01:36 -
-2 -
[xsjf]| |zxv[dC]| |
x C [vsjf] b C|x||z[xjd]
[xsjf]| |zxv[jdC]| |
x C [vsjf] b C|x||z[xjd]| |
zx[spib]| |
cvm[onda]| |
b n [usom] z n|b||v [spib]
[vjgd]b|z|x| |
[vkhf]b|z|x| |
[utpf]| |dfh[ypG]| |
f G [utph]|G|f||d [ypf]|||
[fe80]| |dfh[eG9]| |
f G [he80]|j|G||d
[fe9]|e 9 e 9 e
[d9]f[sqjg8]|[sjg] [q8] [sjg] [q8] [slg] [q8]
[wkhd9]|[khd] [w9] [khd] [w9] j k
[wlhf0] [zhf] [khf]|[sjf]|[w0] h
[qh9]j|d|f| |
About This Music Sheet
Fi’s Theme (The Legend of Zelda) is a song by Koji Kondo. Use your computer keyboard to play Fi’s Theme (The Legend of Zelda) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:36, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Fi’s Theme (The Legend of Zelda) is classified in the genres: Songs From Games, The Legend of Zelda on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Relaxing, Instrumental.
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Other Songs By Koji Kondo
a|p|i|a|p|i|a|p|u y u||
a|p|i|a|p|i|a|p|u y u||
i|t|r|i|t|r|i|u|r e r||
a|p|i|a|p|i|a|p|u y u||
a|p|i|a|p|i|a|p|u y u||
i|t|r|i|t|r|i|u|r e r||
a|p|i|a|p|i|a|p|u y uLevel: 2Length: 01:40EasySong of Healing (The Legend of Zelda)
Koji Kondo
ff f sf h| o|
s|o|u|p a Pp o f h j gh f sda
s|o|u|p a Pp o f h j gh f sda|
hGgD f Ops psf|hGgD f l ll|
hGgD f Ops psf|D|d|s|||
hGgD f Ops psf|hGgD f l ll|
hGgD f Ops psf|D|d|s|
ss s sd fs po| ss s sdf|||
ss s sdfs po| ff f sf h| o|
s|o|u p a Pp|o f h j gh f sda
s|o|u p a Pp|o f h j gh f sda
fs o|O pg gp| ajjjhg fs po|
fs o|O pd dp|
ajjjhg fs po|
fs o|O pd dp|
ag gg f d s|
fs| s|o|u p a p O P O oioLevel: 2Length: 01:58EasyOverworld Theme (Super Mario Bros.)
Koji Kondo
f p i y d p i y
S p i y d p i y
d o u t s o u t
a o u t s o u t
s i y r a i y r
P i y r a i y r
a u t e p u t e
O u t e p u t e
f p i y d p i y
S p i y d p i y
g P o T f P o T
D P o T f P o T
h p i y g p i y
f p i y g p i y
f i y r d i y r
s i y r a i y r
f p i y d p i y
S p i y d p i y
d o u t s o u t
a o u t s o u t
s i y r a i y r
P i y r a i y r
a u t e p u t e
O u t e p u t e
f p i y d p i y
S p i y d p i y
g P o T f P o T
D P o T f P o T
h p i y g p i y
f p i y g p i y
f i y r d i y r
s i y r a i y r
f p i y d p i y
S p i y d p i yLevel: 2Length: 01:08EasyGreat Fairy Fountain (The Legend Of Zelda)
Koji Kondo
[8u]of|a[0d] s|O[qa] p s y|
[ws] a|is a|i[8p] Y p o|
[8u]of|a[0d] s|O[qp]sh|s[Wh] g| [wg] f|o[wf] d|a[8s]|||
[8u]of|a[0d] s|O[qa] p s y| [ws] a|is a|i[8p] Y p o|
[8u]of|a[0d] s|O[qp]sh|s[Wh] g|
[wg] f|o[wf] d|a[8s]|||
[qh] s d h d k [0sh] d f [sg] f d
[9h] s d h d k [8h]| z k|
[qh] s d h d k [0h]| s|
[9ip]| [oa]| [wps]| [ad]|
[8u]of|a[0d] s|O[qa] p s y|
[ws] a|is a|i[8p] Y p o|
[8u]of|a[0d] s|O[qp]sh|s[Wh] g|
[wg] f|o[wf] d|a[8s]Level: 4Length: 01:03EasyThe Observatory (Super Mario Galaxy)
Koji Kondo
[fI9][fI9] [fI9] [sI9][fI9] [woha]| [o5]| [wus]|[to0]|[wu8]|[tqp] [ywa] [TQP][tqp] [to0][tof][uha][sji] [ypg][uha] [tpf] [use][rid][ywa]|[wus]|[to0]|[wu8]|[tqp] [ywa] [TQP][tqp] [to0][tof][uha][sji] [ypg][uha] [tpf] [use][rid][ywa]|8 [hf][wGD][gd][aD]t[sf]q[uO][pi][tso]t[tp][usq][id]8 [hf][wGD][gd][aD]w[tsf] [lhg] [lhg][lhg] w 8 [hf][wGD][gd][aD]t[sf]q[uO][pi][tso]t[tp][usq][id]8 [WOD]|[idE]|[uts]|ww 8 8 [hf][wGD][gd][aD]t[sf]q[uO][pi][tso]t[tp][usq][id]8 [hf][wGD][gd][aD]w[tsf] [lhg] [lhg][lhg] w 8 [hf][wGD][gd][aD]t[sf]q[uO][pi][tso]t[tp][usq][id]8 [WOD]|[idE]|[uts]|ww 8 [sO%][sO] [sO(] [sO][dWP] [wof][us] [up8][to] 5 [sO%][sO] [sO(] [sO][dWP][of]w|8|5 [sO%][sO] [sO(] [sO][dWP] [wof][us] [up8][to] 5 [fI9][fI9] [fI9] [sI9][fI9] [woha]| [o5]| [wus]|[to0]|[wu8]|[tqp] [ywa] [TQP][tqp] [to0][tof][uha][sji] [ypg][uha] [tpf] [use][rid][ywa]|[wus]|[to0]|[wu8]|[tqp] [ywa] [TQP][tqp] [to0][tof][uha][sji] [ypg][uha] [tpf] [use][rid][ywa]|[sf8][sp] [uoQ]w [utO] [qpi][sg]q[sg][tpi]tq [oa9][jg][jg]q[wjg][hf]r[gd][sqf][sp]q[pi][uto]tq [sf8][sp] [uoQ]w [utO] [qpi][sg]q[sg][tpi]tq [woa][wgd] [wgd][wgd][sfe][rda][tso]uwu[t8]| [sf8][sp] [uoQ]w [utO] [qpi][sg]q[sg][tpi]tq [oa9][jg][jg]q[wjg][hf]r[gd][sqf][sp]q[pi][uto]tq [sf8][sp] [uoQ]w [utO] [qpi][sg]q[sg][tpi]tq [woa][wgd] [wgd][wgd][sfe][rda][tso]uwu[t8]| [sO%][sO] [sO(] [sO][dWP] [wof][us] [up8][to] 5 [sO%][sO] [sO(] [sO][dWP][of]w x[v8]xm[z5]v[sO%][sO] [sO(] [sO][dWP] [wof][us] [up8][to] 5 [fI9][fI9] [fI9] [sI9][fI9] [woha]| [o5]| [sf8][sp] [uoQ]w [utO] [qpi][sg]q[sg][tpi]tq [oa9][jg][jg]q[wjg][hf]r[gd][sqf][sp]q[pi][uto]tq [sf8][sp] [uoQ]w [utO] [qpi][sg]q[sg][tpi]tq [woa][wgd] [wgd][wgd][sfe][rda][tso]uwu[t8]| [sf8][sp] [uoQ]w [utO] [qpi][sg]q[sg][tpi]tq [oa9][jg][jg]q[wjg][hf]r[gd][sqf][sp]q[pi][uto]tq [sf8][sp] [uoQ]w [utO] [qpi][sg]q[sg][tpi]tq [woa][wgd] [wgd][wgd][sfe][rda][tso]uwu[t8]| [wus]|[to0]|[wu8] [pi84]ap[iO%!]PO[uo51]yu
Level: 8Length: 01:53ExpertMain Theme (Super Mario Bros) (Alternative)
Koji Kondo
[tqpe]| |[tse0]| | [wra9]| |[qpe9]| | [qpe9]| |[wto0]| |[qpe8]||| [qpe8]| |[tse0]| | [wra9]| |[qpe9]| | [qpe9]| |[wo70]| |[qpe8]||| [w80]| u o o| u o [qpe8]||o [wu80]yt||| 8| 7| [p860] p p a p o u o [qpe8]||t [wu860] o||| [w80]| o o o| u o [qpe8]||o [wu80]yt||| 8| 7| [p860] p p a p o u o [qpe8]||o [wu80]||| f| d| s| [tqpe]| |[tqe]| |[tqe]| f| [tqed]| s| [utpe]| |[ute]| |[ute]| f| [uted]| s| [tqpe]| |[tqe]| |[tqe]| f| [tqed]| s| [ywrd]| |[ywr]| |[ywr]| |[ywr]| | [tqe] i i i [ute0]| u u [ywr9] y| y [yqe9] t e| [qie9]| i| [wut0]| w w [qe8] e| | [qe8] i i i [ute0]| u u [ywr9] y| y [yqe9] t e| [qie9]| i| [wu70]| w w [qe8] e| |o| [ytqe]| u| [te0]| |[wur9]| |[qe9]| o| [yqe9]| u| [wt0]| |[qie8]| |y o| [yqe8]| u| [te0]| |[wur9]| |[qe9]| o| [yqe9]| |[wu70]| |[qie8]||| [w80]| u o o| u o [qpe8]||o [wu80]yt||| 8| 7| [p860] p p a p o u o [qpe8]||t [wu80] o||| [w80]| u o o| u o [qpe8]||o [wu80]yt||| 8| 7| [p860] p p a p o u o [qpe8]||o [wu80]||| f| d| s| [tqpe]| |[tqe]| |[tqe]| f| [tqed]| o| [utpe]| |[ute]| |[ute]| f| [uted]| s| [tqpe]| |[tqe]| |[tqe]| f| [tqed]| s| [ywrd]| |[ywr]| |[ywr]| |[ywr]| | [tqe] i i i [ute0]| u u [ywr9] y| y [yqe9] t e| [qie9]| i| [wut0]| w w [qe8] e| | [qe8] i i i [ute0]| u u [ywr9] y| y [yqe9] t e| [qie9]| i| [wu70]| w w [qe8] e| |o| [ytqe]| u| [te0]| |[wur9]| |[qe9]| o| [yqe9]| u| [wt0]| |[qie8]| |y o| [yqe8]| u| [te0]| |[wur9]| |[qe9]| o| [yqe9]| |[wu70]| |[qie8]||| [tqe] o o o [toe0] o o o [wro9]| p| [qfe9] d|| [qe9] o o o [wto0] o o o [qoe8]| p| f d|| [qe8] o o o [toe0] o o o [wro9]| p| [qfe9] d| a [sqe9] p| o [wo70] p||[sqe8] p| f| f|| [tqe] i i i [ute0]| u u [ywr9] y| y [yqe9] t e| [qie9]| i| [wut0]| w w [qe8] e| | [qe8] i i i [ute0]| u u [ywr9] y| y [yqe9] t e| [qie9]| i| [wu70]| w w [qe8] e| |o| [ytqe]| u| [te0]| |[wur9]| |[qe9]| o| [yqe9]| u| [wt0]| |[qie8]| |y o| [yqe8]| u| [te0]| |[wr9]| |[qe9]| o| [yqe9]| |[wu70]| |[qie8]Level: 6Length: 04:29Intermediate
Lana Del Rey
[w0] 8 [w0] 8 [w0] 8 [r0] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8 [w0] 8 [w0] 8 [r0] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8o[wo0] [o8] [wo0] 8 [ra0] [a8]p [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8o[wo0] [o8] [wo0] 8 [ra0] [p8] [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8 [wo0] [o8] [w0] 8 [ra0] [a8]p [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8 [w0] 8 [wo0]o8 [ra0] [a8] [qpe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] [p8] [sqe] [p8] [se0] 8 [fe0] [f8] [ed9]s[p6] [e9] 6 [e8] 6 [e8] 6 [wra] [a9] [wr] 9 [wra] 9 [wts] [d9] [ywid]| |f h|fd [w0] 8o[wo0] [o8] [wo0] 8 [ra0] [a8]p [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8o[wo0] [o8] [wo0] 8 [ra0] [p8] [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8 [wo0] [o8] [w0] 8 [ra0] [a8]p [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8 [w0] 8 [wo0]o8 [ra0] [a8] [qpe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] [p8] [sqe] [p8] [se0] 8 [fe0] [f8] [ed9]s[p6] [e9] 6 [e8] 6 [e8] 6 [wra] [a9] [wr] 9 [wra] 9 [wts] [d9] [ywid]| |f h|fd [sqe] 8 [qpe]s8 [wa9] [s7]a[wp9] [a7] [s80] [s5] [80] 5 [70] 5 [w9] 7 [qe] 8 [qpe] [s8] [wa9] [a7]p[w9]p[u7] [80] 5 [80] 5 [70] 5 [w9] 7 [qe] 8 [qpe] [s8] [wa9] [s7]a[wp9] [a7] [s80] [s5] [80] 5 [70] 5 [w9] 7 [qe] 8 [qe] [p8]s[wd9] [f7]d[ws9] [d7] [d80]s[ws] 5 w 6 w 7 w [w0] 8o[wo0] [o8] [wo0] 8 [ra0] [a8]p [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8o[wo0] [o8] [wo0] 8 [ra0] [p8] [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8 [wo0] [o8] [w0] 8 [ra0] [a8]p [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 eEr [w0] 8 [w0] 8 [wo0]o8 [ra0] [a8] [qpe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] [p8] [sqe] [p8] [se0] 8 [fe0] [f8] [ed9]s[p6] [e9] 6 [e8] 6 [e8] 6 [wra] [a9] [wr] 9 [wra] 9 [wts] [d9] [ywid]| |f h|fd [sqe] 8 [qpe]s8 [wa9] [s7]a[wp9] [a7] [s80] [s5] [80] 5 [70] 5 [w9] 7 [qe] 8 [qpe] [s8] [wa9] [a7]p[w9]p[u7] [80] 5 [80] 5 [70] 5 [w9] 7 [qe] 8 [qpe] [s8] [wa9] [s7]a[wp9] [a7] [s80] [s5] [80] 5 [70] 5 [w9] 7 [qe] 8 [qe] [p8]s[wd9] [f7]d[ws9] [d7] [wd80]ssLevel: 6Length: 03:11Intermediate
John Lennon
[t4] 8 [tq] [o8] [t4] [r5] [t9] [wo] [t6] 0 [te] 0 [t6] [o5] [t9] [wt] [t4] 8 [tq] [o8] [t4] [r5] [t9] [wo] [t6] 0 et[t0] [t6] [t5] [t9] [wt] [q4] 8 q [t8] [t4] [t5] [y9] [wr] [t6] 0 e [w0] [r6] [t5] [t9] [wt] [q4] 8 q [t8] [t4] [t5] [u9] [wr] [t6] 0 e 0 [y6] [u5] [u9] [wu] [i4] 8 q [w8] [i4] [y5] [y9] [wu] [u6] 0 e 0 6 [t5] [t9] [wu] [u4] [y8] [yq] [y8] [y4] [y5] [y9] [wt] [t6] 0t[te] [t0] [u6] [o5] [o9] [wo] [pi4] 8 q [p8] [pi4] [yo5] [yo9] [wi] [ut6] 0 [ue] [u0] [u6] [u5] [u9] [wo] [to4] [y8] [yq] [y8] [y4] [y5] [i9] [wu] [ut6] 0 e [t0] [ut6] [yo5] [yo9] [wpi] 4 8 q [p8] [pi4] [yo5] [yo9] [wi] [ut6] 0 e [w0] [u6] [u5] [u9] [wi] [i4] 8yq [y8] [y4] [y5] [i9] [wu] [u6] 0 [te] [u0] [u6] [y5] [y9] [yw] 4 [t8] q [t8]y[u4] [t5]y[u9] w 6 0 e [t0]y[u6] [y5] 9 [wt] 4 8 q [t8]y[u4] [t5]y[u9] w 6 [e0] [te] [u0] [u6] [y5] [y9] [yw] 4 [t8] q [s8]d[f4] [s5]d[f9] w 6 0 e [s0]d[f6] [d5] 9 [ws] 4 8 q [s4]d[f5] [s9]d[wf] 5 6 [tpe6]0[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5] [toie4] [tsi4]8[tqoie] [toie4] [ywro5] 59[ywro] [ywro5] [utoe6] 60[utoe] [utoe6] [utoe6] [ywro5] [ywro5] [ywro] [toie4] 48[tqoie] [toie4] [ywro5] 59[ywro] [ywro5] [utoe6] 60[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5] [toie4] [tsi4]8[tqoie] [toie4] [ywr5] 59[ywr] [ywr5] [te6] 60[te] [te6] [te6] [wr5] [wt5] [wr] [te4] 48[tqe] [toie4] [ywr5] 59[ywr] [ywr5] [te6] 60et[t6] [t6] [t5] [t5] t [q4] 8 q [t8] [t4] [t5] [y9] [wr] [t6] 0 e [w0] [r6] [t5] [t9] [wt] [q4] 8 q [t8] [t4] [t5] [u9] [wr] [t6] 0 e 0 [y6] [u5] [u9] [wu] [i4] 8 q [w8] [i4] [y5] [y9] [wu] [u6] 0 e 0 6 5 9w[wu] [ue4] [ye8] [yqe] [ye8] [ye4] [yr5] [yr9] [wt] [te6] 0 [te] [t0] [ut6] [yo5] [yo9] [ywo] [pi4] 8 q [p8] [pi4] [yo5] [yo9] [wi] [ut6] 0 [ue] [u0] [u6] [u5] [u9] [wo] [to4] [y8] [yq] [y8] [y4] [y5] [i9] [wu] [ut6] 0 e [t0] [ut6] [yo5] [yo9] [wpi] 4 8 q [p8] [pi4] [yo5] [yo9] [wi] [ut6] 0 e [w0] [u6] [u5] [u9] [wi] [i4] 8yq [y4] [y5] [y9] [wi] [u5] [u6] 60[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5] [toie4] [tsi4]8[tqoie] [toie4] [ywro5] 59[ywro] [ywro5] [utoe6] 60[utoe] [utoe6] [utoe6] [ywro5] [ywro5] [ywro] [toie4] 48[tqoie] [toie4] [ywro5] 59[ywro] [ywro5] [utoe6] 60[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5] [toie4] [tsi4]8[tqoie] [toie4] [ywr5] 59[ywr] [ywr5] [te6] 60[te] [te6] [te6] [wr5] [wt5] [wr] [te4] 48[tqe] [toie4] [ywr5] 59[ywr] [ywr5] [te6] [tpe6]0[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod] [tqe] s| f g [ywro] s d [utfe] o s f f [ywro] s d [tsqe] o s f g [ywro] s d [utfe] o s f f [ywro] s d [s4] [o8] [sq] f g [o5] [s9] [wd] [f6] [o0] [se] f f [o5] [s9] [wd] [s4] [o8] [sq] [f8] [g4] [o5] [s9] [wd] [f6] 0 e 0 [o6] [oa5] [oa9] [woa] [tsi4] 8 q [s8] [id4] [od5] [od9] [wf] [upf6] 0 [fe] [f0] [f6] [d5] [d9] [ws] [si4] [si8] [sqi] [si8] [id4] [od5] [od9] [wof] [upf6] 0 e [a0] [oa6] [oa5] [oa9] [wsi] 4 8 q [s8] [id4] [od5] [od9] [wf] [upf6] 0 e [o0] [pf6] [od5] [od9] [wod] [id4] 8[si]q [pf8] [pf4] [od5] [od9] [wso] [sp6] 0 [utse] [upf0] [upf6] [yod5] [yod9] [ywod] [ti4] [tsi8] [sq] [s8] [s4] [od5] [d9] [wd] [pf6] [f0] [fe] [f0] [f6] [f6] [od5] [pf6] [sig4] [g8] [qg] [g8] [g4] [sof81] [wf] [tf] [wf] [oda5] [wd] [sof81] [wf] [oda5] [d9] [wd] [uts3] [us8] [us0] [us8] [us3] [yod5] [od9] [wod] [upf6] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] [pf6] [ohd5] [pjf6] [slg4] [sg8] [sqg] [sg8] [sg4] [slf81] [wsf] [tsf] [wsf] [wo5]9[wtso] [uof9] [uof5] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5] [tpie4] [tsi4]8[qpie] [ria4] [yroa5] 59[wroa] [tso5] [utsp6] 60[urea] [uts6] [usf6] [roa5] [roa5] [tso] [tpie4] 48[qpie] [ria4] [yroa5] 59[wroa] [tso5] [utsp6] 60[urea] [uts6] [usf6] [roa5] [roa5] [tso5] [tpie4] 48[qpie] [ria4] [yroa5] 59[wroa] [tso5] [utsp6] 60[urea] [uts6] [usf6] [roa5] [roa5] [tso] [tpie4] 48[qpie] [ria4] [yroa5] 59[wroa] [tso5] [utsp6] [upe6]0[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5] [tpie4] [tsi4]8[qpie] [pie4] [yrp5]o[u5]9[ywrp]o[ur5] [utp6] 6[p0][utpe] [utp6] [utp6]o[u5] [tso5] [roa] [tpie4] 48[qpie] [pie4] [yrp5]o[u5]9[ywrp]o[ur5] [utp6] 6[p0][utpe] [utp6] [utp6]o[u5] [tso5] [roa5] [tpie4] 48[qpie] [pie4] [yrp5]o[u5]9[ywrp]o[ur5] [utp6] 6[p0][utpe] [utp6] [utp6]o[u5] [tso5] [roa] [tpie4] 48[qpie] [ria4] [yroa5] 59[wroa] [tso5] [utsp6] [upe6]0[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod] [81] [tso]Level: 7Length: 03:58Intermediate
Something Just Like This
The Chainsmokers