01:03 -
o s|a s [qep]| [qe]|[qe]|[wr]||
p d|s p [0wo]| [0w]|[0w]|[80]||
o s|a s [qep]| [qei]|p p o
[qwr] o [qwro] o [9qwi]|[9qwi] u [80w]|||
o s|a s [qetp]| [qet]|[qet]|[wry]||
p d|s p [80wo]| [80w]|[80w]|[0wt]||
o s|a s [qetp]| [qeti]|p p o
[qwr] o [qwro] o [9qwi]|[9qwi] u
8 90w q 0 9 0wer[80wt] f f f f|d s
[qes]|p [qep]|[yp] t [wr]|
d d d [wrd]|s p [0wp]|o [0wo]|[eo] w [80]|
f f f [80f]|d s [qes]|p [qep]|p d s
[wra] a [wr]|[wrs] d [wr] d [0w]|s [80]|[80] [80] [80]
[80w] f f f f|d s [qets]|p [qetp]|[qetp]|[wry]|
d d d [wryd]|s p [80wp]|o [80wo]|[80wo]|[80e]|
f f f [80ef]|d s [9qes]|p [9qep]|p d s
[wrya] a [wry]|[wrys] d [wry] d [80w] fds w|0 9 8
About This Music Sheet
Feliz Navidad (Jose Feliciano) is a song by Jose Feliciano. Use your computer keyboard to play Feliz Navidad (Jose Feliciano) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:03, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Feliz Navidad (Jose Feliciano) is classified in the genres: Christmas Songs, Pop on Virtual Piano.
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[s1] 5 8 h|l|k 5 9 w|k j h| [g2] 6 9 f|s|g 4 8 q f|s| 8|w o|s|a 5 9 w a a p o| [i2] 6 9 u|t|i 4 8 q|| 8 w|o a s a s 5 [s9] [ws] s s d f g [f9] e s s|| [spi4]||[qpi]|| [uo8]|w o a s a s 5 [s9] [ws] s s d f g [f2] 6 s s 9|i| [spi]|9| i p o [a6] s a d|o o| [a5] [s9] [wa] d|o o| [a4] [s8] a d q o o o [a5] [s9] a d w o o| [a6] [s0] a d e o o| 5 [a9] as [ws] d f g [f4] 8 s s q|| [o5] [p9] a s d|h| [k6] 0 e j j|s| [h4] 8 q g|| [f9] e|d| s| [o5] [p9] a s [wd]|h| [k6] 0 e j| s| [h4] 8 q g| p| [f2] 6 9 d| f| [f5] [d9] [wf] d f|g s [hf1] 5 8 [h9] 0 w h| 5 [h9] w h h g f d 2 [g6] 9 [gd]| 9| [p4] 8aq p p|[qf]| [sh8] w s [sh]| [sh]| 5 [ha9] w a h g f d 2 [g6] 9 [pg]| 9| [i4] [o8] [pi] [oa] [sp]|[qd]|[s8]|w f|h| d 5 sss [s9] [ws] a p a [s2] 6 9 f|h| s 4 [s8]ss s [sq] a p a [s1] 5 8 [wg] w h| s 5 ss[s9] [ws] s a p a [s2] 6 9 g|h| s 4 8 q [si]||[92]|| [qe] s g h j|j j| h h 6 f 0 e|| [up]|e|[up]|0|[ypi92]|| 9 s f h [sj]|j j 9|h h 6 0 w [sf]|| [oda5] 9 w [od]|| dg[j2] 9 h h|| [sp][h8] w h h|| [sp][g4] 8 g g|| [so][f8]|f f|| [pdI2]|9|[pdI]|9|j|j j|j 9| [j5]|h||5 9w[yro]Level: 6Length: 01:56Intermediate
[pe6] 6 6 6 6 6 6 6666 6 6 6 6 6 6 [ts6][ra6][u60][qi4] 4 4 4 4 4 4 [ts4][ra4][y94][u30] 3 3 3 [t83] 3 [y93] 333[e6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] 6666 [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p5]i[f5]g[s5] [ts5][ra5][u50][qi4] 4 4 4 4 4 [p4] [ts4][ra4][y94][u30] 3 3 3 [t83] 3 [y93] 333[u60] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] 6666 [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [y95] 5 5 555[t60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [wo6] [pe6]66[u60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [e86] [t6][r6][60][t40] 4 [e84] 4 4 4 [wo4] [tpe4][r4][94][u30] 3 [e83] 3 [t310] 3 [q32] [30]33[e86] 6 6 6 6 6 6 666[t60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [wo6] [pe6]66[u40] 4 [e84] 4 4 4 [e84] [t4][r4][40][t30] 3 [e83] 3 [31] 3 [wo32] [tpe3][r3][93][u60] 6 [e86] 6 [t60] 6 [q6] [60]66[te6] 6 6 6 5 5 5 [pe5]55[tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] 3 [86] 6666 6 [^9] ^^^^o[i81]u[e86] 6666 6 [w1] 1111o[ie^]u^[e86] 6666 6 [^0] ^^^[^9]s[a5]p[e86] 6666 765[54] 4443o[i3]u[86] 6666 6 [^9] ^^^^o[i81]u[e86] 6666 6 [w1] 1111o[ie^]u^[e86] 6666 6 [^0] ^^^[^9]s[a5]p[e86] 6666 765[w3] 3333o[i3]u[pe6] 6 6 6 6 6 6 6666 6 6 6 6 6 6 [ts6][ra6][u60][qi4] 4 4 4 4 4 4 [ts4][ra4][y94][u30] 3 3 3 [t83] 3 [y93] 333[e6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] 6666 [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p5]i[f5]g[s5] [ts5][ra5][u50][qi4] 4 4 4 4 4 [p4] [ts4][ra4][y94][u30] 3 3 3 [t83] 3 [y93] 333[u60] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] 6666 [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [y95] 5 5 555[t60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [wo6] [pe6]66[u60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [e86] [t6][r6][60][t40] 4 [e84] 4 4 4 [wo4] [tpe4][r4][94][u30] 3 [e83] 3 [t310] 3 [q32] [30]33[e86] 6 6 6 6 6 6 666[t60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [wo6] [pe6]66[u40] 4 [e84] 4 4 4 [e84] [t4][r4][40][t30] 3 [e83] 3 [31] 3 [wo32] [tpe3][r3][93][u60] 6 [e86] 6 [t60] 6 [q6] [60]66[te6] 6 6 6 5 5 5 [pe5]55[tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] 3 [86] 6666 6 [^9] ^^^^o[i81]u[e86] 6666 6 [w1] 1111o[ie^]u^[e86] 6666 6 [^0] ^^^[^9]s[a5]p[e86] 6666 765[54] 4443o[i3]u[86] 6666 6 [^9] ^^^^o[i81]u[e86] 6666 6 [w1] 1111o[ie^]u^[e86] 6666 6 [^0] ^^^[^9]s[a5]p[e86] 6666 765[w3] 3333o[i3]u
Level: 6Length: 04:06IntermediateGhost Hunt (Night in the Woods)
Alec Holowka
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Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Green Day