Experience (Ludovico Einauldi)

Ludovico Einaudi 22 December 2023

[ef] u [pf] u [eg] u [pf] u
[tf] u [pf] u [tg] u [pf] u
[0f] r [of] r [0g] r [of] r
[qf] t [pd] t [qf] t [pg] t
[ef] u [pf] u [eg] u [pf] u
[tf] u [pf] u [tg] u [pf] u
[0f] r [of] r [0g] r [of] r
[qf] t [pd] t [qf] t [pg] t|||
[6s] u sau sau sau
[18s]au sau sau sau
[30s]au sau sau sau
[4qs] u s i s u s i
[6s] u sau sau sau
[18s]au sau sau sau
[30s]au sau sau sau
[4qs] u s i s u s i
[ef] u [pf] u [eg] u [pf] [us]d
[tf] u [pf] u [tg] u [pf] u
[0f] r [of] r [0g] r [of] r
[qf] t [pd] t [qf] t [pg] t
[ef] u [pf] u [eg] u [pf] [us]d
[tf] u [pf] u [tg] u [pf] u
[0f] r [of] r [0g] r [of] r
[qf] t [pd] t [qf] t [pg] t

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About This Music Sheet

Experience (Ludovico Einauldi) is a song by Ludovico Einaudi. Use your computer keyboard to play Experience (Ludovico Einauldi) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:20, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Experience (Ludovico Einauldi) is classified in the genre of Classical on Virtual Piano.


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Other Songs By Ludovico Einaudi

  • [18s] t o s t o
    [6s] t o a t o
    [4a] t i p t i
    [18o] t u o t u
    [6s] t u s t u
    [5d] y o d y o
    [18f] u o f u o
    s u o s u o
    [18s] t o s t o
    [6s] t o a t o
    [4a] t i p t i
    [18o] t u o t u
    [6s] t u s t u
    [5d] y o d y o
    [18s] t i s t u
    [6s] t u s t u
    [4s] t i s t i
    [18s] t o s t o
    s t o s t o
    [6s] t o s t o
    [4s] t i s t i
    [18s] t u s t u
    s t u s t u
    [6s] t u s t u
    [4s] t i s t i
    [18s] t o s t o
    s t o s t o
    [6s] t o s t o
    [^s] t i s t i
    [18s] t u s t u
    8 0 w t i u
    [5y] 9 w t i u
    [6y] 0 w t i u
    [4y] 8 w t w t
    8 0 w t i u
    [5y] 9 w t i u
    [4t] 8 w t w t
    6 0 w t w t
    8 0 w t i u
    [5y] 9 w t i u
    [6y] 0 w t i u
    [4y] 8 w t w t
    8 0 w t i u
    [5y] 9 w t i u
    [^t] 9 q t q t
    8 0 w t w t
    [6s] t u s t u
    [4s] t i s t i
    [18s] t o s t o
    s t o s t o
    [6s] t o s t o
    [4s] t i s t i
    [18s] t u s t u
    s t u s t u
    [6s] t u s t u
    [4s] t i s t i
    [18s] t o s t o
    s t o s t o
    [6s] t o s t o
    [^s] t i s t i
    [18s] t u s t u
    s t o s t o
    [6s] t o a t o
    [4a] t i p t i
    [18o] t u o t u
    [6s] t u s t u
    [5d] y o d y o
    [18f] u o f u o
    s u o s u o
    s t o s t o
    [6s] t o a t o
    [4a] t i p t i
    [18o] t u o t u
    [6s] t u s t u
    [5d] y o d y o
    [18s] t i s t u
    s||t u
    [6s] t u s t u
    [4s] t i s t i
    [18s] t o s t o
    s t o s t o
    [6s] t o s t o
    [4s] t i s t i
    [18s] t u s t u
    s t u s t u
    [6s] t u s t u
    [4s] t i s t i
    [18s] t o s t o
    s t o s t o
    [6s] t o s t o
    [^s] t i s t i
    [18s] t u s t u
    8 0 w t i u
    [5y] 9 w t i u
    [6y] 0 w t i u
    [4y] 8 w t w t
    8 0 w t i u
    [5y] 9 w t i u
    [4t] 8 w t w t
    6 0 w t w t
    8 0 w t i u
    [5y] 9 w t i u
    [6y] 0 w t i u
    [4y] 8 w t w t
    8 0 w t i u
    [5y] 9 w t i u
    [^t] 9 q t q t
    8 0 w t w t
    ^ 9 q t q t
    8 0 w t w t
    ^ 9 q t q t

    Level: 4
    Length: 02:52
    Stella del mattino (Ludovico Einaudi)

    Ludovico Einaudi

  • 6 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u 4 8 e r t u 5 9 e r t u 6 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u 4 8 e r t u 5 9 e r t u [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [p4] [t8] [oe] t i t [u6] 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u [s4] [u8] [ea] y o t [s4] [u8] [ea] y o t [a5] [y9] [se] u a y [p6] 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [s8] [wu] [ta] y o t [p4] [t8] [qo] [wt] [ie] t [u1] 5 8 9 0 t 1 5 8 9 0 t [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [s3] [u7] [wa] [ye] [ro] t [a5] [y9] [se] u a y [p6] 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [f5] [o9] [wd] i s u [f6] [o0] [ed] i s u [f4] [o8] [ge] p d i [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [d5] [i9] [se] i a i [s6] 0 e r t u 4 8 q w e t [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [f5] [o9] [wd] i s u [f6] [o0] [ed] i s u [f4] [o8] [qg] [wp] [he] s [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [d5] [i9] [ws] [ie] [ra] i [s@] ^ ( q w t 4 8 q w e t [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [l6] [f0] [ke] [rd] [th] s [j4] [s8] [qh] [ws] [ge] s [h1] 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 0 s [l6] [f0] [ke] [rd] [th] s [l3] [f7] [wk] [ed] [rh] s [j4] [s8] [qk] [ws] [le] s [h1] 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 0 s [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [l6] [f0] [ke] [rd] [th] s [j4] [s8] [qh] [ws] [ge] s [h1] 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 [f0] o [g4] [p8] [qf] [wo] [ed] i [d5] [i9] [ws] [ie] [ra] i [s6] 0 e r t u 4 8 q w [fe] o [g2] [p6] [f9] [o0] [qd] i [d5] [i9] [ws] [ie] [ra] i [s@] ^ ( q w t 4 8 q w e t [s1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] s [P1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] P [O1] % 8 [t9] [Y(] O [p1] 6 8 [t9] [Y(] p [s1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] s [P1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] P [O1] % 8 [t9] [Y(] O [p1] 6 8 [t9] [Y(] p [s1] 5 8 9 0 t 1 5 8 9 0 t 6 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u 4 8 e r t u 5 9 e r t u 6 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u [i4] [u8] [ye] t r t [y5] [t9] [re] t y r 6 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u 4 8 e r t u 5 9 e r t u 6 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u [i4] [u8] [ye] t r t [y5] [u9] [ie] o p a [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [p6] [tq] [oe] t i t [u6] w e r t u 6 Q e r t u [s6] [uq] [ea] y o t [s6] [wu] [ea] y o t [a6] [yQ] [se] u a y [p6] q e r t u 6 0 e r t u [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [s8] [wu] [ta] y o t [p4] [t8] [qo] [wt] [ie] t [u1] 5 8 9 0 t 1 5 8 9 0 t [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [s3] [u7] [wa] [ye] [ro] t [a5] [y8] [se] u a y [p6] q e r t u 6 0 e r t u [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [f5] [o9] [wd] i s u [f6] [o0] [ed] i s u [f4] [o8] [ge] p d i [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [d5] [i9] [ws] i a i [s6] 0 e r t u 4 8 q w e t [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [f5] [o9] [wd] i s u [f6] [o0] [ed] i s u [f4] [o8] [qg] [wp] [he] s [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [d5] [i9] [ws] [ie] [ra] i [s@] ^ ( q w t 4 8 q w e t [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [l6] [f0] [ke] [rd] [th] s [j4] [s8] [qh] [ws] [ge] s [h1] 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 0 s [l6] [f0] [ke] [rd] [th] s [l3] [f7] [wk] [ed] [rh] s [j4] [s8] [qk] [ws] [le] s [h1] 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 0 s [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [l6] [f0] [ke] [rd] [th] s [j4] [s8] [qh] [ws] [ge] s [h1] 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 [f0] o [g4] [p8] [qf] [wo] [ed] i [s6] 0 e r [tf] o [g2] [p6] [f9] [o0] [qd] i [s1] 5 8 9 [f0] o [g4] [p8] [qf] [wo] [ed] i [d5] [i9] [ws] [ie] [ra] i [s@] ^ ( q w t 4 8 q w e t [s1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] s [P1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] P [O1] % 8 [t9] [Y(] O [p1] 6 8 [t9] [Y(] p [s1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] s [P1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] P [O1] % 8 [t9] [Y(] O [p1] 6 8 [t9] [Y(] p [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [J1] [D%] [H8] [d9] [D(] s [J1] [D6] [j8] [d9] [D(] s [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [J1] [D%] [H8] [d9] [D(] s [J1] [D6] [j8] [d9] [D(] s [l1] 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 0

    Level: 4
    Length: 04:43
    Le Onde

    Ludovico Einaudi

  • eeupeupeupeupeuaueupeupeup rtuoaeupeupeupeupeuaueupeupeup rtuoaqupeupqupeupqupuwuprupwup rtuoaeupeupeupeupeuaueupeupeup rtuoaqupeupqupeupqeup9upeupeup rtuoa6uptupeupeupeupueupeupeup rtuoa[p4]8e[u8]e8e859r[a9][rp][a9][rp][a9]6[p0]t[u0]t0t0t apapa[p4]8e[u8]e8e859r[a9][ra][a9][sr][a9][a6][p0]e[u0]e0e0e rtuoa[p4]8q[u8]q8q859w[a9][wp][a9][wp][a9]6[p0]e[u0]e0e0e apapa[p4]8e[u8]e8e859w[a9][wa][a9][ws][a9][a6][p0]e[u0]e0e0e| |tostostostostosowoawoawoawoawoaoeupeupeupeupeupueupeupeupeupeuputostostostostosouoauoauoauoauoaoeupeupeup rtuoaeupeupeup rtuoatustustustustusuwyawyawyawyawyayetpetpetpetpetptetpetpetp rtuoaqupeupqupeupeupu9upeupeup| |6upeupeup| |eupeupeup rtuoa[p4]8qu u u59wapapa6pueupeup apapa[p4]qupqupu5wuaaasa6pueupeup apapa[p4]qupeupu5wuapapa6pueupeup rtuoa[p4]qupqupu5wuaaasa[a6]pueupeup| |qupeupqupeupqeupwuprupwup rtuoaeupeupeupeupeupueupeupeup rtuoaqupeupqupeupqeupwupruprup rtuoa

    Level: 4
    Length: 03:25
    Una Mattina (Intermediate)

    Ludovico Einaudi

  • e e u p e u p e
    u p e u p e u a
    u e u p e u p e
    u p r t u o a e
    u p e u p e u p
    e u p e u a u e
    u p e u p e u p
    r t u o a q u p
    e u p q u p e u
    p q u p u w u p
    r u p w u p r t
    u o a e u p e u
    p e u p e u p e
    u a u e u p e u
    p e u p r t u o
    a q u p e u p q
    u p e u p q e u
    p 9 u p e u p e
    u p r t u o a 6
    u p t u p e u p
    e u p e u p u e
    u p e u p e u p
    r t u o a [p4] 8 e
    [u8] e 8 e 8 5 9 r
    [a9] [rp] [a9] [rp] [a9] 6 [p0] t
    [u0] t 0 t 0 t a p
    a p a [p4] 8 e [u8] e
    8 e 8 5 9 r [a9] [ra]
    [a9] [sr] [a9] [a6] [p0] e [u0] e
    0 e 0 e r t u o
    a [p4] 8 q [u8] q 8 q
    8 5 9 w [a9] [wp] [a9] [wp]
    [a9] 6 [p0] e [u0] e 0 e
    0 e a p a p a [p4]
    8 e [u8] e 8 e 8 5
    9 w [a9] [wa] [a9] [ws] [a9] [a6]
    [p0] e [u0] e 0 e 0 e
    t o s t o s t o
    s t o s t o s o
    w o a w o a w o
    a w o a w o a o
    e u p e u p e u
    p e u p e u p u
    e u p e u p e u
    p e u p e u p u
    t o s t o s t o
    s t o s t o s o
    u o a u o a u o
    a u o a u o a o
    e u p e u p e u
    p r t u o a e u
    p e u p e u p r
    t u o a t u s t
    u s t u s t u s
    t u s u w y a w
    y a w y a w y a
    w y a y e t p e
    t p e t p e t p
    e t p t e t p e
    t p e t p r t u
    o a q u p e u p
    q u p e u p e u
    p u 9 u p e u p
    e u p 6 u p e u
    p e u p e u p e
    u p e u p r t u
    o a [p4] 8 q u u u
    5 9 w a p a p a
    6 p u e u p e u
    p a p a p a [p4] q
    u p q u p u 5 w
    u a a a s a 6 p
    u e u p e u p a
    p a p a [p4] q u p
    e u p u 5 w u a
    p a p a 6 p u e
    u p e u p r t u
    o a [p4] q u p q u
    p u 5 w u a a a
    s a [a6] p u e u p
    e u p q u p e u
    p q u p e u p q
    e u p w u p r u
    p w u p r t u o
    a e u p e u p e
    u p e u p e u p
    u e u p e u p e
    u p r t u o a q
    u p e u p q u p
    e u p q e u p w
    u p r u p r u p
    r t u o a

    Level: 4
    Length: 03:22
    Una Mattina (Alternative)

    Ludovico Einaudi


  • u| y| o||u y|w|
    y| t r t u||
    t r|e|
    [46]| e i u y [57r]|
    w|r|y|u [35]| w u y t [36r]|
    w|e|w|q [46]| e i u y [57r]|
    w|r|o|u [35]||yt|
    [46]||[35] u u i
    [46i]o|[46u]|[46]|[46u] i
    [57o] o [57i] i [57u] [46u] [35u] [46p]
    [13o]|[13u]|[13]|[13u] i
    [36o] o [36u] u [36y]|[36]|
    [46u] y[46] o [46u]|[46y]|
    [57]|[57] w [57w] e [57t] y
    [57y]u| [57y]| [468y] u|
    o o o o o o o
    [46o]p|[46u]|[46] [jl] [46] [57fh]|
    [57o] o [57o] [57o] [68o] [57u] [46o]
    [35o]p|[35u]|[35ad]|[35sf] [68gj]|
    [68] [fh] [68sf] [68u] y [80t] r
    [46e]|[46t]|[46y]|[80u] [79i]o|
    [68o] [57u]|[35y] w|[35a]|
    s [13o]| p [46u]|||
    [46]| e i u y [57r]|
    w|r|y|u [35]| w u y t [36r]|
    w|e|w|q [46u]yt[46u]yt[46y]u|[46]
    [46]|[46]|[35] u [35u] i
    [46i]o|[46u]|[46]|[46u] i
    [57o] o [57i] i [57u] [46u] [35u] [46p]
    [13o]|[13u]|[13]|[13u] i
    [36o] o [36u] u [36y]|[36]|
    [46u] y[46] o [46u]|[46y]|
    [57]|[57] w [57w] e [57t] y
    [57y]u| [57y]| [468y] u|
    o o o o o o o
    [46o]p|[46u]|[46] [jl] [46] [57fh]|
    [57o] o [57o] [57o] [68o] [57u] [46o]
    [35o]p|[35u]|[35ad]|[35sf] [68gj]|
    [68] [fh] [68sf] [68u] y [80t] r
    [46e]|[46t]|[46y]|[80u] [79i]o|
    [68o] [57u]|[35y] w|[35a]|
    s [13o]| p [46u]||
    [46e] t y u e [46t] [35y] [24u] w r t y [35w] r t y
    [38w] t y u w [38t] [27y] [16u] w r t y [35w] r t w
    [46e] t y u e [46t] [35y] [24u] w r t y [35w] r t o
    [38u] r t u u [38t] [27y] [16u] w r t y [35w] r t y
    [6u]| y| o 7||
    u y|w|
    [5ya]| [tp] [ro] [tp] [6ua]||
    [ts] [ra]|[ep]|
    [46uof]| [yid]| [osh] [57]||
    u y w t
    [36]| [uof] [yid] [wro] [68yod]||

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:15
    Cupid (Fifty Fifty)


  • [pd]|[pd]|[spe6]|[spe]|[spe]|[spe]|[spe]|[spe]| [ped]|[ped]|[spe6]|[spe]|[spe]|[spe]|[spe]|[spe]| [ped]|[ped]|[woa5]|[woa]|[woa]|[woa]|[woa]|[woa]|[woa]|[woa]| [thf8]|[thf]|[thf]|[thf]| [wda5]|[wda5]|[wda5]|[wda5]| [sfe6]| [spe]eettty|u|y te| [sfe6]| [spe]eettty|u|y te| [wda5]| [woa]wweee0|e|t ew| [tso8]| [usf]uuooo[woa5]| [pda]pp[slh]| [sfe6]| [spe]eettty|u|y te| [sfe6]| [spe]eettty|u|y te| [wda5]| [woa]wweee0|e|t ew| [tso8]| [usf]uuooo[woa5]| ppps| [e6]| [fe]e[fe][td]t[ts][yd]|[us]|[ys] te| [e6]| s[fe]e[fe][td]t[ts][yd]|[us]|[ys] te| [w5]| s[wf]w[wf][ed]e[se][d0]|[se]| [ts] e[wp] s[t8]| uuuooo[w5]| ppps| [e6]| [fe]e[fe][td]t[ts][yd]|[us]|[ys] te| [e6]| s[fe]e[fe][td]t[ts][yd]|[us]|[ys] te| [w5]| [wf]w[wf][ed]e[se][d0]|[se]| [ts] e[wp] s[t8]| uuuooo[w5]| ppp[slh]| [sfe6]| [spe]eettty|u|y t[lhe]| [sfe6]| [spe]eettty|u|y t[lhe]| [wda5]| [woa]wweee0|e|t e[wlh]| [t8]| [usf]uuooo[woa5]| [pda]pp[slh]| [e6]| [fe]e[fe][td]t[ts][yd]|[us]|[ys] te| [e6]| [fe]e[fe][td]t[ts][yd]|[us]|[ys] te| [w5]| [wf]w[wf][ed]e[se][d0]|[se]| [ts] e[wp] s[t8]| uuuooo[w5]| ppps| [e6]| [fe]e[fe][td]t[ts][yd]|[us]|[ys] te| [e6]| [fe]e[fe][td]t[ts][yd]|[us]|[ys] te| [w5]| s[wf]w[wf][ed]e[se][d0]|[se]| [ts] e[wp] s[t8]| uuuooo[w5]| ppp[slh]| [sfe6]| [spe]eettty|u|y t[lhe]| [sfe6]| [spe]eettty|u|y t[lhe]| [wda5]| [woa]wweee0|e|t e[wlh]| [tso8]| [usf]uuooo[woa5]| [pda]pp[slh]| [e6]|j hj hf h[je] hj hj hf p[e6]| j hj hf h[je] hj hj hf d[w5]| j hj hf h[wj] hj hj hf s[t8]| j h[tj8] hf d[w5]|j h[wj5] hf p[e6]| [jeb] [vh][jeb] [vh][xfe]|e| [jeb] [vh][jeb] [vh][vhe] [jb][xle6]| e|[lje]|e|e|e|e|e|[w5]| [wjb] [vh][wjb] [vh][xwf]|w| [wjb] [vh][wjb] [vh][wvh] [jb][t8]| [tjb8] [vh][tjb8] [vh][vth8] [jb][w5]| [wjb5] [vh][wjb5] [vh][wlh5]| [sjfe6]| [spe]eettty|u|y t[lhe]| [sfe6]| [spe]eettty|u|y t[lhe]| [wda5]| [woa]wweee0|e|t e[wlh]| [tsp8]| [usf]uuooo[woa5]| [pda]pp[slh]| [sfe6]| [pe]e[se]tt[td]y f[ud] s[yd] t[lhe]| [sfe6]| [pe]e[se]tt[td]y f[ud] s[yd] t[lhe]| [wda5]| [wp]w[ws]ee[ed]0 f[ed] s[td] e[wlh]| [tsp8]| [up]u[us]oo[od][w5] fp|[pd]p[pd]s| [spe6]|[spe]|[spe]|[spe]|[spe]|[spe]|[ped]|[ped]| [spe]|[spe]|[spe]|[spe]|[spe]|[spe]|[ped]|[ped]| [woa5]|[woa]|[woa]|[woa]|[woa]|[woa]|[woa]|[woa]| [tsh8]|[tsh]|[tsh]|[tsh]| [woa5]|[woa5]|[woa5]|[woa5]| [spe6]|[sp]|[sp]|[sp]|[sp]|[sp]|[pd]|[pd]| [spe6]|[sp]|[sp]|[sp]|[sp]|[sp]|[pd]|[pd]| [woa5]|[oa]|[oa]|[oa]|[oa]|[oa]|[oa]|[oa]| [tsh8]|[sh]|[sh]|[sh]| [woa5]|[oa]|[oa]|[oa]|[spe6]
    Level: 7
    Length: 04:04


  • 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] [f8] [wtf]f8 [wtf] [d8] [wt]d8 [wtd] [s8] [wt]s8 [wts] [a8] [wt] 7 [wto] [f6] [e0]f6 [fe0] [d6] [e0]d6 [ed0] [s6] [e0]s6 [se0] [a6] [e0] 5 [wro] [d4] [qf6] 4 [qd6] 4 [sq6] 4 [qi6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] [f8] [wtf]f8 [wtf] [d8]d[wt]d8 [wtd] [s8]s[wt]s[s8] [wta] 8 [wt] 7 [wto] [f6]f[e0]f6 [fe0] [d6]d[e0]d6 [ed0] [s6] [e0]s6 [ea0] 6 [e0] 5 [wro] [d4] [qf6] 4 [qd6] 4 [sq6] 4 [qi6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] [o4] [qo6] [d5] [wf7] 5 [wd7] 5 [ws7] 5 [wa7] 5 [w7] 5 [w7] 5 [w7] 5 [w7] 6 [q9] 6 [qd9]f[g6] [qf9] [d7] [sq9] [f5] [wd7] [d5] [w7]o[g5] [wg7] [g5] [wh7] [g8] [wf0] [f8] [wf0] [f7] [w0]d7s[wd0]s [p6] [e0] 6 [e0] 6 [e0] 5 [e0] 4 [q9] 4 [sq9] [f4] [qd9] [d%] [sq9] [f5] [wd7] [d5] [w7]o[g5] [wg7] [g5] [wh7] [g8] [wf0] [f8] [wf0] [f7] [w0]d7s[wd0]s [p6] [e0] 6p[pe0]p[d6]f[ed0]s[d6] [e0] 4 [sq6]p[s4] [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] [s4] [sq6] [d6] [e0]f6 [fe0] [f6] [e0]s6 [se0] [d5] [w0]f5 [wf0] [f5] [w0] 5 [ws0] [d4] [q6]f4 [qf6] [f4] [q6]s4 [sq6] [d4] [q6]f4 [qf6] [f4] [q6] 4 [q6] [d8] [wt]f8 [wts] [d8] [wt]f8 [wts] [d8] [wt]f8 [wtf] 8 [wt] 8 [wts] 6 [se0] 6 [ea0] 5 [wa7] 5 [wf7] 3 [o70] 3 [p70] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [sq6] 4 [qa6] 8 [wts] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wts] [f8] [wt]f8 [wtf] [d8] [wt]d8 [wtd] [s8] [wt]s8 [wta] 8 [wt] 7 [wto]o [f6] [e0]f6 [fe0] [d6] [ed0] [d6] [ed0] [s6] [se0]s6 [ea0] 6 [e0] [s5] [wsr] [d4] [qf6] 4 [qd6] 4 [sq6] 4 [qi6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [qoh6] [zd5] [xwf7] 5 [zwd7] 5 [wsl7] 5 [wka7] 5 [w7] 5 [w7] 5 [w7] 5 [w7] 6 [q9] 6 [qd9]f[g6] [qf9] [d7] [sq9] [f5] [wd7] [d5] [w7]o[g5] [wg7] [g5] [wh7] [g8] [wf0] [f8] [wf0] [f7] [w0]d7s[wd0]s [p6] [e0] 6 [e0] 6 [e0] 5 [e0] 4 [q9] 4 [sq9] [f4] [qd9] [d%] [sq9] [f5] [wd7] [d5] [w7]o[g5] [wg7] [g5] [wh7] [g8] [wf0] [f8] [wf0] [f7] [w0]d7s[wd0]s [p6] [e0] 6p[pe0]p[d6]f[ed0]s[d6] [e0] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] [s4] [sq6] [d6] [e0]f6 [fe0] [f6] [e0]s6 [se0] [d5] [w0]f5 [wf0] [f5] [w0] 5 [ws0] [d4] [q6]f4 [qf6] [f4] [q6]s4 [sq6] [d4] [q6]f4 [qf6] [f4] [q6] 4 [q6] [d8] [wt]f8 [wts] [d8] [wt]f8 [wts] [d8] [wt]f8 [wtf] 8 [wt] 8 [wts] 6 [se0] 6 [ea0] 5 [wa7] 5 [wf7] 3 [o70] 3 [p70] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [sq6] [d8] [wt]f8 [wtf] [f8] [wt]s8 [wts]s [d8] [wt]f8 [wtf] [f8] [wt] 8 [wts] [d4]f[q6]f4 [qf6] [f4]d[q6]s4 [sq6] [d4] [q6]f4 [qf6] [f4] [q6] 4 [q6] [d8] [wt]f8 [wts] [d8] [wt]f8 [wts] [d8] [wt]f8 [wtf] 8 [wt] 8 [wtsl] 6 [sle0] 6 [kea0] 5 [wka7] 5 [xwf7] 3 [oh70] 3 [pj70] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [sql6] 4 [qka6] 8 [wtsl] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 6 [e0] 6 [se0]s[s6] [e0]d6 [fe0] [d5] [w9] 5 [wd9] [d5] [w9]f5 [wg9] [f8] [wt] 8 [wtf] [f7] [wr]d7 [wsr] [d4] [q6] 4 [sq6]p[s4] [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] [s4] [sq6] [d6] [e0]f6 [fe0] [f6] [e0]s6 [se0] [d5] [w0]f5 [wf0] [f5] [w0] 5 [ws0] [d4] [q6]f4 [qf6] [f4] [q6]s4 [sq6] [d4] [q6]f4 [qf6] [f4] [q6] 4 [q6] [d8] [wt]f8 [wts] [d8] [wt]f8 [wts] [d8] [wt]f8 [wtf] 8 [wt] 8 [wtsl] 6 [sle0] 6 [kea0] 5 [wka7] 5 [xwf7] 3 [oh70] 3 [pj70] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [sql6] [zd8] [wt][xf]8 [xwtf] [xf8] [wt][sl]8 [wtsl][sl] [zd8] [wt][xf]8 [xwtf] [xf8] [wt] 8 [wtsl] [zd4][xf][q6][xf]4 [xqf6] [xf4][zd][q6][sl]4 [sql6] [zd4] [q6][xf]4 [xqf6] [xf4] [q6] 4 [q6] [zd8] [wt][xf]8 [wtsl] [zd8] [wt][xf]8 [wtsl] [zd8] [wt][xf]8 [xwtf] 8 [wt] 8 [wtsl] 6 [sle0] 6 [kea0] 5 [wka7] 5 [xwf7] 3 [oh70] 3 [pj70] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [sql6] 4 [qka6] 8 [wtsl] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wtsl] 6 [sle0] 6 [kea0] 5 [wka7] 5 [xwf7] 3 [oh70] 3 [pj70] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [q6] 4 [sql6] 4 [qka6] 8 [wtsl] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 80wt
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:54
    This Town

    Niall Horan