [psj] m [tH] m
      [sgj] m [il] m [sgj] m [pc] m
      [sgl] m [Jx] m r [tlv] m [Jx] m Y
      [ulv] m [Jx] m O [plv] m [Jx] m I
      [olv] m [jc] m u [ilb] m Y [ujc] m y
      [Ylb] m [jc] m T [ylb] m t [Tjc] m r
      [tlb] m [Jx] m r [tlv] m [Jx] m Y
      [ulv] m [Jx] m O [plv] m [Jx] m I
      [olv] m [jc] m u [ilb] m Y [ujc] m y
      [Ylb] m [jc] m T [ylb] m t [Tjc] m r
      [tlb] m [Jwx] m [tulv] m [J8x] m
      [tulv] m [Joax] m [uslv] m [Poflx]
      [us] [qjc] m [tilb] m [8jc] m
      [tilb] m [Oajc] m [pslb] m [ipglc]
      s [Jwx] m [tulv] m [J8x] m
      [tulv] m [Joax] m [uslv] m [Poflx]
      [us] [qjc] m [tilb] m [8jc] m
      [tilb] m [Oajc] m [pslb] m [ipglc]
      s J [w] [tuP] [8h]
      [tuP] w [Ptuj] [8J]
      [Ptuh] j [qm] [tip] [8g]
      [tip] q [tiph] [8j]
      [tipg] [wf] [Ptug] [8h]
      [Ptuj] [wJ] [Ptul] [8z]
      [Ptux] c v [qc] [tipx] [8c]
      [tipv] [qb] [tipv] [8b]
      [tipc] J x v [w] [tuP] [8fh]
      [tuP] w [Ptugj] [8hJ]
      [Ptufh] j l c [qm] [tip] [8pg]
      [ti] q [Ptih] [8sj]
      [tipg] [wof] [Etupg] [P8h]
      [Etusj] [wdJ] [Etufl] [8gz]
      [Etuhx] [qjc] [etihx] [8jc]
      [Jetiv] [qlb] [Jetiv] [8lb]
      [etijc] z b [9] [wri] [5id]
      [wr] q [wrof] [5pg]
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      [wt] 8 [wtid] [5of]
      [wtus] [9ya] [qwrus] [5id]
      [qwrof] [9pg] [wriah] [5sj]
      [wrdk] [8fl] [wtudk] [5fl]
      [wtgz] [8hx] [wtugz] [5hx]
      [wtfl] z b [9] [wri] [5id]
      [wr] 9 [wrof] [5pg]
      [wrid] l v [8] [wtu] [5us]
      [wt] 8 [wtid] [5of]
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      [29kn] [18lxm] [!kn] [158lxm] [!kcn] [158lxm] [!kcn] [158lxm] [!kcn] [158lxm] [7rak] [8tsl]
      [7rak] [8tsl] [7ra] [18ts]
      [7ra] [18ts] [0wuo] [30uf]
      [wtos] [6epj] [tusf] [tusf]
      [5woh] [468qipsg] [30uf] [@(YD] [2y] [4i] [6p]
      [9d] [!TS] [1t] [4i] [6p] [8s] [7ra] [18ts] [18ts] [0wuo] [30uf] [wtos] [6epj] [tusf] [tusf] [5woh] [468qipsg] [30uf] [29yd] [1468tips] [468qipsg] [68qepsgj] [J18x] m [8tlv] m [5kx] w m [0ulv] m [J8tx] m [eplv] m [kx] m [wolv] m [qijc] m [0ulb] m [(Ykc] m [9ylb] m [Tjc] m [8tlb] m [6ekc] m
      [4qlb] m [J18x] m [8tlv] m [5kx] w m
      [0ulv] m [J8tx] m [eplv] m [kx] m
      [wolv] m [qijc] m [0ulb] m [(Ykc] m
      [9ylb] m [Tjc] m [8tlb] m [7rjc] m [8tlb] m [Jwx] m [Ptulv] m [J8x] m [Ptulv] m [Joax] m [uslv] m [Poflx] [us] [qjc] m [tiplb] m [8jc] m [tiplb] m [Oajc] m [pslb] m [ipglc] s [Jwx] m [Ptulv] m [J8x] m [Ptulv] m [Joax] m [uslv] m [Poflx] [us] [qjc] m [tiplb] m [8jc] m [tiplb] m [Oajc] m [pslb] m [ipglc] s [iz] m [dPJ] m [tj] m [dgJ] m [iz] m [dgJ] m [Pc] m [dgz] m [il] m [psj] m [tH] m [sgj] m [il] m [sgj] m [pc] m [sgl] m [iz] m [dPJ] m [tj] m [dgJ] m [iz] m [dgJ] m [Pc] m [dgz] m [il] m [psj] m [tH] m [sgj] m [il] m [sgj] m [pc] m [sg] [8w] [9uP] [0t] [quP] e w [uQP] [wt] [0uP] [qe] [wip] [et] [Eip] y [et] [rip] t [eip] [wE] T [yuP] [wt] e [uEP] [0w] Q [wuP] [8t] ( [0uP] [qe] W [eip] [8t] 0 [qip] [6e] 7 [8ip] [4t] [ip] [wts] [Eyud] [8uf] [Etig] j [woh] [uEIG] [8oh] [Etuf] [qig] [eioh] [8pj] [etPJ] c [qsl] [eiak] [8sl] [etpj] [dJ] w L [Euz] [P8h] j [tEJ] [wof] G [Euh] [8us] D [Etf] [qpg] H [eij] [8is] f [etg] [qtp] a [eis] [8ei] [et] [59] [6ri] [7w] [8ri] 0 9 [ri] [9w]
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      [wrisfl] [9dgz] [wrifSL] [5dgz]
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      [wric] [9dk] L [wriz] [5ah] J
      [wrik] [8fl] Z [wtux] [5sh] k
      [wtul] [8of] G [wtuh] [5us]
      [wtu] [9hkv] [wrijlb] [5kzn]
      [wrilxm] [9zc] [wrixL] [5zc]
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      [wtuc] [8vB] [wtuC] [5v]
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      [7rak] [8tsl] [18ts] [!*TS]
      [29yd] [@(YD] [woEP] [5woh]
      [EYPD] [8tsl] [YDoh] [YDoh]
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      [qg] [30uf] [@Y] [%O] [8s] [(D] [29yd] [@Y] [%O] [8s]
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      [@(Lv] [(YZB] [^ELv]
      [woZB] [(YLv] [tsZB] [Lv]
      [EPZB] [lWOV] [Zwom] [lQIV]
      [Zqim] [0ulV] [(YZm] [8tlV]
      [%WZm] [@(Lv] [(YZB] [^ELv]
      [woZB] [(YLv] [tsZB] [Lv]
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      8 Z c v [tWYV] B m @ [tWY]
      [V8m] [wcTY] ( [wTYLB] m
      ^ [TYJwv] V B @ [whTYZ] c v
      ^ [tWYO] P s S ( D g h H [tWY] J l L
      8 Z c v [tWYV] B m @ [tWY]
      8 [wtuzB] m 8 [Jwtuv] b B
      5 [wtuhx] c v 1 [wtufl] z x
      8 [eti] o p P 8 s d f g [eti] h j J
      6 l z x [etic] v b B 1 m [eti]
      [8cb] [wtuzB] m 8 [Jwtuv] b B
      5 [wtuhx] c v 1 [wtufl] z x
      8 [eti] o p P 8 s d f g [eti] h j J
      6 l z x [etic] v b 1 B m [eti] m n
      8 m [w] m [Ptum] m [8x] m
      [Ptum] m [oa] m [usm] m [Pox] m
      m [sm] [q] m [tipm] m [8c] m
      [tipm] m [aO] m [psm] m [ipc] m
      m [sm] [w] m [Ptum] m [8x] m
      [Ptum] m [oa] m [usm] m [Pox] m
      m [sm] [q] m [tipm] m [8c] m
      [tipm] m [aO] m [psm] m [ipc] m
      m [sm] [w] m [Ptum] m [8x] m
      [Ptum] m [oa] m [usm] m [Pox] m
      m [sm] [hk] m [flm] m [Jhx] m
      m [lm] [hk] m [flm] m [Jzx] m
      m [hlm] m m m x m
      m m m m m x m
      m m m m m x m
      m m m m m x m
      m m [q] [tip] [8g]
      [tip] [qH] [tiO] 8
      [tiO] [wh] [tuP] H [8J]
      [tuP] L [wl] [tuP] s [8d]
      [tuP] f g h [qg] [tip] f [8g]
      [tip] h [qH] [tiO] 8
      [tiO] [wh] [tuP] H [8J]
      [tuP] L [wl] [tuP] s [8d]
      [tuP] f g h [qg] [tip] f [8g]
      [tip] h g h [qH] [tiO] [8H]
      [tiO] [wh] [tuP] H [8J]
      [tuP] L l
      1 [8t] 2 [9y] 3 [0u]
      4 [qi] [58] [wto] $ [QI] 5 [wo]
      3 [0u] 4 [qi] 5 [wo] 6 [ep]
      ^ [EP] [8q] [tis] 7 [ra] 8 [ts]
      6 [ep] ^ [EP] 9 [yd] 5 [wo]
      ^ [EP] 3 [0u] 5 [wo] 1 [8t]
      3 [0u] 4 [qi] 6 [ep] 1 [8t]
      4 [qi] [6e] 1 [8t] [4] [qi]
      [6] [ep] [1358] [tuos] [29] [yd] [30] [uf]
      [4q] [ig] [58w] [osh] [$Q] [IG] [5w] [osh]
      [30] [uf] [468q] [ipsg] [5w] [oh] [6e] [pj]
      [^E] [PJ] [8qt] [sgl] [7r] [ak] [8qt] [sgl]
      [6e] [pj] [80wt] [sfhl] [9y] [dz] [0u] [fx]
      [qi] [gc] [wto] [hlv] [QI] [GC] [wto] [hlv]
      [0u] [fx] [qeti] [gjlc] [wo] [hv] [ep] [jb]
      [EP] [JB] [tis] [lcm] [ra] [kn] [tis] [lcm]
      [ep] [jb] [EP] [JB] [yd] [z] [wo] [hv]
      [EP] [JB] [0u] [fx] [wo] [hv] [8t] [sl]
      [0u] [fx] [6e] [pj] [8t] [sl] [4q] [ig]
      [6e] [pj] [29] [yd] [4q] [ig] [^] [EP]
      [29] [yd] [5] [wo] [^] [EP] [3] [0u]
      [5] [wo] 1 [8t] 3 [0u] [6e]
      1 [8t] [4] q [6] e [2] 9
      [4] q [^]
      [^Pyd] [EP9qyd] [P18uof] [P80wtuof]
      [4ipsg] [8qetipsg]
      [tipsgjlc] [sgjlcbm]

      Level: 9
      Length: 05:34
      Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2

      Franz Liszt

    • f D f D f a d s [pe]|
      t u p [a0]|
      u O a [se]|
      u f D f D f a d s [pe]|
      t u p [a0]|
      u s a [pe]|
      a s d [tf]|
      o g f [rd]|
      i f d [se]|
      u d s [aW]|||
      f D f D f a d s [pe]|
      t u p [a0]|
      u O a [se]|
      u f D f D f a d s [pe]|
      t u p [a0]|
      u s a [upe]||6

      Level: 4
      Length: 00:42
      Fur Elise (Easy)

      Ludwig van Beethoven

    • u|
      [6p] a [tus]| [tus]| [2d] f [qeg]| [qe]|
      [5a] s [rid] j [rih] g [8f] D [tuf]| [tu]|
      [6p] a [tus]| [tus]| [2d] f [qeg]| [qe]|
      [5a] s [rid] j [rih] a [tus]| |u|
      [6p] a [tus]| [tus]| [2d] f [qeg]| [qe]|
      [5a] s [rid] j [rih] g [8f] D [tuf]| [tu]|
      [6s] d [tuf]| [tuf]| [2g] h [qej]| [qe]|
      [5h]| [riG] h [riz] g [tuf]| |
      [3f] G [ryH] j [ryk] l [6k] j [tuf] k [tuj]|
      [3j]kjH [ryf] g [ryf]| [6f]gfs [tup] a [tup]|
      [3f] H [ryk] x [ryV] nm[6n] b [tux] n [tub]|
      [3b]nbV [ryx] x [ryx]| [etub]

      Level: 6
      Length: 00:42
      Waltz in A Minor (Intermediate)

      Frederic Chopin