Decretum (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)

Yuki Kajiura 13 November 2020

[nk]|[pl]fjxm| |[nk]|[ml]||z x|[ok]dz[nh]||[ml] [nk]|[pjfb]| |b|[li]sgcm| |[nk]|[ml]||z x|[ok]dz[nh]||[ml] z|[xufa]Vc|x|[zfH]|[pl]fjxm| |[nk]|[ml]||z x|[ok]dz[nh]||[ml] [nk]|[pjfb]|x|b|[li]sc[mg]||z [ml]|[onkhd]|[jb]|[vh]|[ji]sglb| |g j l x m x b|||k [le][uj][pf][sj][kf]p[lj][jf][sl][zp][xe][uj][wk][yh][od][ka][ld]k[je][us][ha][us][pj][uk][ql][tj][ig][pj][sk]i[lg][sj][pl][zi][xq][tj][wk][yh][od][ka][ld]z[c0]krH[xu]kOH[za]kH[le][uj][pf][sj][kf]p[lj][jf][sl][zp][xe][uj][wk][yh][od][ka][ld]k[je][us][ha][us][pj][uk][qg]jlti[zpg][sl]zl[wk]y[oj]a[hd] [kfe][ul][pj]upue60e[up0]6[u6]ps680[uea]t[usp]pu[tda][fe]0[yoa5]9w[sr][ya]r[utp6]0[te]0[utp6]0[i4]ps8qe[tia]q[si]te[qda][f4]8[yoa5]9w[sr][yd] [O3]ag7[faO0]W[rd]W[usp6]0et[ua]e[sp]ut[eda][f6]0[yoa5]9w[sr][ya]r[utp6]0[te]0[utp6]0[i4]ps8q[ed][ts]ds[a5]9[wp]r[yo] [ua6][s0][pe]tuepu[ta][se][d0]f[pg2]69[qh][ge] [pf8]0[je]te0[id^]qE[tf][yd] [s4]8qe[ts] [yP5]9[wus]E[yid] [u8]of0[wg]t[wh] [qj]ti[tJ][qj]Jj[h6]0[ge]T[uf]e[pgd9]eu[ih][ug] [f8]w[tj]uo [id^]qE[tf][yd] [s4]8[qpg]e[tpj] [P5]dJ9w[pjE][yoh]o[oh]y[igE]w[oh5]9[p6]dfj660[eSL][PJ0][pjS6]0eT[uPJ] [pjd9]eyipd8wtu[of]gf[d^]qEt[yp] [p4]8[sq]e[tg]df[d5]9wEsu[us8]wtu[us]P[p4]8qeti[ueT6]0eT[ud]f[pgd9]eyi[pf] [pf8]w[td]u[of] [g^]q[fE]gfy[id] [s4]8qis 59[ywP][usE][wid]5[id9]w9[of5][pg5] [of6] 60[yied]0[ueTS6] * [ufe] [i2]pg[qe9] [uqfe9] [pig92] [qe9][oh][qpje9] [usof81] [w0][ig][wuf0] [ypid92] [yqpie9] [yqpied] [ig^P] [q^9] [uqf^9] [ig^] [q^9][oh][qpj^9] [u81]osf[w0][ig][woh0] [P6]fJ[pje]T[uoh]e[pig92] [qe9] [uqpfe9] [pig92] [qe9][oh][qpje9] [u81]of[w0][ig][wuf0] [ypid92] [yqpie9] [yqed] [ig^P] [q^9][oh][qig^9] [usof81] [ywd0] [wts0] [u2]o6[f9]e[ig][uqf] [d8] [td]f[ge]h[jE] d [iP]j[th]gf [so]h[yg]fd d p [yd]f[tg]h[jE] d [iP]j[th]gf [so]h[ig]h[sj] u yi[pd][fd][pg]h[jE]idPpj[th]u[og]s[oh]u[jE][iJ][jP]sd [he][uj][ph]us [wg][yh][og]P[og]y[ge][uf]sps [gE][ih][fP]sdfgdfgdg[tg]osghlf| x [yc][zp][jd][zg][xj]d[zc][zj][gc][vd][pb][zy][xt][ol][sh][xf][hc]x[zy][pg][lf][pg][zd][xp][cE][zi][PJ][zd][xg]P[cJ][zg][dc][vP][bE][zi][xt][ol][sh][xf][hc]v[eB]u[pb]SBb[vf] [yc]pdg[xj] [yjc]pd[vg][jb] [xth]os[oc][xt] [zyg]p[gd] [zy] [JE]zc[iP]vc [xt] [zso] l [zjE] [iP] d j| [thg] o s f| t|||k [le][uj][pf][sj][kf]p[lj][jf][sl][zp][xe][uj][wk][yh][od][ka][ld]k[je][us][ha][us][pj][uk][ql][tj][ig][pj][sk]i[lg][sj][pl][zi][xq][tj][wk][yh][od][ka][ld]z[c0]krH[xu]kOH[za]kH[le][uj][pf][sj][kf]p[lj][jf][sl][zp][xe][uj][wk][yh][od][ka][ld]k[je][us][ha][us][pj][uk][qg]jlti[zpg][sl] [wk]y[oj]a[hd] [kfe]u[pl]s[pk]u[wj]y[po][ya][ws][d5][upf4] pq[uti]f[d5][s9][wa]ryd[s6][a0][pe]tpe[u6]0[up5][a9][ws][d9][pf4]8[qp]etf[d5][s9][wa]ryd[s8][d0][wf]t7w60[pe][ta][us]d[f4]8[qp]etf[d5]9[ws]r[yd] [f4][g8][qf]et [d3][f7][d0]7w [s2][d6][s9]q[se] [s3][a7][o0]w[ro] [ua6][s0][pe]tuepute[ka0]6[s6]fl680[kea]t[uslf]pu[ztd][xfe]0[khda5]9w[srl][yka]r[pjf6]0[pfe]t[upjf]t[s4]gl8qe[tka]q[sli]te[zqd][xf4]8[kda5]9w[srl][zyd] [g3]Hkc7[xf0]W[zrd]W[slf6]0et[uka]t[slfe]tu[zpd][xuf]t[ka5]9w[srl][yka] [pjf6]0[fe]t[upj] [s4]gl8q[zed][tsl] [kda5]9[wpj]r[yoh] [a6]fk0e[tsl][uka] [wpj]yoa[jd] [tqif]jl|k l|zx [wkd]yo lk [sje] [up] [wj] [ql] [tp] k [ql] [tp]zx [wkd] [ya]lz [thc] [xof] [zr] [ljfe] [us] k [lfe] [us]zx [wkd] [ya]lk [sje] [us] j [qg]jl[tp]zl [wk] [yja] h [tqpi]sj| tipsfgjxcb|||[olhd]zm| [nk]| [xp]kjf

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About This Music Sheet

Decretum (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) is a song by Yuki Kajiura. Use your computer keyboard to play Decretum (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:44, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Decretum (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) is classified in the genres: Songs From TV, Manga, Japan on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime.


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Other Songs By Yuki Kajiura

  • u o [6t]up 0 e u p s [3u]oa7 0|
    u o [6t]up0 e u p s [3u]oa7 0|
    u o [4t]ip8 q t i p [5id] 9 [wus]||
    [ya] [6yp] 0 e u r| [6tp]| |
    u o [6t]up 0 e u p s
    [3u]oa 7 0 d s a
    [6t]up 0 e u p s
    [3u]oa 7 0 w u o
    [2y]ip 6 9 y i p
    [3id] 7 [0us] w r [ya]
    [6yp] 0 e i u y
    [6tp] 0 e t u p
    [4i]ps 8 q [ts] a s
    [1y]uo 5 8 w t o
    [2e]yi 6 9 i [W3u] y
    [6tu] 0 e t u p
    [4i]ps 8 q s a s
    [1t]yuo5 [8i] w u|
    [3e]ru7 0 e r e
    [3W]ru7 0|
    f h [es]fju p f j l [0d]hkr u d
    f h [es]fju p j k l [0f]hkr u d
    f h [9d]gje y d g j [0g]jzr [uf]jl| [dk]|
    [qsj] t i s g j [wd]hky o l [kz]|
    [ex]kjf u p

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:28
    A Tiny Love (Sword Art Online)

    Yuki Kajiura

  • u| a| f| h| G|a|||a f h|G|f G|h|j G|h|G f| f k x|Z|L l|L|Z L| S Df| f jH| G fG| G Hj| H Gf| j| H| L| Z| l| P| P sS| G JH| G gD| D gG| H Jk| L kJ| H| J|||l| h| Z|z|Z Z|HH| H|l|Z Z|zz| J|z|c c|vv| c Z z Z| H| Z z Z c|v|c Z|||l| l| Z|l|Z Z| z| l| z| l| k k|||u| a| f| h| G|a|||a f h|G|f G|h|j k|||f k x|Z|L Z| l| L| S Df| f jH| G fG| G Hj| H Gf| j| H| L| Z| l| P| P sS| G JH| G gD| D gG| H Jk| L kJ| H| J|||s| d| D| g| s| d| D| g| s| d| D| g| D| d| s| d| s| d| D| g| s| d| D| g| s| d| D| g| h| g| H| hhh|||d|||P|||i|||o

    Level: 2
    Length: 03:20
    Swordland (Sword Art Online)

    Yuki Kajiura

  • w|[e40]|q|8|r t [ro6]|t|e|u t [ie2] 6 [q9] ut[yr5] 2 [w5] ui[ur1] 5 [t8] w [us1]|[ya7]|[u6]ps3 [u6] s [u3]oa7 [u0] a [t4]ip8aq s [yo6] 0ue t [e2]ti6u9 [y9] [tqe]| |[yt5]|[wr]| |w|[e40]|q|8|r t [ro6]|t|[u6] e r t [ti2] 6 [e9] ut[yr3] 7 [W0] ui[e6]tu3 [e6] t [us6] u [ya5] y [t4]ips8 [tq] s [yqa] u t p [yo3] 7 [r0] y [us6] 0|[ue] o [e2]yi[u6]|[tq9] e [wt5] 2 [95] r [tq1] 5 [98] q 0wt w|[e40] 8 0 q [e84]|r t [ro3]|w r [te6]|u t [ie2] 6 9 u t|[yre3] 7 [W0]|ui[e6]tu3 6 e [us6]|[ya5]|[tp4] 8 q e [tq] p a s [yo3]|r y [u6]ps u o [e2]ti[u6] [t9] e qet||[e5]ti[u9] [wt] e qet 9wry [a1] [o5][u8][wt]ry [ye]| |wqw|||r

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:56
    Is This Love (Sword Art Online)

    Yuki Kajiura

  • [utso]|[id]|[pg]|[of]|||o|s|g|f|d|[utso]|[id]|[pg]|[of]|||o|s|g|f|[roda]|[usp6]|[da0]|[sfe]|[lf]| |[wkd]|[ulf]|[okd]|k|h|f|[qpid]|t|ifd[spo]| |[qpi]|s|g|[sjf0]|h|f|[s9]|e|[ti]| |o|p|[uO0]|u|a|uOaf d|f|[u6]ps0 e u d f [oa5] 0 w o s d [tpi4]|[u8]|[tq]|[qe]| |[to30]| |[upi92]|6|9|[pg]|[if]||s [y5]os|9|w|[oa]| |[soi8]|w|t|i|o|d|[to]sdf|||[upfeT]|[ya]|[dI]|[uS]| |[yH] j [feT]|[uT]|[up]|[dI]|[uS]|[yaS] d [upfe]|[ya]|[dI]|[uS]| |[yH] j [ufe]|[uT]|[up]|[dI]|[uS]|[yjaW] H [pTQG]|S|j|e|[pjT]|[kaI]|[WSLH0]|j|H|[SH]|f|[SL]|[xufe9]|I|uzLk[yjeG]| |[p9]edG|p|d|[eSG*]|f|S|[zrdQ7]Gz|I|pLk[yrjd]|[uT]|[yI]HG[gS]|[WO]|[TO] S [igTO]|S|[raWH]|[S$]Gj|[S] G [QGC]|[xfH3]|[O] S [fWSL]|[fSL2]|[zdG6]|[fSL9]|[pjedQ]|[yQ92]|[T0*!]|[rQ97]|[G$]|[f7]|[rd]|[yS]|[aI] Sd[f3] 7 0 r u p [u3]Oa|O| |[upd6] 0 e p d f [pQI6]|a|d|[u6]pS0 e u p S [pe]Sf| |L z [TH]LxO S H L|[jQG] T I S j L [rD]Gk[jI] [aH] D G|[HD0] [rf] [ua]|L z [xTLH] O S H L|[jQG] T I G j L [rG]kZ[kI] [aC]|[rjZI] k [xj3] [k7] [H0] W [urS] d [fSO!] % * S [gSH*%!] S [jSG$] * Q G [kaD@(] j [faH3] 7 0 f [jfS*!] H [PGD@] ^ ( D [sOH81] G [O!]SG% * W T Y [Y*%!] W [iT] W [YI] W [iO!] % [rY] % [i*] O [iWT]OS| |[pdI]jC|u|I|[yLIG]|p|S|[uaG]jk|p|a|[ufO]Hkx|||[ufa]|G|j|[SH]| |D|[ua]| |f|[jS]|H|[GD]|[ufa]|G|j|[HD]|G|D|[ua]| |f|[uja]|H|[aYG]|[fTO]|[fH]|[xL]|O|u|T|[ZOH]|x|C|[aZH]|[kOD]|H|[pSG]| |HG[fS]| |[uTS6]|[upf]|[pjS]|[fSL%]|[kfa]|[aOH]|[upf$]|6|*|[pfQ]|D|S|[sYO%]|O|s|[tD]|[fT]|[YG]|[uOH]Lx|f|H|[GD]kZ|[kO]| |[upjfL]| |f|[kfOH]|[fH]| |[jSIG]|p|S|[ufH]|[fTS]|[f0]|[sh6]|[a0]|[pe]Gfd[utsp]|u|o|[u6]os|||[yw7]|[w81]tu|[r5]|[w8]|[wso0]|a|o|[yo92]|6|9|[ye]Ip|u|y|[YPE81] w [t5] Y [o8] P [wY]od|p|P|[i4]Pg|8|q|[tpj]lc|||[oa]dh|j|l|[okf]| |G|[od]|d|h|[lf]|k|j|[oa]dh|j|l|[okf]| |G|[od]|d|h|l|k|l|[D(]hzE Y l J h [qjg] t [ji]lc|||[zj5] [k9] [wh] d p a o|p| |[w5]ryI

    Level: 7
    Length: 04:22
    Never Leave You Alone (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)

    Yuki Kajiura


  • e r t u e r t u e r t u e r t u [fe] r t u e r t [ud] [se] r t [ua] [pe] r t [ud] [f0] w e u a|u r 0 w r t r w 0 w [se] r t u e r t [ua] [pe] r t [ua] [se] r t [ud] [f0] w r u I u o u a w r u I u o [us] [d5] 7 9 w r w 9 [wf] [g2] 6 9 q [he] 9 q e [j6] 8 0 e r t u e [d3]k 7 0 W r u [uk] lkjk [f4]l 8 q w e q 8 q [zg2] 6 9 q [lfe] 9 q e [kd5] 7 9 w r w 9 w [f3]l 7 0 W [zrG] W u| [x6] 8 0 e r t u [zr] [le] r t [uk] [je] r t z [x3] 7 0 Q [wk] r 0 u r 0 w r t r w 0 [l6] 8 0 e r t u [rk] [je] r t [uk] [rl] t u z [h3]x 7 0 Q w r u r [I0] Q w [aQ] w Q 0 s [od5] 7 9 w r w 9 [wf] [pg2] 6 9 q [hea] 9 q e [s6]j 8 0 e r t u t [d0]k W r W 0 7 [k%]lk3jk [f4]l 8 q w e q 8 q [zg2] 6 9 q [lfe] 9 q e [kd5] 7 9 w r w 9 w [f3]l 7 0 W [rd]k W u| [lj6] 8 0 e r t u r e||u|u [zk] [lj6] 8 0 e r t u a p r t e u|u [zk] [lj6] 8 0 e r t u a [pe]||u|u| [xe] r t u e r t [zu] [le] r t [uk] [je] r t [zu] [x0] w r u k r u r 0 w r t r w 0 w [le] r t u e r t [uk] [je] r t [uk] [le] r t [zu] [x0] w r u I u o u a w r u I u o [ul] [zw] r y o a o y [xo] [g9] e y i [ph] i y i [je] r u p a s f p [d0]k r u O a O [uk]lkrjk [qf]l t i o p i t i [g9]z e y i [pf]l i y i [wd]k r y o a o y o [lf0] W r u [zrG] W 0 r [lf3] 7 0 W [rkd] u u h k [sj4] 8 q w t i o s h l| g||f|| [l4] 8 q w [yue]|||i||o
    Level: 5
    Length: 02:05
    One Man’s Dream


  • e [te]|[te] w [wr]|[wr] q [qe]|[qe] w [wr]|[wr] e [ut]|[ut] w [yr]|[yr] q [te]|[te] [rW0]|0 5[e6] [te]|[te6] [w5] [wr]|[wr5] [q4] [qe]|[qe4] [w5] [wr] 0 [wr] [e6] [ut] 0 [ut6] [w5] [yr] 7 [yr7] [q8] [te] 6 [te] [rW70]|0 [o5][pe6] [tse] p [ute6] [wo5] [wr] y [wr5]o[qi4] [qpe] o [qie4] [wo5] [wr] [f0] [wr] [fe6] [ut] [s0] [ut6] [wa5] [yr] 7 [yrp7]a[sq8] [tea] [p6] [tse] [raW70]|[u0] [y5]t[ue6] [tpe] a [tpe6] [wa5] [wr] p [wr5] [qa4] [qe]|[qpe4] [ws5] [wr] [a0] [wr] [se6] [utp] [u0] [ut6] [wa5] [yro] [y7] [yur7] [qi8] [te] [p6] [te] [rWO70]|[s0] [a5][pe6]o[tpe]|[te6]8[w50] [wrf]ds [wf75] [qd4] [sqe] s [qe4] [ws5] [wra] [a0] [wr] [pe6]a[utp] 0 [ut6]3[w52] [ysr] [d7] [yra7] [sq8] [te] [d6] [te] [raW70] O [a0] 5 [pe6]8[te0]|[te6] [wo5]7[wr9]|[wr5] [qi4]6[qe8]|[qe4] [wo5]7[wr9] [a0] [wr] [se6]8[ut0] [a0] [utp6] [wa5]7[yr9] 7 [yrp7] [qa84]6[tpe8] [p6] [ute] [raO730] % [70] f[a2][30] [w0] 7 [w0] [Q2] [eQ] 6 [eQ] [w3] [r0] 7 [r0] [e2] [tQ] 6 [rQ] [30] [w0] 7 [w0] [Q2] [eQ] 6 [rQ] [30] [w0] 7 [w0] [w30]|7|3|7|3|[uo3] [uo5] [pe6] [te] s [tea6]s[wd5] [wr] a [wr5] [sq4] [qea] p [qea4] [s5] [wr] [a0] [wro] [pe6] [ut]o[p0] [uta6] [wo5] [yr]d[s7] [yr7]d[sq8] [tea] [p6] [te] [rWO70]|[f0] 5 [spe6] [te] u [te6] [yw5] [wr] u [wr5] [qi4] [qe] y [qe4] [t5] [wr] [u0] [wr] [pe6] [ut] 0 [ut6] [w5] [yr] 7 [yr7] [q8] [te] 6 [te] [rW70]|0|e [te]|[te] w [wr]|[wr] q [qe]|[qe] w [wr]|[wr] e [ut]|[ut] w [yr]|[yr] q [te]|[te] [rW0]|0 5[e6] [te]|[te6] [w5] [wr]|[wr5] [q4] [qe]|[qe4] [w5] [wr] 0 [wr] [e6] [ut] 0 [ut6] [w5] [yr] 7 [yr7] [q8] [te] 6 [te] [rW70]|0 [o5][pe6] [tse] p [ute6] [wo5] [wr] y [wr5]o[qi4] [qpe] o [qie4] [wo5] [wr] [f0] [wr] [fe6] [ut] [s0] [ut6] [wa5] [yr] 7 [yrp7]a[sq8] [tea] [p6] [tse] [raW70]|[u0] [y5]t[ue6] [tpe] a [tpe6] [wa5] [wr] p [wr5] [qa4] [qe]|[qpe4] [ws5] [wr] [a0] [wr] [se6] [utp] [u0] [ut6] [wa5] [yro] [y7] [yur7] [qi8] [te] [p6] [te] [rWO70]|[s0] [a5][pe6]o[tpe]|[te6]8[w50] [wrf]ds [wf75] [qd4] [sqe] s [qe4] [ws5] [wra] [a0] [wr] [pe6]a[utp] 0 [ut6]3[w52] [ysr] [d7] [yra7] [sq8] [te] [d6] [te] [raW70] O [a0] 5 [pe6]8[te0]|[te6] [wo5]7[wr9]|[wr5] [qi4]6[qe8]|[qe4] [wo5]7[wr9] [a0] [wr] [se6]8[ut0] [a0] [utp6] [wa5]7[yr9] 7 [yrp7] [qa84]6[tpe8] [p6] [ute] [raO730] % [70] f[a2][30] [w0] 7 [w0] [Q2] [eQ] 6 [eQ] [w3] [r0] 7 [r0] [e2] [tQ] 6 [rQ] [30] [w0] 7 [w0] [Q2] [eQ] 6 [rQ] [30] [w0] 7 [w0] [w30]|7|3|7|3|[uo3] [uo5] [pe6] [te] s [tea6]s[wd5] [wr] a [wr5] [sq4] [qea] p [qea4] [s5] [wr] [a0] [wro] [pe6] [ut]o[p0] [uta6] [wo5] [yr]d[s7] [yr7]d[sq8] [tea] [p6] [te] [rWO70]|[f0] 5 [spe6] [te] u [te6] [yw5] [wr] u [wr5] [qi4] [qe] y [qe4] [t5] [wr] [u0] [wr] [pe6] [ut] 0 [ut6] [w5] [yr] 7 [yr7] [q8] [te] 6 [te] [rW70]|0

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:55
    Sun Stained Stones (Wynncraft)


  • uo[wo8]||uoo|| uo[ro0] i i u y|| uo[o60]||uoo|| uo[o60] i i u y| t u [utq]| | oo[yws] a p o o| u p [ue]| | o p [ue]| | uo[o8] w t uoo| t [wu]o[o0] [wi] [ri] u y| r [wu]o[o6] 0 e uoo| e [u0]o[o6] [i0] [ie] u y| [te] [u0] [uq] e t| | t [oe]o[ws] [ra] [yp] o o| [yu] [rp] e t u| | [uo] [tp] e t u| | u [to] [h8] wdt f 8sw [td]| 0 r y [f0] r| y o [h6] 0de f 6s0 [ed]| 6 0 e sp6 0 e o [qh] ed[td]d fqse [td] p [wp] [sr] yo [wp] r [yu]yu [ue] t u| e t [us]dffed dd| |[e6]| [wd8] dd[wd8] s [ws8]| [wd8] d [rd0] dd[rd0] s [sr0]| [r0]| [wd8] dd[wd8] s [ws8]| [wd8] d [tqd] dd[tqf] s [tsq]| [tq]| [ed9] dd[ed9] s [se9]| [ed9] d [d60] dd[d60] s [s60]| [p60]| [ywt]| [ywt]| [ywt]| [ywts]d[tf]f d d| | [wd8] ddd s [ws8]| d d [rd0] ddd s [sr0]| | [wd8] ddd s [ws8]| d d [tqd] ddf s [tsq]| | [ed9] d d s [se9]| d d [d60] d d s [s60]| p| [985]| |[985]| uiop[975]u u| |u t
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:38
    Love Me Like You Do (50 Shades Of Grey)

    Ellie Goulding