01:42 -
0 r u r u r e r t r u r u| |
0 r u r u r e r t r u r u| |
0 r [uh]j[rk] [uh] r e r t r [uj]h[rG] [uf]| |
0 r [uh]j[rk] [uh] r e r t r [uj]h[rG] [uf]||f
[x8] [w0] [w0] [w0] [x8] [w0] [xw0]Cv
[b9] [eQ] [eQ] [eQ] [n9] [eQ] [eQ] f
[x8] [w0] [w0] [w0] [x8] [w0] [wb0]vC
[v9] [eQ] [eQ] [eQ] [C9] [eQ] [eQ] [eQ]|||
0 r [uh]j[rk] [uh] r e r t r [uj]h[rG] [uf]| |
0 r [uh]j[rk] [uh] r e r t r [uj]h[rG] [uf]||f
[x8] [w0] [w0] [w0] [x8] [w0] [xw0]Cv
[b9] [eQ] [eQ] [eQ] [n9] [eQ] [eQ] f
[x8] [w0] [w0] [w0] [x8] [w0] [wb0]vC
[v9] [eQ] [eQ] [eQ] [C9] [eQ] [eQ] [eQ]|||
0 r [uh]j[rk] [j9] e [yG] [ed] [G8] w t w [f9]Gfe [yd] [pe]
0 r [uh]j[rk] [j9] e [yG] [ze] [l8] w t w [k9]lke [yj]k[le]z
[xf0] r [uh]j[rk]l[zd9] e [yG]h[je]k
[l8] [wk]lk[tj] [wh] [j9] e [yG] [ed]
[G8] w [tf] w [h8] w [tG] [wh]
[j9] e y [he]j[k9] e [zy] e
[x8] w t w [n8] wbt [wv]
[n9] e y e I e y e
[b9] e y e I e y e
About This Music Sheet
Fate (Goblin) is a song by Nam Hye-seung. Use your computer keyboard to play Fate (Goblin) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:42, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Fate (Goblin) is classified in the genres: South Korea, Songs From TV on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using K-Pop, Goblin.
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Other Songs By Nam Hye-seung
[spfe]| j| [roda]| h| [tsog]| f| [yqpd]| g| [ts0] d f|p| [tqp] a s|p| [yqpd]|g|d|P|[yrp0]| [rO]| [ut6]|0|[tpe]| [ye7]|w|[yro]| [ti8]|w|[ut]| [ye4]|9|[qie]| [t3] y [u8]|[e0]| [e4] r [t8]|[qe]| [yqe7]|E|[e3]|[W7]|[e860]| 6| [sfe]|u|[pj]| [rpd]|o|[ha]| [tsg]|o|[sf]| [qpd]|y|[pig]| [s0] d [tf]|[up]| [qp] a [ts]|[pi]| [pdE]|[yg]|[id]|P|[yp0]|r a p [yO]|0|[ut6]|0|[tpe]|6|[ye7]|w|[ro]|7 y [ti8]|w|[ut]| [ye4]|9|[yq] [ie]|4|[t3] y [u8]|[e0]|3|[e4] r [t8]|[qe]| [yqe^]|E|[e3]|[W7]|[e86]| 6
Level: 6Length: 01:04IntermediateSad Ending (Mr. Sunshine)
Nam Hye-seung
[u8] w t u|w t o 0 w r o|w r t 6 0 w t|0 w t|| [e5]ti[wut] t|[u8] w t u|w t o 0 w r o| w r t 6 0 w t|0 w t [wr5]| s s d f f 8 w [zy] [xu]|w y [ud] [d3] [d0] [yd] [uf] d [s0] [ys] u 6 0 [zw] [xt] z [l0] [wl] t| 0 w [ts] s [rd] [th] og 9 e [yv] ic e y [ug] [g8] [fe] [tf] g f [ed] [td] y 5 9 w t|w e t [wr95]|| s d f f 8 w t [yd] u o s h 0 r y o|d d d 6 [f0] w t| [wd] [td] [od] 4 [f8] q [se]|| p [g9] e [uf] [ig]|| g [f8] e [td] s| p|[d5] 9 e t| w e t [wr95]| [of] [of] [pg] [ha] [sh] [81] w t o [sh] [wpg] [tof] [od] 7 w r y s [wd] [rf] [tso] 6 [d0] [rf] [tso]| [d0] [rf] [tsg] 4 [sf8] w e [of] [pg8] [wha] [tsh] [81] w t o [sh] [wsg] [tsf] [fOH] 3 [sj0] W [rkd] y u [fO] d [s6] [a0] [se] j 5 0 [pe] d [yQ]|| s d f p 9 [ed] u i|s| [ysod0]|| s d f p q [td] i o| a s h [to4]| o [pg] [pg] [sh] [sg] [sf8] w t o| w t o [od7] w t o| w t o [so6] 0 t o| 0 t o 6 0 t o [pg] [pg0] [tsh] [sog] [sf8] w t o| w t o [od7] w t o| w t o [so6] 0 t o| 0 t o [utqe8]|||[wut8]Level: 6Length: 01:38Intermediate
Beautiful Life (Goblin)
Nam Hye-seung
[ql]|tup l| [ql]|[zt]up x| [zq]|tup| [ql]|tup| [le]|[zt]up x| [cW]|yiO x| [je]|tup| [ue]|tup| [sql]|tup [sl]| [sql]|[ztd]up [xf]| [zqd]|tup| [sql]|tup| [sle]|[ztd]up [xf]| [gcW]|yOs|[xf]||| [j4] k x j k| 5 k x j k| 6 k x j k| [jg81] k x j k| [j4] k x j k| 5 k x j k| 6 k x j k| [jg81] k x j k| [j4] k x j k| 5 k x j k| 6 k x j k| [jg81] k x j k| [j4] k x j k| 5 k x j k| 6 k x j k| [jg81] k x j k| [ql]|tup h| [ql]|[zt]up x| [qc]|iOs| [xq]|iOs|l [kh8]|[rl]uo l| [k8]|ruo|l [ld8]|ruo s| [a8]|ruo| [ql]|tup h| [ql]|[zt]up x| [qc]|iOs| [xq]|iOs z l [kh8]|[rl]uo l| [k8]|ruo|l [l8]|ruo k| [zv8]|ruos s| [qh]|[ut]|[uo]| [sq]|[ut]|[uso]| [WD]|[tO] y Y| [dW]|[tO]|d s [a8]|u i [so] d [a8]|[ut]|o| [a9]|[yr]|e| [PE9]|y|| [qjf]|[upj]|[up] k [qlf]|[up]|l| [zigW]|| [lZ]||z [lh8]|tuo| [o8]|tu|| [a8]|tu|| [o8]|tu|| [xqj] t [xji] p [xji] t [xqj] t i p [ji] t [kh8] r [uh] o u r [h8] r u o u r [xqj] t [xji] p [xji] t [xqj] t i p [ji] t [kh8] r [uh] o u r 8 r u o u r [qjg] t [xi] p [ji] t [qj] t i p i t [zh(] E [YJ] o [zY] E [hJ(]|[oY]|| [lh8]|tuo| 8|tuo| 8|tuo||a|| [ql]|tup l| [ql]|[zt]up x| [zq]|tup| [ql]|tup| [le]|[zt]up x| [cW]|yiO x| [je]|tup| [ue]|tup| [sql]|tup [sl]| [sql]|[ztd]up [xf]| [zqd]|tup| [sql]|tup| [sle]|[ztd]up [xf]| [gcW]|yOs|[xf]||| [j4] k x j k| 5 k x j k| 6 k x j k| [jg81] k x j k| [j4] k x j k| 5 k x j k| 6 k x j k| [jg81] k x j k| [j4] k x j k| 5 k x j k| 6 k x j k| [jg81] k x j k| [j4] k x j k| 5 k x j k| 6 k x j k| [jg81] k x j kLevel: 5Length: 02:26Intermediate
Stuck in Love (Goblin)
Nam Hye-seung
w ya[wj] yaw ya[wk] ya[zw] yaw yaw ya[wk] ya[w95] [yw][ea]w ya[wk] yaw ya[zw] [yh]a[wh] [yG]a[wh] [yj]a[j9] [ke][rk]w yaw [ul]s[wl] usw [zu]s[wk] ya[wh] [yG][ha][wh] yaw ya9 err| [tj]f[dG]j[ph][yG]hG[tf][rd][f8] [wo]e[dG9]h[je]I[fH0] rO[uoa0][sp][roa] [oa30][sp][oa30] [oa92][sp][da92] [yo5] 5 [wod9] [o5] [pI70] 3 [o70] [dI3] [85] 1 [85] 85[85] 1 [85] 1 [yo5] 5 [wod9] [o5] [up70] 3 [o70] [dI3] [85] 1 [85] 85[y85] 1 [85] 1 [yo5] 5 [wod9] [o5] [up70] 3 [o70] [dI3] [85] 1 [85] 85[o85] 1 [85] 1f[dI96] 2 [96] 9[f6][dI9] 2 2 2f[d2] Qy2 Qy2 Qy2 Qy 8wtw[yf][wG][th]w[h8]w[tj]w[yh]w[tG]w[jG8]eyeIeye8eyeIeye 8wtw[yf][wG][th]w[h8]w[tj]w[yh]w[tG]w[z$]9Q9[eda]9Q9[pd$]9Q9[se]9Q9 [kd5]9e9[rkd]9e9[kd5]9Q9[wj]9[hQ]9 [lG6]QeQ[tlG]QeQ[lG6]QeQ[tk]Q[je]Q [zh7]wrw[yo]wrw[I7]wrw[ydG]w[rhd]w [lf8]wtwuwtw[kf8]wtw[uhf]wtw [f(]QrQ[YG]QrQ[j(]QrQ[kY]QrQ 8wtw[yf][wG][th]w[ha8]w[tsj]w[yha]w[tpG]w[sj8]eyeIeye8eyeIeye 8wtw[yf][wG][th]w[ha8]w[tsj]w[yha]w[tpG]w[zG$]9Q9[eda]9Q9[pd$]9Q9[se]9Q9 [kd5]9e9[rkd]9e9[kd5]9Q9[wj]9[hQ]9 [lG6]QeQ[tlG]QeQ[lG6]QeQ[tk]Q[je]Q [zh7]wrw[yo]wrw[I7]wrw[ydG]w[rhd]w [lf8]wtwuwtw[kf8]wtw[uhf]wtw [f(]QrQ[YG]QrQ[j(]QrQ[YG]QrQ [zkf8]wtwywtw8wtwywtw [zjG$]9Q9e9Q9$9Q9e9Q9 [yo5]9e9[yrod]9[yoe]9[yI3]9Q9[ywo]9[ydQI]91595059515950595 [yo5]9e9[yrod]9[yoe]9[pI3]9Q9[ywo]9[ydQI]915950595[y1]5950595 [yo5]9e9[yrod]9[yoe]9[pI3]9Q9[ywo]9[ydQI]915950595[o1]595059[uf5] [dI2]606Q60[f6][dI2] 6 Q 6f[d2]Level: 6Length: 02:20Intermediate
Winter is Coming (Goblin)
Nam Hye-seung
[0etp] a s a s d d s [0wtd] f h f [qetf] d s d s d [0ets] p [0etp] a s s d [0wtd] d f h h [qeth] h j g [0etf] o [0wtp] [0wt] u u [qeti] [qet] i o [0et] [0et] p [0etp] a s s d s [0wt] d f f h f [qetf] d s d d [0ets] p [0etp] a s s d d s [0wtd] f f h h [qeth] h h j f d [0et] f j k [0wtl] k k j j h [0etf] j k [0wtl] k k l h [0etf] j k [0wtl] k h h j f [0etf] d s s d [0wtf] f h f d [wry] f [wryg] h [0etf] [0et] p [0etp] a s s d s [0wtd] f h f [qetf] d s d s d [0ets] p [0etp] a s s d d [0wts] d f f f [qetg] g g g h g [0etf] f [qet] h f [qet] h f [0eth] j f f f [wryh] j d h h [qeyj] h h [qetj] k l k [0et] h j [wryd] j k [0wtl] k k j j h [0etf] j k [0wtl] k k l h [0etf] j k [0wtl] k h h j f [0etf] d s s d [0wtf] f h f d [wryd] f h f [0ets]
Level: 6Length: 01:30IntermediateAngel (Piggy Official)
Emma Duncan
[sh]| [xm]| [zn]| [zv]| [sph]| [mc]| [zn]| [vl]| [ts] f h [xuml] z l [zna] [ol] [zi] [zvul] z [wl] [ie] s g [mlc] z l [zna] [sl] [za] [volh] k l [zv]| [olf]| [kid] l k [ush]| [pl] [za] [xs] [jdc]| j [xsh] z l [zywh]| r| y [tjg] s j [rkhd] [tl] [zy] [ushf]| [ws] [sje] h [ts] [pigd]| p [sof] d s [wod]| a| [wuts]| [rqia] s a [wto0]| [use] [rd] [tf] [ypged]|pgh[tsf0] d [se] [ywd]| [oha]| [lgcb] l b [znh] m|z[vlh]| l[vpg]b v l [jec9] j cv[xtl0] z l [zwtl]| [rok]zv| [kf] l xvk l xv[kg] l xvk l xv[kh] l xvk l xv[kj] l xvk l xv[jd] J zcj J zcj J zcb c zJ[wtk] l xv[k0] l xv[tqk] l xv[ki] [tl] [xi]v[ywpk] l xv[wtok] l xv[yok] l xv[ysok] l xv[uoked] l xv[uspk] [tl] [xu]v[jiE] J zc[qjE] J [z8]c[j^] J zcj J [zq]c[ibE] B zcb| [zc] m|B[mjc]| [vlJ]| [lcb] v c [xljd] c v [cZJD] jJl b l czv| [sh]| [xm]| [zn]| [zv]| [sph]| [mc]| [zn]| [vl]| l| [xm]| [zn]| [zv]| jlcvm
Level: 6Length: 02:04Intermediatedot to dot (Revue Starlight)
Yoshiaki Fujisawa
[e60]|||r| |e|w|[q6]|||0|||[96]|||8| |7| |[e6] r t r 0 r t r q r t r w r t r [pe] r t r 0 r t r q r t r [w5] r t r [pe63] r t r 0 r t r q r [ta] r [wp] r [to] r [pe63] r t r 0 r t r q r [ts] r [wa] r [to] r [ie63] r t r 0 r t r q r t r [wo] r [t3] r [ue63] r t r 0 r t r q r t r [wp] r t r [pj6]|6|0| |q|[ra]|[pe]|[wo]|[pie6]| |q| |0|s|[wa]|[o0]|[i96]| |6| |[60]| |[o9]|8|[u763]|||6| |t|r|[e6]| |0| |q| |w| |[pje6]| |0| |q| |u| |[se]| |[d0]|s|[qa]| |[wo]| |[ue]| |0| |[yq]| |w| |[ye]| |[u0]|t|[rq]| |w| |[e6]| |3| |4| |5|u|[s6]| |[d3]|s|[ia4]| |[o5]| |[ue2]| |3| |[ye4]| |[e5]| |[y7]| |[u1]|t|[re2]| |[w3]| |[e6] r t r 0 r t r q r t r w r t r [pje60] r t r 0 r t r q r t r w r t r [pje60] r t r [60] r t r q r t r [w3] r t r [uf63] t e t e t e t [ue7] t [ra] t [pe6] t [wo5] t [ype4] r e r [ye] r e r [ye3] r [ea] r [ype] r [oe] r [yie2] t e t [ge] t [he] t [g3] t e t [oh2] t [e1] t [uf7] r e r e r e r [ue6] r e r e r e r [pf63] t e t e t e t [ue7] t [ra] t [pe81] t [wo5] t [ype4] r e r [ye] r e r [ye3] r [ea] r [tse] r [ohfe] r [ig2] t e t e t [he] t [j3] t e t [upf2]|[yd1]|[usf5] t e t e t e t e r [se] r [a1]|[i7]|[up6]| |0| |q|p|[ut]|r|[ue60] p|p [u70] o|o [uq8] p|p [wo9] a s a [ue60] p|p [u70] o|o [uq8] p|p [wo9] a s a [ue60] p|p [u70] o|o [uq8] p|p [wo9] a s a [ute] p|p [u0] o|o [uq] p|p [wo] a s a [pe] r t r 0 r t r q r t r [wuo] r t r [upe] r t r 0 r t r q r t r [wuo] r t r [upe] r t r 0 r t r e
Level: 6Length: 03:38IntermediateAsh and Bone (Ori and the Will of the Wisps)
Gareth Coker